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1、温家宝第四届夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式致辞转帖:温家宝第四届夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式致辞(英汉对照演讲稿+英文同传视频) 来源: 李琼颖的日志 2010年9月13日下午,世界经济论坛2010年新领军者年会(第四届夏季达沃斯论坛)在天津梅江会展中心开幕,国务院总理温家宝出席开幕式并致辞,以下为讲话实录:世界经济论坛主席 施瓦布:尊敬的温家宝总理阁下,尊敬的各国国家元首们,来自政府国际组织、商界、市民社会、学术界、科学界、文化界,以及媒体的各位代表,世界经济论坛各位会员、朋友们,我非常荣幸也非常高兴能够欢迎中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝阁下再次到天津来、您的故乡来参加第四届夏季达沃斯年会。温总理,在您的关心


3、观点、想法,还有政策以及解决方案,以实现一个全新的经济增长的时代化,我们会非常的自豪。一个在危机之后的新时代,一个基于将解决社会问题协调地纳入发展的模式,特别是商业和经济发展模式的新时代。因此,我们在座的各位都需要需要有一个真正的创新的精神、改革的精神以及开拓的精神,但是开拓的精神必须要为全球的公共利益而服务,这个创新的精神就是要创造财富和就业的机会,同时也要创造公平和正义,也要为我们未来的子孙后代担负起保护环境的责任。女士们、先生们,有请中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝阁下致辞。 巩固向好势头推动持续增长在2010年夏季达沃斯论坛上的讲话中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝2010年9月13日Con

4、solidate the Upward Momentum and Promote Sustained Growth-Address by H.E. Wen JiabaoPremier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of ChinaAt the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010Tianjin, 13 September 2010尊敬的克劳斯施瓦布主席,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive

5、 Chairman of the World Economic Forum,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我对第四届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示欢迎!在世界经济缓慢复苏的关键时刻,本次论坛以“推动可持续增长”为主题,探寻未来发展之路,具有很强的针对性和重要的现实意义。我祝愿本次论坛圆满成功!Let me begin by extending congratulations on the opening of the fourth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, the S

6、ummer Davos, and a welcome to you all. At the crucial juncture when the world economy is slowly recovering, the meeting will explore the way forward for future development under the theme of Driving Growth Through Sustainability. This is highly relevant and significant, and I wish the meeting full s


8、增长和社会稳定,更重要的是保持了中国经济发展的好势头,现代化进程没有因巨大的外部冲击而出现大的波折,其意义重大而深远。The past two years have seen China emerge as one of the first countries to achieve an economic rebound and maintain steady and relatively fast economic development under extremely difficult and complex circumstances. We owe our achievements

9、to the comprehensive implementation of the stimulus package. At the height of the international financial crisis, Chinas economic growth rate dropped by a big margin. Many enterprises completely or partially suspended operations, and some even closed down. Many workers lost their jobs and a large nu

10、mber of rural migrant workers had to return to their home villages. In view of this, we acted immediately to introduce a stimulus package. From the second quarter of 2009, the downward trend in economic growth was quickly reversed. The economy grew by 9.1% in 2009 and 11.1% in the first half of 2010

11、. Urban employment has kept expanding, peoples income has been increasing, and social stability and harmony has been maintained. As a Chinese saying goes, one would never fully appreciate the difficulty unless he has experienced it in person. For a country like China with 1.3 billion people, without

12、 a certain rate of economic growth, full employment and peoples well-being can only be empty talk. The stimulus package has enabled us to not only maintain the current economic growth and social stability, but also, and more importantly, secure the sound momentum of economic development. The severe

13、external shock did not cause a big fluctuation in Chinas modernization process. This is of major and far-reaching significance.在应对国际金融危机中,我们始终高度重视推动经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整。两年来,国内需求特别是消费对经济增长的拉动作用持续增强,2009年社会消费品零售总额实际增长16.9%,为1986年以来最高增速,今年以来这一势头得到延续,上半年实际增速与去年同期基本持平。产业结构升级加快,今年前7个月,高技术产业增加值同比增长17.7%,高于规模以上工


15、年中部地区、西部地区规模以上工业增加值增速分别比全国快1.1和4.5个百分点,今年上半年中部地区比全国快3.1个百分点,西部地区与全国持平,中西部地区占全国规模以上工业增加值的比重由2008年同期的38.1%上升到38.8%。更为重要的是,我们从全局和战略的高度,对加快经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整做出了全面部署。所有这些都将对我国经济长期稳定健康发展起到重要推动作用。In tackling the international financial crisis, we have always given top priority to transforming the economic dev

16、elopment pattern and restructuring the economy. In the past two years, domestic demand, consumption in particular, has played an increasingly strong role in driving economic growth. Total retail sales in 2009 rose by 16.9 percent in real terms, the fastest since 1986. This good momentum is continuin

17、g and retail sales in the first half of this year grew at roughly the same rate as the same period of last year. The upgrading of the industrial structure has been accelerated. In the first seven months of this year, the value added of high-tech industries increased by 17.7 percent year on year, 0.7

18、 percentage point higher than that of the industries above a designated level. Infrastructure development has been strengthened. On 1 August 2008, the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway, Chinas first top-class high-speed rail with full intellectual property, was put into operation, shortening the tra

19、vel time between Beijing and Tianjin to only 30 minutes and binding the two major municipalities as one. The Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway that went into operation on 26 December 2009 set the world record of the longest and fastest high-speed railway completed on an uninterrupted basis. Solid p

20、rogress has been made in energy conservation, emissions reduction and environmental protection. Last year, we shut down small thermal power plants with a total capacity of 26.17 million kilowatts and phased out inefficient production capacity of 16.91 million tons of steel, 21.13 million tons of iro

21、n and 74.16 million tons of cement. By the end of this month, we will have eliminated an additional amount of inefficient production capacity, including 8.25 million tons of steel, 30 million tons of iron and 91.55 million tons of cement. Energy consumption per unit of GDP has been reduced by 15.6 p

22、ercent in the first four years of the 11th five-year plan period. Regional development has been more coordinated. In 2009, the growth rates of value added of industries above a designated scale in the central and western regions were 1.1 and 4.5 percentage points higher than the national average res

23、pectively. In the first half of this year, such growth in the central region was 3.1 percentage points higher than the national average, and that in the western region on a par with the national average. Also in the first half of this year, the central and western regions contribution to the value a

24、dded of industries above a designated level in the national total increased to 38.8 percent from 38.1 percent of the same period in 2008. What is more important is that we have made all-round arrangements for accelerating the transformation of economic development pattern and economic restructuring

25、from a macro and strategic perspective. All these will give a strong boost to the stable and healthy development of Chinas economy in the long run.我们实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,刺激力度前所未有,同时又比较好地控制了财政金融风险。这两年,我国财政赤字和国债规模分别控制在国内生产总值的3%以内和20%左右;银行资产质量和抵御风险能力提高,目前资本充足率和不良贷款率分别为11.1%和2.8%,都处于安全范围内。我们清醒地看到财政金融领域的潜

26、在风险,特别是地方政府融资平台的债务风险,这个问题由来已久,但近期风险有所加大。我们已经出台加强地方政府融资平台公司管理的有关办法,正在抓紧落实。面对突如其来的国际金融危机冲击,我们采取超常规的政策措施是必要的,这些政策措施在发挥积极作用的同时,难以避免会带来一些负面影响,关键是要把这些影响控制在可以承受的范围内。从这个角度来说,我们比较好地处理了兴利与除弊的关系,总体上看效果是好的。We have implemented a pro-active fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy with an unprecedented

27、 intensity, and at the same time successfully kept fiscal and financial risks under control. In the past two years, Chinas budget deficit and government debt have been kept below 3 percent and around 20 percent of the GDP respectively. The asset quality of banks and their ability to fend off risks h

28、ave improved. The capital adequacy ratio and NPL ratio now stand at 11.1 percent and 2.8 percent respectively, both in the safe territory. This being said, we are keenly aware of the latent fiscal and financial risks, especially the debt risks of the financing platforms of local governments. This is

29、 not a new problem, yet the risks have somewhat increased in recent months. We have formulated the measures to strengthen the regulation of those financing platforms and implementation is well underway. In the face of the sudden international financial crisis, the extraordinary policy measures that

30、we have adopted are necessary and these measure have played a positive role. Yet some negative impacts are hardly avoidable. Whats important is to keep those negative impacts within a scope that we can manage. In this sense, we have done a good job in balancing the need of promoting positive effects

31、 with that of reducing negative ones. Taken as a whole, the results of our stimulus package are good.中国实施一揽子计划,不仅保持了本国经济稳定和较快增长,也为世界经济复苏做出了重要贡献。当主要发达国家经济出现负增长之时,中国等发展中大国经济迅速回稳和保持较快增长,极大地增强了世界战胜国际金融危机的信心,为世界经济提供了强劲增长动力。2009年中国实现进口10056亿美元,全年贸易顺差减少了1020亿美元;今年前7个月,中国实现进口7666亿美元,同比大幅增长47.2%,贸易顺差同比减少226亿

32、美元。这表明,中国经济增长为跨国公司提供了重大发展机遇,为主要经济体和周边国家创造了大量需求,成为世界经济复苏的重要引擎。By implementing the stimulus package, we have not only maintained Chinas economic stability and relatively fast economic growth, but also made important contribution to the world economic recovery. At a time of negative economic growth for

33、 major developed countries, the fast economic stabilization and rapid economic growth of China and other major developing countries greatly boosted international confidence in overcoming the financial crisis and provided a strong impetus to the world economic growth. In 2009, Chinas imports totaled 1.0056 tri

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