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1、石油工程英语石 油 工 程 英 语教 案陈 军西南石油学院 石工院2001年9月Unit One I. Teaching Plan: (total 4 hours) Background: 10minutes New words: 30 minutes Part One: 20 minutes Part Two: 100minutes Part Three: 40minutes Exercises: 30 minutesII. Background Information and Knowledge1.欧佩克(世界)石油输出国组织。 OPEC: Organization of Petroleu

2、m Exporting Countries 成员国11个(1999年资料): 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 伊朗 Iran (Old Name: Persia 波斯) 伊拉克 Iraq 科威特 Kuwait 利比亚 Libya 尼日利亚 Nigeria 卡塔尔 Qatar 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 阿拉伯联合酋长国 UAE(United Arab Emirates) 委内瑞拉 Venezuela非成员国20个(1999年资料): 安哥拉 Angola 阿根廷 Argentina 澳大利亚 Australia 智利 Brazil 加拿大 Canada 中

3、国 China 哥伦比亚 Colombia 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador 埃及 Egypt 加蓬 Gabon 印度 India 马来西亚 Malaysia 墨西哥 Mexico 挪威 Norway 阿曼 Oman 俄罗斯 Russia 叙利亚 Syria 英国 U.K.(United Kingdom) 美国 U.S.A.( the United States of America) 其它 Other世界石油六大产区(1999年资料): 北美 拉丁美洲 欧洲 中东 非洲 亚太地区2.世界油气资源分布及开采3.世界主要油气生产国家4.石油天然气国际机构及组织API American Petroleum

4、 Institute 美国石油学会(权威组织)AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologist 美国石油地质家协会SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers (American) (美国)石油工程师协会5.石油天然气学术会议及刊物SPE Annual Meeting 年会 Region Meeting 地区会议 Drilling and Completion(简写DE) 钻井和完井 Formation Evaluation(简写FE) 地层评价 Production and Facility(简写PF) 采油与设备 Re

5、servoir Engineering(简写RE) 油藏工程 JPT Journal of Petroleum Technology SPE官方刊物 World Petroleum 世界石油 JCPT Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 加拿大石油技术杂志 国内: 中国石油协会及各大石油局的石油协会 期刊: 石油学报 石油勘探与开发 各石油院校主办的石油学报 天然气工业 石油钻采 新疆石油等等6.石油天然气跨国集团、公司简介Royal Dutch/Shell Group Companies 皇家荷兰/壳牌公司集团Exxon Corporation

6、埃克森公司Mobil Corporation 莫比尔公司Chevron Corporation 谢夫隆(雪弗龙)公司(Standard Oil Chevron Corporation Standard Oil Company of California)Amoco Corporation 阿莫科公司Texaco Inc. 德士古公司ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Company) 阿科(大西洋富田)公司Elf 埃尔夫公司BP(British Petroleum Co.) 英国石油公司Total Companie Francaise Des Petroles 法国道达尔石油Ni

7、ppon Oil Co., Ltd. 日本石油公司ANPC Afghan National Petroleum Co. 阿富汗国家石油公司CNPC China National Petroleum Corporation 中国石油天然气总公司PetroChina PetroChina Company Limited 中国石油天然气股份有限公司(NPC National Peoples Congress 全国人民代表大会)(PRC The Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国)专业公司:Core Laboratory Company (美国)岩芯实验公司Schlum

8、bergerLandmarkBaker Hughs Incorporated (美国)贝克休斯有限公司软件(高科技)公司(RC)2CMGSSISchlumberger BranchLandmark Branch Halliburton人物:DarcyRockefellerDeterdingSamuel 7.石油行业常见英文缩写CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气OOIP origin oil in place 原始原油储量OGIP origin gas in place 原始天然气储量bll barr

9、el 桶ppm parts per million 百万分之几 STB stock tank barrel M 罗马数字 1000oC degree Celsius (Centigrade) 摄氏度oF degree Fahrenheit 华氏度oR degree Rankine 兰金度 K Kelvin 开氏温标t (oC) = t + 273.15 (K) = 9 t / 5 +32 (oF) = 9 t / 5 + 491.67 (oR)III. Key Words:1. indispensable adj. (to,for) 不可或缺的,必须的 _Air is to life. _A

10、good director is for a successful film. Syn: essential, inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, vital dispensable adj. 不是必要的, 可有可无的 2. extant: adj. 现存的,尚存的 3. adopt: v. 使用,利用 Syn: use, employ 3. Borneo n. 婆罗洲(一半属马来西亚,一半属印尼)4. Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚(西南亚地区) 5. in absolute terms in fact 实际上 in real terms 实际上

11、 in percentage terms 从百分比上 in organizational terms 从组织角度 in no uncertain terms 毫不含糊地,直截了当地 in the long(short) term(run) 从长远(眼前)的观点看 on good terms 好的关系 on bad terms 坏的关系 on speaking terms 友好的关系 on friendly terms 友善的关系 on equal terms 同等6. Whereas 然而,相反(表示对比,语气强,可与while通用);鉴于,因 - Some children like sch

12、ool, whereas(while) others do not. - He can speak English whereas(while) his brother can speak French. - Welding is easy for an expert, whereas it is dangerous for a novice. - Whereas the following incidents have occurred . 7. call for 要求,号召8. exploration disappointment 勘探失利 finished product 成品,产品 r

13、esearch establishments 研究机构 9. in the last analysis 归根到底 10. unit cost 单位成本 11. under the terms of 根据, 按照 12. feedstock n. 给料(指供送入机器或加工厂的原料),原料IV. Difficult Sentences:1.Interdependence between producers and consumers has in the last analysis(归根到底) helped to ensure flexibility and continuity of suppl

14、y(:); however, the need to move huge volumes across national frontiers has made for(引起,导致) difficulties in a world for(because) individual countries have tended to become more rather than less nationalistic.2.Bigness has brought with it (指Bigness) the possibility of undertaking large-scale risk proj

15、ects. 宾语太长而后置。正常顺序:- Bigness has brought the possibility of undertaking large-scale risk projects with it (指Bigness). 或者: - Bigness has brought about the possibility of undertaking large-scale risk projects.3.On the other hand, it has meant low direct employment in the industry, a significant diffic

16、ulty(是前面low direct employment的同位语) in those(指后面括号内的the developed countries and the developing countries) areas ( and these days these include the so-called developed countries as well as the developing countries ) where the creation of employment is often given as high a priority as other economic t

17、argets.4.By 1980 in no phase(period) of the industry had the seven Majors accumulative share of as much as 50 per cent. 否定前置句型- I dont think he will come tomorrow.- They are not supposed to arrive this afternoon.5.Not only in organizational terms, but in many other respects the relatively orderly sy

18、stem of international oil supply and trading has tended to move towards greater uncertainty and instability, (which have been) made all the more(更加,越发) complex by the factor of political risk.Unit TwoI. Teaching Plan: (total 4 hours) Background: 10minutes New words: 30 minutes Part One: 20 minutes P

19、art Two: 100minutes Part Three: 40minutes Exercises: 30 minutesII. Background Information and Knowledge1. 天然气分类按存在方式(natural gas, associated gas, condensate gas) 气藏气 甲烷含量在80%以上。 油藏气 也称伴生气,包括溶解气和气顶气,特征是乙烷和乙烷以上的烃类含量较气藏气高。 凝析气藏气 从凝析气藏采出的天然气,戊烷及其以上(即汽油成分)的烃类含量较高。按井口流出物C5+重烃液体含量(dry gas, wet gas) 干气 每一标准

20、立方米井口流出物中,C5以上重烃液体含量低于13.5cm3的天然气。湿气 每一标准立方米井口流出物中,C5以上重烃液体含量高于13.5cm3的天然气。按井口流出物C3+重烃液体含量(rich gas, lean gas) 富气 每一标准立方米井口流出物中,C3以上重烃液体含量高于94cm3的天然气。贫气 每一标准立方米井口流出物中,C3以上重烃液体含量低于94cm3的天然气。按井口流出物含硫量(sweet gas, sour gas) 净气 每一标准立方米天然气中含硫量小于1克。 酸气 每一标准立方米天然气中含硫量大于1克。2. 油的定义 油: 牛津高级词典中关于油的一般定义 取自动物、植物或

21、存在于地下岩石中不与水相溶的液体。 原油:石油工业中的原油定义(美国石油协会, 美国石油地质学家协会和石油工程师学会) 在地下原始状态和在地面经过分离器后仍呈液态的烃类混合物。3. 几个术语 海相沉积 marine deposit, marine sediment 海相生油 marine origin of oil 陆相沉积 continental deposit, terrestrial deposit 陆相生油 continental origin of hydrocarbon, non-marine origin of hydrocarbon 地层水 formation water 凝结

22、水(冷凝水) condensate waterIII. Key Words:1. to name but a few 仅举几例,在本句中作插入语 2. centistoke n. 厘沲(duo惰音)运动粘度单位centipoise 厘泊 粘度单位,常简写为 cpcenti- 厘,百分之一,10-2(参考Unit 6.中的centre-) be directly proportional to 与成正比例 to be inversely proportional to 与成反比例4. in terms of adv. 根据, 按照, 用.的话, 在.方面5. straightforwar

23、d adj. 正直的, 坦率的, 简单的, 易懂的, 直接了当的6. native: 本地的,土生的;天然的,原生的 native speakernative water 天然水7. normal paraffin 正烷烃 isoparaffin 异烷烃8. gasoline 汽油(美国英语),日常生活中简写为 gasgasoline 汽油(英国英语) kerosene 煤油(美国英语)paraffin 煤油(英国英语)9. as such 同样地, 同量地IV. Difficult and Important Sentences:1. Note that API degrees are in

24、versely proportional to density. It is noted that 值得注意的是2. The oxygen compounds range between 0.06 and 0.4 percent by weight of most crudes. Sulfur compounds range from 0.1 to 7.0 percent by weight in crude oils.Translation Techniques(P33.)2. E-C translationGZ (英汉科学技术词典,国防工业出版社,1994)i.Graetz number

25、格雷兹数ii.ground zero(point) 爆心投影点,地面零点,地面爆炸点(核)iii. righting lever (船舶的)复原杠杆,复位杠杆(英汉石油技术词典,石油工业出版社,1989)NGAA Natural Gasoline Association of America 美国天然汽油协会NGL natural gas liquids 天然气凝析液体包括丙丁烷和天然汽油New Red Sandstone 新红砂岩统T1NML nuclear magnetic logging 核磁测井Calyx drill calyx n. 植花萼(e鄂音), 动盏, 盂, 杯壮部(或腔)

26、calyx drill 取芯钻井Crinoid bed crinoid adj. 百合样的, 海百合类的 n. 海百合类 crinoid bed 海百合层Christmas Tree 采油树,井口生产装置CPC computer production control 计算机控制采油(生产)Concoco Conoco Inc. 大陆石油公司Chester Group 契斯特群C1,美国 契斯特统C1,北美Circ-U-Lite U型火炬Astrolite 陨石ANGA American Natural Gas Association 美国天然气协会AGU American Geophysica

27、l Union 美国地球物理联合会ADT applied drilling technology 应用钻井工艺学 automatic data transfer 自动数据传输Austrian Movement 奥地利运动K1末Bettis protector (倍蒂斯制)橡胶护箍(gu姑音)BHTV Borehole televiewer 井下电视POP perpendicular oceanographic platform 直立式海洋平台 putting on the pump 开泵Ponca City Ponca n. 蓬卡人(现定居于美国内布拉斯加州和俄克拉何马州保留地的北美印第安人)

28、 Ponca City 蓬卡市 Oklahoma, Arkansas, NebraskaPrett hypothesis 普瑞蒂假设Oklahoma 俄克拉荷马州Wildcat 初探井Unit ThreeI. Teaching Plan: (total 4 hours) Background: 10minutes New words: 30 minutes Part One: 20 minutes Part Two: 100minutes Part Three: 40minutes Exercises: 30 minutesII. Background Information and Know

29、ledge1. 天2. 油3. 几III. Key Words:1.pound 磅,lb. 镑, (或 Stg sterling的缩写)1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3 = 62.428 lbm/ft3 (pounds-mass per cubic foot)2. relative density specific gravity3.viscosity 1 cp (oilfield unit)= 0.001 Pa . s(SI metric unit)4. supercompressibility factor 超压缩因数 gas deviation factor Z 天然气偏差因子Z

30、5. part of speech 词性,词类6. fracture porosity 裂缝(系统的)孔隙度outcropunconformity 不整合karst 岩溶,喀斯特karstic solution 岩溶作用Devonian (查阅机房中Word Bank 资料)Cimmerian n. 1. 希神 (住在永远黑暗中的)辛梅里安人 2. 辛梅里安族(或人)(公元前7世纪横行与小亚细亚的游牧民族) 3基梅里阶N2,欧洲 Cimmerian orogeny 基梅里造山运动 Cimmerian unconformity 基梅里不整合层 adj. 1. 辛梅里安人的 2. 极幽暗的, 阴惨的,黑暗的millidarcy 毫达西,md,mD(两种写法均可)milli- 词头 毫,千分之一1 D(达西) = 1000 mD(毫达西) = 0.986923 m2 (平方微米) 对比:centi- 厘,百分之一,10-2 centimeter 厘米 millimeter 毫米 mini- 词头 缩,微,小(型) mini

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