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1、高中英语口试指导 高中英语口试指导 上海高考英语口试应试技巧 一第一部分快速应答 此部分主要为考察日常生活中最主要的语言功能,在历届上海高考口试中其考点一般可分为12项,这12项为: Greetings问候 Asking Introductions介绍 Saying Good-bye告别 Making Requests and Giving Instructions请求 Giving Thanks致谢 Asking for Permission允许 Showing Agreement or disagreement同意不同意 Giving Invitations发出邀请 Asking Dire

2、ction问题 Expressing Good Wishes祝愿 Requesting and Offering Help请求与帮助 Making Apologies道歉 考生若要高分,则必须将这12个部分的相关表达,练习熟练,这样才能在实考中迎刃 而解。例如:(在实考中,考生听见) 题目:Some of the lessons are rather dull. 考生反应:这是一个考showing agreement or disagreement型试题,因此马上在脑海中出现这一方面的准备回答用语(已记熟) 如:Thats sure / I agree with you. / Thats ex

3、actly. / What I was thinking. / I think so. (补一句)I dont like the lessons at all. Im tired of listening to these lessons. 结论:收集整理记忆日常生活中12类表达及相关内容是取胜该部分的关键。 二第二部分 提问题 道正认为这部分试题主要对给定的情景进行提问(用特殊疑问句)这部分应试关键在于划分给定句子成份,针对不同成份预先设计问题,实考中将中心词摸去即可。下面举一个用名词提问方式: 例:One more underground line has been built recen

4、tly in Shanghai。 分析:本句结构可分解成如下几部分。 One more underground line(主语) 思路:名词应含组成件,每一条line必有stop,因此提问: How many stops does this new line have? 思路:并且每一条线都有终点与起点,因此提问: Where is the terminal of this new line? 思路:第一条地铁线都有方位/方向,因此提问: Can we go to Pudong by this new line. 其他思路:地点有无工作人员,司机若干,车票如何 总结,这一部分只要将句子任一组成

5、部分深入展开,寻找细节,则解题方法极多。 三口头表达 此部分占整个口试考试30%,是口试中的重点与难点,该部分应试方法主要关键在于将上海高考口试中的对应部分试题归类,然后事先可收集该分类的相关表达,便可取得高分。 根据上海道正学校对上海卷研究,一般可将试卷分成五大考点: 1家乡问题 Describe one place of interest in your hometown. What do you think of the weather in your hometown? Do you like living in the city? Why? 2有关社会问题 What do you t

6、hink we can do to protect our environment? What can we do to make our city more beautiful? What do you think if everyone in a big city owns a car? Whats your opinion of keeping a dog in a big city? Why or why not? Are you in favor of smoking? Why or why not? What do you think of the problem of gener

7、ation gap? Are you in favor of running red light? Why or why not? Do you enjoy watching ads on TV? Why or why not? 3有关教育/学校/生活 How do you get along with your classmates? What kind of book do you like to read? Why? Which do you think is the best way to learn English? Do you think it necessary for stu

8、dents to take exams? Why or why not? What do you know about todays education? 4有关休闲与爱好 Do you like watching cartoons on TV? Tell the reasons. What kind of sports do you like best tell the reasons. Do you like watching football matches? Why or why not? What do you think is the best way to relax? 5有关人

9、物的话题 Say something about a teacher you like. Why do you like him(or her)? Who is your best friend? Say something about him (or her). 另外,这一部分也非常像口头作文,考生可按作文模式整理思路及模型。 如题:Talk about some changes in Shanghai over the past 10 years. 思路:(上海变化)衍化出: 1 浦东开发The development of Pudong 2 南浦大桥Nanpu Bridge 3 地铁un

10、derground line 4 交通改善Traffic has improved 5 市容变化The city becomes more beautiful 6 上海博物馆/大剧院the Shanghai Grand Theatre / the Shanghai Museum 7 拆除旧房子pull down old houses 8 过江隧道 three tunnels 结论:此部分关键在于事先组织材料,实考时,对应回答即可 四看图说明 这个部分关键在于6个W (who, what, which, when, where, why)与1个H(how),因此考生回答时就可按上述几个问题形式,

11、组织自己的材料,然后合理给出解。 如下题: 解 法: 第一步:(介绍人称) The man in the picture was John, and he was a computer scientist. 第二步:(时间) One day. (one Sunny day) 第三步:(行为) John was designing programs for his robot and want robot to play chess with him.(第一幅结束) 第四步:(行为) Now John and his robot were playing together. Very soon

12、the robot won 3 games continually. The score was 0 to 3. John, of course, was very unpleased. So he changed the programs and make the robot less clever.(第二、三幅结束) 第五步:(行为) They played again and this time the robot was defeated. 第六步:(总结) This shows, I think, robot will never become more clever than me

13、n because they are designed, made and controlled by men. 总结:道正强烈推荐考生事先按上述模型整理程序,按部就班,一切就OK 推荐模式: 1 人物介绍 2 时间/场景引入 3 第一步动作 4 转换动作 5 最后动作 6. 结论评定(发表意见) 虽然英语口试采取的是人机对话模式,但阅卷老师还是很容易从考生的口头表达中掂量出“听、说、读”的基本功。口试与笔试最大的区别在于,前者需要考生在答题时投入更多的即时情感,因此,从这一点来说,更需要考生冷静、机智地对许多问题做出瞬间的判断和处理,从而给“幕后考官”一个良好的印象分。 高考英语口试共分5个

14、部分,而要使每一部分答题都能获得比较理想的分数,既需要靠学生的日积月累、厚积薄发,也需要靠临场的发挥和摸透得分“窍门”。 第一部分 朗读文章 开考以后屏幕上出现了朗读文章,此时考生不要 急于先读出声音来,而是应该充分利用所给的一分钟准备时间,大致地默读文章,理解文章的主旨,领悟其语意。在朗读的过程中要注意三点:一是声音不要过大或过小,尽量用最完美的语音和语调来读;二是掌握好节奏,不乱停顿,不读破句,语句连贯、自然、流畅;三是注意各类词形变化的发音,如名词复数、动词形式、过去分词的词尾变化等。 第二部分 快速应答 考生在这个环节的应试时,特别要注意听清每一个问题以及其中的关键词。如问你“今天是几

15、号?”你就不能回答“今天是星期几”。在听到给出的问题时,应首先弄明白这个句型究竟是陈述句还是祈使句,是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,然后作有针对性的回答。考生在应答时不要过分紧张,并要注意语境中的时态运用,学会机智答题。有些应答可不必作过于详细和完整的陈述,这样既可节省时间,也可避免“言多必失”,如问你“Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?”,你在想不出更好答案的情况下,回答“Sorry ,I am a stranger here”也不失为“妙计”。 第三部分 情景设计 既然是要求根据“情景”自己设计问题,那么考生就得先弄清楚“情景”中必不可少的规定要素,如

16、时间、地点、人物、事件、原因等。 按历年的考试要求,考生所提出的两个问题,一个应是一般疑问句,另一个是特殊疑问句。如果考生两个问题都用的是一般疑问句或都是特殊疑问句,那就只能给一半的分数。而且,如果考生所提的两个问题的答案是一致的,“How much is the coat?”和“What is the price of the coat?”即为同一个答案的两个问题,这样也同样只能给一半的分数。 第四部分 口头作文 因为是小作文,所以就要求在说的时候要有开头、结尾和事情的发展过程。按要求,考生至少要说六句话。因此,考生一定要利用屏幕上所提供的材料,在准备的时间内把表述的语言和内容很好地结合起来

17、,不要出现只说了两三句话就无法继续下去的状况。如话题“What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai?”,在叙述时,考生既要表明观点,更要阐述事实,还要加以总结,同时在表 达的过程中要注意语句间的逻辑性,如果能灵活地将所学过的经典句式应用其中,这就会出彩许多。 第五部分 看图说话 对一个高中毕业生来说,对一组图片的内容用120到150字左右的篇幅进行描述,并不能算是很高的要求,因此考生应当至少说上七句话。 答好这道题应注意的细节,一是要在规定的时间内看清图片,二是在叙述中一定要依据图片本身的内容来描述,三是要

18、注意故事发生和发展的连贯性,四是要注意时态的统一。另外,图片上已写有开头的第一句话,考生切莫忘记应以此句话作开头。有些考生会对前几幅图作详尽描述,以致没时间完成后面图片的叙述,或者卡在了某一幅图上某一个事物的单词上而绞尽脑汁,这往往会顾此失彼,得不偿失。 -Id like to invite you to dinner ? this Sunday, Mr. Brown? -Im sorry, but Ive ot? her plan. glayour sorry -Im Ive broken ? ss. olThats an - Not at all. ? d one. wayou anyth

19、ing -Is there else ? buy? nt to everyt -No, I have got ? hing. fovery important Its 4. - ? waworld the in r everyone to save ter. -I agree with you. ?5. -Shall we meet at ten t ?o six? -That would be nice. ? it? -Windy, isnt 6. ? is. -Yes, it ? takeI me, 7. -Excuse may ? this seat? takeis -Sorry, th

20、e seat ? n. ilike best 8. -What do you ? n sports? vto play I -Actually like ? olleyball. noff really should be -I 9. ? ow? la you -Could stay little ? onger? wion you me -Let congratulate ? English the nning the prize first in Competition. -Thank you very much! ? -How nice your piano is! ? you. -Th

21、ank ? tturn down -Would you please ? he music? rea -Im I didnt sorry, ? lize you. Hpickup camera. Ive -lost my ? ow unlucky am! I thahear sorry to - Im ? t. here?mind if smoke I -Do you ? bit! -No, mind a I dont ? interrupted Sorry -Ive you. ? right. all - Thats ? you?I morning. -Good May help ? tha

22、nk -No, you. ? -Could you take out the coat in ? the bag for me? -With pleasure. ? goingIm no idea what -I have ? to do. librthe go -Why not to ? ary. apple? like -Would you an ? nbut love -Yes, Id to, ? now. ot bacyou coming date -What are ? k, Tim? Junineteenth, -On the ? ne. Mar-to speak Hello! I

23、d like to ? y, please? -Mary speaking. ? foowatch like -Would you to a ? match? tball thebusy Sorry, - Im at ? moment. -Im sorry I cannot help you n ?ow. Im busy at the moment. I could do it tomorrow if you like. -Thats OK. Thanks any ? way. -Id like to have a cup of coffe? Miss. e, -Pardon me. ? to

24、night. -Its really cold ? it? it is, isnt -Yes, ? for computer -May I use your ? while? a go ahead. -Sure, ? -I pardon? beg your ? pos -I said, is a “Here ? for you.” tcard good -Have a day, Miss Chen. ? too. -You ? today?weather Whats -the like ? Its - foggy. ? -Why dont you buy some flow ?ers for

25、him? -Thats a good idea. ? now? -Is your son better ? Thamuch better. -Yes, ? nks a lot. vegetables -How much do the ? cost? -20 dollars. ? Efind -What do you hardest in ? nglish? -Spelling. ? dinnerlike to to invite you -Id ? Green?evening, this Saturday Miss -Im very sorry, but I ?have other plans

26、. -Do you think I could borrow y? notebook? our -Yes, help yourself. ? -What is Smith like? ? -handsome. isnt He ? -I passed the College Entrance ?Examination. -Congratulations! ? hungry. -I feel a bit ? shave dont you -Why ? bread? ome to -Do you have any objection ? plan? my not. -No, of course ?

27、cothe Im -afraid I cant go to ? ncert with you. -What a shame! ? enjoy -Sorry, I cannot and go ? tonight. play your -What a pity! ? Tim, -Im from Australia. ? to -Nice meet you. ? taa us please -Would you give ? modern art? on lk It buto, would -I like ? not m these free days. -Is Professor Smith go

28、ing to at ?tend the meeting this afternoon? -Im afraid not. Hes go? Beijing. ne to pocyour mind if I use -Do you ? computer? ket you please! -No, do as ? -Your French is very good. ? so? -Do you think ? ginice -Thank you. Its really a ? ft. like it. you -Im glad ? coffee? you like some -Would ? please. -Yes, ? arome for -Thank you showing ? campus. und your -my pleasure. Its ? -Hi, Jack.

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