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Unit1618 汇总.docx

1、Unit1618 汇总高中英语单元背诵 Unit 16 Stories I. 单元必背短语Warm-up 1. in a voice 以声音 In a loud voice = at the top of ones voice 大声地 In a trembling voice 以发抖的声音2. come into view 进入视野中 The hills had now come into view, and I enjoyed the grand spectacle. 群山已经进入视野, 我欣赏着眼前的壮丽景色。3. knock sb/sth over 撞倒撞翻;(开车)撞伤,撞死 Be c

2、areful or youll knock the case over. 当心,别把花瓶撞翻。Lesson 1 4. block out堵住,遮蔽 Dark clouds block out the sun 黑云遮蔽了太阳5.leave a deep impression on 给人留下深刻印象 The volcanic eruption left a deep impression on Pliny. 火山爆发给Pliny 留下了很深的印象。 6. in a way = in a sense 从某种意义上说 In a way, Pompeii is like a “time capscule

3、 “ preserving a frozen moment 从某种意义上说, 庞贝城如同一个时间胶囊保存了一段封存的瞬间7. a booming city 一个繁荣的城市8 Be caught in突然遇上,碰上; 被所困 They were caught in the rain, thus catching cold. 他们淋雨了, 结果感冒了。 They were caught in the disaster. 他们遭遇灾难。 I had hoped to meet you at the airport, but I was caught in a traffic jam. 我原希望去机场

4、接你, 当遇到了交通拥挤。 8a monument to 纪念碑 The ruined city is a monument to human history 废弃的城市是人类历史的纪念碑。 9Lie on ones side 侧身躺着 Lie on ones back 仰卧 lie on ones face/ stomach趴着1. feel sympathy for对感到同情 Out of sympathy 出于同情 While visiting the city, we feel deep symoathy for the once-living statues. 参观这个城市时, 我们

5、对这些曾经存活的雕塑深表同情。 Out of sympathy, he put the homeless children up for the night. 出于同情,他留下这些无家可归的孩子过夜11. run out of 用完用尽 My car broke down halfway because it ran out of petrol . 由于耗尽了汽油,我的车半路抛锚。 Time is running out. Hurry up. 时间不多了, 快点。 12. crash into 撞上 A car crashed into a tree because the driver fe

6、ll asleep. 由于司机睡着了,一辆汽车撞到了树上。 13 Get a pay rise 涨工资。 He got a pay rise, so he went on a round-theworld trip 他涨了工资, 因此他进行了环球旅行。 14. be typical / characteristic of .为的典型特征Diligence is characteristic of Chinese people.勤劳是中国人的典型特征。 II重点句型和优美句子1. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. 很久很久以前

7、, 有一个美丽的公主。 1 As we walk along the streets of the city , time rewinds 当我们漫步城市街道时, 时间回转。 2 A good idea occurred to me. 我突然想到一个好主意3 On hearing the news, he burst into tears.一听到这个消息,他大哭起来4 In the darkness, he trembled with fear. 黑暗中他吓得发抖Lesson 2 Name stories I. 单元必背短语1. pillar of society 社会栋梁He was reg

8、arded as a pillar of society. 他被认为是社会栋梁2. Name after 以的名字给命名The college is named after the famous leader. 这所大学以这个领导的名字命名。3. come across偶遇 I was walking along the road when I came across an old friend 我正走在街上这时突然碰见一个老朋友4. as a whole 整体来看, 一般地说 We should view the situation as a whole 我们必须从整体上看形势 We mus

9、t consider those matters as a whole我们必须全盘考虑这些事5. stand for 代表,象征 Flowers stand for spring 鲜花象征春天。 6. count on 依靠; 指望 count on sb/sth to do = count on sbs doing 指望干 count on it that 指望 Don t count on a salary increase this year. 别指望今年会加薪. Dont count on him to be loyal to you. 别指望他会对你忠诚。 Mind, I count

10、 on your keeping the promise. ( count on ones doing)听着, 我指望你信守诺言。 You can count on it that he will never betray you.他永远不会背叛你,这一点你可以相信。7. be inspired by 被启发/ 鼓励 Inspired by his parents, he ended up becoming a novelist 受到父母的激励,他最终成了一个小说家8. put up with 容忍; 忍受He put up with a lot of hardship. 他忍受了很多艰辛 I

11、 couldnt put up with his teasing . 我受不了他的嘲笑。9. figure out 想出,想清楚,弄明白 10. Hold up 举起;支撑;打劫; 使停滞/延误 eg. hold up ones hand 举起手来。 eg. While its dark outside, lets hold up some passers by . 趁天黑,我们去打劫路人 eg. I was late for the meeting, because I was held up by the traffic jam. 我上班迟到了,因为我被交通阻塞耽搁了。 eg. Women

12、 can hold up half the sky. 女子能顶半边天。11. Remind sb of /to do/that 使某人想起; 提醒某人某事May I remind you that time will soon be up? 请允许我提醒你时间快到了? Please remind me to answer that letter. 请提醒我回复那封信。 Please remind me of my promise in case I forget. 请提醒一下我的诺言以免我忘了。 The photos always remind me of the good old days

13、we spent together. 这些照片总是让我想起我们共同度过的过去的好时光。12. Stand out 突出,显眼,醒目;脱颖而出Her work stands out from the rest as the best.她的工作成绩远比其他人都好。 He stood out from the candidates and was employed. 他从所有的候选人中脱颖而出而被录用。 13. provide sth for sb或provide sb with sth. 向某人提供某物He provides food and clothes for his familyHe pr

14、ovides his family with food and clothes.他给家人提供衣食。The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。14. be grateful to sb for sth 对.感激 15. try out 尝试,试用.选拔 first try out, then popularize 先试行, 再推广I am going to try out a new career我要尝试一个新事业14. In particular 特别;尤其Among all the

15、subjects, I was interested in maths in particular.在所有科目中,我对数学特别感兴趣。15. dicuourge sb from doing 劝某人不要做某事Sufferings didnt discourage him from continuing his studies.困难没有阻止他继续学习。16. end up doing 最终干了 She ended up becomging an engineer. 她最终成为一个工程师。 He ended up in Manchester 他最终在曼切是特落脚。 II重点句型和优美句子1.It i

16、s of great significance to name the baby after famous people.用名人的名字给孩子命名也很有意义.2. She gave a vivid account of the incident. 她对这次事件做了生动的描述Lesson 3 Life stories I. 单元必背短语1. a superb teacher 杰出的老师2. restrictions on 对的限制 relax restriction on immigration放宽移民限制 There in no restriction on gender 没有性别限制1. br

17、ing in 获利;赚; 引用; 引进 Anne was brought in to help Helen. 1. 安妮被介绍来帮助海伦。eg. bring in 引进) new technology. 引进新技术。eg. He brought in (引用) famous sayings in his speech。 在他的演讲中,他引用名人名言。 eg. Many advertisements are brought in (插播) on TV电视节目中插播了许多广告。 eg. His new Album brings (him) in $300,000.他的新专辑获利30万美元eg. H

18、e brought in some reforms to the company . 他对公司引进改革。4. relate to 1.将与联系起来, 2.涉及, 关系 到3.与协调, 理解; 与相处得好, 与相适应 4.同有关系. She could relate to Hellens difficulty 她能够理解Hellen的困难 eg. Children need to learn to relate to other children 孩子们应该学会与其他孩子友好相处 eg. His speech relates to internet marketing. 他的演讲涉及到网络营销e

19、g. Happiness does not always relate to wealth. 幸福不总与财富相关 eg. These regulations relate only to (适用于) people under the age of twenty-one 这些规则仅适于21岁以下者 eg. I cant relate to the five-nine working routine. 我不能适应早九晚五的工作时间。 eg. I cant relate what he does with /to what he says. 我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。5. Have/ give

20、a precise description of准确描述 6. A burst of 的突然爆发 Then suddenly, Helen had a burst of understanding. 海伦突然理解了。There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause. 他的每一句话都赢得一阵掌声。 A burst of anger/ temper/ enthusiasm 怒气/热情的突然爆发7. open up

21、打开,张开 The world of words are opening up to her 语言世界向她敞开了。8. now that = since 既然9. be eager to do 渴望做; 热切地要做 Be eager for 渴望得到; 热切地想要 Now that Helen understood the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.既然海明白了语言之迷,她非常渴望学习更多的词语并尽可能多的使用它们。10. lead sb to do = l

22、ead to sbs doing 导致干 This soon led her to discover more complex words.= This soon led to her discovering more complex words.这很快就使她发现更复杂的词汇.11. be apparent 显然的, 明白的, 清晰可见的 The meaning of love was not apparent to Helen but she kept on trying to understand. 12. make a breakthrough in 在方面有突破。 13work on

23、a simple task 致力于简单的任务14. with the help of sb 在的帮助下 15. in a flash 一瞬间;一刹那间Ill be back in a flash. 我马上就回来。 In a flash, the truth came to him.突然间,他明白了真相。16. be keen to do 渴望做be keen on 热衷于 He is keen on sports 他热衷于体育II. 重点句型和优美句子1. Learning is a gradual and painful process. However, the results were

24、amazing. 学习是一个渐进的、痛苦的过程,但结果确是令人惊叹的。 2. Uncertain about how to fix the mistakes, she stopped to think carefully. 不能肯定怎样改错,她就停下来仔细考虑。. (uncertain adj 做状语) 3. It is/was the first/second time that have/has /had done这是第一/二次it is the first time +that+clause 前面用一般现在时,后面用现在完成时it was the first time +that+cla

25、use 前面用一般过去时,后面用过去完成时。It is the first time that he has applied for a US passport.那是他第一次申请美国护照。It was the first time that I had bought things online.那是我第一次在网上购物。4.without 引导的介词短语相当于一个虚拟条件句Without love, you would not be happy or want to play.= If you didnt have love,没有爱,你不会快乐,也不想玩耍。Without your help,

26、we wouldnt have achieved so much.没有你的帮助,我们不可能取得这么大的成绩。Lesson 4 Communication workshopI. 单元必背短语1. go wrong 出故障,出毛病 go bad变质 go crazy/ mad 发疯 go sour 发酸 go hungry挨饿The day started to go wrong the instant I left home.我刚一离开家,这一天就开始出毛病了。 eg. Now in Africa, many people are still going hungry. 现在在非洲,许多人仍然在

27、挨饿。 eg. something has gone wrong with the car. 汽车出毛病了。 eg. The food doesnt keep long and it goes bad easily. 这种食物不易保存,很容易变质。The instant = as soon as = the moment = Immediately2. come last 得了倒数第一 Come first 排在第一位。 I came last in the competition. 比赛中我得了倒数第一 Safety comes first 安全第一3. fall over sth 被绊倒

28、He fell over a stone 他被石头绊倒啦。 I fell over my own feet 我自己把自己绊倒了。 4. wait for ages等了很久 5. boiling/burning hot 特别炎热 freezing cold 特别寒冷6. feel tense 感到紧张7. by chance = by accident 偶然地 On purpose = by design 故意地8. make sense 有意义; 讲得通; 言之有理; 明智的;有道理 make sense of vt. 懂得; 了解.的意义 eg. At first the images do

29、nt make sense. 这些图像一开始并没有什么意义eg. Can you make sense of what I said?. 你能明白我的话吗?eg. Her words make sense 她的话也还是有些道理eg. It makes no sense to give children too much pocket money. 给孩子太多的零花钱是不明智的。II. 重点句型和优美句子1. It came as no surprise that I was last in the competition.比赛中我得了倒数第一一点也不令人惊讶。It comes/came as

30、no surprise that = It is not surprising 一点也不奇怪It come as a surprise that = It is surprising that令人惊讶的是. eg. It came as a surprise that he came first in the competition. 令人惊奇的是他竞赛得了第一名。2. Charity adverts have a problem holding peoples attention.慈善广告在保持人们的注意力方面有困难。3. Other adverts play with words rath

31、er than images.其他的广告玩弄辞藻而不是图像。4. At first, the words seem to refer to domestic violence.起初,这些词看上去涉及到家庭暴力。.5. On the other hand, some adverts go too far when they are deliberately offensive. 另一方面,在故意具有攻击性时,一些广告就做得太过火了。6. She works out regularly to keep fit. 她定期锻炼以保持身体健康。 Culture Corner I. 单元必背短语1. given name名字

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