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高一英语必修一单元综合能力测试五Unit 5.docx

1、高一英语必修一单元综合能力测试五Unit 5单元综合能力测试五(Unit 5)时间:120分钟满分:150分第卷(满分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Who is the man possibly talking to?AA teacher.BA doctor. CHis mother.2What do we know about Sam?A

2、He will leave New York.BHis sister will leave for Los Angeles.CHis sister will leave for New York.3What is the woman going to do?ARead the paper again.BThrow the paper away.CRewrite the paper because there are too many mistakes.4Why does the woman thank the man?AHe lent her some money.BHe gave her a

3、 fivepound bill.CHe returned her money found.5Where does this conversation probably take place?AAt an airport.BAt a railway station.CAt a department store.第二节:(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

4、听第6段材料,回答第67题。6What is the womans brother?AA postman. BA poet. CA writer.7What does the man plan to do?AVisit the womans brother later.BPrepare a gift.CMeet the woman at once.听第7段材料,回答第89题。8What is the job mentioned in the conversation?ATo look after children.BTo work for a newspaper.CTo serve in a

5、phone company.9On what condition would the woman accept the job?AThe work is fun.BShe could be free to go shopping.CThe return ticket is paid and the salary is good.听第8段材料,回答第1012题。10What is the relationship between the speakers?ACoworkers.BActor and actress.CInterviewer and interviewee.11What does

6、the woman do well in?ADancing and singing.BTyping and shorthand.CPlaying football and basketball.12Where does the woman really want to go?AA stadium. BA theatre. CA hotel.听第9段材料,回答第1316题。13Where are the speakers?AOn a plane.BOn a bus.CAt a railway station.14Where does the woman want to go at last?AP

7、ark Avenue.BFifth Avenue.CWashington Square Park.15How does the woman know she has got to the right place?AThe man will tell her in time.BShe can see the big gate and trees.CShe will arrive there at the exact time.16What is probably the man?AA repairman. BA bus driver. CA taxi driver.听第10段材料,回答第1720

8、题。17What is the second reason for the growing number of private cars in China?ABank loans.BBetter financial situation.CThe desire for more comfortable means of travelling.18What are the main problems caused by the use of private cars in China?ATraffic jams and air pollution.BTraffic jams and fire ac

9、cidents.CTraffic jams and energy consumption.19Who will deal with the problems?ALocal governments.BIndividual car users.CCar manufacturers.20Whats the speakers attitude?AFamily cars are convenient in everyday life.BBanks should stop giving loans to car buyers.CMeasures should be taken to control the

10、 use of private cars.答案15 BBACA610 CAACC1115 ABBCB1620 BCAAC 附:听力参考材料Text 1M:Im not feeling so well.W:Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better.If you dont,come back and see me.Text 2M:I met Sam on the street today.W:Really?Did he say something about his sister?M:Yes.

11、She ought to be leaving New York very soon,because her husband has taken a job in Los Angeles.Text 3M:Are you sure youve corrected all the mistakes in the paper?W:Perhaps Id better read it through again.Text 4M:Does this bill belong to you?W:Oh,thanks.Ive just lost five pounds.M:Im glad that Ive fou

12、nd the owner,otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found.Text 5M:Wed better hurry.I think thats our flight.W:Have I got time to get a newspaper?M:Well,I dont think we have time.Look.W:All right,well,you take that bag,and Ill take this one.Text 6W:My brother and his family will be coming into

13、town next week.M:Is he the one who writes articles for the Washington Post?W:Right.Why dont you come over next Sunday to meet him?M:Id love to,but I cant.Can I pay a visit to him later than that?W:Sure,theyll be here for a week.So just let me know when you can come.M:OK! Ill be very pleased to see h

14、im.Text 7M:Helen,what do you think of this advertisement in todays newspaper?W:Didnt I tell you?It was also in last weeks newspaper.I saw it there and so I inquired by letter.I had a phone call today from the company and Ive got an interview tomorrow.M:Thats exciting.Do you think youve got the job?W

15、:Well,they seemed very eager on the phone.I do think that theyll probably offer me the job.M:So,are you going to California?W:I didnt say that.I may be offered the job,but I wont take the job unless they agree to pay for my return ticket.It would be hard work looking after two boys and three girls,s

16、o I want a proper salary,too.Even though living in California would probably be great fun.Text 8M:Susan,Ive got a few questions.Lets see.Can you type?W:No,I cant type.M:What about shorthand?W:I dont know.Ive never tried.M:So you cant take shorthand and you cant type.What can you do,may I ask?W:Well,

17、I can play the piano and violin.M:Play the piano and violin?W:Yes,and I can sing and dance.M:Miss Susan,what are you doing here?W:I want a job.I want to work here.M:But you cant take shorthand and you cant even type.W:No,of course I cant.Im an actress.M:But I want a secretary.W:Is this the Grand The

18、atre?M:No,of course not.Its the Grand Hotel.The Grand Theatre is in the opposite street.Text 9M:Stand back from the door,please! Let the passengers off.You cant get on until the others get off.W:How much is the fare,please?M:One dollar.Drop it in the box.Move to the back of the bus.There are a lot o

19、f seats at the back of the bus.W:Wait! I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village.M:Thats right.Move along,please.There are more people waiting to get on.Move to the back.W:I thought this bus went down Park Avenue.M:No,thats No.1.It goes down Park Avenue.This is

20、 No.2.W:But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park.M:It is.Get in,please.Youre holding everyone up.You cant miss Washington Square Park.W:Would you tell me when we get there?M:It would be better if you watch out for yourself.I might forget.W:Well,how can I recognize it?M:Ju

21、st watch for the big gate and all the trees.Get off the bus when we get there.Text 10More and more private cars are being bought by Chinese families.Family cars are intended to be convenient,but will they really bring convenience to everyday life in a country with such a large population?Moreover,dr

22、iving cars will probably make people sit all the time without any exercise.It will do harm to their health.Riding bicycles is much better.It is not practical for China to popularize family cars in the near future,especially in our big cities.There are a number of reasons why private cars are becomin

23、g popular in China.To start with,many people have become wealthy.They can afford to buy their own cars.Besides,with their improved living conditions,many people think that they should have more comfortable means of travelling.They are no longer satisfied with bicycles or motorcycles.Finally,new bank

24、 systems allow people to buy cars with loans.Thus,more and more people have cars.However,private cars have caused some problems in China.One problem is traffic jams.With so many cars being used,the streets have become very crowded.The number of accidents has increased.Another problem is air pollutio

25、n.People are starting to complain of the waste gas given off by cars.Fortunately,local governments have become aware of these problems and are trying their best to solve them.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21(2012濉溪县联考)Only when the war was over

26、_to his hometown.A. did the young soldier returnB. the young soldier returnedC. returned the young soldierD. the young soldier did return解析“only状语从句”位于句首,主句采用部分倒装。答案A22(2012濉溪县联考)He appears to be strong and healthy,but_,he suffers from a heart attack.A. as a matter of fact B. in a wayC. sooner or la

27、ter D. now and then解析as a matter of fact“实际上”。句意:他似乎强壮健康,但实际上,他遭受着心脏病的痛苦。in a way “从某个角度看”;sooner or later “迟早”;now and then “偶尔”。答案A23(2012江西吉安二中,吉水二中联考)When he was out of _work,he was involved in crimes of violence and was put in_prison at last.A. the; the B. /; /C. a; / D. /; the解析out of work“失业”

28、;put sb. in prison“把某人投入监狱”,二者均为固定短语。答案B24(2012江西吉安二中,吉水二中联考)We have reached the stage_we have to give up the experiment.Im sorry to hear that.A. when B. whyC. where D. which解析先行词为stage,定语从句缺地点状语,由where引导。答案C25(2012江西吉安二中,吉水二中联考)Whenever we are in_,we must never lose_,but try to think of the way out

29、.A. the trouble; our heart B. troubles; heartsC. trouble; heart D. trouble; our heart解析in trouble“处于困境”;lose heart“灰心”,二者均为固定短语。答案C26For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill_ my own business someday.A. turn up B. fix upC. set up D. make up解析set up“成立,建立”。turn up“出现”;fix up“修理

30、”;make up“编造,化妆”。答案C27Our laughter_horror as we realized that Jordan was really injured.A. turned against B. turned aroundC. turned off D. turned to解析句意:当意识到乔丹真的受了伤时,我们的笑变成了恐惧。turn to“ 转向;变成”,符合句意。turn against “(使某人)反对;(使某人)与为敌”;turn around “(使)好转;扭转”;turn off “关闭;截断”。答案D28As no one would support him,the old man had to go from door to door _food.A. wishing for B. looking forC. begging for D. waiting for解析句意:由于没有人愿意赡养他,这位老人只好挨家挨户去讨饭。beg for “乞讨”,符合句意。wish for “盼望;希望得到”;look for “寻找”;wait for “等待”。答案C29The_of our life has been improved greatly since the Partys policy w

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