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1、妈妈和宝宝互动英语妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 1:Feeding the baby 喂宝宝Feeding the baby 喂宝宝Oh!Is it too hot?Im sorry. 喔!太烫了吗?对不起!Lets blow on it. 来吹一吹 OK!Here you go. 好了,可以吃了Yummy!Yummy!Eat more! 好吃喔!多吃一点blow your nose 擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 2:Dont go too far! 不要走远Dont go too far! 不要走远 Baby,where are you? 宝宝,你在那里?Im co

2、oking supper here. 我正在这里煮晚餐Dont go away.Stay here. 不要走开,留在这里Dinner will be ready in a minute. 晚餐再一下就好了妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 3:Dining 吃饭Dining 吃饭 No beans? 不吃豆子,Beans make you strong. 豆子会使你强壮喔Carrots are good for your eyes. 吃红萝卜对眼睛好耶great! 好棒!妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 4:concentrate on eating 专心吃饭concentrate on e

3、ating 专心吃饭 Stop horsing around! 别再胡闹了!Dont be a picky eater. 不要这么挑嘴!Stop playing with your juice! 不要玩果汁!Sloppy eaters! 看你们吃得脏兮兮的!妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 5:Eat it up! 吃干净Eat it up! 吃干净 Oh,no!You left a lot of food on your plate. 喔!你剩下一大堆食物在盘子上Eat it up! 把它吃光See?I told you not to eat so many snacks before d

4、inner. 看吧!叫你不要在饭前吃那么多零食课文图片Theres still a lot of food left on your plateFinish your plateOkay then.No more snacks before dinner.妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 6:At the dining table 饭桌上At the dining table 饭桌上 Wow!What a loud noise! 哦!吵死人了!Dont drum on your bowl with chopsticks. 不要用筷子敲碗Eat everythng on your palte.

5、 把盘子上的东西都吃完,Dont be such a picky eater! 不要当个挑食的孩子课文图片 At the Dinner TableWhats all that noise?妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 7:Dining courtesy 吃饭礼节Dining courtesy 吃饭礼节 Eat with a spoon.Dont be a sloppy eater. 用汤匙不要吃的脏兮兮的Want some scrambled eggs? 要吃炒蛋吗?Dont make such noise!People are staring! 不要发出声音!别人在看你了Good bo

6、y! 乖孩子! 课文图片 Dinner Table Manners Eat with a spoon. Dont be so messy.Do you want some scrambled eggs?Poached egg n. 荷包蛋 egg cooked in gently boiling water boiled egg n.水煮鸡蛋egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water poached egg和boiled egg的相同点都是在水中煮,差别在于poached egg煮的时候剥壳了,而boiled egg没剥壳,是

7、in the shell煮的。fried egg n.煎蛋eggs cooked by sauteing(炒) in oil or butter; sometimes turned and cooked on both sidesScrambled eggs is a dish made from whites and yolks of eggs (usually chicken eggs).fried egg和scrambled egg的相同点在于他们几乎都是在oil里面做的,但不同点在于fried egg是整个鸡蛋不打散的在油里煎,而scrambled egg是把鸡蛋打散后放在油里面炒。西

8、红柿炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs with tomatoes妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 8:Eating ice cream 吃冰淇淋 Eating ice cream 吃冰淇淋 You are too excited. 你们太兴奋了!Sit down,please. 请坐好Sit nicely,then Ill give you some ice cream. 坐好,我才要给你们冰淇淋吃课文图片Calm down,children Sit down,pleaseSit up right,and Ill give you some ice cream.妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 U

9、nit 9:Splitting a piece of chocolate 分巧克力Splitting a piece of chocolate 分巧克力 What are you doing? 你们在做什么?Let me split it in half. 让我来平分成两半This is for you. 这给你The other half for you. 另外一半给你妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 10:Having snacks 吃点心Having snacks 吃点心 We are out of peanut butter. 我们已经没有花生酱了How about strawber

10、ry jam? 草莓酱好吗?Do you want to spread it yourself? 你要自己涂吗?Well done! Youre great. 涂的很好!你很棒妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 11:Snacks 点心Snacks 点心 Time for snacks. 点心时间到啰Lets have some cookies and milk! 来吃饼干和牛奶吧!Would you like some more? 你们还要吗?妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 12:Having night snacks 吃宵夜 Having night snacks 吃宵夜 Do you

11、 wanna eat something before bed? 你要在睡觉前吃点东西吗?(bedtime snacks Do you want a bedtime snack?)(My bedtime is ten Oclock.No candies! 糖果,免谈!How about a bowl of cereal? 来碗麦片好吗?Good girl! 乖孩子!妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 13:Eating hot pot 吃火锅(1)Eating hot pot 吃火锅 David,do you want to-fu? David,你要吃豆腐吗?OK,let me put it

12、in the hot pot. 好,我放一些到火锅里Vegetables are good for you. 吃蔬菜对你有好处Careful! Its very hot! 小心!很烫喔!妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 14:Eating hot pot 吃火锅(2)Eating hot pot 吃火锅 Here are the fruits. 吃水果了(Here is some fruit)Watch out! 小心!Oh!No!The fruits are in the hot pot. 糟了!水果掉到火锅里了.(Watch out =Look out; all the fruit fe

13、ll in the hot pot)妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 15:Dining on Dragon Boat Festival 端午节吃饭Dining on Dragon Boat Festival 端午节吃饭 Eat some steamed fish. 吃一点蒸鱼(Have some steamed fish)Do you like curried chicken? 要吃咖哩鸡吗?OK,you want rice dumplings. 好,你们想吃粽子(Who wants a rice dumpling?)Just one!Dont eat too much. 只能吃一个!不要

14、吃太多 妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 16:Having cotton candy 吃棉花糖 Having cotton candy 吃棉花糖 Do you want cotton candy? 你要棉花糖吗?Wow,look at your face! 喔,看看你的脸!Your hands are sticky,too. 你的手也黏黏的,Lets go wash them. 我们去洗一洗(ITS SO STICKY.好闷热喔)妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 17:Buying another bottle 再买一瓶Buying another bottle 再买一瓶 More ju

15、ice? 还要果汁吗?Sorry,its all gone. 对不起,喝光了Never mind. 没关系,Lets get another one. 我们再去买妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 18:Eating too much 吃太多肚子痛 Eating too much 吃太多肚子痛 Hi,boys.Ive made some jelly. 嗨,孩子们.我做了一些果冻Slow down,or youll get a tummy ache. 慢慢吃,否则你会肚子痛You see,I told you. 看吧!我不是告诉过你了妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 19:In the fas

16、t food restaurant 在快餐店(1)In the fast food restaurant 在快餐店 Look out! 小心!Walk slowly! 慢慢走!The floor is wet! 地板湿湿的妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 20:In the fast food restaurant 在快餐店(2)In the fast food restaurant 在快餐店 Dont just eat your French Fries. Eat your hamburger,too. 不要光只吃薯条,也要吃汉堡You cant play until you finish

17、 your food. 要吃完才能去玩Fine,you can go play now. 很好,现在你可以去玩了妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 21:In the supermarket 在超市(1) In the supermarket 在超市 Go get a small shopping cart. 去推一台小购物车Dont go so fast. 不要走这么快Follow me. 跟着我Go this way. 走这边妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 22:In the supermarket 在超市(2) In the supermarket 在超市 We need milk.

18、 我们需要牛奶Yes,lets get some cheese,too. 对,也要买些奶酪No,not this time. 不行,这次不买Put it back on the shelf. 把它放回架子上去妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 23:In the supermarket 在超市(3)In the supermarket 在超市 Dont push the shopping cart so fast. 购物车不要推这么快Look out! 小心!Dont bump into people and the shelves. 不要撞到人和架子妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 24:

19、In the warehouse 在大卖场 In the warehouse 在大卖场 Dont stand up. 不要站起来Sit nicely,please,good boy! 请你坐好,乖孩子OK!Were going up. 我们要往上啰Careful!Dont stick your head out. 小心!不要把头伸出去妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 25:No toys today! 今天不买玩具 No toys today! 今天不买玩具 No toys today! 今天不买玩具We made a deal,didnt we? 我们说好的,不是吗?No means no

20、! 不行就是不行!Ill gey something for you next time. 下次再买给东西给你妈妈和宝宝说英语吃东西篇 Unit 26:Shopping in the Market 逛市场Shopping in the Market 逛市场 *Just look around. 四处逛逛*Not today,dear. 亲爱的,我们今天不买玩具*We have too many toys in our house. 家里有太多玩具了(You already have plenty of toys)*Wed better hurry home.Its going to rain. 快要下雨了,我们最好赶快回家

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