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1、神探夏洛克第二季SE台词简体英文破烂熊字幕组版 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】神探夏洛克第二季SE台词简体英文破烂熊字幕组版哦 你好啊Oh, hello.你没事吧Are you all right?怎么了 小朋友? 迷路了吗?What is it, dear? Are you lost?本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途破烂熊字幕组 - 翻译:人鱼心台大叉 tpring lovekeico校对:tpring 鸣谢:破烂熊英剧小分队内测 时间轴:Dot_Kuma Liseahy 绿 石头君 特效:烟雨訾洲 巴斯克维

2、尔的猎犬The Hounds of Baskerville唉 没劲透了Well, that was tedious.你就这德性坐地铁回来的?You went on the tube like that?所有出租车司机都拒载None of the cabs would take me.没事发生?Nothing?乌干达兵变 嗯Military coup in Uganda. Hm.又有张你戴着那个 别提了Another photo of you with the er. Oh!好吧 内阁重组?Well, um, Cabinet reshuffle?就没有重要的事吗?Nothing of impor

3、tance?天哪我要疯了Oh, God!约翰 我需要 给我一点John, I need some. Get me some.不干 快给我一点No. Get me some.不行 说好突然戒断的 绝不妥协No. Cold turkey we agreed, no matter what.别忘了是你付钱收买他们的Anyway, youve paid everyone off, remember?方圆两英里内 都不会有人卖给你了No-one within a two-mile radius will sell you any.愚蠢的主意 谁出的来着?Stupid idea. Whose idea w

4、as that?赫德森太太Mrs Hudson!听着 夏洛克 你都忍到现在了Look, Sherlock, youre doing really well,这会儿放弃多不值得dont give up now!告诉我在哪儿Tell me where they are!求你告诉我Please, tell me.求你了Please.抱歉我帮不了你咯Cant help, sorry.我告诉你下周彩票中奖号Ill let you know next weeks lottery numbers.试试也好死心It was worth a try.好哟Yoo-hoo.我的秘密存货 你把我的秘密存货藏哪了?My

5、 secret supply, what have you done with my secret supply?啊? 烟 你都拿到哪去了?Eh? Cigarettes, what have you done with them?你从不许我动你东西的You never let me touch your things!越找就越找不到哦Oh, chance would be a fine thing.我以为你不是我管家呢I thought you werent my housekeeper.我确实不是呀 嗷Im not. Argh!喝杯茶如何? 先把鱼叉放起来How about a nice c

6、uppa and perhaps you could put away your harpoon?我需要比茶刺激性强7%的东西I need something stronger than tea. Seven percent stronger.你又去过查特吉先生那儿了Youve been to see Mr Chatterjee again.你说啥? 三明治店Pardon? Sandwich shop.新衣服 但袖口有面粉Thats a new dress, but theres flour on the sleeve.你烤东西不会穿这么好You wouldnt dress like that

7、 for baking.夏洛克 大拇指甲里有箔粉痕迹Sherlock. Thumbnail. Tiny traces of foil.又去刮卡了 后面结果不用说了吧Been at the scratch cards again. We all know where that leads.卡斯巴之夜Kasbah Nights.周一早上用这个太挑逗了吧Racy for a Monday morning,你觉得呢?wouldnt you agree?我在博客上写了一篇关于辨别香水的文章I wrote a blog on the identification of perfumes on the we

8、bsite.你该去读一读You should look it up!行了Please!别幻想和查特吉先生去乘游轮了Dont pin your hopes on that cruise with Mr Chatterjee,没人知道他在唐克斯特有个老婆hes got a wife in Duncaster nobody knows about.夏洛克 当然了 除了我之外Sherlock! Well, nobody except me.我真的不知道你在说什么I dont know what youre talking about, I really dont!你刚才那是要干嘛?What the b

9、loody hell was all that about?你不了解You dont understand.快去跟她道歉Go after her and apologise.道歉? 没错Apologise? Hmm.哦 约翰 我太妒忌你了Oh, John, I envy you so much.你妒忌我?You envy me?你的头脑多么平静 直接 几乎不转Your mind, its so placid, straight-forward, barely used.而我的就像台转速过快的引擎Mines like an engine, racing out of control.像被困在发射

10、台上 快炸成碎片的火箭A rocket, tearing itself to pieces, trapped on the launch pad.我需要案子I need a case!你不是刚破了一起吗Youve just solved one,显然通过用鱼叉戳死猪by harpooning a dead pig, apparently!那是今天早上了Oh, that was this morning.下一个什么时候才有?Whens the next one?网站上没消息吗?Nothing on the website?亲爱的夏洛克福尔摩斯先生Dear Mr Sherlock Holmes.我

11、找不到蓝铃花了I cant find Bluebell anywhere.求你啦 能帮帮我吗?Please, please, please can you help?蓝铃花?Bluebell?一只兔子 约翰A rabbit, John!哦 还没完呢Oh. Ah, but theres more.蓝铃花消失前 突然发起光来Before Bluebell disappeared, it turned luminous.像小精灵一样科斯蒂小朋友写道Like a fairy, according to little Kirsty.第二天早上 蓝铃花就不见了Then the next morning,

12、Bluebell was gone.笼子锁着 没有强行闯入的痕迹Hutch still locked, no sign of a forced entry.我在说什么 这案子太好了What am I saying, this is brilliant!打电话给雷斯垂德Phone Lestrade.告诉他有只兔子逃跑了Tell him theres an escaped rabbit.你开玩笑呢吧?Are you serious?不照办就玩妙探寻凶Its this or Cluedo.不干 再也不跟你玩那个了 怎么?Ah, no. We are never playing that again.

13、 Why not?不可能是受害人干的 夏洛克Its not possible for the victim to have done it.Sherlock,thats why.这是唯一可行的解释啊It was the only possible solution.规则里没写Its not in the rules.那就是规则写错了Well, then, the rules are wrong!只响了一下A single ring.用力一按到底 只响了半秒Maximum pressure, just under the half second.委托人Client!达特沼地 一直流传各种神话传说

14、Dartmoor, its always been a place of myth and legend,但是否真有什么潜伏着呢?but is there something else lurking out here?非常真实的东西Something very real.达特沼地也是Dartmoor is also政府最神秘机构的所在地home to one the governments most secret of operations,生化武器研究中心the chemical and biological weapons research centre,是比波登当(国防科技实验室)还敏

15、感的名词which is said to be even more sensitive than Porton Down.二战结束后Since the end of the Second World War,坊间一直流传着巴斯克维尔实验的传言there have been persistent stories about the Baskerville experiments.基因突变的 为战场培育的动物Genetic mutations, animals grown for the battlefield.很多人相信 在这排围栏里There are many who believe that

16、 within this compound,在这片古老的荒野中in the heart of this ancient wildness,有难以想象的恐怖事件发生there are horrors beyond imagining.但更重要的问题是But the real question is,是否有些已踏入外面的世界?are all of them still inside?我那时还只是个孩子I was just a kid.就发生在沼地上It was on the moor.天很黑 但我知道看见了什么It was dark, but I know what I saw.我知道是什么杀了我

17、父亲I know what killed my father.你看见了什么?What did you see?我后面正要说呢Oh, I was just about to say.嗯 那是电视采访 我喜欢听未剪辑版Yes, in a TV interview. I prefer to do my own editing.对哦 抱歉 行啊那好吧Yes. Sorry, yes, of course.对不起Excuse me.不着急In your own time.但还是快点But quite quickly.您知道达特沼地吗 福尔摩斯先生?Do you know Dartmoor, Mr Holm

18、es?不知道No.美丽的地方 独一无二Its an amazing place, its like nowhere else,有些荒凉 但是很美its sort of bleak, but beautiful.不感兴趣 继续Hm, not interested. Moving on.母亲去世之后 我和父亲经常去散步We used to go for walks, after my mum died, my dad and me.每天晚上 走去沼地Every evening, wed go out onto the moor.好吧 快进到你父亲被残杀那天晚上Good. Skipping to t

19、he night that your dad was violently killed,发生在哪里?where did that happen?有这么个地方Theres a place,算是当地地标 叫德沃谷its a sort of local landmark, called Dewers Hollow.德沃是恶魔的古名Thats an ancient name for the devil.所以呢?So?你那晚上看到恶魔了吗?Did you see the devil that night?是的Yes.体型巨大It was huge.皮毛乌黑 双目血红Coal-black fur with

20、 red eyes.它把他扑倒在地It got him.不停撕咬 将他撕碎Tore at him, tore him apart.我只记得这些了I cant remember anything else.他们第二天早上发现我在沼地游荡They found me the next morning, just wandering on the moor.爸爸的尸体至今未找到My dads body was never found.嗯Hm.双目血红 毛发乌黑 庞大.Red eyes, coal-black fur, enormous.狗? 狼?A dog? Wolf?或是基因实验品Or a gene

21、tic experiment.你在笑我吗 福尔摩斯先生?Are you laughing at me, Mr Holmes?怎么 你说笑话了?Why, are you joking?我父亲一直跟我讲My dad was always going on他们在巴斯克维尔做的事情about the things they were doing at Baskerville.告诉我他们培育的怪兽About the type of monsters they were breeding there.人们总是笑话他People used to laugh at him.至少电视台的人认真对待我At lea

22、st the TV people took me seriously.我猜也是德文郡旅游业的福音吧And I assume did wonders for Devon tourism.亨利 不管你父亲有怎样的遭遇Henry, whatever did happen to your father,都是20年以前的事了it was 20 years ago.怎么现在来找我们呢?Why come to us now?你大概帮不了我 福尔摩斯先生Not sure you can help me, Mr Holmes,既然你觉得整件事很可笑since you find it all so funny!因

23、为昨晚发生的事Because of what happened last night.怎么 昨晚发生什么事了?Why, what happened last night?你.怎么知道?How. How do you know?我不知道 我观察到的I didnt know, I noticed.你今早从德文郡搭首班列车来的You came up from Devon on the first train this morning.你吃了糟糕的早餐 喝了黑咖啡You had a disappointing breakfast and a black coffee.隔走道的女孩看上你了The gir

24、l across the aisle fancied you.原本很乐意来往 但你改了主意Though initially keen, youve changed your mind.你急着想抽今天的第一根烟You are anxious to have your first cigarette of the day.坐下 奈特先生 随便抽吧Sit down, Mr Knight, and do please smoke.我很乐意的Id be delighted.你到底是怎么观察到这些的?How on Earth did you notice all that?这不重要.Its not imp

25、ortant.身上有车票打孔的碎屑Punched out holes where your tickets been checked.不用现在说吧Not now.拜托 我都憋了好久了 你这是显摆Ive been cooped-up for ages! Youre showing off.我这人就是爱显摆 这是我们的专业水平I am a show-off, thats what we do.火车上的餐巾纸 擦过洒的咖啡Train napkin you used to mop up the spilled coffee.污渍颜色深 说明你没加牛奶Strength of the stain show

26、s that you didnt take milk.番茄酱的痕迹There are traces of ketchup餐巾纸 嘴边 袖口都有on it and on your lips and sleeve.自己做的早餐 或列车上充数的Cooked breakfast, or the nearest thing those trains manage.大概是三明治Probably sandwich.你怎么知道不好吃呢?How did you know it was disappointing?火车上能有好吃的吗? 那个女孩Is there any other type of breakfas

27、t on a train? The girl.女性的笔迹很好认Female handwritings distinctive,餐巾纸上有她的手机号wrote her number on the napkin.写字角度上看I can tell from the angle she wrote at她是坐在过道对面that she was sat across from you.她起身走人后After she got off,你用那张纸擦了洒掉的咖啡I imagine you used the napkin to mop up your spilled coffee,不小心洇了号码accident

28、ally smudging the numbers.你用另一支笔描过后四位数Youve been over the last four digits in another pen,想留住这号码so you wanted to keep the number.你用那张餐巾纸擤了鼻涕You used the napkin to blow your nose,说到底你也不那么喜欢她so youre not that into her after all.你颤抖的手指上有尼古丁痕迹Then theres the nicotine stains on your shaking fingers.这种迹象我

29、最懂了I know the signs.在火车上不许吸烟No chance to smoke when on the train,在出租车上没空卷烟no time to roll one before you got a cab here.现在才早上九点一刻 你很急切Its just after 9.15, youre desperate.从艾克赛特到伦敦 第一班车5:46出发The first train from Exeter to London leaves at 5.46am.你赶上了第一班车You got the first one,说明昨晚一定发生了重要的事so something

30、 important must have happened last night.我说错了么?Am I wrong?没有No.你说对了Youre right.全对 完全准确Youre completely, exactly right.我就听说你推理很快Bloody hell, I heard you were quick.这是我的工作 快闭嘴抽烟吧Its my job. Now shut up and smoke.亨利 你父母都去世时你才七岁?Henry, your parents both died and you were what, seven years old?我知道 那.I know, that.那

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