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版新一线高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时提能练课时提能练3132 16.docx

1、版新一线高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时提能练课时提能练3132 16课时提能练(十三).阅读理解 A(2019昆明调研)When she was found off the coast of California four years ago,the fur seal,known as Ziggy Star,was skinny and fragile.She was unfit to return to the wild.And though a professional rescue team took her in to care for her,Ziggy continued to de

2、cline.“I wouldnt have given her next week,”says Uriarte,a surgeon who led a recent firstofitskind brain operation on the seal.The operation was the first of its kind to treat hydrocephalus in fur seals.The surgical team at Tufts was unable to find any documented evidence of a similar procedure,so th

3、ey needed a lot of preparation to operate on Ziggys brain.The biggest concern in operating on Ziggy was how to control the animals anesthesia(麻醉)“When theyre under anesthesia their bodys reaction includes decreasing their heart rate,blood pressure,and breathing,”says Flower,who observes Ziggy and th

4、e other animals care,describing the special challenges of operating on seals.On the day of the surgery,Flower says that she and her team“were all quite anxious not knowing what would happen”Moving quickly was extremely important;the longer she was under anesthesia,the more likely that she could lose

5、 her breathing,says the surgeon.The seal has been kept on land to prevent water from entering the cut on her head.Now,Ziggy is eating a full diet and is beginning to gain weight again.“Recently Ive allowed her to go swimming,”says Flower.However,the source of Ziggys neurological disorder(神经紊乱) is st

6、ill a mystery.“My theory is that when she was found,she had a head injury,”Uriarte says.“Hit by a boat maybe.That happens a lot with seals.”Flower is less willing to guess.“I dont think theres enough information to make that assumption.We just dont know what happened to her.”【语篇解读】本文是动物保护类记叙文。Ziggy

7、Star是一只在加利福尼亚海岸被发现的非常瘦弱的海豹,因为Ziggy有脑积水,医生为她进行了手术,她现在已经能够正常进食,体重也在逐步恢复,但究竟是什么导致了她的神经紊乱,这依旧是一个谜。1When first found,Ziggy Star looked Athin and weak Bactive and excitedCbloody and fierce Dstrong and energeticA细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“When she was found off the coast of California four years ago,the fur seal,known

8、 as Ziggy Star,was skinny and fragile”中的skinny(极瘦的)和fragile(虚弱的)可知A项正确。2What was the most challenging task on the day of the operation?AHelping the seal regain her breathing.BUsing anesthesia properly on the seal.CMaking full preparations for the operation.DBalancing the functions of the seals organ

9、s.B细节理解题。题干中的关键词是the most challenging task(最有挑战性的任务),据此定位到第二段中的“The biggest concern in operating on Ziggy was how to control the animals anesthesia(麻醉)”,由此可知,手术最大的挑战是如何控制麻醉,所以选B。3What can we learn about Ziggy after the operation?AShe is strong enough to live in the wild.BShe is suffering from a hear

10、t rate disorder.CShe has already become as heavy as before.DShe is recovering from the brain operation.D推理判断题。题干的关键词是after the operation,据此定位到文章最后一段第一句“Now,Ziggy is eating a full diet and is beginning to gain weight again”,由此可知,手术后,海豹已经能够正常进食,体重也在恢复,所以选D。4What is probably the authors purpose in writ

11、ing the text?ATo show humans love for a creature.BTo find out a way to operate on a seal.CTo remember an injured seal in danger.DTo explore the reasons for a seals injury.A目的意图题。作者在文章中介绍了拯救受伤海豹的过程,旨在说明人们对于动物的爱护,所以选A。B(2019太原测评)Sometimes people call each other“scaredcat”But have you ever thought abou

12、t this expression?When a cat is frightened,its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream.Although the cat doesnt realize this,its body is getting ready for action.If the danger continues,the animal will do one of two things.It will pr

13、otect itself,or it will run away as fast as it can.Something like this also happens to people.When we are excited,angry or scared by other feelings,our bodies go through many physical changes.Our hearts beat faster,and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react.

14、We,too,get ready to defend ourselves or run.Human beings,however,have a problem that animals never face.If we give way to our feelings and let them take over,we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger or hit somebody and regretted it later?Have you ever shouted at a teacher,told s

15、omebody you were lonely,or said you were in love,and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut?It isnt always clever to express your feelings freely.Does this mean that its smarter to always hide our feelings?No!If you keep feelings of anger,sadness hidden away or bottled up inside,your body st

16、ays tense.Physical illness can develop,and you can feel disturbed badly inside.It can actually be bad for your health.It isnt good to keep pleasant feelings inside either;all feelings need to be expressed.Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside dont just go away.Its as if you bought some banana

17、s and put them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them,but before long youd smell them.And if you opened the cupboard,chances are that youd see little fruit flies flying all over them.They are bad.You can try to treat feelings as if they were bananas in the cupboard.You can hide them and you

18、 can pretend they dont exist,but theyll still be around.And at last youll have to deal with them,just like those bananas.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,由猫面对害怕而表现出的行为引出人类有同样遭遇时的表现,但人类不能控制感情的时候会陷入困境。由此,作者告诉我们应该以一种明智而恰当的方式对待这种情况,即合理地表达感受。5When people and animals are aroused by fear, Athey feel very regretful immediate

19、lyBtheir muscles get neither tense nor relaxedCtheir hearts beat either faster or slowerDthey may get ready to attack or run awayD细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“If the danger continues,the animal fast as it can”及第二段中的“We,too,get ready to defend ourselves or run”可知,当人或动物产生恐惧心理时,他们会攻击或逃跑。6Why do human beings

20、 get into trouble according to the passage?AThey are usually not as alert as animals.BThey sometimes cant control their feelings.CThey always do something wrong to other people.DThey dont pay attention to their physical changes.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“If we give way to our feelings and let them take over,we

21、can get into trouble”可知,人们陷入困境是因为他们有时不能控制自己的感情,因此选B。7What can we infer from the passage?AHolding in your feelings may lead to unpleasant results.BBananas stay fresh longer when they are in a cupboard.CFeelings will gradually disappear when you hold them in.DIts good for your health to keep pleasant

22、feelings inside.A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“If you keep feelings of anger.It can actually be bad for your health”可知,把感情隐藏在内心会导致不好的结果。8What is the purpose of this passage?ATo tell us that peoples feelings are like bananas in a cupboard.BTo give us some advice on how to express our feelings.CTo help us deal with f

23、eelings in a wise and proper way.DTo prove that it isnt always wise to express our feelings freely.C写作意图题。通读全文可知,这篇文章的目的是帮助我们明智而恰当地处理我们的感情。.完形填空(2019长沙测评)We made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up cupcakes for my daughter Norahs fourth birthday.As an older gentleman walked by,Norah 1 and w

24、aved.“Hi old person!Its my birthday today!” I apologized to him embarrassedly for her 2 “Hello little lady!And how old are you today?”he asked.They 3 for a couple of minutes,with Norah 4 him in on the details of her birthday,and we went our 5 ways.But a few minutes later,Norah 6 she really wanted a

25、7 with him.Uh,my cutest baby!We back found him at the 8 “Excuse me,sir?Shed like to know if youd take a photo with her,”I asked, 9 the man to be annoyed at my daughters strange request. 10 ,I got the completely opposite response!He looked 11 “A photo?With me?”So they posed together and then they 12

26、each other like they were long lost friends.The precious scene 13 other shoppers,but no one cared.We 14 Mr.Dan(I knew his name later on) for his 15 His eyes filled with tears and he said.“No,thank YOU.It is YOU who made me 16 ”Now,Norah and Mr.Dan are more than just friends.We make 17 visits to see

27、him because she worries about his being 18 Mr.Dan says that his friendship with Norah helped to 19 his broken heart for his wifes sudden death.Sometimes talking to 20 turns into the most beautiful thing in the world.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个温馨的故事:Norah在商店对一个她不认识的老人说“今天是我的生日”,随后还要求与老人一起合影,后来他们竟然成了忘年交,Nora

28、h给这个因妻子突然离世而伤心的老人带来了慰藉的欢乐。1A.communicated BrespondedCsmiled DescapedC考查动词。根据故事情节,Norah非常喜欢这位老人,所以当看到老人走过时,她向他微笑(smiled)并挥手致意。2A.noise BsorrowCinterruption DimpolitenessD考查名词。Norah对着老人喊“嘿,老头儿”,这在作者看来是对老人的不礼貌(impoliteness),所以作者尴尬地向老人道歉。3A.chatted Bstood Cwaited DdiscussedA考查动词。根据下文中的“him in on the det

29、ails of her birthday”可知,他们闲聊(chatted)了几分钟。4A.dropping Bfilling Ccalling DputtingB考查动词。在他们的交谈中,Norah一直在告诉老人有关她的生日的细节。fill sth.)“向某人提供(情况)”为固定用法。5A.separate Bnarrow Clong DcrowdedA考查形容词。根据下文中的“We back found him”可知,作者他们和老人分路而行。separate“分开的”,go ones separate ways“分路而行,分道扬镳”为固定用法。6A.reminded Bpr

30、edicted Cdecided DrememberedC考查动词。Norah决定(decided)要与老人一起合影。 Breunion Cmoment DpictureD考查名词。参见上题解析。从下文中的“Shed like to know if youd take a photo with her”可知选picture。8A.street Bstore Crestaurant DcommunityB考查名词。从第一段中的“at the grocery store”和下文中的“other shoppers”可知,作者他们在商店(store)找到了老人。9A.expecting

31、Ballowing Crequiring DcausingA考查动词。作者考虑到之前Norah已经对老人不礼貌了,现在还想与老人合影,于是预料(expecting)老人可能会生气。10A.Lastly BBesides CInstead DSuddenlyC考查副词。作者预料老人可能会生气,而下文谈到作者得到的是完全相反的回应老人很高兴。由此可知,本空应选Instead“相反”。11A.annoyed BdelightedCdisappointed DpreparedB考查形容词。参见上题解析。12A.greeted Bhugged Csupported DencouragedB考查动词。空前谈到了他们一起拍照,空后说他们像多年不见的老朋友,所以hugged符合此情此景。13A.educated Battracted Cdelayed DblockedD考查动词。他们在商店里合影,势必会挡住(blocked)其他购物者,但是没有人在意。14A.memorized BpaidCthanked DexcitedC考查动词。作者和女儿因老人愿

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