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1、定性与定量研究概念定量研究方法定量研究是指确定事物某方面量的规定性的科学研究,就是将问题与现象用数量来表示,进而去分析、考验、解释,从而获得意义的研究方法和过程。定量,就是以数字化符号为基础去测量。定量研究通过对研究对象的特征按某种标准的比较来测定对象特征数值,或求出某些因素间的量的变化规律。由于其目的是对事物及其运动的量的属性作出回答,故名定量研究。定量研究与科学实验研究是密切相关的,可以说科学上的定量化是伴随着实验法产生的。The quantitative research is a prescriptive scientific research which aims to determ

2、ine the amount of things, this method will represent the problems and phenomenon via the number, and then to analyze, test, and explain the relevant research and acquire the significance of the research methods and process. The so-called quantitative, is based on digitized symbols to measure. Quanti

3、tative research will compare the characteristics of the object of study for some standard to determine the characteristic values of the research target, or calculate the amount of variation between some certain factors. Because its purpose is to object motion and its quantitative attribute to answer

4、, named quantitative research. Quantitative research and scientific experimental research are closely related, it can be said that scientific quantitative along with the experimental method。定性研究方法是根据社会现象或事物所具有的属性和在运动中的矛盾变化,从事物的内在规定性来研究事物的一种方法或角度。它以普遍承认的公理、一套演绎逻辑和大量的历史事实为分析基础,从事物的矛盾性出发,描述、阐释所研究的事物。进行

5、定性研究,要依据一定的理论与经验,直接抓住事物特征的主要方面,将同质性在数量上的差异暂时略去。定性研究是指通过发掘问题、理解事件现象、分析人类的行为与观点以及回答提问来获取敏锐的洞察力。几乎每天在每个工作场所和学习环境下都会进行定性研究。It is according to the social phenomena or objects which are having the attributes and in the movement of the change of contradiction of things, it is also a research method or pers

6、pective which is from the internal regulations of the things It is generally acknowledged axioms, a set of deductive logic and a large number of historical facts analysis, from the contradiction of description, explanation, of things. Doing the Qualitative research, it will be based on some certain

7、theories and experience, directly grasp the main aspects of the research targets, it will temporarily omitted the homogeneity of the differences in number.定性研究是研究者用来定义问题或处理问题的途径。具体目的是深入研究消费者的看法,进一步探讨消费者之所以这样或那样的原因。如果说定量研究解决“是什么”的问题,那么定性研究解决的就是“为什么”的问题。Qualitative research is used to define the probl

8、em and find the solutions to the research problems. The specific purpose of in-depth study of consumer perception consumer, to further explore the reason for this or that reasons .If the quantitative study and solve the what questions, then qualitative research is to address the why question.区别与联系美国

9、学者博格丹和比科林举了定性研究的五个特征,并借此区别定量研究。 American scholar Bogdan and Bikelin gives a qualitative study of five characteristics, and to distinguish quantitative study.(1)定性研究是把自然情景作为资料的直接来源,其中研究者起关键作用。研究者关心的是事情发生的情境,所以在研究过程中,他们通常深入到特定的情境中。 Qualitative research uses the natural scene as the direct source of in

10、formation, in which the researchers play a key role. The researchers are concerned with the situations happened, so in the process of the study, they are usually deep into the specific situation.(2)定性研究是描述性的。定性研究收集的数据,通常采用文字或者图片的形式,而不是采用数据的形式。在对细节作出解释的时候,描述一种收集数据的方法是有效的。Qualitative research is descr

11、iptive. The collection of Qualitative research data usually used in the form of text or images, rather than using the data form. When explain the details, describe a kind of method of data collection is effective. (3)定性研究关心的是过程,而不是只关心结果。Qualitative research is concerned with the process, not only ca

12、re about the results (4)定性研究倾向于对资料进行归纳分析。只有把已经收集到的数据组合在一起,才能形成抽象概括。 Qualitative research tends to analyzed the data and material. Only to have assembled the collected data together, which can form the abstract generalization.(5)定性研究方法关心的最基本的着眼点是人们对事物的理解。Qualitative research methods concerns with the

13、 most basic starting point is peoples understanding of things 定性研究与定量研究的这些差异,使他们在研究中各有其所长,也各有其所短,而且一者所长正式另一者所短,反之亦然。如定量研究的长处是消除研究过程中的主观性和各种倾向、偏见,使研究者保持客观、精确,把教育实践工作者以为理所当然的东西(一些缄默的,没有科学依据的,但是行之有效的“信条”存在)加以检验。 定量研究隐含着不可克服的缺陷。一时教育现象具有模糊性。二是定量研究不仅受到物质条件的限制,而且还受到伦理上的限制和社会条件的限制。 二者并不相互排斥,而是互补的,定性研究为定量研究提

14、供框架,而定量研究又为进一步的定性研究提供条件。Qualitative research and quantitative research have these differences, so that they each have its advantages, also have its disadvantages, and the advantage is anothers disadvantage. Such as quantitative research advantage is the elimination of the research process and the te

15、ndency of subjectivity, prejudice, it also allow the researchers to remain objective, in a accurate research direction, to test the behoove things (some of the default, there is no scientific basis, but effective creed in), which make the people believe in. Quantitative research also implicits some

16、insurmountable defects. One is the research with some fuzzy phenomenon. Another one is the quantitative research is not only limited by the material conditions, but also limited by the ethical constraints and social conditions. But the two are not mutually exclusive, but complementary, qualitative r

17、esearch supply the framework to quantitative research , and qualitative research provide further conditions to the quantitative research.在实际研究中,定性研究与定量研究常配合使用。在进行定量研究之前,研究者须借助定性研究确定所要研究的现象的性质;在进行定量研究过程中,研究者又须借助定性研究确定现象发生质变的数量界限和引起质变的原因。定性研究与定量研究有下列一些不同点:In the actual research, qualitative research a

18、nd quantitative research are often used in conjunction .In quantitative research, researchers need to use qualitative study to determine the phenomena of nature; in the quantitative research process, researchers must be by means of qualitative research to determine the qualitative quantitative limit

19、s phenomenon and cause the qualitative change. Qualitative research and quantitative research have the following different points:着眼点不同。定性研究着重事物质的方面;定量研究着重事物量的方面。Starting point is different. Qualitative research is on the aspects of the nature of the things; quantitative study is on the volume of th

20、ings.在研究中所处的层次不同。定量研究是为了更准确地定性。In the different research levels. Quantitative research aims to be more accurately characterize.依据不同。定量研究依据的主要是调查得到的现实资料数据,定性研究的依据则是大量历史事实和生活经验材料。On the basis of different. Quantitative research is mainly based on the real data from the social activities, qualitative r

21、esearch is the basis for a large number of historical facts and life experience.手段不同。定量研究主要运用经验测量、统计分析和建立模型等方法;定性研究则主要运用逻辑推理、历史比较等方法。Different methods. Quantitative study mainly uses empirical measurement, statistical analysis and model building method; qualitative research is mainly used logic, his

22、torical comparative method.学科基础不同。定量研究是以概率论、社会统计学等为基础,而定性研究则以逻辑学、历史学为基础。Based on different subjects. Quantitative research is based on probability theory, social statistics for the foundation, and qualitative research is based on logic, historical foundation.结论表述形式不同。定量研究主要以数据、模式、图形等来表达;定性研究结论多以文字描述

23、为主。定性研究是定量研究的基础,是它的指南,但只有同时运用定量研究,才能在精确定量的根据下准确定性。这是二者的辩证关系。Conclusion expression of different forms. Quantitative study mainly use data, models, graphics etc. to express; qualitative research conclusion mainly use the text description. Qualitative research is the basis of quantitative study, it is

24、the guidelines, but only at the same time the use of quantitative research and qualitative research, can accurately quantitative according to the accurate characterization. This is the dialectical relationship between the two methods.比较定性分析o目的:对潜在的理由和动机求得一个定性的理解oThe purpose : to get a qualitative un

25、derstanding of potential reason and motivationo样本:由无代表性的个案组成的小样本oThe representative cases consisting of small sampleso数据收集:无结构的 Data collection: no structureo数据分析:非统计的方法 Data analysis: non-statistical approacho结果:获取一个初步的理解 Results: obtaining an initial understanding 定量分析o目的:将数据定量表示,并将结果从样本推广到所研究的总体

26、Objective: a quantitative representation of data, and push the results from the sample to the overall researcho样本:由有代表性的个案组成的大样本 Sample: a representative case consisting of large sampleo数据收集:有结构的 structureo数据分析:统计的方法 statistical methodso结果:建议最后的行动路线 Results: proposed the final course of action研究者与被研

27、究者关系不同在定量研究中,为了对教育现象进行客观公正的研究,强调研究者必须与研究完全分开,以避免偏见。而事实上,在教育研究者对教育现象进行定量研究之前,他所提出的研究问题、建立假设的理论基础及其对教育事实的抽取和分析,都隐含着他的价值倾向。所以,试图把研究者与研究分开是不可能的。研究者无法把教育现象与自然孤立起来,他是参与在教育情境之中的,无论是有意识的还是无意识的。In quantitative studies, in order to education phenomenon of objective justice studies, researchers must emphasize

28、and study completely separated, to avoid bias.In fact, in the educational research of educational phenomena were quantitatively studied before, he proposed research questions, develop a hypothesis theory and fact extraction and analysis of education, all imply his value orientation.Therefore, to the

29、 researchers and research is not possible to separate the.The researchers to put education phenomenon and nature alone, he is involved in the education situation, whether conscious or unconscious.定性研究注重从研究者本人内在的观点去了解他们所看到的世界。它强调在自然情境中作自然式探究,在自然的情境中收集现场发生的事件的资料,最主要的研究工具是研究者本人。他们在自然的情况下通过和参加者交谈,和被研究者作

30、长期的接触,观看他们的日常生活,自然地、直接地接触被研究对象的内心世界,以期获得被研究者在自然情境中的第一手研究资料。Qualitative research focuses on the researcher internal perspective to understand what they see in the world. It is stressed in the natural situation to do a naturalistic inquiry, in natural situations to collect the event information , the

31、main research tool is researchers themselves. In their natural condition via conversation with the participants, and contact with the researchers in a long-term time, observe their daily lives, naturally, directly contact the research objects inner world, in order to obtain the first hand data in th

32、e natural situation.研究方法不同定量研究主要用观察、实验、调查、统计等方法研究教育现象,对研究的严密性、客观性、价值中立都提出了严格的要求,以求得到客观事实。定量研究通常采用数据的形式,对教育现象进行说明,通过演绎的方法来预见理论,然后通过收集资料和证据来评估或验证在研究之前预想的模型、假设或理论。定量研究是基于一种称为“先在理论”的基础研究,这种理论以研究者的先验想法为开端,这是一个自上而下的过程。Quantitative study of main observation, experiment, investigation, statistics and other methods of the study of educational phenomenon, the research rigor, objectivity, neutrality of value put forward strict requirements, in order to get the objective facts.Quantitative study of commonly used data in the form of educat

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