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外研版高中英语必修3《odule 1 EuropeWriting》优课导学案3.docx

1、外研版高中英语必修3odule 1 Europe Writing优课导学案3高中英语人教版必修三Unit3 The Million Pound Bank NoteLearning about language 教学设计一、 教学背景分析( teaching background)1. 教学内容分析( teaching content analysis)本单元的主要内容是根据马克吐温的名著百万英镑改编而成的剧本中的几个片断以及马克吐温的生平简介。LearningaboutLanguage部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。本单元的语法是名词性从句中的表语从句的具体用法。2. 学情分析( stude

2、nt analysis)人教版高中英语必修三是设计在高一下期学生使用的教材。学生在经过高一上期初高中磨合时期过后进入了一个相对稳定时期。对高中英语的教学内容及教学强度有了一定了解,但是基础仍然比较薄弱,所以一节课的容量仍然不宜过大。对当堂课所学的内容做到真正过手才是能达到效果的一节课。具体针对我校高一学生来说,虽然经过了高一上期的磨合,但是在课堂中不敢表达,不能表达的情况依旧很普遍。所以还需要教师在课堂中进行适当的引导和鼓励,以及组织相应的课堂活动来激发学生学习兴趣,增加学习英语的信心。二、 设计思路 ( design thought)本节课是以learning language为主,我把表语

3、从句的讲解同language learning 结合在一起。使得课堂更加紧凑的同时也不会让学生感觉难以消化。在课堂开始用歌曲引起学生的兴趣,再引入本节课话题。而后播放百万英镑短片使学生回忆起上节课所学的课文内容,进而用听自制录音的方式让学生一面回忆上节课内容,一面引入新课。在听对话中设计了让学生听后paraphrase这一环节,主要是让学生从高一逐渐形成英英释义的思维。纠正学生一直依赖汉语学习英语的习惯。在悉知了本节课所要学习的词汇和短语后我设计了一篇与百万英镑主题相切合的短文填空,一方面加强学生对词汇短语的运用能力,一方面由这篇文章引出表语从句的学习。在表语从句的学习中,我主要引导学生自己找

4、出表语从句的特点,由于是语法板块,对我校学生来说难度偏大,所以这一部分设计成了小组讨论的模式。在了解了表语从句的特点后,为了加强学生理解,结合百万英镑主题设计了表语从句相应的练习题,并鼓励学生大胆表达。最后由单句过渡到篇章的表达,并且也结合了前半节课所学的词汇和短语的运用。三、 教学目标分析( teaching aims)1. Knowledge aims:(1) To learn new words and expressions.Words: birthplace, adventures, wealthy, concern, relativesPhrases: by accident, T

5、o be honest, make a livingExpressions: His problem is that His new concern isMy concern is and my hope is The reason is (2) To review the content of The Million Pound Bank Note2. Ability aims:Be able to use the words and phrases correctly.Can express their ideas using predictive clause.3. Emotion ai

6、ms:To help the students form a proper attitude towards the relationship between money and happiness.4. Learning strategies aims:(1) To increase students cooperative consciousness.(2) To help students take part in a variety of language practice activities happily.5. Cultural awareness aims:(1) To dev

7、elop students cross-culture awareness.(2) To help students to form English thought.四、 教学策略(teaching method design)Task-based Language Teaching Method, Cooperative Language Learning Method, Communicative Approach, Activity-based Approach, Student-centered Method, Inductive Method, Deductive Method.五、

8、 教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points)1. Teaching important points(1) Learn the meaning of the important words and phrases, and learn to use them correctly.(2) Get to know the features of Predictive clause and learn to make sentences using Predictive clause.2. Teaching difficult pointsLearn

9、 to combine two sentences using Predictive clause.六、 教学过程 ( teaching procedures)Before the classPlay a song named “magic” to attract student attention and lay the groundwork for the class.1. Step1 lead-inGreeting to all the studentsT: Just now I played a song named “magic”, do you believe that life

10、is full of magic? The magic for me today is that I spend more than thirty years and cover a long way just for meeting you here. Ok. Lets look at the screen, do you still remember him? Who is him?S: Henry Adams, the character in the novel.T: Then whats the magic for Henry? Lets see a short movie to s

11、ee what the magic for Henry is.Show the movieT: Whats in the envelope? S: The million pound bank note.T: So the magic for Henry is that(write down on the blackboard)( 利用短片使得学生回忆起上节课的内容,引出本节课话题)2. Step 2 Listening and paraphraseT: Because Henry has got so much money, he becomes famous over night. A b

12、eautiful reporter named Lu Yu interviewed him. Lets listen to the interview and pay attention to the words and phrases underlined. After that, well paraphrase these words and phrases. Paraphrase means using your own English to explain a word.Play the radio(Listening material):An interviewQ: Mr. Adam

13、s, I know your birthplace is in America but how did you come to London. A: I didnt expect to. I landed in London by accident. To be honest, I dont like London.Q: You were here by accident? How was that possible?A: Well, you see, I love adventures, which are dangerous but exciting. So one day, I was

14、sailing out of the bay and almost lost my life. And later I was taken to London by a ship. I was most worried at that timeQ: What was your worry, Mr. Adams?A: My worry was how to make a living here.Q: And the two wealthy brothers gave you an envelope?A: Yes, they are very rich. But before that, they

15、 asked me some questions.Q: Oh, what was their concern?A: Their concern was whether I had any friends or relatives in London.Q: But why did they give you such a big bank note?A: The reason was that they make a bet on me. Their bet was whether my life would be changed by the million pound bank note.Q

16、: Ok, ladies and gentlemen, the story of Mr. Adams is to be continued. See you next time, bye!T: Ok, I know you have already got the meaning of these words and phrases, and then lets try to paraphrase them.Ask students to paraphrase the words and phrases.1birthplace2by accident3 To be honest4adventu

17、res5make a living6wealthy7concern8relatives(利用自制的听力材料自然的带领学生进入到词汇的学习,听力材料既切合了百万英镑文章的主题,又能使学生对将要学习的词汇有一个初步的理解。听力的运用也使课堂教学方式更加多样化。入了英英释义这个概念,使学生的英语学习进入到一个新的平台。虽然学生一开始可能不习惯使用英语表达,但是却让学生可以逐渐形成英语思维,对整个高中阶段的英语学习有至关重要的作用。)3. Step 3 Fill in the blanksT: Now you have known the meaning of these words and phra

18、ses, but I still dont know whether you can use them correctly. So lets check if you really master them. Using them to fill in the blanks, change the forms if necessary.I am Henry. I am not English. The fact is that America is my _. The reason why I came to London is that I love _ and that was why I

19、sailed my boat out of the bay one day and got lost at sea. And later I was taken to London by ship_. My worry was how I could _ here.Later, the two _ brothers met me and asked me some questions and their _ was whether I had any friends or _ in London. The reason why they gave me the money was that t

20、hey made a bet on me. Their bet was whether my life would be changed by the million pound bank note. _ I really need the money.Ask some students to share their answers. (本段文章的运用起到承上启下的作用, 对所学词汇更进一步加深印象,另一方面引出本节课的另一个主题,表语从句)4. Step 4 predictive clause T:All of you have done very well. Then lets look

21、at the passage again, and pay attention to sentence structure underlinedI am Henry. I am not English. The fact is that America is my birthplace. The reason why I came to London is that I love adventures and that was why I sailed my boat out of the bay one day and got lost at sea. And later I was tak

22、en to London by ship by accident. My worry was how I could make a living here.Later, the two wealthy brothers met me and asked me some questions and their concern was whether I had any friends or relatives in London. The reason why they gave me the money was that they made a bet on me. Their bet was

23、 whether my life would be changed by the million pound bank note. To be honest, I really need the money.1. The fact is that2. The reason is that3. My worry was how4. Their concern was whether5. The reason was that6. Their bet was whetherT: All these sentences are called predictive clause. Now work w

24、ith your group members to figure out the features of the predictive clause.Group work (about 4 minutes)The features of the Predictive clause:1. A _( sentence or word or phrase)2. Link word (which one is used before a fact and which one is used before a question)3. Tense(时态)4. Order(语序) statement ord

25、er or question order ?Teacher takes part in the discussion and gives the students some clues.Ask some group leaders to share their ideas, correct them if necessary.(由填空的文章引导学生发现表语从句的例句,抛出表语从句的概念,但是却并不是由老师直接给出表语从句的讲解,而是把主动权交给学生,希望通过学生的小组活动自己发现和总结表语从句的特点。这也符合新课程改革的宗旨,教师在课堂中更多的起引导学生去发现和解决问题的作用。)5. Step

26、 5 exercise T: Lets try to do some exercises to emphasize our understanding of the Predictive clause, ok?Before Henry got the money, he had some problems.1.I have no friends or relatives in London.2.How can I find a job? (Can you combine the two sentences together?)_Since Henry has got the money, he

27、 had new concerns.1.How can I spend the money? _2.Where am I going next? _3.Will my life be changed? _What is your concern or hope about Henry?1. My concern is that/whether _2. My hope is that _Encourage the students to express their ideas freely. Guide them to use the Predictive clause.(这一部分的练习题设置得

28、尤为巧妙,结合了整节课的重难点。在句子的设计上既贴合了本单元的话题百万英镑,又使用到了本节课所学习的词汇,还对表语从句加强了练习,可谓一举三得。)6. Step 6 team work and show timeT: Do you think that Henry will be happy after getting the money? Is Henry happy after getting the money?What is your opinion about money and happiness and why?Do a survey in your group and reco

29、rd the result.Ladies and gentlemen, we have a heated discussion about money and happiness in our group and here is the result of the discussion.XXs opinion is that _. The reason is that _. His/her concern is _. That is why _.Whats more/ on the other hand, XXs opinion is that _and his/her suggestion is that _.My opinion is that _.That is all. Thank you for listening!Ask some groups to

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