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1、精剑桥雅思9听力原文加翻译双语Text 1Section1W: Good evening. Kings restaurant.W:晚上好。国王的餐厅。M: Good evening. Im ringing about the job I understand you have vacant?M:晚上好。我打电话是关于工作我理解你有空吗?W: Oh, yes.W:哦,是的。M: Id like to find out a few more details if I may.M:我想如果我可以找到更多的细节。W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?W:是的,

2、当然。我能把你的名字吗?M: Its Peter Chin.M:这是彼得的下巴。W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if were both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.W:好的,彼得。好吧,如果你想问一下工作,然后如果我们都仍然有兴趣,我们可以安排你来参加面试。M: Great, thanks. Im afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard ab

3、out it from a friend.M:很好,谢谢。我恐怕错过了广告的工作,但是我从一个朋友那里听说的。W: Thats no problem at all. What would you like to know?W:没问题。你想知道什么?M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up?M:好吧,嗯,什么样的工作洗餐具吗?W: Its answering the phone.W:这是接电话。M: Oh, right, fine.哦,对了,很好。W: And not waiting at table.W:而不是等在桌子上。M: Thatl

4、l be good. And how many nights a week would it be?M:那就好。每周多少天呢?W: Well, were really only busy at the weekend.W:好吧,我们真的只有忙碌的周末。M: So two nights?M:那两个晚上?W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week.W:三,所以每周工作了12个小时。M: Thatd be fine. It wouldnt interfere with my studies.M:那就好。它不会影响我的学习。W: Ar

5、e you in the university?W:你是在大学吗?M: Yes, first year Physics student.M:是的,第一年物理学生。W: Oh, rightW:哦,对了M: Because Im not an EU national, would I need a work permit?M:因为我不是一个欧盟国家,我需要一个工作许可证吗?W: Yes, you would. Just get you tutor to sign it.W:是的,你可以。只是让你导师签字。M: That wouldnt be a problem if I were to get t

6、he job. Um, where exactly is the restaurant?M:这不会是一个问题如果我得到那份工作。嗯,到底是餐厅在哪里?W: Well, we have two branches- the one were recruiting for is in Hillsdunne road.W:好吧,我们有两个分支我们正在招聘Hillsdunne道路。M: Em, I dont know that. How do you spell it, please?M:哦,我不知道。怎么拼写吗?W: Its H-I-double L-S-D-U- double N-E Road.W:

7、这是H-I-double L-S-D-U双n e路。M: Got that, thanks. Is it near a bus stop?M:明白了,谢谢。这是一个公共汽车站附近吗?W: Yes, the nearest one would probably be just beside the library.是的,最近的一个可能就在图书馆的旁边。M: Oh, yes, I know it. Thatll be fine for me. And could I ask about the pay?M:哦,是的,我知道。这对我来说会好起来的。我能问一下工资吗?W: Were offering

8、4.45 pounds an hour.W:我们提供每小时4.45英镑。M: Thats very good. My last job was 3.95 an hour.M:很好。我的上一份工作是3.95一个小时。W: We feel its pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits(附加福利).W:我们感觉很好,我们也提供一些好的福利(附加福利)。M: Really?M:真的吗?W: Well, we give you a free dinner, so you eat well.W:好吧,我们给你一个免费的晚餐,所以你吃

9、好。M: Right. Better than hostel food.M:对的。比旅馆的食物。W: We certainly hope so. And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.W:我们当然希望如此。我们还提供额外的支付在国定假日工作。M: Oh, thats a really good perk(额外收入), isnt it?M:哦,这是一个很好的活跃(额外收入),不是吗?W: Yes, we think so. And then because of the difficulties of getti

10、ng public transport, if youre working after 11 oclock, we drive you home.W:是的,我们是这样认为的。然后因为公共交通的困难,如果你工作在11点钟,我们开车送你回家。M: Oh, thats good to know.M:哦,这很好。W: Wed certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if youre still interested?W:我们会邀请你参加面试肯定会感兴趣,如果你还感兴趣吗?M: Oh, yes, certainly. Could

11、 I just also ask what qualities youre looing for?M:噢,是的,当然。我也可以问你瞧什么素质?W: Well, for this particular job, we want a clear voice, which you obviously do haveW:好吧,对于这个工作,我们需要一个清晰的声音,显然,你有M: Thanks.M:谢谢。W: And you must be able to think quickly, you know.W:你必须能够迅速思考,你知道的。M: Well, I hope Id.M:好吧,我希望我W: So

12、, when could you come in for an interview. Were actually quite quiet tonight?W:所以,当你能来参加面试。今晚我们很安静吗?M: Sorry, I couldnt come tonight or tomorrow, Im afraid. Thursday is ok, thatd be 22nd of October.M:对不起,我今晚不能来还是明天,我害怕。星期四是好的,10月22日。W: Fine, after 5 pm?W:很好,在下午5点以后呢?M: Yes, fine. Would 6 oclock be o

13、k?M:是的,很好。6点会好吗?W: Perfect. And could you bring along the names of two referees?W:完美。和你可以带两个裁判的名字吗?M: Yes, thats fine. No problem.M:是的,这很好。没有问题。W: Good, I look forward to seeing you.W:好的,我期待着见到你。M: Oh, by the way, who should I ask for?哦,顺便说一下,我应该问谁呢?W: Oh, yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Ma

14、nujaW:噢,是的,当然了,抱歉。我的名字是萨米ManujaM: Can you spell that please?M:你能拼写吗?W: M-a-n-u-j-aW:M-a-n-u-j-aM: Ok, Ive got that. Thank you very much.M:好的,我明白了。非常感谢。W: Look forward to seeing later .W:期待以后Section2M: Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about whats happening in town this weekend.M:现在我们去简谁来告诉我们

15、关于这个周末在城里发生了什么。W: Right, thanks, Andrew, and now on to whats new, and do we really need yet another sports shopping Bradcaster? Well, most of you probably know Sports World- the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago-its attracted a lot of custom, and so the company has

16、now decided to open another branch in the area. Its going to be in the shopping center to the west of Bradcaster, so that will be good news for all of you who found the original shop in the North of the town hard to get to.W:是的,谢谢,安德鲁,现在有什么新鲜事,和我们真的需要另一个体育购物Bradcaster吗?好吧,大部分都知道的体育世界丹麦的分支体育用品公司,开了几年

17、前,吸引了很多的习俗,现在公司已经决定再开一家分店。这将是Bradcaster以西的购物中心,这将是一个好消息对所有人发现原来的店镇北部的难以到达。I was invited to a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing. The whole place has been given a new minimalist(极简主义者) look with the companys signature colors of black and red.我被邀请参加一个特殊的预览,

18、我可以向你保证,这是最终的体育零售。整个地方得到一个新极简主义(极简主义者)看起来与公司的签名的颜色黑色和红色。The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as the equipment. And on the top floor, there is a cafe and a book & DVD section. Youll find all the well-known names as well as some less well-known ones.第一个三层有一个巨大的范围的运动服装和设备

19、。在顶层,有一个咖啡厅和一本书& DVD部分。你会发现所有著名的名称以及一些不知名的。If they havent got exactly what you want in the stock, they promised to get it for you in 10 days, unlike the other store, where it can take up to 14 days. They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis, and swimming, but they particularly focu

20、s on running and they claim to have the widest range of equipment in the country. As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to sports bags, including the latest design from the States- If you cant find what you want here, it doesnt exist.如果他们没有什么你想在股票,他们承诺在10天后为你得到它,与其他商店,需要14天。

21、它们覆盖所有主要的运动,包括足球、网球、游泳,但他们特别关注跑步,他们声称有广泛的设备。以及,三楼的整个部分致力于运动袋,包括从美国最新的设计,如果你找不到你想要的东西在这里,它不存在。The shop would be open from 9 am this Saturday, and if you go along to the opening then youll have the chance to meet the national 400 meters running champion Paul King, whos coming along to open the shop, a

22、nd he will be stay around until about the midday to chat to any fans who want to meet him and sign autographs.商店将从这个星期六上午9点开放,如果你沿着开幕式那么你就有机会符合国家400米跑冠军保罗国王,谁来打开商店,和他将呆到中午聊天任何球迷想要见到他和签名。Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend. There will be free tickets for local sporting

23、 events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all, just answer 15 out of 20 sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul Kings DVD Spring Tips, while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a years free membership of the Bradcaster Gym. All entr

24、ance will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year.然后会有一系列的特殊景点整个周末。将会有免费的票为当地体育赛事第一50个客户,也是一个特殊的竞争向所有人开放,只是回答15的20体育问题正确赢得保罗国王的DVD的签署副本“春天技巧”,而第一个获得所有的问题正确的得到一年的免费会员的Bradcaster健身房。所有入口将得到一个特殊的体育日历与细节的Bradcaster装置在未来一年。One of the special opening of

25、fers is a fitness test- a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone, actually done in the shop by qualified staff. This would normally cost 30 pounds but is available at half price for this month only. There are only a limited number of places available for this, so to make a booking p

26、hone 560341.的一个特殊的开放提供了健康测试一个完整的回顾你的心脏健康和肌肉张力,实际上在商店由合格的人员完成。这通常会花30磅,但可在本月价格只有一半。只有数量有限的名额,所以做一个预订电话560341。In addition, if you open an account you get lots more special offers including the chance to try out the equipment at the special opening evenings.此外,如果您开户你得到更多特价包括机会试用设备在特殊的晚上Section3Pro: Bef

27、ore we start, Spiros and Hiroko, thanks for coming in today to talk about your recent study experiences and congratulations to you both in doing so well in the first semester exams. Id like to discuss with you the value of the English for Academic Purposes course you did here last year before starti

28、ng your university course. Spiros, if I could start with you, what parts of the programme have now proved to be particularly valuable to you?正方观点:在我们开始之前,斯皮罗和宽子,谢谢你今天来谈谈你最近的研究经验和祝贺你俩这样做在第一学期考试。我想和你讨论学术用途英语课程的价值开始前你去年在这里做你的大学课程。斯皮罗,如果我可以跟你开始,项目的哪些部分已经被证明是特别有价值的吗?S: I think that having to do a seminar

29、 presentation really helped me. For example, a couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to give presentation, I felt quite confident. Of course, I was still nervous but because I had done one before, I knew what to expect. Also, I know I was well prepared and I had practised

30、 my timing. In fact, I think that in relation to some of the other people in my group, I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional.S:我认为需要一个研讨会演讲真的帮助了我。例如,几个星期前在我们的营销主题,当轮到我给演讲时,我感到很有信心。当然,我仍然很紧张,而是因为我之前做了一个,我知道会发生什么。同时,我知道我是充分的准备,我已经练习我的时机。事实上,我认为,有关的其他一些人在我的小组,我做了一个很好的工作

31、,因为我的整体风格相当专业。Pro: What about you Hiroko?职业:宽子吗?H: Mmm, thats interesting. In my group, I was really surprised by the way students did their presentations - they just read the notes aloud. Can you believe that? They didnt worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact with their audienc

32、e - and I remember that these things were really stressed to us in the course here.H:嗯,这很有趣。在我的小组,我真的很惊讶学生做演示的方式他们只是朗读笔记。你能相信吗?他们不担心他们的演讲风格或保持眼睛接触他们的听众,我记得这些事情真的是强调我们在这里。Pro: So, how did you approach your presentation Hiroko?职业:那么,你是怎么演讲方法宽子吗?H: Well, to speak frankly, I read my notes too. At the time, it was a relief

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