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1、人教版英语选修七第一单元知识点总结与训练 Unit1 living wellWarming up单词练习disability n. hearing n. eyesight n. lap n. ambition n. ambitious adj. dictation n. noisy adj. suitable adj. disabled adj. 单词突破1.disability:n.伤残;无力;无能 Do you know anyone with a mentaal or physical disability?adj.disabled 伤残的 the disabled 残疾人v.disab

2、le 使失去能力;使残废;使无资格 disable sb. from doing 使某人不能做某事2.ambition: n.雄心;野心 Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games.adj.ambitious 有雄心的,有野心的 be ambitious for/of 渴望;对-有野心3.suitable: adj.适合的;适宜的Although some may think the cinema is noisy,it is suitable for Sallys cond

3、itions. be suitable for 适合-v.suit:适合;适宜词义辨析:fit:衣服大小,尺寸合适 suit:约会地点,衣服颜色,款式合适 match:两物相匹配重点例句Last year he played a major part in the school play. play a major part in - 主演-联想:play a part/role in 在-中扮演角色 play the role of sb. in 扮演某人的角色Look at the pictures and read what these people have achieved even

4、 though they each have a disability. 主谓一致原则:each n. v. (单数) n. each v.(由名词决定) each of n. V.(单数)习题突破一单词拼写1.Ashehasnoopportunitytoachievehisa_,heintends_(resign)fromthecompany.w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m5.Finlandgained_(independent)fromRussiaduringtheFirstWorldWar.6.Themanagerc_hisbusinesscarefully.7.Imintere


6、gratulations11.dignity12.encouragementPre-reading&Reading(part 1)单词练习entry n. beneficial adj. in other words clumsy adj. outgoing adj. 单词突破1.beneficial: adj.有益的;受益的-and why disabled people find the website beneficial. be beneficial to 对-有益n./v. benefit:有益;受益 for the benefit of 为了-的利益 get benefit fro

7、m 从-获益 other words:换句话说In other words,there are not many people like me. word phrases:in a word 总之 in word口头上 keep/break ones word遵守/违背-的承诺 have a word with 与-聊天 have words with 与-争吵3.adapt: vt.使适应;改编 -,but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. adapt to适合 adapt-for 为-改编而

8、成 adapt oneself to 使-自己适应4.cut out:切去;剪掉;省略;停止(做某事)-including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. cut phrases:cut down 看到;削减 cut up 切碎 cut in 插话;插嘴;插队;超车 cut off 切断;断绝5.out of breath 上气不接下气-when I got out of breath after running a short way or

9、 had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. 联想:take a breath 深呼吸 under ones breath 低声地 catch ones breath 恢复呼吸, 歇一口气 get ones breath恢复正常(呼吸) 习题突破一单词拼写2.Whensomethingcanhelppeopleorimprovetheirlives,wesayitis_(有益的)topeople.3.Imafraiditllbeveryhardforyou_(adapt)thisstoryforchildren.Reading (part 2) 1.

10、annoy:vt.使-不悦;惹恼The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed.adj. annoyed颇为生气的 annoying令人生气的 be annoyed at sth.对某事生气 be annoyed at sb.对某人生气 n.annoyance烦恼2.all in all:总而言之All in all I have a good life.相关短语:in all 总共;总计 at all 究竟;到底 after all 毕竟;终究 above all 最重要的是 first

11、 of all 首先 all at once 突然3.resign:v.辞职;辞去(工作,职位等)相当于quitWilberforce then resigned from government in 1825 and died in 1833,- resign oneself to听从;顺从 4.congratulate:vt.祝贺;庆贺Listen to the latter part of Barrys story where John congratulations Barry and wishes him future success,then compete the sentenc

12、es. congratulate on sb.祝贺某人相近词celebrate庆祝 后常加节日5.access:n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性Adequate access for wheelchairs. have access to 有机会接近;有权利进入adj.accessible可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 be accessible to (对-来说)可使用的;可接近的习题突破一单词拼写4.Youdbetternotget_(annoy)athisignorance.单元综合测评单项选择1.ThefirstthingIwanttodois_.A.visittohimB.tovis




16、sugar,and175gflour.11.A.Havingmade,B,MakeC.TomakeD.Making 语法填空 Iwas10yearsoldIwasthesameaseveryoneelse.Iusedtoclimbtrees,swimandplayfootball.Infact,Iusedtodreamaboutplayingprofessionalfootballandpossibly1_(represent)mycountryintheWorldCup.ThenIstartedtogetweakerandweaker,2_Icouldonlyenjoyfootballfro


18、lookanydifferentfromotherpeople.Sosometimessomechildreninmyprimaryschoolwouldlaugh,whenIgotoutofbreathafter7_(run)ashortwayorhadtostopand8_(rest)halfwayupthestairs.Sometimes,too,Iwastooweaktogotoschoolsomyeducationsuffered.EverytimeIreturnedafteran9_(absent),IfeltstupidbecauseIwasbehind10_others. 完形




22、racticalD.unusual2.A.nationalB.embarrassingC.culturalD.amazing3.A.exitsB.entrancesC.signsD.doors4.A.enterB.leaveC.openD.close5.A.mainB.sameC.frontD.back6.A.annoyingB.hardC.satisfyingD.strange7.A.parentsB.studentsC.teachersD.drivers8.A.soonerB.laterC.fasterD.earlier9.A.politelyB.patientlyC.unconsciouslyD.slowly10.A.embarrassedB.annoyedC.unsatisfiedD.excited 答案:单项填空1-5BABAC6-10DDACC语法填空1,representing2,until3,which4,under5,Even6,what7,running8,rest9,absence10,the完形填空1-5CCCAB6-10DBBCA

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