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1、整理weatherreportWeather reportWordnice/beautiful /lovely day 好天气Dew Point露点 Humidity 湿度 Wind 风力 Visibility 能见度Barometer 气压 Dust 灰尘Hot炎热 Cold寒冷 Warm暖和 升温 mild温暖 Cool凉爽 降温Overcast阴 Bright, Sunny, Fair(尤指白天)Fine, Clear 晴Wet, Humid潮湿Dry干燥 drought干旱 elements 自然力量Weather Forecast 天气预报 Todays Graphic 今日气象图

2、meteorology 气象学oceanic climate 海洋性气候 Fahrenheit 华氏maximum/minimumtemperature最高/最低温度rainbow 彩虹 (风、雨) thunder 雷lightning 闪电 dew 露水waterspout 水龙卷dead calm 风平浪静Indian summer 小阳春风: windy 有风 breezy 微风阵阵 breeze 微风 gust 阵风gentle wind 和风 heavy/high/ gale wind 大风 typhoon 台风Windy,Squall,Stormy,Chill,风,狂风,暴风,寒风

3、land wind 陆风cyclone 旋风 typhoon台风whirlwind龙卷风gale季节风windy and dusty 风沙 piercing wind 寒风1级风light air 2级风light breeze 3级风gentle breeze 4级风moderate breeze 5级风fresh breeze 6级风strong breeze 7级风moderate gale 8级风fresh gale 9级风strong gale 10级风whole gale 11级风storm 12级风/飓风hurricane 雪snow snowy 有雪 snowfall 降雪 s

4、nowflake 雪花 freeze 冰冻Snow Showers, Flurries 阵雪,小雪 DriftingSnow飘雪 LightSnowShower小阵雪 Light /HeavySnow 小/大雪 Sleet雨夹雪blizzard/Snowstorm暴风雪 LightSnowShower小阵雪Blowing Snow吹雪 Blizzard大风雪 Snowdrift堆雪暴风雪LightSnowFall小降雪 FewSnowShowers 短暂阵雪LightRainwithThunder小雨有雷声 LightSnowGrains小粒雪SnowandFog雾夹雪Sleet雨夹雪 Sno

5、w/RainIcyMix=冰雨夹雪Rain雨 wet 雨天 LightRain小雨 LightDrizzle 微雨 Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨Shower阵雨 Light Showers小阵雨 LightRainShower小阵雨 FewShowers 短暂阵雨 Freezing Rain冻雨 pour/downpour 倾盆大雨HeavyRain 大雨 HeavyRainIcy 大冰雨 RainShower=阵雨LightRainShowerandWindy 小阵雨带风Heavy Showers, Rainshower 阵雨,强阵雨(从降雨强度及降雨量上)Storm/

6、 tempest暴风雨 thundery storm 雷雨thundery shower雷阵雨 HeavyT-Storm 强烈雷雨 IsolatedT-Storms 局部雷雨 blizzard 暴风雪 seasonal rain 季雨 monsoon rain 季风雨 Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星阵雨(时间、空间上不连续的阵雨) Isolated Showers局地阵雨(空间分布上比Scattered Showers范围更小的阵雨)icy 地面结冰的 frost 霜 sleet /hail/hailstone 冰雹 Freezing冰冻Fros

7、t霜冻 冰雹Fog雾 Mist轻雾 misty 薄雾 Smoke烟雾 Haze霾 薄雾云 Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多云 flood 洪水 iceburg 冰山Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多云间晴Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴间多云AMClouds/PMSun=上午有云/下午后晴AMShowers=上午阵雨 PMShowers=下午阵雨AMSnowShowers上午阵雪 PMSnowShowers=下午阵雪AMT-Storms=上午雷暴雨 PMT-Storms=下午雷雨Cl

8、oudy/Wind 阴时有风CloudsEarly/ClearingLate 早多云/晚转晴FewSnowShowers/Wind 短暂阵雪时有风Lightening=雷电MostlyClear=大部晴朗MostlyCloudy=大部多云 PartlyCloudy=局部多云MostlyCloudy/Windy=多云时阴有风 PartlyCloudy/Windy=多云时有风MostlySunny=晴时多云Rain/SnowShowers=雨或阵雪Rain/SnowShowersEarly=下雨/早间阵雪Rain/Wind=雨时有风RainandSnow=雨夹雪ScatteredShowers=零

9、星阵雨ScatteredShowers/Wind=零星阵雨时有风ScatteredSnowShowers=零星阵雪ScatteredSnowShowers/Wind=零星阵雪时有风ScatteredStrongStorms=零星强烈暴风雨ScatteredT-Storms=零星雷雨 ShowersEarly=早有阵雨RainShower=阵雨ShowersLate=晚有阵雨Showers/Wind=阵雨时有风ShowersintheVicinity=周围有阵雨Smoke=烟雾 Thunder=雷鸣ThunderintheVicinity=周围有雷雨T-Storms=雷雨T-StormsEarl

10、y=早有持续雷雨T-StormsLate=晚有持续雷雨 Windy/Snowy=有风/有雪WindyRain=刮风下雨WintryMix=雨雪混合 各种天气的说法: fair (adj.)晴朗的 cloudy(adj.)阴天的,多云的 sunny skies(adj.)晴朗的 clear skies(adj.)晴朗的 brief showers/brief rain短暂雨 torrential rains 豪大雨 thundershower雷阵雨 partly cloudy skies with brief rain晴时多云短暂雨 mostly cloudy skies with brief

11、rain多云短暂雨必备基本关键字: weather forecast气象预报 Central Weather Bureau中央气象局 prediction(n.)预测 call(n.)预测,预报 temperature(n.)温度 high(n.)(气温的)最高点 low(n.)(气温的)最低点气象播报基本公式1. 开场白(1) Taking a look at the weather forecast for today. 来看一下今天的天气预报.(2) Lets take a look at the weather. 我们来看一下天气(3) Lets take a look at the

12、weather forecast for today. 来看一下今天的天气预报(4) Looking now at the weather forecast现在来看一下天气预报.(5) (5) Taking a look at tomorrows weather. 来看一下明天的天气.2. 播报天气(1) Mostly cloudy skies with brief showers islandwide today. 今天全省各地大都是多云短暂雨的天气(2) Partly cloudy skies with brief showers in the north. Mostly fair in

13、the center and south. 北部是晴时多云短暂雨的天气.中南部一整天大都是晴朗的好天气(3) Mostly fair conditions in the rest of Taiwan. For tomorrow, partly cloudy skies in the north and mostly fair in the center and south. 台湾其他地区大都是晴朗的天气.至於明天,北部晴时多云;中南部大多是晴天(4) The skies are nice right now in Taipei, but the call is for some brief r

14、ain in the north. 目前台北的天气不错,但预测北部会出现短暂雨3. 气温变化预测:(1) Expect a high today of 28 in the north, 30 in the center and 31 in the south. 今天北部的气温最高可达廿八度;中部三十度;南部三十一度(2) Expect mostly fair skies islandwide with temperatures climbing slightly to 18 in the north, 19 in the center and 21 in the south. 全省各地大多是晴

15、朗的好天气,气温稍稍回升,北部十八度;中部十九度;南度廿一度4. 目前气温:(1) Right now its 26 in Kaohsiung and Taichung and 25 in Taipei. 目前在高雄和台中都是二十六度;台北是二十五度 日常交际用语分析:谈论天气 (一)英国人特别喜欢谈论天气,几乎成了见面的必说之言。以下是一些常用语。1一般性谈论天气:Lovelyday,isntit?好天气,不是吗?2谈论气温:Itscoldtoday,isntit?今天冷,不是吗?Itsverycold,butquitesunny.今天天很冷,但很晴朗。3谈风: (1)Itsratherwindytoday,isn

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