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1、期末考试临床与口腔期末考试临床与口腔基本信息:矩阵文本题 *姓名:_班级:_学号:_1. look like 单选题 *看上去喜欢看上去介意看上去像(正确答案)看上去似乎是2. at the end of 单选题 *在的结尾(正确答案)最后在的一边终于3. ask for 单选题 *问要求想一想索要(正确答案)4. place emphasis on 单选题 *放置强调(正确答案)在上放置用强调5. come with 单选题 *伴随而来;发生(正确答案)带着带着来伴随而去;发生6. make sure 单选题 *确保(正确答案)确定确认确实7. make a visit to 单选题 *旅游

2、参观游玩拜访(正确答案)8. put up 单选题 *公布告知搭起(正确答案)向上9. compared to 单选题 *和相对与相比(正确答案)与相同和.不同10. pick up 单选题 *搭起张贴拿起捡起(正确答案)11. 多达 单选题 *more toas many asmuch asup to(正确答案)12. 当的时候 单选题 *in the moment that sb does sthat the moment that sb does sththe moment that sb does sth(正确答案)the moment for sb does sth13. 冒(做)风

3、险 单选题 *take the risk of doing sth(正确答案)taking the risk of doing sthtake risk of doing sthtaking risk of doing sth14. 正确看待 单选题 *make into perspectivegetinto perspectiveletinto perspectiveputinto perspective(正确答案)15. 占(比例) 单选题 *account onaccount ofaccount for(正确答案)account by16. 意义重大 单选题 *mean manymean

4、 a lot(正确答案)take a lottake many17. 将某物交给某人 单选题 *tell sth to sbhand sth to sb(正确答案)make sth for sbget sth to sb18. 有点;一丁点 单选题 *a bit littlelittle bita less bita little bit(正确答案)19. 从不同的角度 单选题 *from different angles(正确答案)on different anglesin different anglesby different angles20. try out 单选题 *使用试一试试用

5、(正确答案)使一下21. be forbidden to do sth 单选题 *允许做某事不可能做某事可能做某事不允许做某事(正确答案)22. out of luck 单选题 *运气之外的不走运的(正确答案)走运的合理的23. when it comes to 单选题 *当来到当谈到(正确答案)当出现当发生24. loud and clear 单选题 *清楚地大声的明白无误的(正确答案)清晰准确的25. as well as 单选题 *作为和.一样好好以及(正确答案)26. as a result 单选题 *结果(正确答案)作为原因可以27. such as 单选题 *举例例如(正确答案)列

6、举可能28. be unused to 单选题 *对没有用对不认真对不在乎对不习惯(正确答案)29. 暴露;为人所知 单选题 *get into liftget into lightcome into liftcome to light(正确答案)30. 没有也行;凑合;将就 单选题 *do without(正确答案)do withcome withoutcome with31. 处于最低点;最低程度地 单选题 *for a minimumon a minimumin a minimumat a minimum(正确答案)32. 信用卡 单选题 *credit card(正确答案)credit

7、 photocreate cardcreate photo33. 允许做某事 单选题 *get sb to do sthallow sb to do srh(正确答案)push sb to do sthmake sb to do sth34. 既不也不. 单选题 *either.oreither.norneithernor(正确答案)neither.or35. 大量拥有 单选题 *be rich intobe rich forbe rich withbe rich in(正确答案)36. 和.一样 单选题 *look likesosoasas(正确答案)look into37. 以.的形式 单

8、选题 *in the form of(正确答案)in the form within the from ofin the from with38. 在现金出纳机上记录(钱数/商品等) 单选题 *ring sb up(正确答案)ring sb onring sb forring sb in39. 以为例 单选题 *takeinto exampletakeon exampletakeas exampletakefor example(正确答案)40. take steps 单选题 *上台阶采取措施(正确答案)想办法下台阶41. all back into sth 单选题 *回来做某事返回去做某事重

9、新像以前那样做某事(正确答案)42. a variety of 单选题 *几种的变化无常的许多种的(正确答案)变化多样的43. The performance convinces his Shanghai bosses that _ let Yao enter that summers NBA draft. 单选题 *it is time to(正确答案)it is time forit was time toit was time for44. In Texas they _ an isolated community far outside the Houston city limits.

10、 单选题 *are stuck inare isolatedwere stuck in(正确答案)stuck in45. _ the perfect beauty painted by Ruben in the seventeenth century, if they wanted to be supermodels today, they would have to spend months _. 单选题 *No wonder; go on a dietAs for; go on a dietNo wonder; on a dietAs for; on a diet(正确答案)46. I t

11、hink that we should _ thankfulness for life. 单选题 *be full of(正确答案)be rich inbe different fromlike47. People who divorce are not _ by society. 单选题 *looked forlooked likelooked forward tolooked down upon(正确答案)48. The country _ writers, painters, film makers and musicians. 单选题 *be full ofbe rich in(正确答

12、案)be different frombe poor in49. They are openly sexual, occasionally clever and _double meanings. 单选题 *different fromloaded with(正确答案)containedlet50. Like countless other college students, Susannah _ her choice of major. 单选题 *leaded tostruggled with(正确答案)made a decisionmore than51. I lifted the lid

13、 and _ saw nothing. 单选题 *in my surpriseon my surpriseto my surprise(正确答案)for my surprise52. People in the eighteenth century would certainly not have _ Cindy Crawfords hair. 单选题 *think much ofthought much of(正确答案)think ofthough of53. We _ your arrival 单选题 *hopeimaginelook forward to(正确答案)look down upon54. I _discover that _ I go to pay 单选题 *not .untildid not.until(正确答案)do not.untildoes not.until55. shes allow to _friends _, but cant go to o

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