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五年级下册英语素材寒假讲义之 unit1 Cinderella 译林版.docx

1、五年级下册英语素材寒假讲义之 unit1 Cinderella 译林版一、单词学习1.Cinderella 灰姑娘【回顾】金发女孩 _答案:goldilocks2.prince王子【拓展】公主princess 国王 king 王后 queen 仙女 fairy 【例句】仙女告诉王子一个故事。_答案:The fairy tells the prince a story.3.let 让【用法】let + 人称(宾格)+ 动词原形【例句】让他来帮助她。_答案:Let him help her.4.before在之前 【短语】在11点之前_【反义词】after 在之后【例句】我坐在Peter前面。Pe

2、ter坐在我后面。_答案:before 11:00; I sit before Peter.Peter sits after 合适,合身【例句】这副手套不合适。_答案:This pair of gloves doesnt fit.二、短语学习1.put on 穿上 【短语】穿上这条裙子_【例句】灰姑娘穿上了鞋子。_【反义词】 take off 脱下 【例句】这里很热,请脱下你的外套。_答案:put on this dress;Cinderella puts on the shoes.Its hot here. Please take off your sa

3、d 如此伤心,这样难过【例句】她为何如此伤心?_【回顾】它的身体太硬了。_答案:Why is she so sad?;Its body is too hard.3.try on 试穿【例句】Sam试穿一件大衣。_答案:Sam tries on a coat.4.visit every house 拜访每一家【回顾】我周六总是拜访我爷爷奶奶。_答案:I always visit my grandparents on Saturday.三、句型学习1.Why are you so sad,dear? 亲爱的,为什么你这么伤心呢? Because I cant go to the party. 因为

4、我不能去参加晚会。【释义】why是对原因提问的特殊疑问词,回答要用because。【例句】Why cant you go to the party? Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.【练习】为什么Billy这么胖?因为他吃的多。_答案:Why is Billy so fat? Because he eats a lot.2.Cinderella has a good time at the party.灰姑娘在晚会上玩得很开心。【释义】time表示时间是一个不可数名词,但是在have a good time 这个词组里要加上a【练习】

5、我们在公园里玩得很开心。_答案:We have a good time in the park.3.Many girls try on the shoe,but it does not fit.许多女孩都试穿了这只鞋,但是都不适合。【释义】fit是一个动词,意思是合适,后面可以加人称(宾格)。【例句】最后,灰姑娘穿上了这只鞋。刚好合适!_【练习】这双鞋不适合我。_答案:Finally,Cinderella tries it on.It fits! This pair of shoes doesnt fit me.批注:注意在try on这个短语中“代词放中间”。四、短语记忆在王子的家里 at

6、the princes house来帮我 come and help me去晚会 go to the party好看的衣服和鞋子 nice clothes and shoes让我帮你。 Let me help you.穿上新衣服 put on the new clothes回来 come back在12点之前 before 12:00玩的开心 have a good time在晚会上 at the party不得不 have to拜访每一家 visit every house试穿鞋子 try on the shoes单项选择( )1.There a party at the princes h

7、ouse. B.are )2.Cinderella good time at the party. A.have,an,the C.has,a( )3.Many girls try on the shoe,but it fit. A.isnt B.doesnt not( )4. are you so sad? A.What B.Why C.Where( )5.I have any nice clothes shoes. not,and not,or not,or( )6.The prince every . A.visit

8、s,house B.visit,home C.visits,home答案:ACBBCA三、阅读训练,注意问题中的特殊疑问词哦 Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily.Myfatherisaworker,heoftenplaysbasketballwithme.HehopesmetobeYAOMING.Mymomisateacher,sheoftendoeshousework.Ioftenhelpher.Iamveryhappywithmymomandmyfather.So,thatsmyhappyfamily.( )1.Whatdoesmyfatherdo?A.Ateach

9、er B.Aworker C.AStudent( )2.Whatdoesmyfatherlikeplaying? B.housework C.piano( )3.Whodoesmyfatherhopemetobe?A.He B.YaoMing C.LiuXiang( )4.Ismymotherateacher?A.Yes,Iam B.Yes,sheis C.Yes,heis( )5.Whohelpsmymotherdohousework?A.Myfather B.YaoMing C.I答案:BABBC特殊疑问词的用法可以总结成一张表格哦!特殊疑问词意思用法例句what什

10、么问东西,事物1.What do you like doing? 你喜欢干什么? 2.Whats in your bag? 你包里有什么?where哪里问地点1.Where are my gloves? 我的手套在哪里? 2.Where do you live? 你住在哪里?when什么时候问什么时候1.When do you do to school? 你什么时候去上学?2.- When do you usually get up? 你平常几点起床? - I usually get up at six. 我通常六点起床why为什么问原因,理由(用because回答)1.-Why are yo

11、u so sad? 你为什么这么伤心? -Because I cannot go to the party.因为我不能去晚会了。2.-Why are you late? 你为什么迟到? -Because I get up late. 因为我起床晚了。who谁问人Who are you? 你是谁?whose谁的问主人1.Whose apples? 谁的苹果?2.-Whose book is that ?那本书是谁的? -That is my book . 那本书是我的。which哪一个问哪一个Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?how如何问方式,问怎么样1.-How ar

12、e you? 最近如何? -Im fine. 我很好。2.-How do you go to school? 你怎么上学? -By bus. 坐公交车。你还记得下面这些特殊疑问词组合吗?我们一起来连线吧!How old 什么颜色What time 多少钱What colour 年纪多大How much 多少个How many 什么时间批注:连完线后老师可以带着学生举例子加深印象。答案:How old 年纪多大,What time什么时间,What colour什么颜色,How much多少钱,How many多少个 一、用特殊疑问词填空1.-_ isthis? -Itsarubber.2.-_

13、rubbersarethereinthepencil-box? -Twenty. 3.-_isyourbrother? -Hesnine.4.-_arethey? -Theyarecows.5.-_areyou? -Imfine.6.-_is you so happy?-Because I get 100 in the test(测试)!7.-_isyourfather? -Heisadentist.8.-_is Yang Ling not at school? -Because she is ill.9.-_aretheducks? -Theyareontheriver.10.-_ishe? -HeisMartin.K

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