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1、语法题关于指代词Extra-ex. for Lectures 37 - 38Group 183A. Choose the best answer:1. Do you need a new tie to go with your new suit, Mr. Johnson ? No, _ (A) I am having plenty of ties (B) I think I have several that will do (C) there are lots of ties for the match (D) I have lots of ties to do it2. Shall I i

2、nvite Tom to my party? Yes. Itll be nice if you _ . (A) do (B) do invite (C) are (D) invited3. Shall I wake you up tomorrow ? Yes, _. “(A) please do (B) you shall (C) you will (D) you mayB. Error correction:4. Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other planet is.A B C D5. Theoretically,

3、a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it rarely has, usually A B because it is used at one time or another_ as a substitute for some other tool.C D6. 1 am sure that our system seems as odd to you as yours do to us.A B C D7. I wondered if I looked as funny to him as he does to me. A B C DGro

4、up 1841. “Dont you think Dorothys health has been ruined by smoking?”“ Yes. She told me_ herself. (A) the fact (B) this thing (C) it (D) so2. “Its a contagious disease, isnt it ?” “I dont believe _ “(A) so (B) in that (C) such (D) in it3. “Will you go home tomorrow evening ?” “No. I am going to a le

5、cture. or at least, I am planning _.”(A) on (B) to (C) so (D) it4. “Is Prof. Tate very sick ?” “Yes, Im afraid _ .”(A) so (B) this (C) to (D) that5. “She must look like a very pretty girl.” “Yes, I imagine _.” (A) to (B) that (C) it (D) so6. “I hope that John will not play basketball tomorrow.” “Yes

6、, I_.”(A) hope it too (B) hope too (C) hope that too (D) hope so too7. “I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broken “Oh! I _.”(A) do not hope so (B) do not hope(C) hope not so (D) hope not8. “Whats the matter with John?” “He didnt pass the test but he still _.”(A) hopes so (B) hopes to (C) hop

7、es it (D) hopes thatGroup 1851. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and _.(A) Florida also (B) Florida too(C) Florida is as well (D) so does Florida2. Frank cant leave until tomorrow. I know. _.” .(A) I cant too (B) I can too(C) Neither can I (D) I cant neither3. The Ryans watch te

8、levision all the time . _do the Tuckers.” (A) So (B) Either (C) Neither (D) Also4. Sam was not a graduate student. No, _ (A) I wasnt either (B) either wasnt I(C) I was not, neither (D) neither I was5. Are you going there with us ? If Mary wants to go, _ .(A) I also go (B) so do I (C) so I will (D) s

9、o will I6. Id met Philip several times before. _. (A) So did I (B) So had I (C) I did, either (D) I met, also7. John went to the movie, _ .(A) and his brother did, either (B) but his brother went there also(C) such went also his brother (D) and so did his brotherGroup 1861. I got tired of the petty

10、village life here. Why _ for a few weeks. (A) coming to my home (B) not coming to my home(C) do you come to my home (D) not come to my home2. Have you been here long ? _ . (A) No, not very (B) Not much(C) Yes, only little (D) No, only yesterday3. You cant come today, can you ? _. (A) Yes, I can come

11、 tomorrow. (B) Yes, I cant come tomorrow (C) No, but I can come tomorrow. (D) No, I can come tomorrow.4. A: Do you follow me ? B: _. (A) No, I am not. (B) Yes, perfectly.(C) Yes, it is. (D) Yes, I will.5. A: Are you warm enough ? B: _ .(A) Yes, perfectly. (B) Yes, it is.(C) No, I am not. (D) Fine, I

12、d like to.6. A: Did you eat yet ? B: _ .(A) Yes, lets have lunch together. (B) No, lets go there sometime.(C) Yes, about an hour ago . (D) No, I havent taken it.7. Would you come to see me tomorrow ? It _ .”(A) depends (B) depends upon (C) is depending (D) is dependent on8. Do you think living in th

13、e country has advantages ?(A) Yes, perfectly. (B) Nothing at all.(C) Yes, it is. (D) Well, that dependsGroup 1871. _ the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction. (A) All the activities (B) The activities(C) Of all the activities (D) It is the activities2 Was it _.the professor r

14、egarded with such contempt ?(A) them (B) them whom (C) those ( whom) (D) he who3, Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?No, _only the two passengers who got hurt.(A) it was (B) there is (C) it were (D) there was4. 1t was not until the accident happened _ .(A) when I became aware o

15、f my foolishness (B) when my foolishness became obvious (C) that did I realize my own folly(D) that I became aware of my own foolishness5. And the questions which the critic seeks to answer, _, do not seem to be extraordinarily difficult.(A) so intricate they are (B) intricate if they are(C) intrica

16、te though they are (D) they are intricate though6. More often than _ , he had to go in person.(A) not (B) rarely (C) hardly (D) lessGroup 1881. _ received law degrees as today. (A) Never so many women have (B) Never have so many women(c) The women arent ever (D) Women who have never2. Flying demands

17、 a much greater supply of energy_ other forms of transportation!(A) than do most (B) most than do (C) than most do (D) do than most3. “Can you tell me where my niece is ? “Yes, of course, _ !” (A) Here your niece comes, (B) here comes your niece(C) comes your niece (D) your niece here comes4. “Where

18、 is the report ?” “ _. “(A) There it is (B) There is it (C) There the report is (D) Is the report there5. Only in the relative calm late in the week could _ .(A) a real count be taken of the devastation (B)sick she might be (C) she is happy to do that (D) she became sickThe Key: G-183 BAA DBDD G-184 DABAD DDBG-185 DCAAD BDG-186 DACBC CAD G-187 CBADC A G-188 BABAA

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