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1、汽车研发与制造专业术语汇总汇总汽车研发与制造专业术语汇总PP Production Proveout 生产验证TTO Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行(J1) Job 1 整车投产DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计DVP Design Verification Plan 设计验证计划DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report 设计验证计划和结果FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析FPDS Ford Product Developm

2、ent System 福特产品开发系统GYR Green-Yellow-Red 绿-黄-红MRD Material Required Date 物料要求到厂日OTT OK-TO-TOOL 可以开模TKO Tooling-Kick-Off 工装启动OEM original Equipment Manufacturer 设备最初制造厂FtF/F2F Face To Face 面对面会议PV Production Validation 产品验证OTS Off-Tooling-Sample 完全工装样件QOS Quality Operating System 质量运作体系TS-16949 Techni

3、cal Specification 16949 技术规范-16949APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品质量计划IPD In Plant Date 进厂日PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts) 零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序Pre-PV Pre -Production Validation 产品预先验证1PP- First Phase of Production P

4、rove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃

5、Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CCSC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on

6、 Delivery 货到付现 预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts order Craftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D

7、5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。DCC Design Change ControlDFA- Design For Assembly 面向装配的设计DOE Design Of Examination试验设计DQES Delivery Quality Evaluation SystemDTL Direct To LineDVP&R Design Validate Plan&Report设计验证计划报告EDI electronic data interchange 电子数据交换entire adj. 全部的, 完整的,

8、 整个ERP Enterprise Resource PlanningES Engineering Specification工程规格ESI Early Supplier Involvement 供应商先期参与Ex-Work(工厂交货)、FOB(船上交货)、FAS(船边交货)或CIF(运保费在内交货)FEU- Field Evaluation Units 用户市场实际体验与评估first gear 一档Flow Chart 流程图FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysisfour-wheel drive 四轮驱动FRG- Ford Reliability Gu

9、ideline 福特可靠性指导Front Windshield 前挡风玻璃Tempered glass 钢化玻璃front-wheel drive 前轮驱动FSS- Full service supplier 全服务供应商FTA Fault Tree AnalysisGD&T- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 标准公差GR&R Guage Repeatability&reproducibility量具的重复性和再现性grief-stricken adj. 极度忧伤的heavy rain 大雨high wind n.疾风HTFB- Hard Toolin

10、g Functional Build 工装集成调试与验证IPO Individual Parts orderISIR Initial Sample Inspection ReportJIT Just In TimeKD- knocked down/ Semi Knock Down(SKD) /Completely Knock Down(CKD)KO Kick-offLaminated glass 夹层玻璃LPLean Production 精益生产LR Launch ReadinessLS Launch SupportLVPM Local Vendor Packaging MethodMPV

11、Multi-PurposeVehicle 多用途汽车MRD Material Required DateMRO Maintenance,Repair,and OperationMTP- Make to print supplier 照图加工供应商N/A- Not ApplicableNCDR Non-Conforming Delivery ReportNCMAR Non-Conforming Material Action ReportNDA Non Disclosure Agreement 保密协定NDS Nissan Design SpecificationNML Nissan Motor

12、 LtdNVH- System Noise, Vibration & Harshness 系统噪音,振动及粗糙性onetime adj.过去的,从前的OSM- Outside of MaterialOTC Over The Counter 非处方药,可在柜台上卖的药PA Program Approvalpallet n. 托盘Passenger Vehicle 乘用车PAT- Program Attributes Team 产品属性小组PDL Product Design LetterPH Proportions&HardpointsPIPC- Percentage of Indexes wi

13、th Process Capability 能力指数百分比PIST- Percentage of Inspection points Satisfying Tolerance 检测点满意工差百分比PMT- Program Moudle Team 产品模块小组PO Purchase orderPPAP- Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPSR Production Preparation Status ReportPQA Process Quality AssurancePR Program ReadinessPre-Launch 试生产pric

14、e-driven costing 价格引导成本Production Preparation-Final Nissan - PT2/Renault - PPProduction Preparation-Initial Nissan - PT1/Renault - PPP3Production Trial Run 试生产Prototype 样件QFD Quality Funtion Deploy质量功能展开QFTT Quality Functional Task TeamQR- Quality Reject 质量拒收QS Quality StandardRAN Release Authorisat

15、ion Numberreverse 倒车档RFQ Request For Quotation询价RKD Reverse Knock DownRLQ Receiving Lot QuantityROC Rate of ClimbROI return on investment 报酬率ROP Re-Order PointRTO Required To OperateSAIS Supplier Assessment & Improvement SystemSC Strategic Confirmation/significant CharacteristicsSDS- System/ Design

16、Specifications 系统/设计说明second gear 二档SFMEA System FMEAShipping Date 出货日、Invoice Date 发票日或On Board Date 装船日Side Windshield 侧窗玻璃SJ Strategic IntentSNP Standard Number of PartsSOW- state of work 工作申明SPC Statistical Process ControlSQA Supplier Quality AssuranceSREA- Supplier Request for Engineering Appro

17、val 供应商工程设计更改申请ST Surface TranferSTRS Supplier Test Report SystemSubcontractor 分承包商Sunroof Windshield 天窗玻璃SUV Sports Utility VehicleTAG Test Aptitude GraphiqueTCO Total Cost of Ownership 总持有成本TCRA Total Cost Reduction ActivityTGR Things Gone RightTGW Things Gone WorstTM Techinical ManualTPM Total Pr

18、eventive MaintenanceTTO-Tool Try Out 工装验证UOM Unit Of MeasureVES Vehicle Evaluation SystemVO- Vehicle Operation 主机厂VPP- Vehicle Program Plan 整车项目计划VQA Vehicle Quality AssuranceVTTO- Vendor Tool Try-Out 供应商工装验证WERS- World Wide Engineering Release SystemWVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approval凹坑 concave车床 lath

19、e抽查试验spot check test出厂试验delivery test次品defective product调幅amplitude modulation (AM)调频 Frequency Modulation断差 offset对讲机 interphone法平面normal plane翻车rollover返工 re-doing防滑地板 no-skid floor仿真emulation副作用side effect改装厂 refitting factory隔热板heat shield后围侧板 rear wall side cover划痕 scratch假人dummy间隙 interstice节点

20、pitch point结皮现象skinning扭矩torque汽车总布置草图sketch for automobile layout汽车总装配图automobile assembly drawing汽油供给管gasoline feed pipe汽油箱gasoline tank( petrol tank)前围角板 front wall angle cover轻型客车light bus曲轴crankshaft三类底盘 three type chassis上模upper die甚高频very high frequency (VHF)下模bottom die(counter die)消声器silenc

21、er选料上乘、做工精细be superior in material and excelllent in workmanship仪表板 dash board油门throttle褶皱 crimple整车运输transportation of truck-load总装 final assembly阻流板step,reflectro,baffle最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque左对齐left justify报废scrapping皮纹 grainOTS OFF TOOL SAMPLE 用批量生产的工模器具制造出的样件PVS Produktions Versuchs Serie

22、 批量试生产TMA Trial Manufacturing Agreement 2TP 两日试生产,主要是验证供应商的批量供货能力OS 零批量,是批量生产前的总演习,批产的全面验证SOP Standard Operation 即批量生产 Start-Of-Production Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序QSV Qualitaes-Sicherungs-Vereinbarung 质量保证协议BMG Bau-Muster-Genehmigung 产品工程样件性能检验认可Nullserie 零批量QSR 质量体系要求Bias 偏差DB Durability

23、 Build 样车阶段lead time n.订货至交货的时间sink mark 缩痕LRR launch readiness reviewFront bumper 前保险杠Rear bumper 后保险杠Radiator grille 格栅Headlamp 前大灯Tail lamp-liftgate 尾灯-行李箱盖上Tail lamp-quarter 尾灯-后侧围上Front door trim panel 前门内饰板Rear door trim panel 后门内饰板Interior release handle bezel 内开手把手框Power controls bezel 电动车窗开

24、关框Window interior capping 窗框饰条Exterior mirror 外后视镜Body side moulding 防擦条Cowl grille 通风格栅Roof molding 车顶装饰条Lift gate molding 牌照板支架Lift gate handle 行李箱盖拉手Weather strip_door openings 门框胶条Weather strip_liftgate 行李箱胶条A Pillar Trim A柱B Pillar Trim upper B柱上B Pillar Trim lower B柱下Front scuff Plate 前门槛条Rear

25、 scuff plate 后门槛条Back panel trim lower 行李箱门槛条Garnish trim-Quarter windowCowl trim panel A柱下Liftgate upper trim 尾门内饰板上Liftgate side trim 尾门内饰板中Liftgate lower trim 尾门内饰板下IPDefroster panel 除霜盖板Console 中控台Steering column cover 方向机柱上下盖板Cluster 组合仪表Carpet 前地毯 Trunk carpet 后地毯Front seat 前座椅2nd row seat 第二排

26、座椅burr(金属) flash(塑件)毛边gap 间隙defective products 不良品finished products 成品disposed products 处理品band-aid 创可贴scratch 刮伤dents 压痕缩水 Shrinkage 缩水 Sink Mark 顶白 Stress Mark YC (Potential Critical Characteristic) 潜在关键特性YS (Potential Significant Characteristic) 潜在重要特性Restriction of Hazardous Substances 简称RoHS SG

27、S, BV, TUV, Intertek, ETC BV-Bureau Veritas 法国国际检验局首检 First article inspection自检 Self-inspection全检 100% inspection巡检 process audit开箱检验 out of box audit出货检验 out-going inspection进货检验 in-coming inspection例行检验 Routine checking确认检验 Confirming全尺寸检验 full dimension inspection可靠性试验 Reliability test在线检验 on-li

28、ne inspection 线下检验 off-line inspection1号厂房工艺布置方案图 proposal of the Plant I layout2 套 two kitsJ型转弯试验 test of J turn保险杠 bumper变光开关 simmer switch薄壳式结构 shell construction操舵力试验 steering effort test长途客车 inter-city bus车辆转移台 bus transfer衬垫 pad除湿器 moisture ejector搭接 lap怠速时 at idle底盘平移台 chassis shuttle吊运装置 ove

29、rhead hoist镀锌板 galvanized plate发车前准备 pre-delivery发动机托架 engine holding frame发动机中置式客车 bus with under floor engine反冲试验 kick-back test返工 re-doing防滑地板 no-skid floor防破坏 vandal resistant风洞试验 wind tunnel test改装厂 refitting factory钢化玻璃 toughened grass搁梁 shelf beam更衣室 restroom工位 station功率突然变化影响试验 test of effec

30、t of sudden power change合笼 mate恒温控制 thermostatic control横风稳定性试验 test of crosswind stability后围侧板 rear wall side cover互换性 interchangeability极限侧向加速度试验 limiting lateral acceleration test阶路响应时间试验 step response test结构完整性 structure integrity静态操舵力试验 static steering effort test举升 hoist聚碳化透镜 poly-carbonate len空气导流板 air deflector宽敞悬臂式座椅 roomy cantilevered seat亮丽的外表 smart apperance磷化 phosphating轮胎爆破响应时间试验 test of burst response of tyre轮辋错动试验 rim slip test轮椅升降机 Wheel chair lift轮罩护板 wheel house马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour脉冲响应试验 pulse response test内饰 trim耐翻倾试验 test of overturning imm

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