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1、小学16年级英语词组总结小升初资料整理小学1-6年级英语词组总结一年级英语词组a little caterpillar一条小毛毛虫1-AAre you OK?你还好吧? 1-Abecome a butterfly变成一直蝴蝶1-Abehind the door在门的后面1-Ablack cat黑猫1-Aclose your book.合上你的书1-Aclose the door把门关上1-Acolour the paper strips把纸条涂上颜色1-Acome on, baby来吧,宝贝1-Acome to my house到我家来吧1-Acook in the kitchen在厨房做饭1

2、-Acount and say数和说1-Acover the number.覆盖数字1-Acut a shape.剪一个圆1-Acut the tissue.剪薄纸1-Acut out some circles剪下一些圆圈1-Acut out some food pictures剪下一些食品图片1-Acut out strips and fold them剪一些纸条并折叠他们1-Adecorate your poster装饰你的广告画1-Adont be late别迟到1-ADo you have?你有? 1-Adraw and write写和画1-Adraw on the paper在纸上画

3、画1-Adraw some furniture画一些家具1-Adraw your family.写下你的家庭成员1-Aeat in the dining-room 在饭厅吃饭1-Afeel and say.感觉和说1-Afind another green card找出另一张绿色卡片1-Afold three times.折三次1-Afly like a bird像鸟一样地飞1-Afly over the river飞过小河1-AFrench fries炸薯条1-Aget a picture.得到一张图片1-Agive it to me把它给我1-Agive them to your frie

4、nd.交给你的朋友1-Aglue the paper strips贴纸条1-Ahang on the branch.挂在枝上1-Aheres your bookmark这是你的书签1-Ahop like a rabbit像兔子一样地跳1-Ahow many多少1-Aice-cream冰淇淋1-Ain my bag在我的书包里1-Ain a row.排成一排1-Ain the bag在书包里1-Ain the rain在雨中1-Aintroduce yourself介绍你自己1-Ajump like a kangaroo像袋鼠一样地跳1-ALet me help you让我帮助你1-ALets

5、get it.让我们抓住它. 1-Alook at my spiders看我的蜘蛛1-Amake a picture画一张画1-Amake a rainbow做一个彩虹1-Amost of all最1-Amove like a turtle像乌龟一样地移动1-Aon the floor在地板上1-Aon the wall在墙上1-Aopen your book.打开你的书1-Aorange juice橘子汁1-Apencil-case铅笔盒1-Apick a number选一个号码1-Apick up sticks捡起你的筷子1-Aplay in the living-room在客厅玩耍1-A

6、play with a friend和朋友玩1-Apull the string.穿上绳子1-Apull the string through the holes把绳子穿过孔1-Apunch a hole.打一个孔1-Aput it in the box把它放进盒子里1-Aput them together把他们拼在一起1-Ascary like a spider像蜘蛛一样地惊慌1-Ashow and tell about it显示并谈论它1-Ashow me your pencil-case.给我看你的笔盒1-Ashow your spiders显示你的蜘蛛1-Askip rope跳绳1-A

7、skip like a frog像青蛙一样地蹦1-Astick them on a big card把他们贴在一张大卡上1-Asleep in the bedroom在卧室睡觉1-Asqueak like a mouse像耗子一样地尖叫1-Astart again再来一次1-Astick a string贴上绳子1-Astick the eyes贴上眼睛1-Astick the legs贴上腿1-Astick your photo贴上你的照片1-Aswim across the river 游过小河1-Aswim like a fish像鱼一样地游1-Aswing like a monkey像

8、猴子一样地摆动1-Aswing over the river荡过小河1-Atalk about your family谈论你的家庭1-Atake a bath in the washroom在浴室洗澡1-Atake sth. from拿走1-Ateddy bear玩具熊1-Atell about the room讲关于房子1-Atieyour shoe系上你的鞋带1-Aunder the chair在椅子下1-Awaddle like a duck像鸭子一样地蹒跚1-Awalk across the river走过小河1-Awalk like an elephant像大象一样地走1-Awave

9、 your rainbow and sing挥动你的彩虹并唱歌1-Awrap the shoe box.包裹鞋盒1-Awrite and glue写和涂胶水1-Awrite your name写上你的名字1-A二年级英语词组chase-chasing追逐2-Ado a puzzle做一道难题2-Ado my homework做作业2-Adrink coke喝可乐2-Adrink-drinking喝喝饮料2-Adrink tea喝茶2-Afly a kite放风筝2-Afly-flying飞一飞2-Aget up起床2-Ago away离开2-Ago home回家2-Ago skating去溜冰

10、2-Ago to bed.去睡觉2-Ago to school去上学2-Agrow up生长2-Ahappy time快乐时光2-A have lunch吃午饭2-Ahurry up赶快2-Ain the sky在天空2-Alate for school上学迟到2-Alook at看着2-Amop the floor拖地板2-Aon fire着火2-Aon foot走路2-Aplay the piano弹钢琴2-Aride a bike骑自行车2-Aride-riding骑骑车2-Asing-singing唱唱歌2-Askate-skating溜溜冰2-Askip-skipping蹦蹦跳2-A

11、set the table摆桌子2-Asweep the floor打扫地板2-Aswim-swimming游游泳2-Atake a nap打个盹2-Awake up醒来2-Awash up洗涤2-A三年级英语词组against the wall靠近墙壁3-Aa new bike 一辆新单车3-Aa postcard from一张来自的明信片3-Aarms up high 举高手3-Aa picture of 一幅画3-Abeautiful girl漂亮女生3-Abehind the chair在椅子后面3-Abeside the table在桌子旁边3-Ablow your nose 打鼻子

12、3-Abook-shelf 书架3-Abrush your hair 梳头3-Abut only仅有一个3-Aby the river 在河边3-Aby the window在窗边3-Aclean your ears 洗耳朵3-Aclean your room清洁你的房间3-Aclean your teeth 刷牙3-Acome from来自3-Acute baby 逗人爱的婴儿3-Adining-room 饭厅3-Adown stairs 在楼下3-Adraw a picture 画画3-Aexercise-book 练习本3-Afamily tree家谱3-Afour legs四条腿3-A

13、have a look看一看3-Ahave many 有很多3-Ahow many多少3-Ain English用英语3-Ain front of 在前面3-Ain the box在盒子里3-Ain the corner 在角落3-Ain the pencil-case在笔盒里3-Akeep it tidy 保持整洁3-Alend me your ruler借把尺子给我3-Aliving-room 起居室3-Along ears 长耳朵3-Alook at看3-Amy friend我的朋友3-Anear the door靠近门口3-Anext to在傍边3-Aof course当然3-Aold

14、 lady老女人3-Aon the bed在床上3-Aon the ceiling在天花板3-Aon the desk 在书桌上3-Aon the floor 在地板3-Aon the shelf 在书架3-Aon the table 在桌子上3-Aopen the book 打开书3-Aover there在那边3-Apack the bag 收拾书包3-Apencil-case笔盒3-Apencil sharpener卷笔刀,笔刨3-Apicture-book图画书3-Aput in放在(里面)3-Aput on 放在(上面)3-Aput them away拿开3-Araise your

15、arms 举手3-Araise your leg抬腿3-Areading-room阅览室3-Ashort boy 矮个子男孩3-Ashort tail短尾巴3-Asit down坐下3-Asitting-room 客厅3-Asit with坐在一起3-Astory-book故事书3-Astrong man强壮的男人3-Aswimming pool游泳池3-Atall man 高个子男生3-Atape recorder录音机3-Ateachers office教师办公室3-Ateddy bear玩具熊3-Athere are有(复数) 3-Athere is有(单数)3-Ato keep us fit保持身材3-Atouch your toes摸脚趾3-Aturn the page翻页3-Aunder the bed在床下3-Aunder the desk 在书桌下3-Aup stairs在楼上3-Avery good很好3-Avery lovely 很可爱3-Avery messy 很凌乱3-Avery pretty 很漂亮3-Awant to have想要3-Awash your hands 洗手3-Awash your face洗脸3-Awatch TV看电视3-Awipe you eyes 擦眼3-Awith grey hair长灰头发3-Ayoung boy 年轻人3-A

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