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1、英语研讨会邀请函范文4篇英语研讨会邀请函范文4篇Model of invitation letter for English Seminar英语研讨会邀请函范文4篇前言:邀请函是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信,是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种,在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中使用广泛这类书信。本文档根据邀请函内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英语研讨会邀请函范文 2、篇章2:英语

2、研讨会邀请函范文 3、篇章3:英语研讨会邀请函范文 4、篇章4:全国双语教学研讨会邀请函文档 现在国际交流频繁,国际贸易也增多了,很多商务研讨会邀请到国外嘉宾出席,下面是小泰为大家整理的英语研讨会邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。篇章1:英语研讨会邀请函范文 Related enterprises: To promote the industrialization of agriculture, commercial construction, promote the name special new agricultural and sideline products production, p

3、rocessing and marketing docking, agricultural enterprises project development and social institutions and financing docking, characteristics exploitation of agricultural resources and high-tech research results into the butt. The purpose of pragmatic, efficient, convenient thrift, Chinese business e

4、nterprise management Association of Rural Business Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as Chinas Rural Commercial Commission) 20XX is scheduled for early September 20xx in Beijing held 20XX. Beijing special new agricultural and sideline products production, sale and development of coopera

5、tion Fair. Fair fitting in the selection of a certain strength of a special new agricultural and sideline products production enterprises (Regional Industry Association), in Beijing selection about 10 large-scale wholesale markets, supermarket chains, also invited some institutions buy units, and be

6、nefit of financial institutions, Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the news media to participate in, and invited the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, all China Federation of supply and marketing cooperatives, ministries and leaders to attend. Sincerely welcome the willingness of par

7、ticipation and support of business registration, the title sponsor of this event. The relevant matters are as follows: The organizer: Chinese Commercial Commission Support unit: Information center of the Ministry of Agriculture Time and place: Time: 20XX in early September (2 days), the specific tim

8、e to be registered after the notification of the participating units, Location: seven Beijing Road, No. 22 Fengtai District Zhuang Yingxiang hotel.篇章2:英语研讨会邀请函范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Distinguished members and related enterprises: To help the enterprises in Shenzhen to explore the international market, und

9、erstand foreign industry production and market cutting-edge information, strengthen international economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, Shenzhen Baoan District Creative Industry Federation by Sri Lanka National Ministry of Commerce invited, in December 20XX the organization went to Sri Lanka

10、 to study business and economic and trade negotiation activities. The visit will be arranged to listen to Sri Lanka National Ministry of Commerce officials to introduce Sri Lanka, the use of foreign investment policy and investment cooperation projects, a comprehensive understanding of Sri Lankas in

11、vestment environment, but also visit Sri Lankas factories, enterprises and integrated trade market, the field of Sri Lankas change and economic operation. During the visit will also visit Sri Lanka cultural attractions, more abundant content and travel itinerary. We sincerely invite the industry ass

12、ociations, enterprises and related units to actively participate. Due to the limited number of activities, please pay close attention to registration! Registration deadline: November 20, 20xx.篇章3:英语研讨会邀请函范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Dear sir / madam: Hello We are very pleased to invite you to participate in th

13、e twenty-eighth session of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on food and Agriculture Organization of the Asia Pacific region, which will be held in Beijing on twenty-first Century 15-16, held by the United Nations Food and agriculture organization. The theme of this meeting is: from the agenda to

14、 the action - following the non governmental organization for food sovereignty forum. The consultation meeting was organized by the Asian Association of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the international food sovereignty Commission (IPC-Asia), and the cooperation of the

15、 China International Civil organization. By then, more than 80 private organizations from the Asia Pacific region more than 100 representatives will attend the meeting. The conference declaration will be held in the 27 session of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Asia Pacific Conf

16、erence on May 17-21. The main topics of this meeting include: 1 the regional and national levels of the non governmental organizations in the food and agriculture sector in the Asia Pacific region to implement the global action agenda / civil society strategy. 2 non governmental organizations in the

17、 areas of food and agriculture in the Asia Pacific region to determine the future of the participants in the current situation. 3 participating agencies to draft the proposal submitted to the twenty-seventh United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Asia Pacific Conference, continue to call fo

18、r the maintenance of the interests of farmers. Sincerely look forward to your active support and participation!篇章4:全国双语教学研讨会邀请函文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 尊敬的领导: “教育国际化双语教学双语教师”全国学术研讨会,将聚焦于双语教学和双语教师教育理论与实践中的前沿问题,从宽广的视野和前瞻性的角度来审视双语教学和双语教师教育改革的方向和社会变革的关系,探讨社会变革背景下双语教学和双语教师教育的新理论、新制度、新模式、新方法,为国内外双语教学和双语教师教育领域的研究

19、者、实践者、决策者提供一个交流平台,为中国双语教育改革与发展建言献策。 “第四届全国双语教学研讨会”将于20xx年7月6日-8日在xxx学院举行,会议欢迎并邀请国内外从事双语教学和双语教师教育研究、管理、培养培训工作的专家学者、政府官员、教育管理人员、国际学校和中小学校长、教师,以及所有对此次会议感兴趣的人士出席。 诚邀您届时莅临指导。具体安排如下: 【主办单位】xxx学院;xxx大学双语教育研究中心;上海市教委双语教学指导工作小组 【大会主题】教育国际化双语教学双语教师 【大会议题】 1.国际教育在中国(国际学校的教育理念、教学模式、课程与教材、师资建设、国际学校教学与双语教学比较与关联);

20、 2.双语教学理论与实践(双语教学模式、课程设置、教材建设、课堂教学、教学评价、政策制度); 3.双语教师教育理论与实践(双语教师培养、培训、双语教师教育标准、认证、国内外双语教师教育比较与借鉴、一体化双语教师教育体系构建) 【参会对象】从事双语教学和双语教师教育研究、管理、培养、培训工作的各级领导、专家学者、教育管理人员、国际学校和中小学校长、教师,以及所有关注双语教学和双语教师教育的人士 【会议形式】主题发言;专题发言;交流与讨论;双语教学现场观摩;双语教学示范课;双语人才交流;双语教材和成果展 【会议时间】 【会议地点】 【论文提交】 【会务费】 【住宿安排】 1.住宿由会务组统一安排,住宿费自理。 2.为了安排住宿,回执单务必于20xx年3月31日前寄回大会筹备组,以邮戳为准 【联系方式】电话/传真: 回执单(可以复印使用) 姓名 职务、职称 性别 住宿要求 单位全称 (地址、邮编) 电话/手机 邮箱- Designed By JinTai College -

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