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1、特殊特性管理规定姓 名 部 门 日 期 签 字NAME DEPARTMENT DATE SIGNATURE编 制 Written by 产品设计部审 核Reviewed by 开 发 部 开 发 部 营业管理部 品质管理部 生产管理部 生产技术部 资材管理部 生产管理部 副总经理 副总经理 批 准 Approved by 总经理 修改/REVISION SHEET修改/Rev日期/Date编制/By页码/Page修改内容/Revision contents002013.04.011. 制定特殊特性管理规定012013.10.011. 长城汽车特殊特性标号更新022017.02.041.DPCA

2、, CAPSA,吉利汽车,江淮汽车,知豆汽车,重庆力帆汽车,特殊特性标识增加032019.02.191. VOLVO,车和家, 威马,特殊特性标识增加1 目的为了满足客户要求和相关安全及法规事项,所以制定以下规定用于合理的选择和管理特殊特性项目.Produced products by this company are safety and suitable for laws, The purpose shall be reasonably chosen and management special characteristics that is especially managed to f

3、it customer requirements.2 范围 适用于在平和精工生产的组装件(LATCH, HINGE, CHECKER, STRIKER) 零部件(包含外包产品)和其他产品的设计及生产.Pyeonghwa Automotive that produce products(LATCH, HINGE, CHECKER, STRIKER), parts(Include outside product) that are applied to the design and production.3 定义3.1 特殊特性 : 如果产品超过质量管理标准就会影响到产品的稳定性, 组装性, 功能

4、和外观, 并且违反政府的规定,所以在图面上标明法规要求事项, 顾客要求事项, 公司要求事项.3.1 Special characteristics:It affects the quality of manufacture management (products stability, Compliance with government regulations, mounting property, function, appearance Etc.) when quality characteristic get out of SPEC. This is marked on drawing

5、 by law Regulatory Requirements, Customized Requirements and company requirements.3.1.1 保安特性 : 规定为可能引发与生命相关的重大事故的特性, 为了防止此种事件的发生而必须要管理的组装件,零部件及其工程.3.1.1 Security characteristics:Products characteristics among of the defect includes being the cause of the Equivalent of the great casualties accident a

6、nd the quality characteristics, Products and parts that require special management for compliance, relating to the process are that the cause.3.1.2 重要特性: 规定为发生时对车辆和产品的可信性, 耐久性引起严重质量问题的事项. 或者是规定为对功能没有严重的损坏, 但是可能降低性能, 并引发顾客不满与影响生产能力, 而要被重点管理的项目.3.1.2 Important characteristics: This includes quality ch

7、aracteristics that have fatally affect bring about customers dissatisfied and Reduce productivity, its important to be managed when defect occurs. 3.1.3 一般特性 : 未包含在3.1, 3.2项里的品质特性.3.1.3 General characteristics:4 职责无5 作业流程无6 程序6.1 选定特殊特性的标准/Special characteristics Selection criteria6.1.1 与以下规定有关的事项,可

8、选定为特殊特性.6.1.1 Quality characteristics select the Special characteristics that the following paragraph选定标准Selection criteria根据设计及工程FMEA选定Selection criteria by design and process FMEA严重度发生率SeverityOccurrence安全法规特性 Security characteristics 安全法规有关的特性 Safety and the legal requirements 客户指定 Specify custom

9、ers103 以上94 以上重要特性 Important characteristics 客户指定 Specify customers85 以上76 以上67 以上6.2 特殊特性的变更6.2 Change of special characteristics6.2.1 根据客户要求而制定的特殊特性可以得到客户的同意后进行变更.6.2.1 A change of the special characteristics specified by the customer demand to change after customer approval .6.2.2 通过CFT协议可以变更.(设计

10、变更, 工程变更或者发生太多不良时) 6.2.2 Changes could occur at the CFT consultation results change (Design Changes, Process Changes, Bad bunch)6.3 特殊特性标记方法/How to Display Special characteristics6.3.1 标记号 : 附录 1. 特殊特性分类标号6.3.1 Symbol: Attachments 1. Subject to Special characteristics classification symbol.6.3.2 表示对

11、象及方法6.3.2 Display target and way6.3.2.1 如果客户规定特殊特性的标号, 就可以按照客户要求在客户图面上标记客户要求的特殊特性标号. Only drawing submitted to the customer records symbols when the display special characteristics to the customer if regulation or requested. 假如特殊特性的产品是购买品, 可在供应商提供的图面上标记PHA的特殊特性标号. This Companys

12、 symbol use to display at collaborations drawing offered when if purchasing products in the special characteristics. 特殊特性需要使用PHA的标号, 并标记在FMEA, 管理计划书, 制造图面, 作业标准, 检查基准书.需要提交客户时以使用客户的标识为原则, 但客户允许时可以使用PHA的标识. Special characteristics are displayed on the FMEA, Management Plan, Manufacturin

13、g drawing, work standard, Inspection criteria document Etc. by this companys symbol. Exceptionally, In the case of documents submitted to customer in principle, the use of symbols customer needs but since approval of customer can use of this companys symbol. 特殊特性要根据相应的特性而制定和管理. Special

14、 characteristics has managed to fit the special characteristics selection purpose of the characteristics should be displayed.6.4 特殊特性管理方法/Special characteristics management way6.4.1客户指定的安全法规/重要产品可按如下表格内容管理。除此之外客户个别指定的和认为需要管理的产品及管理项可以通过CFT检讨决定管理方法和检查周期.6.4.1 Security/important parts that special char

15、acteristics are specified by the customer used, as shown below and special characteristics has been applied parts by customers requirement can be determined management way and inspection cycle through the CFT review.产品名特殊特性管理项目管理方法检查周期Part nameSpecial characteristicsManagement itemManagement wayInspection cycleLATCH安全法规 S

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