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1、高考专题复习非谓语动词之动名词贝贝笑贝贝笑教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 11suz4yy000268 学员编号:suz13 年 级:高 三 课时数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英 语 学科教师:贝贝笑课 题 高考专题复习非谓语动词之动名词授课日期及时段:2012年2月2日 10:10 12:10教学目标1、理解非谓语动词的概念、分类及其功能2、掌握动名词的用法教学内容Step 1 非谓语动词概述1 非谓语动词概念 非谓语动词是指由动词变化而成,仍具有动词的性质与意义,但不作谓语动词使用,而具有除谓语外其它语法功能。非谓语动词有动词不定式(the Infinitive);动名词(the Gerund

2、);现在分词(the Present Participle);过去分词(the Past Participle)。2 非谓语动词的分类、意义及构成:非谓语形式构成特征和作用时态和语态否定式复合结构不定式to doto be doing to have doneto be doneto have been done在非谓语前加notfor sb. to do sth.具有名词,副词和形容词的作用在句中做主、宾、定、表和状语分词现在分词doinghaving donebeing donehaving been done具有副词和形容词的作用在句中做定、表、宾补和状语过去分词done动名词doing

3、having donebeing donehaving been donesbs doing具有名词的作用在句中做主、宾、定和表语 3 非谓语动词的句法功能 句子成分非谓语 主语表语宾语补语定语状语同位语不定式动名词(极少)现在分词过去分词4.非谓语动词的结构形式主动形式被动形式动词不定式to doto be done现在分词一般式doingbeing done现在分词完成式having donehaving been done过去分词doneStep 2 动名词的用法动名词是由动词转化而来,在句中起名词的作用,但有保持动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成动名词短语;也可以有其逻辑主语,从

4、而构成动名词的复合结构。动名词所带的逻辑主语通常是形容词性物主代词、宾格代词、名词所有格或普通格。1.动名词复合结构的形式其形式有如下两种:a)名词所有格/物主代词+动名词,如: I insist on Marys going there. 我坚持要玛丽到那儿去。 I have not heard of your being ill. 我没听说你病了。b)名词通格/人称代词宾格+动名词,如:1. Usually at the beginning of school, the noise of desks being opened and closed, and lessons repeated

5、 at the top of the childrens voices could be heard out in the street.2. In fact, I think its very much nicer without him, if you dont mind me saying so. 注意:在上述例句中,动名词前的逻辑主语与句子主语不同。 如果主语相同,则不用逻辑主语,只用动名词。试比较: I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time. 在确定逻辑主语的格的形式时须注意以下几点:1)动名词复合结构作主语和表语

6、时一般用名词所有格或物主代词;该主语被看做是单数,其谓语用单数。例如:Nixons visiting China marked a new era between U.S. and China diplomatic relations.尼克松访问中国标志着中美外交关系进入一个新的时代。The main trouble is their not having enough money. 主要问题是他们没有足够的钱。2) 在口语和非正式语体中,只要不是作主语,动名词复合结构中的逻辑主语常采用名词通格或人称代词宾格。例如: The doctor does not mind me /my eating

7、 a little meat occasionally.大夫并不反对我偶尔吃一点肉。3)如果逻辑主语是一个短语或有修饰语, 一般用名词通格或人称代词的宾格的形式。例如: The teacher insisted on the boy who threw the eraser apologizing. 老师支持要那个扔掉刷子的男孩道歉。 I insist on both of them coming in time. 我坚持要他们两人准时来。 Do you remember Mary and her mother coming to see us last year?4) 动名词的复合结构做主语

8、和表语,无生命的事物名词作逻辑主语时一般采用通格形式。例如:The suggestion of the meeting being put off was not adopted by the chairman.延期召开会议的建议没有被主席采纳。2. 动名词复合结构的功能 1)作主语 His coming home late worries his mother. Johns coming here will get us out of trouble.约翰的到来将会使我们脱离困境。 2)作动词或短语动词的宾语 I dont remember him/his giving me that bo

9、ok. 我记得他给过我那本书。 Do you mind my /me smoking?我抽烟你介意吗? Her parents insisted on her studying medicine. 她父母坚持要她学医。 Have you heard of my sisters winning the contest? 我妹妹在竞赛中获胜的事你听说了吗?3)作介词宾语 I dont like the idea of our living here. 我不愿意我们住在这里。 I knew nothing about the window being open.我一点也不知道窗户敞开着。 He le

10、ft the city without our knowing it 他离开城市我们大家都不知道。.4)作表语 What is most important is Toms going there at once. The main trouble is their not having enough money.3. 判断动名词复合结构的方式 主语位置上,或动词、介词后的名词代词 + 非谓语动词,如果表示的是一个事件则是动名词复合结构,而不是名词 + 定语。请看以下各例: He insisted on the windows _ open while he was sleeping. A.

11、left B. being left C. leaving D. be left insist on后不接从句,D可以排除。这里表达的是坚持要求开着窗子睡觉,所以应该是动名词复合结构,答案为B。 The road _ caused us to be for our work for half an hour. A. blocked B. was blocked C. blocking D. being blocked 做主语的表示上班迟到的原因,自然应该是交通堵塞,而不是被堵的道路,所以还是动名词复合结构,答案为D。 The concerned mother thrilled at the n

12、ews of his son _ to college. A. had been admitted B. admitted C. having been admitted D. having admitted 消息表达的应该是个事件,说明不是被录取的孩子,介词of后不可能接从句,说明of后为动名词的复合结构,答案是C。 A类:1. While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying something they dont really need. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuad

13、ed D. be persuaded 2. He knows nothing about it, so he cant help _ any of your work. A. doing B. to do C. being doing D. to be done【陷阱】容易误选A,根据 cant help doing sth 这一结构推出。【分析】其实答案应选B。比较以下结构: cant help to do sth = 不能帮助做某事 cant help doing sth = 禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事3. How about the two of us _ a walk down t

14、he garden? A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking 答案:C4. Sara never dreamed of _ a chance for her to be admitted to Harvard University without taking any exam.A. there being B. being C. there would be D. there to be答案:A5. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there bein

15、g a chance B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance 答案:A。介词后用动名词,表示存在时必须用there be句型,所以答案为A,这也是动名词复合结构,there为动名词的逻辑主语。6. I live in the house with its door_to the south.(这里with结构作定语)A. facing B. faces C. faced D. being faced答案:A7. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-ele

16、cted president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 答案为C【解析】with+ 动名词组成的复合结构。动词不定式to settle作为difficult problems的定语表示现在或将来要解决的难题;过去分词settle作定语表示已经解决的难题,现在分词的被动式being settled作定语表示正在解决的难题。8. The furniture _on October 15 was seriously damaged because of a road acci

17、dent . A. being delivered B. having delivered C. having been delivered D. delivered答案:D9 Have you considered _a course in business for artist?A. your taking B. taking C you taking D being taken答案B 10. Her mother has no objection to _TV once Mary has finished her homework.A .her watching B. watchingC

18、. she watching D. she watches答案:AB 类1. _ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The presidents attending 答案:D2. I would appreciate back this afternoon. (MET92) to call call C.your c

19、alling D.youre calling答案:C3. Simon was not asked to join the club, _ insufficiently popular with all the members. A. considering B. being considered C having considered D to be considered 答案:B4. Both of my parents insisted _ a computer for me, but I dont think it is necessary. A. to buy B. buying C.

20、 on buying D. in buying【陷阱】容易误选B,误认为insist后不能接不定式,但可以接动名词。【分析】答案应选C。其实,动词 insist 后既不能接不定式也不能接动名词,因为insist 通常用作不及物动词;若语义上需接宾语,要借助介词 on或upon,即用于 insist on upon (doing) sth;但它有时的确也可用作及物动词,不过其宾语通常只能是 that 从句,而不能是普通的名词、代词或动名词。如:He insisted on seeing her home. 他坚持送她回家。I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持

21、要他留下。5. I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late. A. you to delay making B. your delaying making C. you delaying to make D. you delay to make答案:B。 Mind要求接动名词,动名词的逻辑主语用形容词性物主代词,答案自然是B。 6. I would appreciate _ it a secret. A. your keeping B. you to keep C. that you keep D. that you wil

22、l keep 答案: A。C 类1. What worried the child most was _ to visit his mother in the hospital. A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed 答案:B2. _ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl was educated B. The girl

23、educated C. The girls being educated D. The girl to be educated答案:C。本题涉及题眼比较多,A,为从句做主语,但缺少that,D为不定式做主语,但缺少for(for the girl to be educated),B结构不能做主语,答案是C,为动名词的复合结构。3. _ for school once in a while often makes Mr. Smith angry. A. Tom being late B. Tom to be late C. For Tom being late D. Toms being lat

24、e 答案:D4. Anyone _ trying to take knives on heard flights would be caught by the police. A. finds B. found C. being found D. will find答案:B, 其中的过去分词表示被动和完成。5. The discovery of new evidence led to _. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught答案为C。【

25、解析】 lead to这个词组中to是介词,后面跟名词,于是B被排除,the thief是动名词逻辑上的主语,构成动名词的复合结构,与catch之间应是被动关系,故排除A。常见的带介词to的短语有:(get) be used to, look forward to,look up to, stick to, object to, be devoted to, pay attention to等。4.动名词的否定式:not + 动名词 动名词否定式直接在动名词前加not。动名词一般式的否定式: not doing动名词完成式的否定式: not + having done; having neve

26、r done 否定式是将否定词not置于动名词之前。若动名词为完成式或被动式,否定词not应置于整个结构之前。如:Dont be angry with me for not having write to you. (我没给你写信请别生我的气。)He felt bad for not being able to lend a hand. (他因不能帮忙感到遗憾。)I am sure you will excuse me for not speaking to you first. (我肯定你会原谅我事先没跟你说。)He said he so much regretted not being a

27、ble to swim. (他说他对不会游泳感到非常遗憾。)She was angry about not having been invited. (她没被邀请很生气。)I must offer my apology for not coming to your party. (我没来参加你的晚会,必须向你道歉。)【注】若动名词带有逻辑主语,则否定词应置于逻辑主语之后。 如: Im surprised at your not having noticed. (你竟未注意到我感到吃惊。) Jennys not having been trained as a dancer is her one

28、 regret. (杰妮没受过舞蹈的专业训练是她感到遗憾的事。)例题:1. Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan. 【2004上海春】 A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able解析:apologize for sth./doing sth. 为某事或作某事而道歉2. What worried the child most was to visit his mother in th

29、e hospital. 【1998上海】A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed解析:动名词的复合结构作表语。动名词作表语,表示抽象的动作或行为。带逻辑主语的动名词复合结构也可做表语。不定式作表语,表示具体的动作。带逻辑主语或疑问副词的不定式也可以用表语。分词作表语:现在分词作表语,表示主语的特征;过去分词作表语,表示主语所在的状态。另外,有关于否定的一个特殊结构: “There + be + no + V-ing” 结构。例如:Theres no saying what hell be doing next.Theres no telling what hes going to do.Theres no knowing 1.I wouldnt advise there by bus, because it is too crowded. A. and go B. to go C. to going D. going2.With modern traffic control facilities speeder cant expect to escape detected and fined.

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