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1、初一英语谜语范文初一英语谜语范文 it has a body, but no warmth. no feet, but can travel. 谜底:taurus have straight characteristic, yet they are more enthusiastic, and kind heart, and they like to help other people. they have clean definition for people. or things ,in terms of love or hate, they will not lose their foc

2、us. 金牛座的人个性较直,不过也较热心, 而且有爱心,喜欢帮助别人。 不过对人对事都是爱恨分明, 不会模糊焦点。 幸运衣着:the pleated skirt with the bow (蝴蝶结装饰的百褶裙) 幸运配饰:sequinned bags (珠片小包) 幸运色彩:light blue,pale yellow 5.226.21passionate,clever,and sociable, these are the general characters belong to gemini. gemini are very good at promoting themselves. ho

3、wever,gemini have unstable characters, they can be describe as double face. 多情,灵敏,善交际。 这就是双子座。 双子座的人非常善于推销自己, 不过个性多变。 几乎可以用双面人来形容。 幸运衣着:a big haversack 幸运配饰:a belt 幸运色彩:light green,khaki cancer are full of motherly love, they can take very good care of their family.for they are very defensive, roman

4、tic in nature, sensible and sensitive. however,they are very picky, and like to fantasize. 巨蟹座的人充满了母爱的光辉, 非常顾家。 这是因为他们自卫性相当强, 性情浪漫,感性又敏锐。 不过常常对事情会吹毛求疵, 喜欢幻想。 幸运衣着:blazers(运动夹克) 幸运配饰:fashion plastic watches 幸运色彩:orange,bright green篇二:英语谜语 英语谜语 1.what season is the most dangerous one? autumn. (because

5、 it is also fall). 2. on what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history? march fourth.(when a war breaks out,theyll have to march forth) 3. from what number can one take half and leave nothing? the number 8. 4. what has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk .a clock. 5.

6、 what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? a blackboard. 6. what 5-letter word has six left when you take 2 letters away? sixty/sixth 7. what is the center of gravity? the letter v. 8. when the boy fell into the water,whats the first thing he did? .he got wet first. 9. who isnt your

7、 sister and isnt your brother,but is still a child of your mother and father? you yourself are. 11. what kind of man can raise things without lifting hem? a farmer 12 what kind of dog never can bite and bark? a hot dog. 13. what has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks? .a river.

8、 14. four girls have a basket with four apples in can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket? give three girls an apple each,and give the fourth girl her apple in the basket. 15. three men were under one umbrella,but none of them got wet

9、.how do they do it? it was not raining. 17. what rises in the morning and waves all day? a flag. 18. what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals? eye. 19. what is easy to get into but hard to get out of? what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?tro

10、uble 20. what word can you make shorter by adding two letters to it? short. 21. what part of a clock is always old? the second hand. 22. which three letters can frighten a thief away? i c u 23. what appears once in every minute,twice in every moment, but not once in thousand years? the letter m. 24.

11、 .what belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than by yourself? my name. 25. .why is a river rich? because it has two banks. 26. i have cities but no houses,forests but no trees; rivers but without water;what am i? a map.27. a man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wrong with him.

12、do you know why? because the plane is on the ground. 28. why did john say he didnt know where the sun was? because it was at night. 29. where does a person stay for the longest time in his life? in bed. 30. why does toms mother go to work by plane every day? because she works in a plane. 31. what ma

13、n can not live inside a house? .a snowman. 32. what match cant be put in a match box? .football match,basketball match,and so on. 35. what is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck? a bottle. 36 what part of london is in brazil? the letter l. 37. .what is that which has a mouth,but never s

14、peaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it? a river. 38. what two things cant you have for breakfast? lunch and dinner 39. what do most gardeners not like to grow? their age. 40 how could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt? the ladder might be lying on the ground instead of against a w

15、all. 41. .if it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg, how long does it take to boil four eggs? three and a half minutes. 42. if three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them,how many will be left? one - the dead one. 43. when is your uncles sister not your aunt? when she is my mother. 44. mrs.smith has

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