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1、雅思强化口语精讲班讲义雅思强化口语精讲班第1讲讲义雅思Part I 问题雅思Part I 问题(设计说明:奇数页起) 学习说明:在这一部分中,请考生听CD中的问题,然后试着自己用34句话回答。 注意:在雅思口语考试中,在回答考官问题时,必须使用完整句子回答问题,因为这样才能体现考生的语法水平。另外,考生试图通过否定回答来转换问题内容的方式是徒劳的,考官会继续询问相关的方面。所以请各位考生还是要准备好相关的词汇和答案。 参考答案:在每个部分的后面都有参考答案,对于语言能力较差的考生,只要熟练使用这些句子,就能在考试中获得理想分数。 回答技巧:在个人信息问答过程中,一定要详细描述自己的情况。考官希

2、望听到一些完整的句子表达方式。在谈论工作或学习的细节时,越具体越好。但是关于内容的真假,可以由考生自己控制。毕竟,这是一个语言考试,而不是对个人情况进行调查。 时间:第一部分的内容在雅思口语考试中持续时间为4-5分钟左右。 必考题:这部分是每个考生在考试中都要遇到的问题。 思考题:这个是需要额外了解的问题,只有很少一部分考生遇到这方面问题。 (设计说明:奇数页背白) 个人信息确认 这部分中,考官会询问考生的名字,工作或学习情况,家乡。这是每位考生都要准备的内容。 NameExercise 1: Name Could I see your identification card? Whats y

3、our full name? What can I call you? Whats the meaning of your Chinese name? Whats your surname (last name, family name)? Whats your given name (first name)? Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not? Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not? What kind of people like changing

4、 their names in China? Whats their purpose in changing their names? 参考答案 必考题 Interviewer: Whats your full name? Candidate: My name is Wang Qiu. Interviewer: What can I call you? Candidate: My English name is Sarah. Interviewer: Whats the meaning of your Chinese name? Candidate: My name was given by

5、my parents. I was born in autumn and my father named me after the season. Interviewer: Whats your surname (last name, family name)? Candidate: Wang is my last name. Interviewer: Whats your given name (first name)? Candidate: Qiu is my first name. 思考题 Interviewer: Have you ever changed your name? Why

6、 or why not? Candidate: No, never. My name sounds ok, and there is no need for me to change it. Besides, it is too complicated to change a name in China. We have to go to the police station and change all our relevant documents. Interviewer: Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why no

7、t? Candidate: I guess not. According to us, our names are from our family tree or given by fortune-tellers. Our names can bring them good luck. Interviewer: What kind of people like changing their names in China? Why? Candidate: I guess some famous stars prefer to change their names because they bel

8、ieve that their new names are easy to be remembered. WorkingExercise 2: Working or Studying 这部分中,工作的考生只需要准备工作的内容,上学的考生只准备关于学校的内容。 工作人群People who are working 在回答这部分问题时,考生要详细准备自己的工作内容和流程,考官不会问更深入的问题。但是关于自己工作的相关术语必须要了解。 正在工作考生所准备的问题 Are you working or studying? Candidate: Im working as a clerk in an in

9、ternational bank. What are you in charge of? Candidate: Im dealing with clients who have business cooperation with our bank, and my job is to make sure that we have smooth cooperation. Have you ever changed your job? No, I have never changed my job, and I have been working here for three years. What

10、 do you like or dislike about your job? Candidate: I always go on business trips to other cities, and I can enjoy some leisure time after I finish my work. I feel relaxed and happy. The only problem is that sometimes I have to work overtime, and I am a little exhausted. Will any possible future chan

11、ges affect your job? I guess not. I am quite familiar with my working procedures, and I have my own clients. Can you describe your typical working day? I get to my company at about eight fifty. Then I turn on my computer and return the emails. Sometime, I go to other departments to ask for the docum

12、ents that my clients need and fax them the materials. How do you like your job? Candidate: I enjoy doing my job because I meet with different people and negotiate with them. I work closely with people from different walks of life. What are your job prospects? I really hope that I may be promoted in

13、the future and have the chance to get training abroad. Im sure that it will improve my capability. 辞职考生准备问题 考生尽量不要选择这种状态回答问题,因为这样会遇到很多过去时问题。如果考生掌握不好,会影响语法这项的分数。 Where did you work in the past? I used to work in a travel agency as a tour guide, and I quit my job three months ago. What were you in cha

14、rge of? I mainly took the tourists to travel around the country. I was in charge of their accommodation, catering and transportation. What did you like and dislike about your job? I got the chance to travel to a lot of places of interests, which was fun, but sometimes I went to the same scenic spot

15、for three or four times. It was irritating. 雅思强化口语精讲班第2讲讲义Studying学生人群People who are studying 学生考生可以参考一下目前自己的实际情况,准备相关问题。学生的问题分为在校大学生,大学毕业未参加工作学生,高中生,高中毕业未上大学学生。 在校大学生 Interviewer: Are you working or studying? Candidate: Im studying at Tsinghua University. Interviewer: Whats your major? Candidate: I

16、 major in environmental studies. Interviewer: Why did you choose this major? Candidate: This field will be one of the hottest industries in the near future, and environmental protection will be the focus of the world. Interviewer: What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? Candida

17、te: The academic level of my university is advanced, and professors have great achievement in their field. I feel enlightened in the class. There is one thing that I am not satisfied with my university, that is, the accommodation is terrible and our room is close to the street, which is noisy. 大学毕业生

18、未参加工作的考生 Examiner: Are you working or studying? Candidate: I just graduated from a university last year and because I want to go abroad, I havent looked for a job. Examiner: What did you study in the university? Candidate: You mean my major? Well, I majored in environmental engineering. Examiner: Ho

19、w do you like your life in the university? Candidate: Well, it was quite colorful. The Student Union gave a lot of parties and activities. I joined a photography club. It was fun. 高中生 Examiner: Are you working or studying? Candidate: Im studying in the second year at high school. Examiner: Can you d

20、escribe your life in school? Candidate: I get to school at 7 oclock and I prepare for the lessons. We have 6 hours of classes every day. Then I go back home. Examiner: What is the advantage of your high school? Candidate: You know, our high school is a key school. All the teachers are excellent and

21、qualified. Thanks to their knowledge, a large number of graduates are admitted to famous universities. Examiner: Is there anything you dislike about your school? Candidate: Yes. Students get a lot of pressure from their teachers. Theres no after-class activity. Students are doing well in their studi

22、es but their knowledge is very limited. I dont think this is beneficial for their later development. Examiner: In your opinion, what should be done to improve your high school? Candidate: Students should be encouraged to develop their interest in all subjects, and their potential should be explored.

23、 高中毕业未上大学考生 Examiner: Are you working or studying? Candidate: I just graduated from a high school. And I didnt go to university because I want to receive my higher education abroad. Examiner: Can you describe life in your high school? Candidate: I liked my high school. There were a lot of after-clas

24、s activities which students could enjoy. I went to school at 7 a.m. and finished class at 5 p.m. We had homework every day but it was not very heavy. Examiner: What are the advantages of your high school? Candidate: Well, you know, my school was a key school and all the teachers and students were th

25、e most excellent. Students were not only encouraged to learn from books but were also required to increase their practical ability, which the students liked very much. Examiner: Is there anything you disliked about your school? Candidate: No. I liked my high school life and I believe it will always

26、be a happy memory. I was on good terms with my teachers and my classmates. We helped each other and we learned how to cooperate with each other and I think it will be beneficial to us in the future. Examiner: What do you plan to study in future? Candidate: Its really hard to make a decision. Id like

27、 to learn computer application because its going to be very useful and I like science and logic. Examiner: Which country would you like to go to? Candidate: Id like to go to Australia because the tuition is not so high and my parents can afford it. Examiner: Which university do you want to go to? Ca

28、ndidate: Ive heard that Melbourne University has a good reputation and they have a long history as well. Maybe Ill go there. 雅思强化口语精讲班第3讲讲义HometownExercise 3: Hometown Interviewer: Where do you come from? Candidate: My hometown is a coastal city, which is located in Shandong province. Interviewer: C

29、an you talk about your hometown? Candidate: It is famous for its long history, and there are numerous ancient buildings. The population is small, and it is rather quiet and peaceful. Interviewer: What do you like best about your hometown? Candidate: I believe the pace of life is what I like most. We

30、 dont have to struggle hard to make a living. We enjoy the leisure time and there is no pressure for the local people. Interviewer: Do you live in a city or a village? Candidate: I live in a modern city, which is in the south of China. Interviewer: What do you think about your city? Candidate: Im no

31、t satisfied with the environment of my city, and the streets are too narrow, which makes the traffic busy. Interviewer: How long have you been living in the city? Candidate: My family moved to the city about 10 years ago, and I grow up here. Interviewer: Do you think that the city is suitable for yo

32、ung people to live in? Candidate: I think so. Young people like me can go to pubs at night or sing karaoke with friends. Besides, they can enjoy something new from time to time. 第一部分深入问题 SportsExercise 4: Sports Interviewer: What sports do you often do? Candidate: I do aerobics, yoga or learn dancing. Sometimes, I go jogging on the treadmill at home. Interviewe

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