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1、精选高考英语作文句型和短语高考作文模版早已过时,高级句型和短语才是王道1. 爱好,兴趣like/love doing/to do sth; enjoy doing ; be fond of; be interested in1、兴趣是最好的老师. Interest is the best teacher.2、世上没有什么能比做数学题更让他高兴的了。3、我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣.4、他很少对动物有好感,但是他最近却对这只小猫咪产生了浓厚的兴趣。5、我对诗歌很感兴趣.6、我酷爱美国电影.I have a passion for American movies.7、爱因斯坦从小就对各种物理现象很入

2、迷.8、我很喜欢和同学一起操练英语.I find great pleasure in practicing English with my classmates.2. 勤奋的hardworking diligent industrious3. 勤奋hard work diligence industry4. 放松娱乐;清醒头脑for relaxation and for fun/entertainment; refresh ones mind5. 积极参加 活动take an active part in get involved in+活动 actively participate/join

3、 in+活动 actively 她鼓励孩子积极参加学校活动.She encourages her child to take an active in activities at school.She encourages her child to get involved in /participate in activities actively at school. 注意:join 参加组织或团体 也可说join sb6. 各种各样的(adj)various varied diversea wide variety of a wide range of all sorts of7. 擅长

4、be expert in/at be an expert in/at be skilled/good at do well in have a good knowledge/command ofbe equipped/armed with a good knowledge/command of8. 不擅长be weak in be poor in9. 全面发展get fully developed10. 增长知识gain/ acquire more knowledge expand/enrich ones knowledge11. 扩大视野broaden/enlarge/expand ones

5、 horizons12. 打下坚实的基础lay a solid/firm foundation of 13. 大量的,许多的特别注意: 1. Many a/an book/apple is sold.2. large amounts/ of 修饰不可数名词,作主语,谓语动词用复数。quantities of作主语,谓语动词用复数。14. 目的1. 人作主语时:aim to do, aim at sth/doing sth, with the aim of sth/doing sth, to do sthintend to do, with the intention of, mean to d

6、o sth, in order to do/that 句子 为了.,某人2.物作主语时be aimed/intended/designed to do为了,某事/物15. 提出建议直接建议:sth委婉建议: 1. Personally speaking, you had better/might as well do在我看来,你最好 /不妨2. If I were you, I would do如果我是你的话,我会 运用虚拟语气3. As far as I am concerned, it would be better/a good idea if you could do 就我而言,如果你

7、能也是不错的。4. When it comes to my advice/suggestions, it would be more advisable(明智的)/practicalof you to do sth 我的建议是,做某事对你来说会更明智/更切实可行。注意:4建议的相关从句时态用should do 或省略should 用动词原形。16. 措施1.should take firm/urgent/effective/immediate/proper measures/steps to do (主语应该是sb) 面对。,某某应该采取坚决的/ 紧急的/有效的/立即的/合适的措施去做某事。2

8、. We should find proper ways to do 我们应该找到合适的方法做某事。3. Something must be done to do Some immediate/proper measures/steps/action must be taken to do必须采取措施来做某事。4. It is high time for us to do sthIt is high time that sb did/should do sth 是时候某人做。了sb take effective steps to do do 只有某人采取了有效措施去。某人才能 17. 重要性(

9、自己写)18. 必要性It is essential/necessary for sb to do sth It is essential/necessary that 句子 19. 努力1. try ones best to do 尽力做某事2. do what/whatever/all/everything sb can to do sth 竭尽全力做某事 3. make every possible effort to do 努力做某事4. spare no effort to do 不遗余力做某事5. go all out for sth/to do sth 全力以赴做某事20. 感谢

10、动词:名词:show/express ones sincere/heartfelt(诚挚的) thanks/gratitude/appreciation to sb for sth形容词:be thankful/grateful to sb for sthIt is considerate(善解人意的)/thoughtful(体贴的)某人做某事善解人意/体贴周到/慷慨大方/善良21. 道歉apologize(most sincerely 真心地) to sb for th make an apology to sb for sth owe sb an apology for sth 因sth

11、向某人道歉22. 遗憾Its a pity /shame to do sthIts a pity /shame that 句子 。真是遗憾I regret/am sorry to say that 跟句子 很遗憾。23. 原因,理由套句(自己写)24. 同情sympathy n. have sympathy for 同情。 sympathetic adj. sympathize v.25. 引起,导致spark(引起,引发), arouse (引起), cause(引起,导致) lead/contribute to doing result in bring about 一个苹果引起的血案。(

12、翻译)26. 遭遇be confronted with sth get/be caught/stuck/tapped in27. 激发,激起,arouse(激发,唤醒), excite, inspire, motivate, stimulate 这次到美国旅游激起了我对英语的兴趣。(翻译)28. 帮助help sb/sth with sth 帮助sb/sth某事 help sb/sth (to) do sth 帮助sb/sth做某事29. 优点,好处1. 可数名词:advantages (adj.advantageous) good/strong points strengths2. 对sb/

13、sth 有好处:do sb good do good to sb benefit sb/sthbe of benefit to sb/sth be beneficial to sb/sth benefit from sth be good for3. 也可以用:对有好的影响4.30. 缺点,坏处1.可数名词:disadvantages weaknesses shortcomings drawbacks(缺点,不利条件)(挫折,懊恼,沮丧)2. 对有害处 do sb no good do no good to sb be harmful tobe bad for sth/sb do sb/sth

14、 harm do harm to sb/sth cause damage to sth3. It is of great help/use /benefit for sb to do sth 做对某人是有帮助的/有用的/有益的 对有利的,有助于4. 也可以用 对有不利的影响31. 影响1. have a good/profound effect/influence/impact on sth 对产生好的/意义深远的影响2. make a big difference to sth 对产生重大影响3. shape sth 对产生重大影响4. have a bad/negative effect/

15、influence/impact on sth 对影响不好5. affect sth 对产生不好的影响32. 关于about/ concerning/regarding/involving/referring to/as to33. 支持,赞成be/go for sth support approve (of )sb/sth be in favor of agree with sb/sthSupporters/defenders argue/think/believe/agree that. 支持者认为34. 反对go against be opposed to doing sth oppos

16、e sth disagree with sth/sb while opponents argue/think/believe/agree that. 反对者认为 While others hold the opposite opinion that 反对者认为 While those who are opposed to it argue that 反对者认为35. 态度(自己写)1. 在我看来:2. 认真对待:be serious about take sth seriously3. 认为是理所当然的:take sth for granted take it for granted 引导词

17、从句 He always takes it for granted what his parents have done for him. 他总是认为他父母为他做的一切事理所当然的。 4. 态度因人而异36. 鉴于,根据,in view of in terms of considering 名词/that 句子 according to based on 做谓语: be based on 37. 满意对感到满意:be satisfied/pleased/content with sth 对高度评价/赞扬:think/speak highly of sth/sb 令人满意的:satisfacto

18、ry,pleasing, pleasant38. 不满意,抱怨1. 对非常不满意be greatly disappointed/unsatisfied with2. 令人不满意的:disappointing, unsatisfactory, annoying39. 描述一种普遍现象。It句子 人们普遍认为Its a common phenomenon in society that 句子 是一个社会上的普遍现象。40. 描述问题。41. 是显而易见的/不言而喻的。42. 首先43. 然后(2-3个)44. 最后A be closely related to B A与B紧密联系 A be clo

19、sely associated/connected with B A与B紧密联系The 比较级 + 主语+ 谓语,the 比较级 + 主语+ 谓语. 越,就。一些实用引语或谚语1. Life is made up of small pleasures. 生活由各种微小的幸福构成2. Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜于言语!3.Respect yourself and others will respect you. 人必自重,而后人重之。4. Treat others as you want to be treated. 你想别人对你怎样,你就怎样对待别

20、人。5. Bread is the staff of life. 民以食为天。6. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍聪明孩子也变傻。7. God habits are the crosscut. 好习惯是成功的捷径。8. As the proverb goes, storms make trees take deeper roots. 常言道,风暴使树木深深扎根。9. God helps those who help themselvers. 天助自助者。10. 入乡随俗Do as the Romans do.11. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Rome is not built in a day.12. 有志者,事竟成。 where there is a will,there is a way13. 没有付出,就没有收获。No pay, no gain.14. 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.

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