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1、现代大学英语精读3第4单元知识点归纳Unit 4to wrench yourself away from: to twist and pull yourself away (or free) fromwrench vt. To pull at the feelings or emotions of挫折使感情或情绪受折磨;distress压抑; afflict使痛苦eg.: It wrenched her to watch them go. 看着他们离开,她很难受It wrenched her to say goodbye.patchwork of farms and woodlandpatch

2、work n.拼缝物, 拼缀物, 拼凑物woodland: a piece of land covered with trees森林地, 林地In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants 鸟 雉, 野鸡rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (p.2)to verge against: to be close to; to be at the edg

3、e or border ofverge vi. (1) to be very close to a place;to be contiguous 邻近, 接近eg.: streets verging on the slum area 贫民区周围的街道 (2) To approach the nature or condition of something specified; come close. Used with on: 接近,逼近接近具体指定的某物的性质或情况;走近。与 on连用: verge on upon接近, 濒于eg.: Such a remark verges on impe

4、rtinence. 简直是唐突无礼。a brilliance verging on genius.近乎天才的才智 Notice how the preposition against is used to mean next to, touching or hitting the surface of (课本p.98-6) e. g. A heavy rain was pattering against the windows. He stood his stick against the wall. . . and pheasants rocketed off: . . . and phea

5、sants went off like rockets.rocket v.intr. (1)to move swiftly and powerfully, as a rocket. 像火箭般迅速而有力地运动 (2) To soar or rise rapidly:迅速上升或猛涨 The book rocketed to the top of the bestseller list.这本书一下子就跃居畅销书榜首Compare: Factories mushroomed. (They grew like mushroom. ) He tried to worm into that organiza

6、tion. ( He tried to get into that organization like a worm. ) It could snowball into a serious conflict. (It could gradually develop into a serious conflict like a snowball. )snowball vi. to grow rapidly in significance, importance, or size: 滚雪球般地增长, eg.: problems that snowballed by the hour.问题按小时计算

7、滚雪球般地增长 He was wolfing it down as if he had not eaten for days. (He was eating it very quickly like a wolf. )I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone, playing Robin Hood (p.3) to roam the woods (fields, streets, hills etc): roam the streets 街头漫步 roam the clouds 云中漫步roam about/roam

8、around. Eg.: The visitors roamed around the town /city.Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. But one day I became attached through no design of my own. (p.3): to keep to oneself: (!) to live a very quiet and private life and

9、 not do many things involving other people. 不与人交往: eg.: She kept to herself in the ship and would speak to no one.(2) keep sth. secret 对守口如瓶eg.: He kept his conclusions to himself. 他对他的结论守口如瓶。through no design of my own. (p.3):not that I intended to do it; not that I planned it that way; just by cha

10、nceI started hiking there ., up a long, sloping hill to an almost impenetrable stand of trees called Bear Wood. impenetrable adj. (1) impossible to penetrate or enter:不能穿过或进入的: eg.: an impenetrable fortress.(2) Impossible to understand; incomprehensible:不能理解的,令人费解的eg.: impenetrable jargon.行话(3)无动于衷的

11、不为感情或争论所动的eg an impenetrable heart.不能打动的心 penetrable adj.可渗透的,可穿透的penetrable defenses可突破的防御; a penetrable wall. 可洞穿的墙 penetrate (1) to enter or force a way into; pierce. 穿过,刺入,穿透进入或迫使进入;刺入(2) to enter into and permeate: 渗入进入或渗透 eg.: The insistent rhythm of piano practice penetrated each room o

12、f the house.钢琴的持续韵律回荡在整幢房子的每个房间 stand:高大植物或树的群丛eg.: a stand of pine. 一群松树the twitter鸟鸣声and rustle沙沙声, 飒飒声: onomatopoeia 象声词, e. g. the twitter of birds; the rustle of leaves; the hiss of the snake; the gurgle (流水的)汩汩声, 欢乐的(咯咯声)of the water; the cracking of the fire; the banging of the door; the flut

13、tering摆动, 鼓翼of the flag; the rumbling隆隆声, 辘辘声of the waves; the tick-tock滴答声of the clock etc. run into v.跑进, 撞上run against, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到She caught her breathThen, recovering quickly, she gave a welcoming smile that instantly put me at ease. catch ones breath v.喘息, 屏息 = hold ones breath to put sb at eas

14、e: to make sb feel relaxed at ease: 安逸,自由自在 ill at ease adj.不安的 stand at ease 军(口令)稍息eg.: He always feels ill at ease in front of strangers. The professor must be quite popular. The students all look at ease in his presence. others: to make sb at ease; to set sb at easeA pair of powerful-looking bin

15、oculars dangled from her neck. (p.6) powerful: 高倍的(望远镜)binoculars(双眼望远镜) telescope(望远镜) looking-glass(镜子) (ocular adj.眼睛的, 视觉的 n.目镜, 眼睛) ocular demonstration 直观演示 an ocular witness 目击者, 见证人dangle- hang or swing loosely eg: 1) She had big earrings dangling from her ear. 2) A loose electric wire was d

16、angling from the wall.Yes, theyre wary, she said. But then, gamekeepers have been shooting them ever since they got here. Theyre introduced, you know, not native. (p.11) wary: careful, cautious, watchful, suspicious, alert gamekeeper(防止偷猎的)猎物看守人,猎场看守人: Notice the use of the word game猎物 to be introduced: to be brought into this place fr

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