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1、浅论我国对外贸易摩擦的原因及应对对策何琼浅论我国对外贸易摩擦的原因及应对对策 Chinas Foreign Trade Friction摘 要世界经济全球化不断加强,世界各国经济往来也越来越密切。但由于世界经济发展的不平衡以及各国利益的不一致,国家之间的贸易摩擦不可避免且随着经济交往的日益密切愈演愈烈。自加入WTO以来,我国与他国的贸易摩擦频繁发生。贸易摩擦已经成为我国进一步扩大对外开放所面临的重大问题。正确估计和认识贸易摩擦带来的困难和挑战,辩证、理性地看待贸易摩擦,积极应对并通过磋商妥善处理因贸易摩擦引发的问题,对于全面提高对外开放水平有着十分重要的意义。文章在分析我国与主要发达国家贸易摩

2、擦特征的基础上,阐述了我国对外贸易摩擦产生的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议。所谓贸易摩擦是指在国际贸易中,国与国之间在进行贸易往来的过程中,在贸易平衡上所产生的,一般是一国的持续顺差,另一国的逆差.或一国的贸易活动触及或伤害另一国的产业。关键字:对外贸易摩擦;原因;对策 ContractGlobalization of the world economy continued to strengthen, the world increasingly closer economic ties.However, the imbalance in world economic development

3、and national interests of the inconsistencies, the inevitable trade friction between countries and with the increasingly close economic exchanges intensified.Since joining in the WTO, Chinas trade frictions with other countries frequent.Trade friction has become a further opening up of China facing

4、major problems.Correctly estimated and understanding the difficulties caused trade frictions and challenges, dialectical and rational way trade friction, positive response and, through consultations Tuoshan handle trade friction problem, comprehensively enhance the opening Shuiping for great signifi

5、cance.This paper analyzes the trade friction between China and the major developed countries on the basis of characteristics, explained the reasons for Chinas foreign trade friction, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.The so-called trade friction is in international trade, trade b

6、etween countries during the process, generated on the trade balance, the general is the continuation of the surplus, the deficit of another country. Or a countrys trade activitiestouch or harm another country industry.Keywords: trade frictions; causes; countermeasuresContents一我国贸易摩擦的现状Current Situat

7、ion of Chinas trade friction近年来,在世界市场持续低迷的形势下,我国出口连续保持两位数增长,同时也步入了国际贸易摩擦高发期,并已逐渐从一般贸易摩擦向战略性贸易摩擦发展。从2001年加入WTO以来,中国已成为WTO成员国中遭受反倾销控诉最多的国家。仔细分析我国贸易摩擦的统计数据,不难发现我国的贸易摩擦呈现如下几个特点:In recent years, continued downturn in the world market situation, Chinas exports to maintain a continuous double-digit growth,

8、 but also entered the high incidence of international trade friction, and has gradually moved from general trade friction to the strategic development of trade friction.Since the 2001 accession to WTO, China has become WTO member in the anti-dumping complaints than any other country.Careful analysis

9、 of statistical data on Chinas trade friction, China is not difficult to discover the trade friction showed the following characteristics:1、 对外贸易摩擦对象的范围不断扩大,与我国发生贸易摩擦的国家已从发达国家扩展到发展中国家,发展中国家逐渐成为对中国发起反倾销的“主力军”。2、 我国贸易摩擦案件数量增幅加大,案件涉及的金额有所增加。3、 贸易摩擦发生的领域不断扩大。4、 贸易摩擦形式呈多样化趋势。(1)技术壁垒的约束性日趋严重。2005年我国71%的出口

10、企业、39%的出口产品受到国外技术性贸易壁垒的限制,造成损失170亿美元,与2000年相比,出口产品受限制比例提高了56%,损失金额增加了54%。(2)特别保障措施案成为我国贸易摩擦的新问题。目前,美国、欧美、加拿大、韩国、澳大利亚等国已相续完成了对中国出口产品实施“特别保障条款”的国内立法(3)贸易差额、人民币汇率、知识产权保护及社会责任标准等成为引发贸易争端的新型导火线。1, the scope of foreign trade friction expanding trade friction with China from the developed countries extende

11、d to developing countries, developing countries become initiated anti-dumping on Chinas main force.2, Chinas trade frictions increase the number of cases increased, the amount involved has increased.3, Trade Friction expanding.4, was diversified forms of trade friction.(1) Technical Barriers to bind

12、ing more serious.2005, 71% of export enterprises in China, 39% of exports by foreign technical trade barriers, restrictions, resulting in loss of 17 billion U.S. dollars, compared with 2000, increase the proportion of exports restricted by 56%, an increase of 54% loss.(2) the case of special safegua

13、rd measures to become the new problems of trade friction.At present, USA, Europe and the United States, Canada, Korea, Australia and other countries have been completed with added products produced for export in China, special safeguard clause in domestic legislation (3) trade balance, currency, int

14、ellectual property protection and social responsibility standards have become triggerNew trigger trade disputes.二 我国对外贸易摩擦成因分析2.Causes of Chinas foreign trade friction(一)外部原因(A) external causes1,贸易摩擦是经济全球化、贸易自由化的必然结果。贸易摩擦产生的直接原因在于国际贸易保护主义,根本原因在于不合理的国际政治经济制度,以及对国家利益最大化的追求。各国始终围绕本国利益最大化的目标,来调整自己的贸易政策,

15、特别是当贸易国之间利益目标不一致时,就容易产生贸易摩擦。因此,是否发生贸易摩擦,以及贸易摩擦发生的频率和剧烈程度,都是国家根本利益在国际贸易中的反映。当前,各国经济发展的不均衡性和不平衡性、贸易利益分配的两极化趋势、区域贸易集团的排它性、政治制度的对撞等因素使得贸易保护主义层出不穷,导致贸易摩擦的数量、领域和范围日渐扩大。1, trade frictions in economic globalization, trade liberalization, the inevitable result.The immediate cause of trade friction is that in

16、ternational trade protectionism, the basic reason is irrational international political and economic system, and maximize the pursuit of national interests.Countries always focus on the goal of maximizing their own interests, to adjust its trade policy, especially when trade between the interests of

17、 the target country is inconsistent, it is easy to generate trade friction.Therefore, whether of trade friction, and the trade friction frequency and intensity, are the fundamental interests of the country reflected in international trade.At present, the economic development of the imbalance and unb

18、alanced distribution of benefits of trade trends in the polarization of regional trade blocs exclusive political system of the collision and other factors make emerging trade protectionism, trade frictions lead to the number of areasand the scope continues to expand.2,世界贸易组织例外条款的模糊性及争端解决机制的缺陷。首先,我国加



21、一的反倾销税率,甚至把对个别企业的反倾销当成对整个国家来裁决。2, except the provisions of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism of ambiguity and defects.First, Chinas accession to WTO, as with the other members of the WTO trade disputes, although by the WTOs dispute settlement mechanism to resolve, but because of Chinas accession

22、to WTO promised a non-market economy, special safeguard clauseand other negative amounts, making Chinas exports are facing new uncertainties.Occurs when trade friction, China is still weak protection states.Secondly, since the individual terms of WTO exceptions exist in the vague and loophole, it is

23、 often used by trade protectionism and import restrictions as an excuse for their implementation, leading to more frequent trade friction.Again, although the WTO dispute settlement mechanism of GATT dispute settlement mechanism has absorbed the advantages and experience, and on this basis, there has

24、 been a great innovation, but the WTO dispute settlement mechanism or the existence of many defects and shortcomings, making WTOs dispute settlement mechanismnot fully in accordance with the original vision to bind and regulate all acts of members.The WTO dispute settlement mechanism inherent in the

25、 effectiveness of other sanctions such as the lack of defects such as the implementation period is too long, in fact, also contributed to the occurrence and intensification of trade friction.In addition to the above reasons, the political factors to be overlooked.Trade friction is often a bargaining

26、 chip in political struggle between countries, ideology and political relations between countries for bilateral trade cooperation has a profound impact.Sino-US bilateral trade relations to a large extent on the subject of political relations between the two countries.Although the Chinese Government

27、has repeatedly reiterated its willingness to with all countries and regions on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop economic trade, but the EU has been unable to shake off the fetters of ideology, socialist China still prejudiced against our long-term use non-market economynational tr

28、eatment, in the trade practice, to replace the State arbitrarily calculated on the basis of price, but in a third country selected on the reference price has ulterior motives, or irresponsible, and Chinas foreign trade enterprises to state as an excuse to implement a single universalanti-dumping tax

29、 rate, or even to individual enterprises in the anti-dumping ruling as to the entire country.(二)内部原因(B) internal factors1,我国对外贸易依存度过大,对外贸易和对外直接投资严重失衡,注定我国将频繁遭受贸易摩擦的困扰。改革开放以来,我国一直比较重视引进和利用外资,而对外直接投资发展滞后。由于我国吸引的外商直接投资对投资母国具有较强的出口替代效应,减少了投资母国对我国的出口,同时又极大地促进了我国对投资母国的出口。这就使我国对外贸易依存度过大,贸易顺差较高。长期巨额贸易顺差就是引发

30、贸易摩擦的一个主要因素。1, excessive dependence on Chinas foreign trade, foreign trade and foreign direct investment imbalance, China will be doomed to suffer frequent trade friction disturbance.Since reform and opening, China has been more emphasis on the introduction and use of foreign capital, while foreign

31、direct investment in the development lag.As our country to attract foreign direct investment on home country investment in the export of strong substitution effect, reducing the investment home countrys exports to China, while greatly promoted Chinas exports of home country investment.This makes Chi

32、nas foreign trade dependence is too large, the trade surplus higher.Cause long-term trade surplus is a major factor in trade frictions.2, 我国对外贸易结构相对落后,外贸经营管理体制不完善,产品出口结构失衡,出口产品承受摩擦风险加大。首先,从出口产品结构看,我国的出口产品结构单一,量多值少。其次,中国产品出口市场过于集中,出口产品的国内地区价格差异较大,价格体系尚不完善,出口商品价格和数量,是引发贸易摩擦的两个非常敏感的因素。2, Chinas foreign trade structure is relatively backward, foreign trade management system is incomplete, exports of structural imbalance, exports increased risk of bearing friction. First, looking from the export products structure, our countrys export products s

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