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1、版高考英语复习Module5GreatPeopleandGreatInventionsofAncientChina讲义外研版Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China.单词语境记忆1.a woman of high position身居高位的妇女 official who would like to resign 想辞职的官员3.crowded conditions 拥挤的环境 against the principle 违背原则5.follow his teachings 遵循他的教导6.his ide

2、a of love 他仁爱的观点 made of black leather 由黑色皮革制成8.feel smooth and soft 感到光滑柔软9.for lack of fuel 因缺乏燃料10.three monks living in the temple 住在庙里的三个和尚.词性转换与派生记忆1.stress vt.强调n.强调;压力;重读2.adviser n.顾问advise v.建议advice n.建议3.justice n.公正just adj.公正的4.order n.秩序orderly adj.有序的5.equal adj.平等的equality n.平等6

3、.importance n.重要;重要性important adj.重要的7.influential adj.有影响的influence n.& v.影响8.honesty n.诚实honest adj.诚实的9.contribution n.贡献contribute v.贡献10.invent vt.发明invention n.发明inventor n.发明家11.argument n.争论;辩论;议论argue v.争论;争辩12.freedom n.自由free adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的13.philosophy n.哲学philosopher n.哲学家14.thinker n.

4、思想家think vt.想;认为15.kindness n.善良kind adj.善良的联想记忆1.含名词后缀ance单词一览appearance n. 外貌;出现;露面performance n. 表演;演出ignorance n. 无知;愚昧perseverance n. 坚持不懈resemblance n. 相像2.含y结尾单词荟萃honesty n. 诚实difficulty n. 困难discovery n. 发现modesty n. 谦虚,虚心delivery n. 投递;交付;交货bravery n. 勇敢3.学会使用“命令,指示”command n.& v. 命令;指挥orde

5、r n.& v. 命令;秩序;次序direction n. 指示;用法说明instruction n. 指令;指示4.名词后缀ness大观园kindness 善良blindness 盲目darkness 黑暗weakness 虚弱loneliness 寂寞短语背诵 at war with与交战 proud of/take pride in 为自豪3.for the first time 第一次4.become interested in 对感兴趣5.bring up 养育;抚养;提出;呕吐 conclusion 总之7.agree with 同意;与相符;适合(某人)词

6、块积累1.from state to state周游列国,从一国到另一国2.cause trouble 肇事,闯祸3.follow ones advice 听从某人的建议 some ways 在某些方面5.a sense of responsibility 责任感 similar to 与相似1.Treat others in the way you want to be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。2.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is go

7、od.孟子认为人区别于动物的原因就在于人性本善。3.However,we do know that in 1092 AD he invented the first real clock.然而,我们的确知道在公元1092年,他发明了第一个真正的钟表。4.But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.但那也是一个产生了许多伟大的哲学家的时期。5.Cars were first used at the end of the nineteenth century,and were no faster than a hor

8、se.19世纪末时,汽车首次被使用,其速度并不比马跑得快。.单词拼写1.It is against my principle (原则) to tell lies to the teacher just for helping you avoid punishment.2.You should return the books to the shelf after reading to keep them in order (顺序).3.Most air pollution is caused by the burning of fuels (燃料) like coal,gas and oil.

9、4.He resigned (辞职) as manager of this organization at last because he couldnt get along well with other people.5.I promise that I will return your car in good condition (状况) if you can lend it to me.6.Could you point out the position (位置) of your village on the map for us?7.No doubt whoever breaks t

10、he justice (公正) of the vote will be punished severely.8.The leather (皮革) coat feels comfortable and it costs a lot of money.9.In general,the books in the library are divided into main categories (种类) to be found easily.10.Teenagers are only allowed to drink some soft (柔软的) drinks in many countries o

11、f the world.词性变化练习1.Mr Smith is one of the most influential (influence) figures in the field of science and technology.2.They had reached an agreement that they would share the housework equally (equal) before they got married.3.It was not until I was ill that I realized the importance (important) o

12、f health.4.As is known,he has made a great contribution (contribute) to the antipoverty project.5.Dont spend too much time on the argument (argue) about how to deal with stupid problems.6.He was considered as one of the greatest inventors (invent) due to his achievements.7.If you want to improve the

13、 quality of our products,you had better get a technical adviser (advise) to help us.8.Every teacher should improve his/her teaching (teach) method in order to make students get better education.9.She preferred to believe in Jack,for his honesty (honest) impressed her deeply.10.My parents have stress

14、ed (stress) that kindness and independence are important in my growth.选词填空bring up,be proud of,for the first time,be similar to,in conclusion,be at war with,agree with,become interested in1.His country was_at_war_with some other countries when he studied abroad.2.Jack was brought_up in a poor family

15、,which contributed a lot to his great determination.3.I was amazed to see many surprising things in Shanghai for I came here for_the_first_time.4.Absolutely,she is_proud_of her son who has got his Doctors degree from Harvard University.5.I have known you became_interested_in Chinese literature the m

16、oment you arrived in China,so I bought these books for you.6.In_conclusion,we should thank all the workers who have been working so hard all the time.7.My teaching style is_similar_to that of most other teachers.8.I cannot agree_with you on this point.完成句子1.WeChat has changed the_way_(that/in_which)

17、_we_make_friends.微信已经改变了我们的交友方式。2.The_reason_why_I_asked_for_three_days_off_is_that my sick mother needed my care.我请假三天的原因是我生病的母亲需要我的照顾。3.He does_enjoy listening to classical music.他的确喜欢听古典音乐。4.There was a_time_when I hated to go to school.曾经有一段时间我讨厌上学。5.In my opinion,he is no_more_hardworking_than

18、his brother.依我看,他和他的弟弟一样都不努力。 核心要点突破1.equal adj.平等的;相等的;胜任的 v.等于;抵得上(1)equal.with.把与等同equal sb/sth in (doing) sth 在(做)某事方面比得过/敌得过某人/物(2)be equal to (doing) sth 等于;能胜任(做)某事be equal with 与平等without equal 无与伦比(3)equality n. 相等;平等equally adv. 相等地;平等地单句语法填空Learning to deal with the social world is equall

19、y (equal) important.In fact,when it comes to the art of war,ants are without equal.佳句背诵 Though he is equal to them in height,no one can equal him in playing basketball.尽管他和他们的身高相同,但在打篮球方面无人能与他匹敌。2.stress n.强调;压力;重音 vt.强调;施压于;使紧张(1)under stress在压力之下put/lay/place stress on sth 强调某事物stress the importan

20、ce of 强调的重要性(2)stressful adj. 有压力的(指物)stressed adj. 有压力的(指人)单句语法填空/一句多译The life of a high school student is usually active,exciting and full of fun,but it can be stressful (stress) sometimes.英语老师们经常强调大声朗读的重要性。The English teachers always stress_the_importance_of reading aloud.The English teachers alw

21、ays put/lay/place_stress_on_the_importance_of reading aloud.佳句背诵 What I want to stress is that our group is looking for new members right now.(2018天津高考书面表达)我想强调的是我们小组现在正在寻找新成员。3.condition n.状况;条件;环境(1)living/housing/working conditions生活/住房/工作条件under.conditions 在条件下(2)be in good/bad/poor condition 状况

22、良好/恶劣out of condition 身体不适(3)on condition (that). 在条件下;倘若on no condition 决不(放于句首时,句子需部分倒装)单句语法填空/句型转换Ill let you use my bike on condition that you return it tomorrow.China will never be the first to use nuclear weapons.On_no_condition will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.佳句背诵 The picture r

23、eminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions.(北京高考书面表达)这幅画使我想起了那些在逆境中成功的人。名师指津 condition表示“(工作、生活或住房等)条件”时,通常要用复数形式;而表示“状况”时,则为不可数名词。4.bring up养育;抚养;提出;呕吐一词多义 写出下列句中bring up的含义Brought up in a big city,he found it quite difficult to fit in with the countryside.抚养 He was drunk and brought

24、up what he had eaten at midnight.呕吐 Born into a family with three brothers,David was brought up to value the sense of sharing.养育 He brought up a practical plan in the meeting,which brought down the cost of production.提出bring about引起;产生;导致;带来bring sth back 使某物恢复;带回某物;使想起某事bring down 让降下来;使倒下bring in

25、引入;赚(钱)bring out 使显现出;阐明;出版;生产bring sth back to life 使恢复生机单句语法填空The great damage which the earthquake brought about made many people homeless or lose their lives.Our government has taken measures to bring down the prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.佳句背诵 Working with the medical team in

26、Africa has brought out the best in her as a doctor.(2017江苏高考单选)在非洲与医疗队的合作使她作为一名医生的最佳素质彰显了出来。5.the reason that.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.(教材原句)孟子认为人区别于动物的原因就在于人性本善。believed后面是that引导的宾语从句,从句中使用了“the reason that.”句式,意为“的原因是”其中wh

27、y引导的是定语从句;is之后的that引导的是表语从句。(1)reason用作先行词时,首先判断定语从句中缺什么成分,如果缺状语,则要使用关系副词why或for which引导定语从句,why有时可省略;如果缺主语或宾语,则使用关系代词that/which引导定语从句,在定语从句中作宾语时可省略(2)the reason后接同位语从句解释其内容时,用引导词thatThe only reason why I came was that I wanted to meet your friends.我来这儿唯一的原因是想见你的朋友们。The reason for the party is that

28、its Sues birthday.Is this the reason that/which he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?6.the way作先行词Treat others in the way you want to be treated.(教材原句)己所不欲,勿施于人。句中“the way”作先行词,“you want to be treated”为省略关系词的定语从句。(1)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后常接in which或that引导的定语从句,也可以将关系词in which或that省

29、略掉,此时关系词在从句中作状语(2)way后接定语从句时,如果关系词在从句中作主语或宾语则用关系代词that/which,作宾语时还可以省略(3)way表示“方式;方法”时,其后还可接不定式或of doing sth形式Yet in modern society somebody has to do ordinary jobs such as cleaning streets because this is the way(that/in which) society is organized.(广东高考书面表达)然而在现代社会有些人不得不做普通的工作,例如扫街,因为这是社会组织的方式。The

30、 way that/which came up at the meeting was unpractical.Specialists can come up with new ways to_solve (solve) the problem of air pollution. 考纲词汇专练.多义词专练写出下列句中order的含义n.秩序;次序;命令;订购;点的饭菜vt.命令;订购;点(饭菜)1.Ordered over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now.(2016北京高考)订购 2.Without even se

31、eing the menu,I knew Id be ordering every tomato on it.(全国卷)点(饭)菜 3.“Go up to your room.Now,” he ordered him.命令 4.The books are out of order.Please put them in order.次序 .微阅读写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义1.What is the treatment for this condition?疾病 2.Time is money,but that principle means different things for different types of restaurants.(2018江苏高考)原则3.Another argument against tele

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