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本文(创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 8 Unit 24 Society综合训练 北师大版.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 8 Unit 24 Society综合训练 北师大版.docx

1、创新设计届高考英语一轮复习 Module 8 Unit 24 Society综合训练 北师大版Module 8 Unit 24Society.品句填词 1Fish are _(大量的) in the lake.2The plan has the _(优点) of simplicity.3They asked him to be _(慈悲的) to the prisoners.4The market for their products is _(缩小)5People _(存储) their money in the bank.6He r_ as manager after eight year

2、s.7She bore the b_ of caring for her sick mother.8The company has announced that it will u_ a full investigation into the accident.9Ive made a few a_ to the design.10He was a talented artist,m_,a writer of some notes.答案:1.abundant2.virtue3.merciful4.shrinking5.deposit6.resigned7.burden8.undertake9.a

3、djustments10.moreover.短语识境come into being;wind.up;show off;knock into;lose faith in;break into;sentence. to death;on principle;be dying for;lay out1Many people are opposed to the sale of arms _.2When Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to cinema last night,someone _ their house and stole all their valuables.3He

4、 was _ before the performance because he was worried that the audience would not like him.4The boy rode his bike very fast and nearly _ an old man.5I dont know when this world _ .6The gardens were _ with lawns,flower beds,and fountains.7Ive _ in your promises.8I _ a cup of tea because Im thirsty now

5、.9He is the best student in our school,but he never _.10The murderers cruelty shocked everyone and in the end,the judge _ .答案:1.on principle2.broke into3.wound up4.knocked into5.came into being6.laid out7.lost faith dying for9.shows off10.sentenced him to death.完成句子1They are the people _ _ _.

6、他们是些来自不同文化背景的人。2The general _ _ _.将军辞去了他的军职。3Honesty is _ _.诚实是一种美德。4. Bad customs and laws ought to _ _.不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。5. I dont like skating;_,the ice is too _ .我不喜欢溜冰,而且冰太薄。答案:1.from diverse cultures2.resigned his commission3.a virtue abolished5.moreover;thin .单项填空1Would you like some more ap

7、ples?_. They are delicious,but I have had enough.AYes,please BCouldnt be betterCNo,thanks DThats all right解析:考查交际用语。由but I have had enough可知选择C(表示委婉地拒绝);Yes,please表示同意别人做某事;Couldnt be better不可能再好了,表示同意;Thats all right不用谢,不客气。答案:C2I have no idea of what is in fashion so my choice is quite _.Aappropri

8、ate Boptional Cadditional Darbitrary解析:考查形容词。句意:我不知道什么流行,所以我的选择是非常随意的。arbitrary随意的,任意的;appropriate合适的,恰当的;optional选修的;additional附加的,额外的。答案:D3I envy Alice. She has a very beautiful car.Oh,dear. But running a car is too much of a (an ) _for us at present,you know.Aallowance Bexpense Camusement Dcommer

9、cial解析:考查名词。句意:养车对我们来说是一笔太大的开支。expense“开支,费用”;allowance“津贴,补助”;amusement“娱乐”;commercial“商业广告”。答案:B4. I believe that your plan is practical so I will _ it.Astand up for Blook up to Ckeep up with Dgo in for解析:考查短语动词。stand up for“支持”;look up to“尊敬”;keep up with“跟上”;go in for“从事”。答案:A5. I got up early t

10、his morning,but I _ have done so because I had no work to do .Amustnt Bcant Cneednt Dmay not解析:考查情态动词。由had no work to do可知上文意思应是“本来没有必要早起的”;故选择neednt(neednt have done本不需要做某事而做了);cant have done不可能做了某事;may not have done可能没有做某事。mustnt表示禁止。答案:C6Have you met Mr. Charles?No. By the time I got there,he _ f

11、or New York.Ahas left Bwould have left Cleft Dhad left解析:考查动词时态。by时间状语要和完成时连用,如果是过去的时间,主句用过去完成时;如果是将来的时间,主句用将来完成时(will have done);因此选择D(got是过去的时间)。答案:D7_ up in the computer games,the boy didnt notice his father come in.AWrapping BHaving wrapped CTo wrap DWrapped解析:考查非谓语动词。动词wrap与逻辑主语the boy之间是被动关系,故

12、选择D(be wrapped up inwrap oneself up in全神贯注于);此题易选择A,如选择A,应是:Wrapping himself up in.。答案:D8. He firmly believed that it was that he lacked experience _ resulted in his failure.Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhich解析:考查强调句型。本句是强调主语从句:that he lacked experience。答案:C9.The driver was at _ loss when _ word came that he w

13、ould be arrested for speeding.Athe;a Ba ;the C/ ;/ Da ;/解析:考查冠词。at a loss是固定短语, 意思是“不知所措”;word表示“消息”时,是不可数名词,前面不加冠词。答案:D10Excuse me,may I sit here?Of course,the seat is _.Avacant Bvalid Cvertical Dvoluntary解析:考查形容词。句中of course表示同意“我”坐, 故选择vacant表示(房屋,座位等)空着的,未被占用的;valid“有效的,正当的”;vertical“垂直的”;volunt

14、ary“自愿的”。答案:A.阅读理解The advantage and disadvantage of a large population have long been a subject of discussion.It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited.To feed a large population,inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively.Thus each person produced less and

15、 this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a small population.Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports,roads and railways,which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand

16、to justify them.One of the difficulties on carrying out world birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country,depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials.In the developing countries w

17、here a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food,space and natural resources,it will be first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate whatever the consequences may be.In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex.A decreasing birthrate m

18、ay lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods.When the pressure of population on housing declines,prices also decline and the building industry is weakened.Faced with considerations such as these,the government of a developed country may well prefer to see s

19、lowly increasing population,rather than one which is stable or declines.1Small population may mean_.Ahigher productivity,but a lower average incomeBlower productivity,but a higher average incomeClower productivity and a lower average incomeDhigher productivity and a higher average income解析:从文章第一段To

20、feed.Other economists.说明人口多专业化设施发展范围大,即生产发展程度高。人口少则反之。答案:B2According to the passage,a large population will provide a chance for developing_.Aagriculture Btransport system Cindustry Dnational economy解析:文中第一段最后一句,说明人口多会促使港口、公路、铁路公共事业发展。答案:B3In a developed country,people will perhaps go out of work if

21、 the birthrate_.Agoes up Bgoes down Cremains stable Dis out of control解析:文中第二段第四句,说明出生率降低意味着工业产品市场需求衰减,从而导致失业。答案:B4It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because _.Athere are too many underdeveloped countries in the worldBunderdeveloped countries have a

22、low level of industrial development.Cdifferent governments have different views of the questionDeven developed countries have complex problems解析:第二段第一句说明不同国家对待人口增长的态度不同。答案:C 学习方法指导 (教师用书独具)每天最高效的学习时间你抓住了吗我们说利用时间,并非是学习的时间越长,学习到的东西就越多,学习的效果就越好。有人统计,连续36小时,只睡3小时,工作效率反而为原先的55%;连续工作44小时,只睡4小时,工作效率更是下降为充足





27、号,以防遗漏。7必须要用几个连词,或顺接,或转折,或让步,或比较。8写记叙文,注意六个要素:who,where,when,why,how and the result。9议论文,注意论点与论据一致。还要注意是让你写一方观点还是介绍对立的两种观点。10应用文主要是写信件或通知,告知活动安排。一般按时间顺序写比较稳妥。11出题人给出的参考词汇应尽量用上,不要自作主张忽略不用。12力争有闪光之处,因为你的作文全是简单句得不了高分。用恰当的连词把全文串起 来,用新颖的词汇传达最通俗的信息。13采用多变的句式,如被动句式,定语从句,with加复合宾语以及倒装句等。14有时候阅读题中的句型可以稍加改造,抄

28、来用在自己的作文中。15字数一般应稍多于试题的最低要求,但不宜过长,因为言多有失。16写完后要检查复核,重点看动词的使用。最好是写完作文后先检查别的题型,因为自己刚写完的东西马上检查常常看不出问题。三、提高写作能力的九个办法1多多背词。背诵量与写作水平成正比。建议最好背几篇近几年的高考试题范文,如写人背06年北京题王珊个人简历,写事背08年天津题地铁上的一件事,写议论背05年全国试题北京动物园是否应迁出市中心,写地方背06年全国试题介绍学校的图书馆。2首先练好五个基本句型。这五个基本句型是:A主语谓语The story happened yesterday.B主语谓语宾语They study

29、English.C主语系动词表语They are from London.D主语谓语宾语宾语补足语She made Tom stand there.E主语谓语双宾语I gave Tom a book.3开始练写作应从记叙文练起,如写人写事。写人写事的常用句型要记熟,如:写人:(1)他被认为是最好的学生之一。He is regarded as one of the best students.(2)他闲暇时经常听音乐。He usually listens to music in his spare time.(3)他的爱好是篮球。Basketball is his hobby.(4)他毕业于第八

30、中学。He graduated from No. 8 Middle School.(5)他曾获英语竞赛第一名。He once got the first place in the English competition.(6)他友善并且随和。He is kind and easygoing.写事:(1)故事发生在伦敦。The story happened in London.(2)起初,他没看见那个人。At first,he didnt see the man.(3)然后,他走到汽车那儿。Then he went over to the bus.(4)过了一会儿,他上了小汽车。After a little while,he got into the car.(5)后来,他掏出了枪。Later on,he took out his gun.(6)最后

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