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学年高一英语北师大版必修二教学案Unit 5 Section 2 Word版含答案.docx

1、学年高一英语北师大版必修二教学案Unit 5 Section 2 Word版含答案.词义匹配1instrument aaccumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.2female ba covering to disguise or conceal the face3carriage cto take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to4beauty da woman who is beautiful5treasure ea device that requires skill

2、for proper use6mask fan officer of the highest rank7represent ga vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses8general hbelonging to the sex that can have babies or produce eggs答案:15ehgda68bcf.根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1key a part of a musical instrument or a machine like a computer2quitto give up or retire f

3、rom a position3combineto put or add together4talenta natural ability to do sth.well5shaveto remove body hair with a razor6rootthe part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground7identitythe fact of being who or what a person or thing is8rediscoverto discover (something forgotten or ignored) agai

4、n9appearancethe way that someone or something looks10transformchange the form of sth.补全短语1pay attention to注意2note down记下3play a role in . 在中起作用4such as例如5in other words 换句话说6hand in上交7shave off剃掉,刮掉8give up放弃;认输9prefer to_do宁可做;更喜欢做10combine .with . 把与联合11play .on the piano 在钢琴上演奏12at times 有时,不时13a

5、t the age of . 在岁时14in some ways 在某些方面1The first time you listen, try to get the general idea and take notes.你第一次听的时候,尽力去了解大意并记笔记。句式分析the first time“第一次”,在句中起连词的作用,引导时间状语从句。佳句赏析第一次来北京我迷了路。The first time I came to Beijing I lost my way.2His mother couldnt buy him a piano until he was seven.直到他7岁时,母亲才

6、给他买了一架钢琴。句式分析not .until“直到才”,引导时间状语从句。佳句赏析直到上个月他才从国外回来。He didnt come back from abroad until last month.3Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.不管孔祥东是在改变他的形象还是在对音乐进行改革,他都是当今音乐界的先锋。句式分析whether .or .“不管是还是”,引导让步状语从句。佳句赏析不论天下不下雨,我们都得按时出发。Whether

7、 it rains or not, well start in time.4The concert last week was such a success that Kongs DreamTourConcert is expected to run for the next two years in Beijing, Shanghai, and other main cities before going to Paris and New York.上周的音乐会非常成功,以至于他的“梦幻之旅音乐会”还要在北京、上海和其他大城市进行为期两年的巡演,然后去巴黎和纽约。句式分析such . tha

8、t .引导结果状语从句,意为“如此,以至于”。佳句赏析你取得这么大的进步以至我们都很羡慕你。Youve made such great progress that we all admire you.ADo you know any famous musicians and the kind of music they play? 答案:Kong_Xiangdong_is_a_worldfamous_pianist._He_plays_not_only_classical_music,_but_folk_as_well.BLearn about Kong Xiangdong: He was b

9、orn in 1968 in Shanghai, the youngest winner of the 1986 Moscow International Piano Competition, one of the most successful young pianists in the world. .FastreadingDo the true or false questions according to the text.1As a famous pianist, Kong Xiangdong surprised his fans by giving a concert of Chi

10、nese folk music last week.(F)2After playing pop music for years, Kong felt the needs to be different from other musicians.(F)3When he was 18, he became the youngest prize winner in Moscows Tchaikovsky International Competition.(T)4Kong decided to rediscover the beauty in Chinese folk music.(T)5Kong

11、wants to play Chinese folk music so as to be popular among Chinese.(F)6Kongs mother was a great music lover.(T).CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with the information in the text.Title:Kong goes for folk!Kongs experiment musicKong Xiangdong,the famous classical 1pianis

12、t,gave a concert combining classical music with 2.Chinese_folk_music.Kongs growth in musicHe lived with music from 3.birth as his mother was a great music lover.Being short of money,his mother couldnt buy him a piano and she had to draw 4.piano_keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play

13、.He had a piano when he was seven. He was made to practise the piano so much that sometimes he thought about giving up.However, he didnt 5.quit.At the age of 18, he became the 6.youngest prize winner in Moscows Tchaikovsky International Competition.Kongs growth in musicHe continued winning awards in

14、 competitions across the world.Kongs returning to Chinese folk musicReason: Kong felt that in some ways he had lost his 7.identity.Practice:He began experimenting with different 8.styles,playing the DreamTourConcert;he even changed his 9.appearance.The comment on KongHe is a in music toda

15、y.考点1combine vt.(使)结合;(使)联合教材原句The first step in making a cake is to combine the milk and butter.制作蛋糕的第一步是掺和牛奶和黄油。(1)combine .with/and .把和联合/结合起来be combined with 与相结合(2)combination n. 结合(体),联合(体)in combination with 与结合/联合We should pay attention to combining listening with/and speaking in learning sp

16、oken English.在学习英语口语的时候,我们应该注意把听、说结合起来。If he can combine his ability with/and hard work, he should be very successful.如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来,必定会很有成就。Our company has been combined with yours.我们公司已经与你们公司联合。辨析比较combine“结合,联合”,指为了一个目的而把两个以上的事物联合在一起connect指事物(东西)不紧密地连接,也可用于抽象的联系(如姻亲关系),后接with/to,常用被动语态join指直接

17、连接两物或两地,强调结合在一起后仍可分开;也可指加入某组织或参加某一活动。后接to,不接withunite“联合”指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的同一性1选词填空: combine, connect, join, uniteThe island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.Will you connect this wire with the television?The doctor combined Chinese traditional medicine with Western medicine and save

18、d many lives.The broken bones of a child unite easily.2完成句子It is an essential principle that we should combine_theory_with_practice (把理论和实践相结合)He carried on the business in_combination_with (与联合) his friends.考点2represent vt.代表;表示;象征;描绘;声称;阐述,说明,传达教材原句 Many body movements can represent actions such a

19、s opening a door, climbing a hill .许多体态动作可代表某些行动,如开门,爬山represent .as .把描绘成represent oneself as/to be 自称是/声称是represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事Her greatest ambition is to represent her country at the 2020 Olympics.她最大的愿望是2020年代表自己的国家参加奥运会。She represented her little brother as a fool.她把她的小弟弟描绘成一个傻瓜

20、。He represented himself as a philosopher.他声称自己是哲学家。You should represent your complaints to the management.你们应向管理阶层说明你们的不满。I was sent to Europe as the representative of our company.我作为我们公司的代表被派往欧洲。写出下列句子中represent的汉语意思You can select five things that represent Chinese culture.代表In this map, a small ci

21、rcle represents a town.表示Let me represent my idea in another way.阐述,说明This painting represents the scene of the First World War.描绘The Rose represents England.象征考点3quit vt. & vi.停止(工作等),放弃;离职,辞职教材原句However, he didnt quit, and he became a great pianist.然而,他没有放弃,并成了一名伟大的钢琴家。quit doing sth.停止做某事quit one

22、s job 辞去工作quit school/office 退学/离职The doctor told him that he had to quit smoking due to his bad health condition.由于他身体状况不佳,医生告诉他不得不戒烟。He is going to quit his job next month because he thinks his salary is too low.因为他认为薪金太低拟于下月辞职。To my surprise, he told me he would quit school.他告诉我他要退学,使我很吃惊。Quarrel

23、ling with the headmaster, the teacher quit office angrily.与校长吵架之后,这位老师愤然离职。名师指津quit的现在分词形式为quitting;过去式和过去分词为quit, quit或quitted, quitted; quit作及物动词用时, 后接名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语,其后不接不定式。1单句语法填空The girl had to quit learning (learn) painting because her parents couldnt pay the fee for her.She quit/quitted (qu

24、it) her job and went travelling in South America.2句型转换He dropped out of school for some reason at 15.He quitschool for some reason at 15.If I dont get a higher pay rise, Ill give up my job.If I dont get a higher pay rise, Ill quitmyjob.考点4 talent n天才,才干教材原句Because of Kongs talent and hard work, he b

25、ecame famous worldwide.由于他的天赋和努力,孔祥东名扬天下。Alice is a painter of great talent.艾莉斯是一位天才画家。She has great musical talent.她有音乐天赋。(1)have a talent for有天赋talented adj. 有才气的,才气十足的(2)gift n. 天赋,才能have a gift for 对有天赋gifted adj. 有天资的,有天赋的He has a talent for drawing.他有绘画才能。He has a gift for music.他有音乐天赋。Zhang G

26、uoli is a very talented actor and he has starred in many famous films.张国立是一个才华横溢的演员,他曾经主演过多部著名电影。Sun Yang and Ye Shiwen are gifted athletes.孙杨和叶诗文都是有天赋的运动员。名师指津talent与gift都可以表示“有天赋,才能”,一般可以通用。前者常指先天所具有的某种特殊才能,尤指艺术方面的天分,一般不用复数;后者多指不需努力与生俱来的优秀能力,可以用复数。1单句语法填空The boy has a gift for painting.Mother has

27、a talent for making people feel at home.Beethoven is a talented (talent) musician.2翻译句子Zhang Junhao (张俊豪) has showed a talent for dancing and acting at such an early age.张俊豪在这么小的年纪就显示出了舞蹈和表演天赋。她在语言方面有天赋,应该学习外语。She_has_such_a_talent/gift_for_language_that_she_should_learn_foreign_languages.考点5appeara

28、nce n外貌,外观;出现,显露,露面 教材原句Kongs new experiment in Chinese folk music is so important to him that he even changed his appearance.尝试中国民族音乐对孔祥东来说非常重要, 为此他甚至改变了自己的形象。写出下列句子中黑体词的汉语意思The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away.出现She is a young woman of good appearance.外貌She just had to

29、 make an appearance at the other party.她只是得去另外一个派对。Some plant and animal species are disappearing every day.一些动植物物种每天都在消失。Susan was expecting her favourite singers, but to her disappointment, none appeared.苏珊期待着她最喜欢的歌手,但令她失望的是,一个也没有来。1语境填词The little match girl fell asleep.She dreamed that her grandm

30、other appeared,_looking so kind, but soon she disappeared.She dreamed again that a group of young fairygirls with good appearance were coming towards her, but they disappeared soon again.Their appearance made her happy, but their disappearance,_upset.(appear)2完成句子在昨天的采访中,他根本就没露面,他怎么了?On yesterdays interview, he didnt make_an_appearance at all; whats the matter with him?考点6transform vt.转换,转化 vi. 改变,变形;转化;转变教材原句Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transfor

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