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1、应用写作期末试题第一套大学英语应用写作期末试题第一套Part I Writing Basics (30%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the statement. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line t

2、hrough the centre. (1x 30=30) 1.2.An introduction paragraph should arouse the the main idea of the essay.a. introduce b.c. develop d.Body paragraph should serve the thesis statement of an essay by a. b.readers interest andignore emphasizestart every body paragraph with the thesis statementdeveloping

3、 every body paragraph around the thesis statement but in a more narrowed-down wayrestating the thesis statement adding new viewpoints to the thesis statement3.4.c.d.A concluding paragraph should not do anything but .a. introduce new points b. restate your thesis statement c. summarize previous persp

4、ective d. add the authors final thoughts is not one of the basic writing skills of exposition.IllustrationClassification5.a. Definitionc. Deduction A thesis shoulda.c.announce the topic tell some details6.7.b.d.b.d.conclude the paragraph express an attitudeTo add another idea, one can use the follow

5、ing transition words excepta. furthermore b. likewisec. besides d. moreover does not support topic sentence: I would sooner be in the Air Force than any other service branch.a. b.c. d.Im more interested in flying than in any other military occupation. There are greater opportunities for advancement

6、in the Air Force. Service in the Air Force is far more exciting than that in the Navy.My cousin went to college after his graduation from high school. is not a supporting sentence of topic sentence: We owe some of ournotions of radar to scientific observation of bats.a.b.c.d.Scientists noticed that

7、bats rarely collided with anything in their erratic flight. It was found that bats keep sending out noises inaudible to people. Bats really look more like mice with wings than anything else.Keen eyesight could not be the reason for their flying the way they do, since9. are b

8、lind.Recently a student union has made a survey about studentsattitude the lecturing method.a. in b. towardsc. on d. intoWhich of the following sentences has a dangling modifier? a. b. c. d.Who is the woman in blue shirt who lent you an umbrella? Upon returning from vacation, our house was found bro

9、ken in.The tourists were delighted to see the monkeys swinging through the trees. To maintain good health, you need to get rid of smoking and drinking._ eggs almost everyday.b. laysd. keeps study, she succeeded in passing the P.H.D. tests.b. industriald. industrialistthat she would have enough money

10、 to remodel her house.b.d.The hen a. puts c. lies As a result of her a. industry c. industrious Tina a. insured c. insurantinsurance ensuredThe jasmine gave off a sweet .a. cent b.c. scent d.He has a good credit and everybody knows that he is a _ a. incredible b. credulousc. credible d. credibility

11、I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cant betaste sent.person.solved.a. While b. Whenc. Furthermore d. LikewiseMany people know who wrote the song, but none has any idea of who the music.a. madec. compositionAlex is so hungry a. inc. for19. Professor Adams devotion17.18.b. compose

12、dd. search for success that hell spare no efforts to achiece it.b. atd. with teaching has made a deep impression onall the students in his department.a. to b. forc. in d. onto20. It is important to encoourage children to read for their growth.a. personnelc. personifydiscovery andb. persond. personal

13、21.22.Thirty miles away from the town, disappeared into the woods. a. approached c. killed On my way home, I saw people products.the robbersthe car andb.d.abandoned removed _ advertisements and samplea.distributing b. creatingc. conveying d. discarding23.The Spring Festival, like Christmas in wester

14、n countries, is a hioliday for familya.b.c.d.a. undertakeb.revealc. encounterd.identifyThe shirt is in all sizes.a. availableb.originalc. delicated.visibleWhich of the following is a thesis statement?29.30.The consequence of drug abuseLast Sunday, I went to the Disnyland in our city. Basic writing s

15、tylesAttempts to regulate firearms have failed to achieve their goals.Directions:Read the following passages and choose an appropriate transition word or phrase in the numbered blanks. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a sin gle line through the cen tre. (1 x 10=10) P assage one:

16、Both the arts and p rotecti ng the en vir onment are imp orta nt causes, and both are ofte n underfun ded. They depend on gover nment grants and p rivate don atio ns in order to continue. If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes,it would be difficult to choose between them. 31

17、 , I believe that the companyshould put the money toward p rotecti ng the en vir onment for the followi ng reas ons.32 , the state of the en vir onment affects every one, and it affects people in avery important way. If mankind destroys the environment, we will not be able to survive. The arts are i

18、mp orta nt to our quality of life, but the en vir onment is imp orta nt both to the quality of life and to life itself. 33 , because in dustry causes much of the damage to the en vir onmen t, I believe that companies have some res pon sibility to support con servati on and clea nup efforts. Fin ally

19、, p rotect ing the en vir onment is a bigger p roblem, and so requires a higher level of funding tha n the arts. A company donation to the arts may be more visible, 34 one to the protection of the en vir onment would be more meanin gful.35 , while both the arts and environmental protection are worth

20、y causes,I believe the company should make its donation to an environmental cause. The en vir onment affects every one in imp orta nt ways and p rotect ing it is a big job. Hop efully, p rivate don atio ns will help to improve both our en vir onment and our lives.31.a.Howeverb.Thereforec.Hen ce32.a.

21、Firstb.In additi onc.Furthermore33.a.Otherwiseb.Likewisec.Second34.a.the nb.soc.but35.a.Howeverb.In con clusi onc.At the same timeP assage two:American has often been regarded as the land of equal opportunity. 36 , a close look at the history of the U.S. and the state of min orities reveals quite a

22、differe nt picture. Opportunities are still not equally available to all members of American society. 37 , wome n are largely un derre prese nted in top p ositi ons in many fieldstoday. 38 , Blacks and Hispanics are also underrepresented. 39 , they makeup a large percentage of those living in povert

23、y. 40 , America is a land of unequalopportun ities.36.a.Howeverb.Accordi nglyc.However37.a.Additio nallyb.For exa mplec.On the con trary38.a.Similarlyb.Howeverc.Nevertheless39.a.At the same timeb.Furthermorec.Therefore40.a.Moreoverb.Howeverc.In realityPart III Reading for Better Writing (20%)Passage

24、 one: (2 x 5 = 10)Directions: The following sentencesare numbered from A to K in a random order.Using what you have learned about the organization of body paragraphs, choose the best answer of each of the questions followed, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line t

25、hrough the centre.she eats a lot and never seems to get any fatter.After school she does her homework in five minutes while watching TV at the same time.Early the next morning, however, an unexpected snowstorm forced the school to cancel class that day, and of course the exam was cancelled along wit

26、h classes. Once she went to a party until very late, completely forgetting about an important exam the next day.For the first time she became quite worried.When she does something bad, she smiles her smile and everybody is no longer angry.She has a beautiful smile which makes her popular among relat

27、ives and friends. Some people are born lucky, and I believe my sister Jane is such a peoson. Her favorite food is hamburger, French fries and ice cream.She doesnt not study hard but always gets good grades.Jane is just that sort of Lucky person.A.B.C.D.E.F.G. H. I.J. K.Which is the topic sentence?a.

28、 J b. H42. What are the supporting sentences?a. G,A,J b. B,D,K43. What are the detailed sentences?a. E,A,G,H,C,K b. K,F,A,J,C44. Which is the concluding sentence? a. I b. K41.c.c.c.B,G,Kd. Bd. E,A,GB,G,K,F,H d. F,I,B,D,E,Cc.45. Based on the above questions, arrange sentences A to K into a coherent p

29、aragraph. Which is the best logic order?a. J K A C E B F I H D Gc. H G F A I J B D E C Kd. Cb. A C B J F E I D H G K d. B E I J A D F G H K CPassage two:Directions: You are going to read a passageabout the tips on dssertation writing, followed by a list of 4 examples numbered A to D in the box. Choo

30、se the best example from the box for each subheading 46 to 49 and complete 50. Mark your answers on the answer sheet. (2 x 5 = 10)What is Dissertation? Dissertation, in the literal sense of the term, is to do research works on a relevant project, and to represent it into printed form. The school lev

31、el dissertations, though not very complex, require a systematic approach to follow. However, the dissertation one needs to do in the Phd level is undoubtedly a huge task. In every domain writing dissertation topics is a challenging job for students. The basic steps one should follow while writing dissertation are as below:46. Selection of Topic:You n eed to select

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