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1、牛津英语模块三学案答案模块3学案 参考答案Unit 1Period 1合作探究Task Picture 1If you look at the white part, you can see a vase. If you look at the black part, you can see two faces.Picture 2You can use a ruler to measure the two lines. Or, you can use two pieces of paper to cover both ends of the two lines.Picture 3You can

2、 place a ruler next to the lines. You can also use a ruler to draw more straight lines which run parallel to the two lines.Picture 4The symbols in Line b can be read as the letters K, B, R and M or K, 13, R, and M. Task 1. When learning English, the sense of sight and the sense of hearing help me a

3、lot. I usually listen to the tape before I read. While Im listening to the tape, Ill look at the text, and I often read the English text aloud. The combination of these two senses best helps me remember what I have learnt.2. Take Beethoven, the great German composer, as an example. He began to lose

4、his hearing in 1801 and was partly deaf by 1819. In 1824, when he was completely deaf, Beethoven completed his most famous symphony, the Ninth Symphony.Task 2. D C It makes sense to take care of your health.You are right in a sense, but you dont know all the facts.Can you make sense of what this wri

5、ter is saying?课堂目标达成1. Because it originates in the bottom layer of your skin.2. Pain receptors.3. Because the sides of the tongue have a lot of nerve endings.4. The sense of touch.Period 2自主学习Task 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D合作探究Task 2. Part 1Place: Outside Pollys working placeTime: 4 p.m.Characte

6、r: PollyPlot: Polly left work early.Part 2Place: in the streetTime: laterCharacters: Polly, the bus conductorPlot: The fog was too thick for the bus to run that far to King Street.Part 3Place: at Green Park StationPlot: Polly had a feeling that she was being watched.Parts 46Characters: Polly, an old

7、 manPlot: How an old man helps Polly find her way home.Task FFTFFF Task 1. thick fog2. underground3. a tall man4. Park Street5. closer6. a rough hand7. lost8. sight9. her house10. restTask Our school held an art festival at the end of last term. On Friday afternoon, our class had a party to celebrat

8、e the festival. First, we had music and dancing. My friend Lucy sang a pop song. Some others danced for us.Then we had a variety of competitions. The most exciting program began: the cooking competition. Each group had to make some special dishes. The students had turned into cooks, though they coul

9、dnt tell salt from sugar the day before. At last we had to finish our party. When we said good-bye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: we had a wonderful full time at school.Reading部分的教学构想一课堂设计指导思想:本节课是以听、说、读为主的课文理解教学课。通过快速阅读课文和重点阅读部分章节对文章进行初步理解。以阅读选择和阅读填空练习进一步理解课文。Teaching aims:1.

10、 阅读在雾中迷路的一个年轻女孩的故事,分析其故事情节,从中领悟道理。2. 掌握并运用阅读技巧故事的六要素。3. 学会缩写故事。Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inThe teacher begins the lesson by the heavy fog of London, and lays the foundation for the story.【设计说明】通过伦敦大雾的话题引入主题,调动学生的学习热情和兴趣,了解故事的背景,自然导入本课主题。Step 2 Checking self-learning【设计说明】通过核对自学部分习题完成对课文的初步理解。S

11、tep 3 Reading strategyDraw the students attention to the reading strategy about aspects of stories.【设计说明】阅读策略的学习是训练学生阅读能力的有效措施,让学生了解故事的基本要素,能在阅读训练中达到事半功倍的效果,并为他们今后的学习打下良好的基础。Step 4 About the reading comprehension Ask the students to read the text, decide whether the details of the story are true or

12、false and complete the form.【设计说明】通过阅读课文,判断细节信息的正误和完成表格对文章进行进一步的理解。Step 5 Post-reading (Discussion) Ask students to answer the questions according to the given information.【设计说明】要求学生回答相关的问题,使他们在理解文章大意后上升为情感教育的高度。Step 6 AssignmentsTalk about the plot, character, problem and ending of the given story.

13、【设计说明】巩固所学,提升对故事类文章阅读的理解。Period 3自主学习12. 匆匆一瞥;扫视13. 出发 14. 在耳边 15. 伸出 16. 凝视合作探究1. observe(1)Nobody observed the little boy enter the room just now.(2)The police observed the man entering the bank.(1) He observed a stranger going into his house when he was parking his car.(2) A(3) staring, glanced,

14、observes2. approach(1) 通道,路径(2) 接近,靠近(3) 方法,途径A3. that(1) 对不起,我真爬不了那么高。(2) 你能吃那么多吗?(3) A fog this bad is rare.4. beat, hitbeating, hit, strikes5. (1) in bed(2) invited(3) 急救,如果做得得当,能拯救人的性命。He looked everywhere as if (he was) in search of something.课堂目标达成. at, at, for, off, into, in/with. DDAABB BCBA

15、AD课后巩固提升.1. After we had driven a long way, the Great Wall was in sight at last.2. As you approach the town, you will see the high tower in the center.3. The police observed a strange man enter the house and followed him secretly. Reading部分的教学构想二课堂设计指导思想:通过背诵、翻译、造句、填空、完句、选择等活动学习和运用本课中的语言点。Teaching a

16、ims: 1. To get to grasp the usage of the main language items. 2. To train listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by practicing the language items. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Check if the students have understood key phrases and sentences by translation.【设计说明】让学生复习短语和背诵句型,引入本节课的重要知

17、识点。Step 2 Language discussionHave the students work in groups, discuss the usage of language points and finish some related exercises.【设计说明】通过合作探究找出自己的难点。Step 3 Explanation Explain the difficulties the students met with.,such as sentence translation, multiple choices to help students to practice.【设计

18、说明】答疑学生的难点,归纳整理每个知识点的用法,让学生能学有所获。Step 4 Consolidation Let students do some exercises.【设计说明】不同的练习形式可帮助学生在一定的语境中巩固记忆文中的语言点。Period 4合作探究Task Part A1. once conj.(as soon as, when) ; adv. (at sometime in the past)Once she finishes her work, she can help you.I once lived in Beijing.2. left v. (go away); a

19、dv. (the direction)I left for work earlier this morning.Look right and left before crossing the street.3. still adv. (continuing); adj. (not moving)Im still hungry though Ive just had a big hamburger.Cant you sit still?Part Bcauses, cause; answer, answer; increases, increaseTask 1. sense(1) sense v.

20、(2) senses n.(3) sense n.2. time(1) time n.(2) times n.(3) timed v.3. sightACDB课堂目标达成seated, plant, to water, questioned, experienced, packing, back, headingPeriod 5自主学习Task 1. Pleasant smells reduce pain.2. Yes, they are.3. Yes, we should.合作探究Task 定语从句是从句对其先行词的修饰或限制,关系代词that必须在从句中充当成分;同位语从句是对从句前面的抽

21、象名词作进一步的说明和解释,连接词that不充当成分。Task 1. The climate of Guangzhou is much better than that of Xian.2. What he did is better than that I did.3. Can you see the book? One that is on the table.4. I want him to buy a pen for me, one that is red.课后巩固提升1. that2. why3. whether4. It; that5. thatPeriod 6自主学习1. 宾语从

22、句 2. 宾语从句 3. 主语从句 4. 同位语从句 5. 表语从句 6. 宾语从句 7. 同位语从句 8. 宾语从句合作探究Task 可以使用that引导名词性从句的三种情况:1. 当从句是陈述句时,可用that引导这个名词性从句。2. 当名词性从句是句子的主句时,that不能省略。3. 在非正式英语中,当that引导的名词性从句作宾语或表语时,that可以省略。Task 用if 还是whether1. if/whether。做及物动词的宾语,两者都可以使用。2. Whether。引导主语从句,只能用whether3. whether。做介词宾语,只能用whether4. whether。和

23、or not连用,只能用whether5. whether。表语从句和同位语从句,用whether6. whether。和不定式连用,用whetherTask 如果一个动词有两个名词性从句作它的宾语,那么不可以省略在第二个名词性从句前的that或if/whether。Task C课堂目标达成BADAAABC课后巩固提升翻译句子1. That many students can go to famous universities2. that they improve peoples lives3. all American soldiers should leave Iraq as quick

24、ly as possible4. whether our computer system has been destroyed5. Whether you go or stay at homePeriod 7合作探究Task 1. Start includes who, where, when, why.Body tells about the problems experienced by the characters.Ending tells how the problem is solved or how the story ends.2. PracticeFind three part

25、s of the story Fog.S: Polly left work early because of the fog forecast.B: How Polly found her way home on such a foggy day.E: The old man who helped Polly was blind.3. A a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 2 e. 5 f. 4B a. B b. S c. E d. B e. B f. BTask 1. (1)The questions your teacher asks are for the start of the s

26、tory.(2)You need to write about the amazing experience of a girl.(3)The story must end with a surprise.2. (1)Sandy.(2)To the museum.(3)To do a class project about art and history.(4)By school bus.(5)Sandy and her classmate Li Feifei were left behind by others and had to run to catch up with them.(6)

27、Late morning.3. One morning at about 10 oclock, Sandy and her classmates went to the museum together with their teachers, because they had a class project about art and history. They went there by school bus. When they got off the bus, Sandy and her classmate Li Feifei were so busy looking around th

28、at they were left behind. So, they had to run to catch up with the others.Period 8合作探究Task Four things to tell a story better1. Speech bubble - to show what the character is saying; Thought bubble - to show what the character is thinking; Sound bubble - to show the sound the character is making; Cap

29、tion - to describe the state or action concerning the character.2. Alice and an alienOne day Alice saw an alien, and she wanted to make friends with it. She waved to the alien, saying, “ I want to be your friend.” Alice wanted to shake hands with the alien. But the alien didnt know what Alice wanted to do. It was frightened instead. It took out

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