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1、海文英语完形填空SOS:(1) 选择与中心思想相近的(2) 对比转折关系、总分/分总关系、因果关系HoweverAlsoWhileWhereasButTend toSuggest thatBecauseAffectInfluence(3) 干扰项、同义项、反义项(4) 不可选 1.假设性的词 ifunlessprovidedsupposelest 2.谓语体的 thushencesinceso 3.asforwith 慎选(5) 选词首有pb,词中有kg,词尾有td,含有oe字母的(6) 作者一般反对1.大众2.他人3.传统4.非科学大作文第一层:图 中心 中心图第二层:求证 (1) 引用、举

2、例 (2) 因果分析 (3) 社会层面分析第三层:结论解决方案,呼吁 总结 展望未来应用文1公共场合禁烟活动,提意见与建议。Dear Editor, Our country has launched a ban on smoking in public places, such as airports, railway stations or shopping malls, but such restriction seems to be less effective than expected. The ban is getting into a desperate situation. T

3、o be exact, some smokers often ignoring “no smoking signs” in public areas, smoke or even puff furiously in full view of babies or pregnant ladies. Even worse, some addicts, just litter around cigarette butts wherever they are. Not only is smoking dangerous to our health but also to the environment.

4、 Therefore, violations should be exposed in the media in order to enhance the public awareness of environment-friendly manners. Sincerely yours,Li MingComment: 语气相当正式客气,用词生动应用文2发微博,呼吁帮助。To those who are warm-hearted and always ready to help those in dire need of help, Misfortune sheds no mercy, whil

5、e giving love to others is surely a noble act of compassion. On February 22ed, Tong XX, a college student from Shandong province was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. The disease suddenly threw (jolted) the whole family into a desperate situation, not only costing all the money, but also incurr

6、ing a heavy debt. In view of this, a donation to save her life is the utmost urgent matter. However much you contribute, it shall carry thousands of love and cares. Please put out your generous, enthusiastic helping hand. The sum of contributions will be through the Hunan Red Cross Association, and

7、directly sent to her. At the same time, lets pray for her and hope for a miracle. Yours faithfully,Li MingComment: 本质是呼吁,使用祈使句,用YouYour应用文3客户代表写信给客户,更新信息。Dear Sir or Madam, The service department of our company is updating our date file. We would be pleased if you could complete the date sheet enclo

8、sed in the letter. Should you spot any information that is out of date, you could remove it or replace it with the up-to-date details. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter if you could mail the materials so that we could distribute them to the computer engineers as soon as possible, bec

9、ause the data are of great importance to their operation. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact. Looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully,Li MingComment: 语气正式,委婉 (1)使用情态动词过去式 wouldcouldshould (2)假设句 (3)Please.应用文4祝贺信,朋友得到了冠军。Dear John, I am very glad to hear that you have

10、 won the table tennis match and been awarded the gold medal in Olympic Games. Meantime, I was deeply impressed by your spectacular (dazzlingremarkable) performance (accomplishment) during the final, when you defeated the former champion with a 4-3 victory. Your aces, returns, tricky services and int

11、erception are all splendid, applauses were constantly roaring among the audience.Please accept my warmest congratulations on your success. May I wish you a happy and prosperous future in your endeavors?Yours faithfully,Li MingComment:随意,用词具体应用文5遇到交通事故,写信反映情况。To whom it may concern, This is to testif

12、y that I happened to witness a terrible expressway traffic accident on my way home. It was around 8:30 am, when a tourist bus rear-ended a container truck, which shortly burst into flames near the toll gate. The accident claimed the lives of six victims, including an international student. As for th

13、e cause of the accident (crash). I think the tired driver of the bus should be held responsible, because he did not brake efficiently before crashing. In addition, the bad weather also counts, as the road was quite slippery after a drizzle. If any further information is needed, my help is available

14、when it is convenient.Li MingComment:客观、WhatWhoWhenWhereWhy应用文6申请加入某一协会。Dear Sir or Madam, The university website recently announced that the Computer Fans Association is recruiting new members. I would like to apply for a position in your organization. Now, I major in mathematics, and I have been k

15、een on computer for several years. In my spare time, I like reading some books on programming, network management, and maintenance of hardware. I find that it is of great necessity to put my knowledge into practice. As you club has created such a platform for fans to engage in, I wish (hope) to join

16、 and make some positive contributions. May I have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in detail? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours respectfully, Li MingComment:语气委婉,客气,描述个人情况应用文7被某单位录取,但是要谢绝。Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to express my hea

17、rt-felt thanks to you to offering me the post, but one thing prevents me from having the pleasure of accepting the job offer. As you probably know from my resume, I came from a small village which is backward. I think it is my duty to go back to my hometown and do my best to help the villagers live

18、a better life. I hope you could understand my decision and forgive me for turning down the job offer. Meanwhile, I wish your company could be more prosperous with each passing day. Yours respectfully,Li MingComment:事件,背景,语气大作文1网络谣言。As is shown from the cartoon above, no sooner had a rumor been poste

19、d through Twitter-like micro blogs than it was been viewed and re-sent forward by hundreds of visitors.As the saying goes “give a lie twenty-four hours start, and you can never overtake it.” Indeed, the cartoon reviews that rumors are flooding cross the web, leaving behind dire consequences. On the

20、one hand, hearsays threaten to upset the stability of the society which in turn will fall into chaos. For instance, a piece of fake news about a coming earthquake threw the public into great panic. On the other hand, a gossip will also bring a heavy blow to any individual and his family. Many celebr

21、ities have suffered great mental stress from rumors about their privacy, so that some of them even commit suicide for relief.In my opinion, the spread of untruthful information online should be severely punished, and a better security to uphold public interests should be promoted. Moreover, if you c

22、an conduct yourself in a more rational and responsible way, the rumors will stop the moment it appears.大作文2对市场看法不同。 As is depicted in the cartoon, two salesmen are assigned by their firms to sell shoes in the territory of Africa, where natives walk barefoot most of the time. The first salesman quick

23、ly phones back to his boss “I cant sell shoes here. Nobody wears them!” However, the second salesman was optimistic about this new opportunity. He becomes thrilled at what he sees, saying “I cant believe my eyes. I can sell out tem thousand pairs of shoes immediately!” What the cartoon tries to conv

24、ey is that opportunities only favor the prepared minds. While some hold on to the belief that chances are so slim that they could not obtain them all the time. Others are convinced that good time will always come up if they are prepared. As the famous writer Dickens says “opportunity does not knock,

25、 people should find if by themselves.” Consider the Olympic athlete Li Xiaopeng, who has received professional training for 14 years in gymnastics and finally won two gold medals in 27th Olympic Games. Had he not been able to grasp every opportunity to win, he would never have won the championship.

26、The secret of success is to seize the opportunity immediately when it comes. And we should take advantage of it to strive for the goals with all the strength.大作文3母语问题。 Mother tongue, like mothers touch and mothers milk, can never find a substitute. However, with the development of globalization, Eng

27、lish has become an international language, and the importance of our mother tongue has been neglected. As is revealed in the cartoon, the Chinese parents are urging their child to learn English at the first stage of his life. What is presented in the picture just leaves its audience deep in thought

28、over-emphasis on English language. The influence of the language can be even more fearsome. Indeed, English words and phrases have stealthily swept into the books, newspapers and into the TV chat shows across China. For instance, “NBA” has been added to a contemporary Chinese dictionary, rekindling

29、heated debate among linguists over its purity. While we place a high value upon the role of the English language. We cannot stress English over Chinese, for Chinese as part of heritage carries elements of cultural elegance. Therefore, it is unreasonable and unacceptable to give priority to English l

30、earning at the expense of our mother tongue.大作文4坚守指责,坚守岗位,责任问题。 Chinese people place a high value on responsibility and duty, which can be best illustrated in the cartoon above. The dutiful guard stands upright, rain or shine, protecting rice crop from harmful bird. Whatever our jobs or statuses we

31、cannot do without responsibilities during the journey of life. A parent cannot desert the child, while a grown-up should shoulder the duty to support his old-aged parent. As a conscientious citizen, everyone must have a strong sense of patriotism towards our nation too. Of course, our society is ali

32、ve with paragons of strong responsibility. Consider the bus driver Wu Bin, who saved the lives of 24 passengers aboard when he put an effective break on the bus to a standstill on a highway lane, even though he was seized with acute pains caused on the stomach by a heavy object flying from outside through the windscreen. What he did is exactly like the symbol of the guard in the picture. As far as the concept of a harmonious and

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