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Analysis of the effectiveness of websites advertisements.docx

1、Analysis of the effectiveness of websites advertisementsAnalysis of the effectiveness of websites advertisements1. IntroductionIn this dissertation proposal, the attention would be paid on the analysis of the effectiveness of websites advertisements due to the fast-developing advertisement industry.

2、 The online advertising is a new medium for marketers to encourage and persuade their target audiences to buy the products. Online advertising include contextual ads that appear on search engine results pages, banner ads, floating ads, promotion ads, flash ads, Social network advertising, e-mail mar

3、keting. The objectives and the research questions will be discussed in the first part, as well as the motivation for me to investigate into it. Then, an initial research review will be taken into consideration for detailing the conceptual basis for this research, in other words, how these academic r

4、esearches affected it and what relevant issues we adopted to support the research. The methodology will go to the third part, which is set to detail how to use them in practice and raised problems by them. At last, an indicate timetable showing the specific time of research process will be given due

5、 to the very importance of time-management. Objectives and research questionsFor me, advertising industry is quite interesting to me not only because of half-year working experience in advertisement company and a long-period intern in the marketing sector but the ads itself is quite creative and mul

6、titudinous. Whenever I go through a shopping mall, the attractive window display will lead me to think over whether this display will provide audiences with the information of product about what it is, why we want it and why we choose this rather than the others. As the advertisements is usually pai

7、d by brands owners and sponsors to increase the consumption of their products and enhance their reputation, thus whether the money they spent is worthwhile is the key element for investors to make decisions. The analysis of the effectiveness of ads could have implications for media planning, while i

8、n this report, we will concentrate on the websites advertising to figure out what kind of form of ads would delight the audiences, which websites the audiences are willing to surf on the ads, and how much the audience is interested in the products or services provided. The proper way for sponsors to

9、 operate the websites ads could decrease the cost and enlarge the profit, at the same time the brand reputation will be greatly improved.The purpose of this research is to answer the question: “What forms of advertisements will allure customers curiosity?” This one question raises two more questions

10、: 1. What are the different forms of ads? 2.What the different reaction of customers to these ads? Answers to these two fundamental questions will help us to tackle with the target question.2. An initial research review In this part, a previous research is raised for analyzing the conceptual thesis

11、of websites advertisements research, which was about the editorial environment and advertising effectiveness. “The sample of business executives taken from the Fortune subscription list were asked to select one ad which impress them the most with ads exposed to them both outside the magazine or in F

12、ortune, Business Week and U.S. News. The study concluded that all ads were rated higher when shown in one of the magazine than when shown alone, more so foe Fortune than for the other two magazines”. (Appel, 2000,p.89). This result indicates that the recall of an advertisement would be high when it

13、is along with printed text rather than a sole one, while the different percentages among these three magazines is telling us the preference to certain text would contribute more attention on the ads it provided as the sample it chose was taken from Fortune subscription list.The theory could be appli

14、ed into this websites advertisement research, the same ads appearing in multi-category websites shown to the target audience could lead to different results according to the responders preference. In other words, the ads with same quality embedded into a more acclaimed website could gain more attent

15、ion, which means more clicks, more opportunities to promote products. Another media research called Factors Affecting Online Advertising Recall mentioned the relationship between the program involvement and memory for advertising. Several studies indicated that an active involvement with a media med

16、ium would result in better advertising recall.“The positive attitudes toward programming had a significant positive impact on memory for advertising”. (Clancy and Kweskin, 1971). According to Galpin and Gullen (2000), Murry, Lastovicka and Singh (1992) the users likelihood of programs would have pos

17、itive impact on the ads and brands provided, which is telling us putting ads on attractive websites where could increase the effectiveness just as I mentioned ahead.In the study of the Factors Affecting Online Advertising Recall, “they found that web users in a goal-directed mode are much less likel

18、y to recall and recognize banner advertisements than those users who are surfing a site”. (Peter and Guy, 2003, p.252). This gives me inspiration that advertisements put on social, tourist, music, movies websites could be more attractive than those in academic ones.3. MethodologyTo text the effectiv

19、eness of the websites advertisements, the research would start with two websites designed to guarantee the equivalent ads shown and the previous similarity with certain webs and brand would influence the results. The ads in these two websites would be shown in different forms, the former would inclu

20、de the flash and banner ads while the latter include the online video and floating ads. The group of people will not be informed to recall the ads later when they start searching the websites in order to avoid much focus on ads rather the webs. 10 minutes would be given to every participant for sear

21、ching websites. Then, a questionnaire would be shown to them to collect the information about how many ads they memorize, which ads give them the deepest impression, how many ads interest them and whether these ads provided persuade them to buy products successfully. This information could help us t

22、o analyze which forms of ads will be effective to attract users, whether the combination of big promotion numbers and flash pictures would be more attractive.Due to the search mode and program involvement are taken into consideration, a two-step procedure is adopted. In the first part, the users are

23、 asked to search the information about the different culture habits between the eastern and western countries while another group have no target goal so that they could surf at will and the duration of this time is 15 minutes. After reviewing the pages, the responders are provided with on-screen for

24、ms to recall how much ads information they get and answer whether they are willing to buy the products they offer. Following 2 minutes of break, the two groups would be shown two different websites respectively. One is about tourist guidelines and the other is a news website. Responders should give

25、a general impression of the ads they searched and completed a measure of their level of felt-involvement with the experimental process.4. An indicate timetable of researchFrom 20th December to 20th January: Set up two websites with equivalent amount of ads, furthermore the ads shown in them are in v

26、ariety of forms.From 21st January to 21st February: Design three questionnaires for each step of study, including the questions about the types of ads, the amount of ads they could recall, the effective ad forms and the most popular products they have interest in e.g.Gather all the initial data toge

27、ther and make them into tables.From 22nd February to 22nd March:Analyze the information we get on the basic theory we search from the previous studies. Try to answer the questions we raised ahead to check whether the data is enough to support this research. Start thinking about how to organize the i

28、ntroductory chapter, what background information should be include, which previous studies related to it should be obtained, some potential problems could be added into it.From 23rd March to 23rd April:Write the introductory chapter including the Literature Review, Methodology and any other backgrou

29、nd theories e.g.From 24th April to 24th May:Analyze the results and discuss the social values of the research results. Reorganize the results with tables, in other words, present the findings with charts, curves and tables.From 25th May to 5th June:Write the findings and the concluding chapters of t

30、he dissertation.5. ConclusionFor the topic I chose, Im quite interested in it as advertisements could be represented in a variety of forms to encourage and persuade your target customers. Especially the online ads, a rapid-developed field for sponsors to invest in and could be a very fast way to hav

31、e feedback. The analysis of the effectiveness of online advertisements could have great importance of a media planning, guiding them how to combine their promotion ads, brand image with certain websites to achieve the largest profit within the budget. The goal-directed users could be less likely to

32、recall the ads, which suggests us to pay much attention on the service websites where can meet various needs of web users. In the following process, the collecting of data and the design of questionnaire could be paid much efforts as well as the choice of sample.Reference:1. Berger, A. A. (1998) Med

33、ia Research Techniques (2nd edn). London: Sage.2. Bertrand, I. and P. Hughes (2004) Media Research Methods. London: Palgrave MacMillan.3. David W. Stewart and David H. Furse. “Analysis of the Impact of Executional Factors on Advertising Performance.” Journal of Advertising Research 40, 6 (2000): 85-94.4. Galphin, J., a

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