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1、英文技术服务合同样本合同范本英文技术服务合同样本(合同范本)STANDARD CONTRACT SAMPLE(合同范本)甲 方:_乙 方:_签 订 日 期:_编号:YB-HT-033320英文技术服务合同样本(合同范本)说明:以下合同书内容主要作用是:合同有效的约定了合同双方的权利和义务,对合同的履行有积极的作用,能够较为有效的约束违约行为,能够最大程度的保障自己的合法权利,可用于电子存档或打印使用(使用时请看清是否适合您使用)。Contract No.:_.Date of Signature:_.Place of Signature:_.This Contract is made and e

2、ntered into through friendly negotiation by and between China_ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and_ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of_, under the following terms and conditions:Article 1 Contents of Techn

3、ical Consultancy Service1.1 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services.1.2 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1.1.3 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2.1.4 The Mann

4、ing Schedule is described in Appendix 3.1.5 Consultant shall complete the Services within_months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within_months. Consultant shall keep a

5、ware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.Article 2 Both Parties Responsibility and Liability2.1 Client shall furnish to Consultant the pertinent data, technical service reports, maps and informat

6、ion available to him and shall give to Consultant the reasonable assistance necessary for carrying out of his duties. Particularly Client shall nominate a general representative who shall be available at reasonable time.2.2 Client shall assist Consultant with the responsible authorities for obtainin

7、g visas, work permits and other documents required by Consultant to enter the country and to have access to the Site of the Project. The above expenses shall be borne by Consultant.2.3 Consultant shall furnish a sufficient number of competent personnel to perform its obligation hereunder, in additio

8、n to those personnel specifically listed in Appendix 3. All personnel employed by Consultant in carrying out the work shall be exclusively Consultants responsibility, and Consultant shall hold Client harmless from any claims of any kind by Consultants personnel arising out of any acts by Consultant

9、or its personnel in connection with the work performed hereunder.2.4 Consultant shall provide Client all the technical technical service reports and relevant documentation within the Scope of Technical Services and within the Time Schedule of the Time Schedule for the Services.2.5 Consultant shall a

10、ssist ClientS personnel in his country in obtaining visas and in arranging lodgings. Hotel and boarding expenses shall be borne by Client. Consultant shall supply to ClientS personnel office space and necessary facilities as well as transportation.2.6 Consultant shall be responsible for and shall in

11、demnify Client and his employee in respect of injury to person or damage to property occurring in connection with the services, to the extent that such damage or injury directly results from negligence of Consultants personnel while engaged in activities under this Contract.Consultant shall be liabl

12、e only to the work under this Contract.2.7 Any and all liability of Consultant with respect to this Contract shall be limited to the Total Contract Price received by Consultant for his profession services and shall terminate upon expiration of the warranty period set forth in Article 7.3.Article 3 P

13、rice and Payment3.1 The total contract price is_(say _only) in_(currency). The breakdown prices of the above mentioned total contract price are as follows:Contract Price for Item 1: _(say _only) in_ (currency); Contract Price for Item 2: _(say _only) in_ (currency); Contract Price for Item 3: _(say

14、_only) in_ (currency); Contract Price for Item 4: _(say _only) in_ (currency).3.2 The total contract price will include all the service and technology provided by Consultant. The total contract price shall be firm and fixed and shall not fluctuate with any inflation. The total contract price shall i

15、nclude all charges and expenses incurred by Consultant in performing his obligations both in his own country and in the Peoples Republic of China and includes the expenses incurred in sending the Technical Documentation to Clients office by all kinds of forms.In the event of Force Majeure as defined

16、 in the Contract, the total contract price shall be readjusted through friendly negotiations between the parties. If Client requires services not contemplated in the Scope of Services the parties shall friendly discuss an amendment to thetotal contract price. Any such amendment shall be in writing c

17、ountersigned by both parties. This document shall then form integral part of the Contract.3.3 All payments to be made by Client to Consultant under the present Contract shall be made by telegraphic transfer. In case of any payment by Client, the payment shall be effected through_in China to _ for th

18、e account of Consultant.In consideration for the services provided by Consultant hereunder, Client shall effect the payment to Consultant in accordance with the following manner and percentage:3.3.1 _ percent (_ %) of the total contract price, i.e._ (Say: _ only), shall be paid by Client to Consulta

19、nt within _ (_) days after the client has received the following documents provided by Consultant and found them in order.A. One (1) original and two (2) duplicate copies of Consultants government approval, or a written statement of the competent authorities or relevant agency of Consultants country

20、 certifying that such document is not required;B. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by Consultants Bank in favor of Client covering_(Say:_ only), specimen of which is as per Appendix 4;C. Five (5) copies of profoma invoice cover

21、ing the total contract price;D. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;E. Two (2) copies of sight draft.The said shall be delivered by Consultant not later than _days after the effective date of the _present Contract.3.3.2 _percent (_%) of the Contract

22、 price for Item 1, i.e._ (Say: _ only) shall be paid by Client to Consultant within _ (_) days after Consultant has received the following documents provided by Consultant and found them in order.A. Ten (10) copies of technical service report on Item 1;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercia

23、l invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.3 _ percent (_%) of the Contract price for Item 2, i.e. _ (Say: _ only) shall be paid by Client to Consultant within _ (_) days after Licensee has received the following documents provided by Consultant and found themin

24、order.A. Ten (10) copies of technical service report on Item 1;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.4 _percent (_%) of the Contract price for Item 3, i.e._ (Say: _ only) shall be paid by Client to Consultant wi

25、thin _ (_) days after Consultant has received the following documents provided by Consultant and found them in order.A. Ten (10) copies of technical service report on Item 1;B. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3

26、.5 _percent (_%) of the Contract price for Item 4, i.e._ (Say: _ only) shall be paid by Client to Consultant within _ (_) days after Consultant has received the following documents provided by Consultant and found them in order.A. Ten (10) copies of technical service report on Item 1;B. Five (5) cop

27、ies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.3.6 _percent (_%) of the Total Contract price , i.e._ (Say: _ only) shall be paid by Client to Consultant within _ (_) days after Consultant has received the following documents provided by

28、Consultant and found them in order.A. Five (5) copies of manually signed commercial invoice indicating the amount to be paid;B. Two (2) copies of sight draft.3.4 In case Consultant is liable for paying to Client the penalty under the Contract, Client shall have the right to deduct it from any said p

29、ayment.3.5 The banking charges of both parties incurred in China for the execution of the Contract shall be borne by Client and those incurred outside China shall be borne by Consultant.Article 4 Delivery Schedule4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _ are:A. Technica

30、l service report on Item 1 : _months after effectiveness of the Contract;B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _months after effectiveness of the Contract;C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _months after effectiveness of the Contract;D. Technical service report on Item 4 : _months after effec

31、tiveness of the Contract.4.2 Consultant will inform Client by Fax when the Technical service reports are airmailed to Client indicating the date and number of airway bill. Client will inform Consultant when the Technical service reports have been received.4.3 Should any document be missing or damaged during the transport Consultant shall be notified accordingly and within two (2) weeks the missing or damaged document shall be

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