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1、高中英语作文必备短语汇总高中英语作文必备短语cut away 切下;逃跑 cut down 砍倒;缩减 cut off 切断cut ones hair short 把头发剪短 cut out 切下;删除 cut sth. in half 把切成两半 cut sth. into halves 把切成两半 cut sth. into two parts 把切成两半 cut up 割开;切碎 daily goods 日用品 dance around 到处跳 dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞 dare to do 敢于 date back to 起源于、追溯到 date from 起

2、源于、追溯到 day after day 日复一日 day and night 一天到晚 day by day 逐日 deal in 经营 deal with 处理、对待 declare sb./sth. to be adj./n. 宣称是(接形容词或名词) deep into the night 熬夜 delay doing/sth. 推迟 demand (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气) demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求 demand to do 要求去做 depend on/upon 取决于、依赖于、依靠 describ

3、e sth. to sb. 将描述给(讲给) despise of sb. 看不起 determine sb. to do 使某人下决心做某事 determine to do 下决心做某事 develop a habit 养成习惯 develop an interest in sth. 表现出对的兴趣 develop films 制作电影 devote sth./oneself to sth./doing 把奉献给 die away (气味、声音、光线)逐渐消失、变弱 die down 平息、变弱、逐渐消失 die from polluted air/over work/an accident

4、/ 因为(空气污染、过度劳累、事故等)而死 die of grief/cold/hungry/old age/ 因为(悲伤、寒冷、饥饿、年老等)而死 die out 灭绝;死光、死绝dig out 挖出 direct sb. to do 指导、要求某人去做 direct that sb. should do 命令某人去做 discourage sb. from sth./doing 阻碍某人做某事 dislike doing/sb./sth. 不喜欢 dive off 从跳水 divide sth. by sth. 除以 divide sth. into 将分成 do a good deed

5、做好事 do away with 废除 do damage to 损害 do good/harm to sb./sth. 对有好处(坏处) do not give in an inch 一寸不让 do research on/in/about/into sth. 研究 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 do sb. good/harm 对某人有好处(坏处) do sb. the favour to do/of doing 帮某人忙做 do sth. alone 自己、靠自己 do sth. at the right time 在合适的时候做某事 do sth. by hand 手工

6、制作(常用被动) do sth. by turns 轮流做、依次做 do sth. deep/far into the night 熬夜 do sth. for fun 做为了取乐 do sth. in good faith 诚实地 do sth. on purpose 有目的地做 do up 系上、扣上 收拾整理 do with 处理 double ones output 使(产量等)成倍增长 draw a deep breath 深呼吸 draw conclusions 下结论 draw in (车)进站 引诱 draw ones attention 吸引某人注意力 draw quick

7、interest 获得快捷利润 draw up 草拟、拟定 dream of sth./doing 梦想 drink to 为干杯 drive sb. to tears 使某人哭 drop in at sp. 拜访某地 drop in on sb. 拜访某人 eager for 渴望early bird 早起者、早到者 earn ones living 谋生 easy-going 随和、平易近人 eat ones words 收回某人(说过)的话 eat up 吃光 either A or B 是A或者是B(谓语动词就近一致) encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做 en

8、d up with 以结束 enter for 报名参加 escape being done 逃避被 escape doing sth. 逃避做 escape from sp. 从逃离 ever lasting 永不停止的、永远的 every one of sb./sth. 中的每一个 every other 每两个 every two 每两个 except for 除了(用于两种不同的事物) expect sb. to do 期望某人 expect sth. to be done 期望某事被 expect to be/do 期望会 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释 expl

9、ain to sb. sth. 向某人解释 export to 向出口 face to face 面对面(作状语) face-to-face 面对面的(作定语) fail to do 失败、未做成 fall asleep 睡着了 fall behind 落后 fall ill 生病 fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 fall off 掉下 fall to pieces 消亡、灭亡、分裂、崩溃 far and near 远近、到处、四面八方 far and wide 广泛地 far more interesting 更有趣 far more 许多 fast asleep 熟睡

10、 feed on sth. 以为食 feed sb./sth. with/on sth. 用喂养 feed sth. to sb./sth. 把喂养给 feel alone 感到孤单 feel like doing/sth. 喜爱(做) feel lonely 感到孤单feel ones way 摸索着前进 feel out 探索某人的意图 feel sb. on the head 摸某人的头 feel terrible 感觉不舒服 feel well 感觉舒服 few such mistakes 这么少的错误 fight against 与作斗争、与交战 fight back 回击 figh

11、t for sth. 为了而斗争 figure on 指望、计划、打算 figure out 解决 计算出来、合计出 fill with 充满 find out 找出、查明 find sb./sth. do 发现做过 find sb./sth. doing 发现正在 find sb./sth. done 发现被 finish off 结束、完成 fire at 向开火 fire escape 火灾安全出口 fire out 消沉、一蹶不振 开除、解雇 fire up 火冒三丈、发火 first aid 急救 first of all 首先 fit club 健身俱乐部 fix a time/d

12、ate for sth./doing 确定的日期 fix a time/date to do 确定日期做某事 fix A to B 把A固定在B上 fix ones attention on sth. 把某人的注意力集中到上 fix ones eyes on sth. 目不转睛、凝视、把注意力集中在上 fix sb. sth. 为准备 fix sth. for sb. 为准备 float off 漂浮 fly over (从上面)飞越 fold up 折叠起来 follow ones advice on 听从的建议 follow the rules 遵守规则 fool about/around

13、 游手好闲、闲荡 fool sb. into doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事 for (political) reasons 由于(政治)原因 for a while 一段时间 for ages 很久for example 例如 for fear that 担心 for free 免费的 for Gods sake 看在上帝的面上 for good 永久地、一劳永逸地 for instance 例如 for one thing 首先 for ones sake 为起见 for oneself 为了自己 for sale 准备出售 for the first time 第一次 for th

14、e sake of 为起见 forbid sb. to do 禁止某人做某事 force oneself to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 force sb. to do 强迫某人做 foreign affairs 外交事务、外事、外务 form a habit 养成习惯 frankly speaking 坦白地说 free from 没有、免除 from a great distance 远距离 from cover to cover 从头到尾 from door to door 一家挨着一家 from side to side 左右摇摆 from that time on 从那时起 from the beginning 从一开始 from time to time 时常、经常 gain in 获得 generally speaking 一般来说 get across 通过、越过、穿过 get along (well) with 与某人相处(得好) 进展(顺利) get broken 弄坏了 get burnt 烧着了 get caught in 遇到 get

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