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1、雅思考试议论文题库雅思考试议论文题库第一大类 学生生活类1.谁应该为大学生支付学费Some people say university students should pay their tuition fees.Some others say the government should pay the tuition fees.What is your opinion?Sample AnswerThere has been an increase in the number of university students who are unable to afford their tuiti

2、on fees.It is suggested that the government should be responsible for the full tuition of college students.Indeed,high tuition fees deprive some students of entering the university.However,I am one of many individuals who feel that university students should pay their tuition fees.The main reason is

3、 that it can ensure the quality of tertiary education.If the college students do not pay the tuition fees,it will lay a heavy financial burden on the government.If the government is unable to invest enough money on university education because of the limited budget,the quality of education cannot be

4、 ensured.The second reason for my propensity is that it is quite fair to require students to pay the full tuition.Some high school leavers give up their further study because they have their own aim in life.That is to say,going to university is a totally personal choice.Therefore,it is not unreasona

5、ble that the people who make such a choice pay for it.译文不能支付学费的大学生的数量一直在增加。有人提出,政府应当负责大学生的全部学费。确实,高额学费使一些学生不能进入大学。然而,我认为大学生应当支付他们的学费。主要的原因是,这样能够确保大学教育的质量。如果大学生不支付学费,那么就会给政府造成沉重的经济负担。如果政府因为预算有限而无法投入足够的资金在大学教育上,那么教育质量将无法得到保证。第二个原因是,要求大学生支付全额学费是非常公平的。一些高中毕业生放弃了继续深造的机会是因为他们有自己的人生目标。也就是说,上大学完全是个人的选择。因此,做

6、出这种选择的人为此付费,是相当合理的。Some people may say that students from the countryside and undeveloped areas cannot go to college if students are required to pay the full tuition.It is a great loss to the country as well as a misfortune to students themselves.In fact,there are some feasible methods to solve the

7、problem.The first option is the bank loan,although it has to be paid back at a later date.In addition,students can work part-time to earn money to cover some expenses.So,as I see it,college students should pay the full tuition.有人可能会说,如果被要求支付全额学费,来自乡村和不发达地区的学生就不能上大学了。这对国家而言是一个巨大的损失,对学生自己来说也很不幸。实际上,有一

8、些可行的办法来解决这个问题。第一个选择是银行贷款,虽然日后必须偿还。而且,学生可以通过做兼职工作来赚钱,用来支付部分费用。所以,我认为大学生应当支付他们的全部学费。考官评分:7范文点评:本题属于“辩论型”题目。范文采用一边倒结构,开头段先用一句话介绍背景,然后介绍对方观点及一个理由,最后说出自己的观点:大学生应该支付学费。接下来给出三个理由段,其中第三个理由段反驳对方观点。最后一段重申自己的观点。2.考试对学生的影响Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on students.Some people say they

9、 have some good effects on education.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.Sample AnswerFrom primary school to university,students have to take a lot of examinations every year.Some people take the view that examinations are detrimental to students in many aspects.However,there are also many

10、people who hold the opinion that examinations have beneficial impacts on education.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds have different attitudes towards the same issue.译文从小学到大学,学生每年都必须参加很多考试。一些人认为考试在很多方面都对学生的发展不利。但是,也有很多人认为考试对教育有种种好的影响。来自不同背景的人对同样的问题持有不同的观点,这是很自然的。Those who bel

11、ieve that examinations have negative influences on students give their reasons as follows.First of all,examinations are harmful to studentsphysical health.It goes without saying that because students spend too much time preparing for examinations,they often ignore outdoor activities and physical exe

12、rcise.Another reason is that examinations can easily lead to studentspsychological problems.In other words,students face fierce competition and suffer from great pressure.Some of them may even choose to commit suicide,although that is rare.However,the other side of the coin voices its strong opposit

13、ion,saying that examinations play an essential role in education.For one thing,examinations bring us great convenience and efficiency.There is no denying that examinations provide us with a convenient and efficient way to measure studentsknowledge and ability.For another thing,up to now,no other met

14、hods have been discovered to replace examinations.That is to say,examinations are still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method which we can take.In my opinion,I would agree with the latter view that examinations have positive effects on education.With examinations,we can evaluate students

15、ability conveniently and efficiently.What is more,nowadays we have not found out other methods which can replace examinations.那些认为考试对学生有负面影响的人给出如下理由:首先,考试对学生的身体健康有害。不用说,因为学生花费太多的时间准备考试,他们经常忽视户外活动和体育锻炼。另一个原因是考试很容易导致学生们的心理问题。换句话说,学生面临激烈的竞争并且承受巨大的压力。他们中的一些一些人甚至可能选择自杀,虽然那种情况很少见。但是,另一方强烈反对,他们指出考试在教育过程中起着


17、话左右。第三段说明考试的优点,同样给出两个理由,每个理由两句话左右。最后一段,先说出自己的观点:考试对教育有积极的影响,然后各用一句话改写第三段中的每个理由。全篇文章符合6.5分的标准。3.出国留学的利弊In recent years,many young people decide to further their studies abroad.Do you think the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages?Sample Answer 1Over the last two decades,an increas

18、ing number of youngsters chose to go abroad to continue their studies.It is suggested that studying abroad brings students many benefits.However,a more popular belief is that its drawbacks should not be neglected.People,who advocate that studying abroad has a lot of disadvantages,have their sound re

19、asons.First of all,living far away from home,students will suffer from psychological problems such as loneliness,isolation and homesickness.Some of them may even fail to adapt to the life in other countries until the end of their studies.Another reason is that students have to spend a large sum of m

20、oney on tuition fees and living expenses.In other words,studying abroad lays a heavy financial burden on studentsfamilies.Finally,language barrier will bring inconvenience to studentsstudies.译文过去的20年中,越来越多的年轻人选择出国继续他们的学业。有人提出出国留学给学生带来很多好处,但是一个更流行的观点是它的弊端不应该被忽视。认为出国留学有很多弊端的人有着充分的理由。首先,离家在外,学生们将承受心理问题

21、,如孤单、孤立和思乡。有些人甚至直到学业结束时都不能适应在其他国家的生活。另一个原因是学生们的学费和生活费是一笔极大的开销。换句话说,出国留学给学生的家庭带来沉重的经济负担。最后,语言障碍也给学生的学习带来不便。To this issue,some other people hold a different attitude,arguing that students should go abroad to study.First,studying abroad can broaden studentsvision.The knowledge and experiences which are

22、 acquired in other countries help them to become more open-minded.Second,students can learn advanced science and technology and receive a different education.The book resources are more up-to-date and the professors are aware of the latest development in their fields.Moreover,when they finish their

23、studies abroad,they will have more choices for their future career.As a general rule,if one has the experience of studying abroad,it is easier for him to find a satisfying job.For my part,while overseas study has its drawbacks,the advantages are more obvious.It can widen studentshorizons.They have e

24、asy access to the first-rate facilities and the latest development in science and technology.What is more,when they finish their studies,they have more job opportunities.对于这个问题,其他的人有不同的看法,认为学生应该出国留学。首先,出国留学可以拓宽学生的眼界。在其他国家获得的知识和经历有助于他们的思路变得更加开阔。第二,学生可以学到先进的科学技术,接受完全不同的教育。图书资源是更新的,教授也更了解本学科领域内最新的发展情况。


26、的观点:出国留学利大于弊,然后各用一句话改写第三段中的每个理由。Sample Answer 2These years,with the development of economy,an increasing number of students choose to go abroad to continue their studies.Some people hold the opinion that studying abroad brings students a lot of benefits.However,there are also many people who strongl

27、y advocate that studying abroad is detrimental to students in many aspects.People from different backgrounds seldom reach agreement on such a controversial issue.译文这些年来,随着经济的发展,越来越多的学生选择出国继续他们的学业。一些人认为出国学习给学生带来很多好处。然而,仍有很多人强烈认为出国学习在很多方面都对学生不利。不同背景的人很难对这样一个有争议的话题达成一致。People who support that students

28、should study abroad give some of the following reasons.The first reason is that after students finish their studies abroad,they will have more job opportunities.It is commonly accepted that the students who have the experience of studying abroad can more easily find a satisfactory job.Another reason

29、 is that studying abroad helps to cultivate studentsindependence.In other words,they have to learn how to take care of themselves and how to get along well with others.However,there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.They believe that studying abroad has more

30、 disadvantages.In the first place,studying abroad can easily lead to studentspsychological problems.Researches reveal that because they live far away from their parents,relatives and friends,they often suffer from psychological problems such as loneliness and homesickness.In the second place,studyin

31、g abroad lays a heavy financial burden on studentsfamilies.That is to say,students have to spend a large sum of money on the tuition fees and living expenses.From my point of view,the disadvantages of studying abroad outweigh its advantages.Studying abroad is harmful to studentsmental health.What is

32、 more,it is not easy for ordinary families to afford the high cost.那些支持学生应该出国学习的人给出如下理由。第一个理由是学生在国外完成学业后会得到更多的就业机会。人们普遍认为那些有海外留学经历的学生可以更容易找到一份满意的工作。另一个理由是在国外学习有助于培养学生的独立性。换句话说,他们要学会如何照顾自己及如何与他人和睦相处。然而,很多人对于这个问题持有不同的观点,他们认为出国学习有更多的弊端。首先,出国学习很容易导致学生的心理问题。研究表明,因为远离自己的父母、亲戚和朋友,他们经常会受到孤独和思乡等心理问题的困扰。其次,出国学习给学生的家庭带来沉重的经济负担。也就是说,学生不得不在学费和生活费上花一大笔钱。在我看来,出国学习弊大于利。出国学习会对学生的心理健康产生不利影响。另外,对普通家庭来说,承担高额花费也不是一件容易的事。考官评分:6.5范文点评:本题属于“辩论型”题目。范文使用对称式结构,写了四段。开头段第一句介绍背景,然后介绍双方观点,最后一句引出下文。中间两段,双方观点各占一段。第二段说明出国留学的优点,给出两个理由,每个理由两句话左右。第三段说明出国留学的弊端,同样给出两个理由,每个理由两句话左右。最后一段,先说出自己的观点:

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