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1、三年级上册Unit4WeLoveAnimals第二课时教学设计三年级上册Unit 4 We Love Animals 第二课时教学设计 一、教学目标:1. 能在语境中运用Whats this?Its a . 来交流物品信息。 2. 能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等几种动物的名称。3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。 二、教学重点: 听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等动物的名称三、课前准备:动物卡片、动物单词卡、录音机。四、教学步骤:1. Warm-up (Song 唱一唱)热身活动复习上一节课的内容:

2、“Whats this? Its a .”教师呈现动物拼图,让孩子们猜。通过猜的游戏,既复习了上一节课的句型,同时也为歌曲的呈现铺垫,了解chick, duck, dog, cow, bear, pig, cat 等词汇。 教师呈现老麦克唐纳的照片,让学生猜他的农场上有什么东西,检测学生对农场的了解,激活已有的生活体验。 听老麦克唐纳有个农场的歌曲,让孩子们听歌抓词,初步感受农场上有什么动物。带着问题去听,更有侧重点。设计意图:通过拼图游戏复习已学句型,同时拓展与铺垫歌曲内容,通过头脑风暴看农夫照片想农夫农场的有什么,激活已有生活体验,听轻松愉快的歌曲,带着找出农场上的动物的任务,既复习已学单

3、词,同时引出并教授新单词。T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Deng.T: Before the class, let me see whether you can remember this? Look! Whats this? Ss: Its a dog.( chick, duck, cow, bear, farm屏幕最后出农场图,老师再引学生看黑板)T: And whats this?S: Its a farm.T: And this?S: Its a farm.T: Yes, its a farm. Whos

4、e farm is this? . Its my friend Old Macdonalds. Lets say hello to OM.S: Hello, OM.T: Whats can you see on his farm? Then, what else are on his farm?Ss: . animal, vege, fruits.T: (repeat students answer, dog, duck, so many animals, maybe .)Yes, he has many animals. Then what animals are they? Listen

5、to the song. And you will know it. Listen carefully2. Prensetation 1) 单词教学教师提问孩子们,刚才的歌曲中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。歌曲中的象声词,帮助学生理解单词的意思。(听完歌曲)T: What animals are on his farm? Ss: duck, pig, dog. T: Yes, there are some ducks on the farm. Follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack. Can you act like a

6、 duck? Follow me, please. Duck, duck, quack, quack.Ss: duck做动作Duck, duck, quack, quack.教师在教授新词的过程中,通过图片渗透lets chant的内容,如Is the pig big? Is the cat fat? Where is the dog? Its on the log.并有意识地通过动作表情等帮助学生理解chant的内容。T: Where are the ducks? Look! They are in the truck. Look at the duck, in the truck.T: Y

7、es, there is a duck on the farm, what else? Yes, cat. Can you act like a cat? Follow me, please. Cat, cat, meow, meow. Together. Is this cat fat? Yes, look at the cat, it is fat. T: What else are on the farm? Yes, dog. Can you act like a dog? Follow me, please. Dog dog bow wow. Together. Where is th

8、e dog? Yes, look at the dog, its on the log. T: Besides dog, cat, duck, what else? Yes, pig. Can you act like a pig? Follow me, please. Pig pig, oink oink. Together. Is the pig big? Yes, look at the pig, it is big.学生跟录音朗诵韵律诗,然后进行表演。设计意图:通过在教授单词的过程中渗透韵律诗的含义,通过节奏轻快的节奏,提高诗歌的理解和词汇的上口。2) Lets chant(看图唱韵律

9、诗)T: Look at them! They are so happy. Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck. 3) Lets say it together.Ss: Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck.

10、T: Can you give me the beat? One more time, lets say it together. 3. Practice + Presentation巩固操练活动Look, ask and answer (听音做动作)教师组织两大组孩子通过PK的形式,看图做动作,竞猜游戏。看谁演得好,问得好,答得好。看动作,扮演动作,检查孩子们的对单词的理解与掌握,同时滚动前面的第一课时的句型进行操练,使孩子们在语篇句型中进行操练。T: Do you like these animals? If you like it, please act it out! Now Act

11、like a cat!S: Cat, cat, meow, meow.T: Ok, this time Id like one student come here and act. Who like to come? (老师给图片给一个学生代表看,然后那个学生用动作表演该动物)Student A: Whats this?Whole class: Its a .教师教授bear单词,教师创设故事情节熊来了。通过紧张刺激的故事引出新词,并进行教授。同时,引起孩子们的思考,熊来了,其他动物怎么办? 提示学生逃跑。设计意图:设计熊来了的情景,使故事更游戏剧色彩,吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的思考与共鸣,

12、为下面的活动创设条件动物们都很害怕,要逃生了。T: They are so happy together. But today something happens. Listen! Look! Here comes the . Who is coming?Ss: a bearT: Oh, no! Help! A bear. Can you act like a bear? 教bear单词 Can you act like a bear? Yes,follow me, bear, bear, roar, roar.T: Oh, yes. The bear is on OMs farm now.H

13、ow do the animals feel now? Are they scared?Ss: . YesT: What will they do? Just stay here and wait for the bear to eat?Ss: .T: Yes, they run away. Help! Help!教师播放逃跑中的动物的声音,让孩子们说出动物的名称,检查学生对单词的掌握。设计意图:通过听动物的叫声,猜逃跑中的动物名称,检查学生对单词的意思的理解与掌握,同时也为下一步的藏起来做铺垫。T: Listen, who is running? (猫的声音) Whats this?Ss:

14、Its the cat. T: Whats this?Ss: Its the dog. (cat-dog-duck-pig-gun sound)T: Whats this? Yes, its the guns sound. Oh, Old Madonald shoot the bear, yeah, the bear is dead now. OM is worrying now. OM: Where are my animals? Where are my animals? Can you help him?Ss: Yes.T: Lets help him look for the anim

15、als.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳找失散的动物,学生通过观察动物们留下的痕迹脚印、树丛中露出的尾巴、腿等,说说那个地方藏起来的动物是什么。设计意图:通过帮农夫找动物,检查学生对动物的一些特征了解,如一只鸭子应该有两个脚印等,拓展孩子们的知识,同时也适当地对数量进行了拓展。T: Look! They all hide themselves up. Old Macdonald is looking for his animals. Where are they? Where are the ducks? Where are the cats? Where is the pig? Where is

16、the dog? Can you help him?SS: Yes. (出图)T: Look at No. 1, whats this? Ss: Its a pig.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: What is No.2?Ss: Its a duck.T: Great!How many ducks can you see?Ss: 3.T: Whats No.3?Ss: Its a dog.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: Whats No. 4?Ss: Its a cat.T: How many cats are there?Ss: 2.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳把动物们送它们

17、自己的房间,但是动物们的房间的房牌都掉到地上了,老师先让孩子们根据房门上的特征,辨别这些房子是谁的,如门上有条鱼骨头,那应该是猫的房间,如房门上有个猪鼻子猪的房子,房门上是根大骨头狗的房子,房门上是一些鸭子的脚印鸭子的房间,还有一块写着小心熊的牌子。孩子们首先全班认读一次词卡,然后再同桌讨论,再自己尝试把正确的动物名和动物门派卡连起来。然后再让代表把牌子贴到正确的房门上。设计意图:通过小组讨论房间的主人,从动物的特征或者食物来辨别动物,更深一层地理解课文内容,通过贴门牌,加深对单词的认读。T: Wow, all the animals are here now. Look, here are

18、the rooms for them. Whose room is it? Ss: Dog.T: Why?Ss: Because of the bone, so its for the dog.T: Bingo. And this? Look at the door.Fish, its for the cat. Pigs nose? Its for the pig. And the foot print, its for the duck. You are so clever. T: Look! Whats on the floor? The name cards for the room.

19、Whats this? Ss: dog.T: dog? Dog? (翻门牌卡) When you see the right room card, please stand up and say loud.Ss: Yes.T: Cat, cat, cat?Ss: Yeah.(duck, pig, bear全班玩一次看词起立读)T: Great. Can you help them find their own room card? Discuss with your partner and try to match the right name with the right animal. T

20、: Lets check the answer. Dog, right? Cat, right? Pig, right? Duck, right? (check the answer)T: If you are the same, please hands up! Thank you. Who can help me to put this name card on the right door?S1: (Put the room card on the door)T: Right?And this .小结评价T: Great. Today we have a lot of fun on th

21、e farm. Lets see which group makes more fences. So todays winner is Group B. Boy and girls, can you remember the animals on the farm, today? What are they? They are .Ss: duck, dog, cat, pig, bear.T: Do you like this farm? If you have a farm, what do you want? What animals do you want? Cat? Dog? Ss:

22、. (cat, bird .)T: Look, this is my farm. Whats on my farm? A cat, a dog, a duck, now I want a pig, too. (在sheet上当场画出一只小猪) Finish! So, this is my farm. Do you want to draw your farm? Take out your paper and draw it.学生画完,展示学生作品T: So, this is .s farm. Whats on her farm? Look, a . wonderful. Have you fi

23、nished? Ss: No.T: It doesnt matter. This is your homework. Thats all for today. See you. And todays homework is to finish your farm, like this: 板书设计:整个板书以一个农场图为背景,老师每教授一种动物就往农场上添加动物,全班分成AB大组比赛,比赛为农场添篱笆,加固防卫。学生没答对一个问题,可以上去加一条篱笆,看那边的篱笆更多更牢固。最后还可以用此来进行整节课的小结。教学流程图1. warm-up: Activity1: Guessing game滚动上

24、一课时句型,操练动物单词Activity2: Whose farm is this?引出人物Old MacdonaldActivity3: song Old Macdonald has a farm听歌曲说说农场上有什么动物2. Presentation: Listen to the song and say out the animalsLearn the animals听歌后学单词3. PracticeActivity 1: Talk about the animals. (Lets chant)Activity 2: Listen and act (听指令,扮演动物) Activity

25、3: Learn animal bear 认识熊(熊来了故事升级)Activity 4: Listen and say (听动物声音猜动物动物们逃跑了)Activity 5: Look and find (看脚印、身体部分找动物动物躲起来)Activity 6: Help the animal get home (帮助动物回家,认房子,贴名字卡) A. Recognize the homeB. recognize the room cardC. match the room card with the right room 4. 小结与评价、尝试画农场A. 教师示范,和孩子们一起谈论一下她的农场。B. 孩子们尝试自己设计5. 作业Finish drawing your farm.

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