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1、中考词汇讲解十二中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(N)nameneim n. 名字:Whats the name of that street? 那条街的名称是什么?/ May I ask your name? 您尊姓大名?/ The teacher knows all the pupils by their first name. 老师知道全部学生的名字。【短语】family name 姓 given name (=first name / middle name)名字 full name 全名natural5nAtFErEl adj. 自然界的,天然的:We must develop the na

2、tural resources of our country. 我们必须开发我们国家的自然资源。/ Its natural for a child to love its mother. 孩子爱母亲,这是很自然的。nearniE prep. 在附近:Come near and listen to me. 靠近一点,听我说。/ He lives near London. 他住在伦敦附近。nearby5niEbai adv. 附近:My friend lives nearby. 我的朋友住在附近。/ There is a school nearby. 附近有所学校。/ Go to the road

3、 nearby. 到附近的大路上去。nearly5niEli adv. 将近,几乎:Its nearly five oclock. 差不多5点钟了。/ Nearly everyone knows it. 几乎每个人都知道这个。【辨析】见almost。neatly5nI:tli adv. 整洁地:He writes neatly. 他的字写得整齐清楚。/ She dresses neatly. 她穿着整洁。necessary5nesisEri adj. 必要的,必需的:Food and water are necessary to us. 食物和水对我们来说是必不可少的。/ Is it nece

4、ssary for you to go there every night? 你必须每天晚上都到那里去吗?【用法】在系表结构中不用“人”作主语,而用事物作主语或用形式主语it。如:Its necessary for him to speak at the meeting. 他有必要在会上发言。necknek n. 劲,脖子:She wears a gold chain around her neck. 她脖子上戴着一条金项链。/ I seized him by the neck. 我抓住他的脖子。【短语】 neck and neck (竞赛等)并驾齐驱:Tina from Class 1 an

5、d Gina from Class 2 were still neck and neck. 1班的蒂娜和2班的吉娜还是不分上下。necklace5neklis n. 项链:Who gave you that lovely necklace? 那条漂亮的项链是谁给你的?/ How beautiful a diamond necklace! 多么漂亮的钻石项链呀!neednI:d v. 需要,必须:We need beer. 我们需要啤酒。/ She needs other children to play with. 她需要和其他孩子一起玩。/ Does she need to know? 她必

6、须知道吗?neighbor5neibE n. 邻居:They are next-door neighbours. 他们是邻居。/ We were neighbours at dinner. 吃饭时我们坐在一起。neighborhood5neibEhud n. 四邻,街坊:The whole neighborhood was there. 街坊都在那里。/ Were you born in this neighborhood? 你在这附近一带出生的吗?neither5naiTE adj. (两者)都不:Neither book was very interesting. 两本书都不是很有趣。 p

7、ron. (两者)都不:Neither was right. 两个都错了。/ Neither of them can understand. 他们俩谁也不能理解。【短语】neithernor 既不也不:Neither the teachers nor the pupils are coming. 老师和学生都没来。/ Neither his answer nor yours is correct. 他的答案不对,你的答案也不对。/ He neither wrote nor telephoned. 他既没有写信,也没有打电话。【用法】neithernor通常连接两个对等的句子结构。如:Its n

8、either too cold nor too hot. 天气既不太冷也不太热。若连接主语,谓语通常与靠近的一个主语保持一致。如:Neither he nor I am wrong. 你没错我也没错。nervous5nE:vEs adj. 紧张不安的:Whenever I see you I feel nervous. 每当我见到你,我就感到紧张。/ I get nervous at an examination. 在考试时我有些紧张。/ I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。never5nevE

9、adv. 从未,决不:I have never been to Shanghai. 我从未去过上海。/ I shall never forget it. 我永远不会忘记它。/ Ill never do this sort of thing. 我决不会干这种事。【说明】表示“至今从未”、“从来没有”,常与现在完成时连用。【短语】never mind 没有关系:Never mind, I can do it by myself. 没关系,我自己会做。/ Never mind, put it aside, and start another one. 没关系,把它放一放,再拿一本来。newnju:

10、adj. 新的:The car was new. 这辆汽车曾是新的。/ Ive started learning a new languageItalian. 我已开始学习一种新语言意大利语。New Yorknju: 5jC:k n. 纽约:New York is a big international city in America. 纽约是美国的一座国际性大都市。newspaper5nju:speipE n. 报纸:We read the newspaper every day. 我们每天读报。/ Will you get me a newspaper when youre out? 你出

11、去顺便给我捎份报纸好吗?【注意】构成newspaper的news (消息)和paper (纸)均为不可数名词, 但newspaper (报纸)却是可数名词。如:There are some newspapers on the desk. 桌上有几张报纸。nextnekst adj. 下一个:See you next Monday. 下星期一见。/ Hes going to teach us chemistry next term. 下学期他将教我们化学。【短语】next to 相邻,靠近:He lives in the house next to ours. 他住在我们隔壁的那所房子里。/ Y

12、ou can sit next to Roger at dinner. 吃饭时你靠着罗杰坐。nicenais adj. 令人愉快的,好的:Its nice to be sitting here with you. 在这里陪你坐着是非常愉快的。/ It is nice of you to say so. 你这样说真是好极了。ninenain num. 九:Class begins at nine. 9点钟上课。/ Nine plus nine equals eighteen. 9加9等于18。ninthnainW num. 第九:The ninth lesson is very interest

13、ing. 第九课非常有趣。nonEu adj. 没有:Many people had no work. 许多人没有工作。/ There are no buses after eleven. 11点以后没有公共汽车。interj. (用于否定的答复或陈述)没有:“Are you ready?”“No, Im not.”“你准备好了吗?”“没有,我还没有准备好。”【短语】no longer 不再:I go there no longer. 我不再去那儿了。/ She no longer needed the shoe. 和她不再需要那只鞋子。/ He is no longer a child. 他

14、不再是个孩子了。no matter 不论:It makes no matter whether I succeed or fail this time. 这一次不论我是成功还是失败,那都无关紧要。No.=number5nQmbE n. 数字,号码:The No. 7 teaching building was newly built. 第7栋教学楼是新建的。/ We live at No. 2 Church Street. 我们住在教堂街2号。nobody5nEubCdi pron. 没有人:Nobody knows it. 谁也不知道。/ I opened the door, but I c

15、ould see nobody. 我开了门,但是没看见有任何人。/ There is nobody there. 那儿一个人也没有。noisenCiz n. 嘈杂声,响声:There is too much noise in this class. 这课堂太嘈杂了。/ A noise woke him up. 一声响把他吵醒了。/ Dont make so much noise! 别那么大声嚷嚷!nonenQn pron. 一个人也没有;没有任何东西:He likes none of these books. 这些书他一本也不喜欢。/ None of the answers are right

16、. 所有的答案都不对。/ None of the students passed the exam. 没一个学生考试及格。/ None were permitted to enter. 任何人不准入内。noisy5nCizi adj. 喧闹的:She found some difficulty in looking after the noisy children. 她觉得照看这些吵吵闹闹的孩子十分困难。noodle5nU:dl n. 面条:She often has noodles and pancakes. 她常吃面条和煎饼。/ Get some noodle for me when yo

17、u go shopping. 你上街买东西时替我买一些面条。noonnu:n n. 中午,正午:He has not come back since he left home at noon. 自从他中午出去以后还没回来。/ The child drowned at a hot summer noon. 在一个盛夏的中午那个孩子被淹死了。【说明】指中午或正午12点,不指一段时间,因此,表示“在中午”或“在正午”时,一般用介词at。如:The workers had lunch at noon. 工人们中午12点吃午饭。/ He left here at noon. 他中午12点离开了这儿。no

18、rnC: conj. 也不:It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。/ You dont like the film, nor do I. 你不喜欢这部电影,我也不喜欢。/ I dont want to go, nor will I. 我不想去,也不会去。northnC:W n. 北方,北部:The north of China is colder than the south. 中国的北方比南方冷。/ In winter, the weather in the north is very cold. 冬季北方天气很冷。nor

19、theast7nC:W5i:st n. 东北:Shenyang is in the northeast of China. 沈阳在中国的东北部。northern5nC:TEn adj. 北部的,北方的:They will travel in the northern cities. 他们将在北方各城市旅行。northwest7nC:W5west n. 西北,西北部:The northwest wind is blowing. 正刮着西北风。nosenEuz n. 鼻子:He has a running nose. 他流鼻涕。/ He hit her on the nose. 他打了她的鼻子。n

20、otnCt adv. 不:He is not isnt tired. 他不累。/ I cannot cant do it. 我不会做这事。/ She will not wont leave here. 她不会离开这儿。/ We did not didnt help him. 我们没有帮他。/ He told me not to open the door. 他叫我不要开门。【短语】notany more 再也不,不能再:I cant drink the beer any more. 我不能再喝啤酒了。notat all 一点也不:He did not like her at all. 他一点也

21、不喜欢她。nothing5nQWiN pron. 没有什么,没有东西:Theres nothing in the box. 盒子里什么也没有。/ Nothing is left. 没有东西留下。/ She said nothing. 她什么也没说。notice5nEutis n. 通知,布告:They sent me a notice. 他们给我送来一份通知。/ The notice on the door said that the library was closed. 门上的通知说图书馆关门了。v. 注意,通知:I noticed a hole in the wall. 我注意到墙上有一

22、个洞。/ He was noticed to enter the shop. 有人看到他进了这家商店。novel5nCvEl n.(长篇)小说:Ive got a novel by me. 我带着一本小说。/ I have read all the novels but one. 我只差一本就把所有那些小说都读了。/ Dickens wrote many novels. 狄更斯写了许多小说。NovembernEu5vembE n. 十一月:He was born on the morning of November 4th, 1960. 他出生于1960年11月4日的早晨。 nownau ad

23、v. 现在:He does not live here now. 他现在不住在这里了。/ I have finished my work, now Im going to bed. 我已经干完工作,现在要去睡觉。nursenE:s n. 护士:The doctors and nurses looked after her very well. 大夫和护士很好地护理她。/ This is Nurse Mary. 这是玛丽护士。/ Thank you, Nurse. 谢谢你,护士。nutnQt n. 坚果,坚果核:I like the mooncakes with nuts in them. 我喜

24、欢有坚果的月饼。/ We found a few nuts there. 我们在那里找到了一些胡桃。中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(O)object5CbdVikt n. 物体:I saw an object in the sky, but I dont know what it was. 我看见天空中有个物体,可是我不知道它是什么。/ Tell me the names of the objects on this shelf. 请告诉我这个架子上物品的名称。ocean5EuFEn n. 海洋,大洋:They arrived at an island on the Indian Ocean. 他们

25、来到了印度洋上的一个岛。/ There are countless islands in the Pacific Ocean. 太平洋上有无数的岛屿。oclockE5klCk adv. 点钟:Can you be here at eight oclock tomorrow morning? 明天早晨8点你能到这儿吗?/ What time is it? Its six oclock. 现在几点了?6点了。/ He left between five and six oclock. 他在5点与6点之间离开的。【说明】只与整点钟连用(并且常可省略),不能与含有分数钟的时间连用。如:Its five

26、 (oclock) now. 现在时间是5点。OctoberCk5tEubE n. 十月:National Day is on October 1st. 国庆节在10月1日。ofEv prep. 的:Do you know the name of the plant? 你知道这种植物的名字吗? / She is one of my good friends. 她是我的一位好朋友。/ Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。【说明】表示所有关系,用以构成名词的所有格。【短语】of course 当然:Of course Ill help you. 我当

27、然要帮助你。/ Do you like it? Of course, I do. 你喜欢吗?我当然喜欢。offer5CfE v. 提供:They offered me a better position. 他们给了我一个更好的位置。n. 提供:Thank you for your offer of help. 谢谢你提供的帮助。【用法】表示“(主动)给予或提供”或“愿意做”,其后可接双宾语或不定式,但不接从句或动名词。如:He offered me his help. 或He offered to help me. 他提出要帮助我。office5Cfis n. 办公室:He works in

28、a lawyers office. 他在一家律师事务所里工作。/ Ill take care of the affairs of office. 我来处理办公室的日常事务。often5Cfn adv. 常常:Children often dislike homework. 孩子们通常都不喜欢做家庭作业。/ He often does this. 他经常干这种事。/ I dont go to the movies very often. 我不常去看电影。【用法】在句中的位置通常是放在行为动词之前,特殊动词之后。如: They often come late. 他们经常迟到。/ He has of

29、ten been there. 他经常去那儿。有时为了强调,也可以放在特殊动词之前,甚至句首或句末。如:He often is a good student. 他一直是个好学生。ohEu interj. 啊,哎呀:Oh, dear me. 唉呀,我的妈呀。/ Oh, what a pity! 唉,真可惜! / Oh, what are you doing? 哎,你在干什么? 【说明】表示惊奇、赞赏、惊恐、恳求、痛苦、责难等(from )。oilCil n. 油:Do you cook your vegetables with much oil? 你炒菜用油多吗?/ She cooked the

30、 fish in oil in a pan. 她在平底锅里用油煎鱼。OKEu5kei adv.(口语)好,对,不错,可以:I hope the children are okay. 我希望孩子们都好。/ Thats OK. 没问题。/ That car goes okay now. 那辆车现在行驶情况良好。/ Lets go there, OK? 我们去那里,好吗?oldEuld adj. 岁的;老的:I am twelve years old. 我12岁。/ Old people dont go out so much as young people. 老年人不像年轻人那样经常出去玩。Oly

31、mpicEu5limpik adj. 奥林匹克的:The Olympic Games are held every four years. 奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。/ The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. 2008年奥林匹克运动会将在北京举行。【短语】the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会:The most famous festival for athletes was the Olympic Games. 运动员最出名的节日就是奥林匹克运动会。onCn prep. 在上,关于:The books are on

32、the table. 书在桌子上。/ I think the picture would look better on the opposite wall. 我想这张画挂在对面墙上的话看起来会好些。/ He has written a book on animals. 他写过一本关于动物的书。oncewQns adv. 曾经,以前;一次:He was once a taxi driver; now he is a college student. 他以前当过出租车司机,现在是大学生。/ There once lived a man who had two beautiful daughters. 从前有一个人,他有两个漂亮的女儿。/ I have

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