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1、人教出版八下英语导学案Unit3Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? The First Period ( Section A 1a-2d )教师寄语:Only do what your heart tells you. 随心而行。2. 自学内容1) 根据音标自学本课时的新单词和短语,特别注意单词的词性和词义:单词词性词义单词词性词义rubbishfloorfoldmesssweep【课堂活动】1.预习展示. 翻译下列短语1) 洗盘子 2) 倒垃圾 3) 叠衣服 4) 打扫地板 5) 铺床 6) 打扫客厅 7) 搭便车 8) 去看电影 . 翻译下列句

2、子1) 请你打扫房间好吗? clean your room?2) 我能用一下你的电脑吗? your computer?3、合作探究如何用英语表达有礼貌的请求? 【观察】Could you please give me a hand? Would you mind me opening the window? May I use your pen?【训练反馈】. 单项选择1Your room is in mess now. Why not clean it up every morning? A. a B. an C. the D. /2Two days too long. You only h

3、ave the time of a day. A. has B. last C. are D. is3-Could you clean the living room? - . A. Yes, I could B. Yes, sure C. No, I dont D. Sorry, I couldnt.4. Well have a party for Jack if he this project on time. A. finishes B. will finish C. finished D. would finish 5. He eats much that he cant walk a

4、 long way. A. too B. such C. so D. very. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1Li Lei always takes out the (rubbish).2Could you (sweep) the floor?3Could you please (buy) me a map of China?4Can you finish (read) this novel tomorrow afternoon?5He had to do the (dish) at home because of this mothers illness. 选词填空 fold, floo

5、r, mess, out, late1. Mr. Smith lives on the fifteenth , and he always takes the lift up and down.2. You need to take the rubbish outside every day.3. The heavy rain made a great of the garden.4. His father often stays out _ , and his parents sometimes quarrel with each other about it.5. My brothers

6、are very lazy. They seldom their quilts in the morning.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? The Second Period ( Section A 3a-3c )教师寄语:A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。2.自学内容1) 根据音标自学本课时的新单词和短语,特别注意单词的词性和词义:单词词性词义短语词义throwall the timeneitheras soon asshirt1.预习展示. 基础单

7、词 1扔;掷 3shirt 2也不 . 核心短语1对某人很生气 2扔下 3频繁;反复 4come over 5in surprise 6as soon as Step 2 readingRead the passage carefully and answer the following questions:1) When did this happen? 2) What was the first thing Nancy did when she got home? 3) What did her mother want her to do? 4) What did Nancys mothe

8、r do during the day? And what does she have to do in the evening? 5) What was the result when neither Nancy nor her mother did any housework for a week? 6) What did Nancy finally understand? Step 6 After readingConsolidate and memorize the new words and useful angry with sb. 对某人生气 sol

9、ve the problem 解决问题 welcome sb. 欢迎某人throw down 扔掉 the minute 一就 come over 顺便来访 take a dog for a walk 遛狗all the time 频繁;反复 help out 给予帮助 help out around the house帮忙打理家务all day 整天 all evening 整夜 和一样shout back 叫喊着回敬道walk away 走开the next day 第二天 in surprise 惊奇地 need to do 需要做 share the housework 分

10、担家务neither的用法: 【观察】Neither of them doesnt want to go to the Great Wall. Dont argue! Neither is right. He cant drive a car, and neither can I. Neither he nor I am learning to draw.【训练反馈】. 单项选择( )1Nancys father is angry her because she gets a C in the final-term. A. to B. with C. at D. for( )2He was s

11、o that he couldnt walk any longer. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. slow( )3The teacher doesnt like Jim because he often watches TV and forgets his homework. A. in time B. at the time C. all the same D. all the time( )4She doesnt see the movie, and . A. neither do I B. neither I do C. so do I D. so I

12、 do( )5Im hungry, Mum. Could I get to eat now. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1Neither of us (want) to go there.2Could you please (turn) down the radio? Im doing my homework.3After he fought with Tom, he ran out of the house (angry).4Are you as (outgoing) as your s

13、ister?5He says that he (call) as soon as he comes back home. 选词填空 throw, shirt, neither, in, share1I always everything with my family and my friends.2she is a doctor nor a nurse. Shes only a worker in the hospital.3The is very nice. Ill take it.4The players tried to the ball into the basket.5Sally l

14、ooked at the wonderful gift surprise and then couldnt help opening it.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? The Third Period ( Section A Grammar-4c )教师寄语:May all your wish come true. 心想事成。1、自学内容1) 根据音标自学本课时的新单词和短语,特别注意单词的词性和词义:单词词性词义单词词性词义passhateborrowchorelendwhilefinger2) 朗读“语法聚焦”中的问句和答语,观察问句中的共性特征(都有could)。请尝试区分其中不同的功能:(1)礼貌地提出要求;(2)委婉地获取许可。注意回答方式。3) 试着自己学习could的用法:1could用来表示请求,提出礼貌的要求。 Could you do.? / Could you please do.? 请你行吗?/ 麻烦你好吗? Could you tell me the way to the station? 你能告诉

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