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1、北京初三英语期末考试阅读CD篇汇编带答案主城区2021初三英语上学期期末考试阅读理解CD篇汇编(北京城六区)2021海淀期末CSelf-control is a skill that children need to succeed in school, socially and emotionally. The development of self-control begins at birth and continues throughout our lives. As babies, we have little or no control over our behaviors and

2、 emotions, but as we get older, with the help of parents or caregivers, we learn how to take turns, how to pay attention in class, stick to a challenging task, and restrain (制止) from hitting another child. These abilities continue to develop in our childhood and then youthbood. Also, it is clear tha

3、t being impulsive (易冲动的) can have bad effects on children, causing interpersonal problems, poor physical health, and psychiatric disorders.Therefore, by learning self-control, children can make right decisions and respond to situations in positive ways. One of the effective strategies, when helping

4、children develop self-control abilities, is to select developmentally proper tasks. Try setting up simple goals first, where success is expected, before moving onto the next goal. For preschoolers, goals might include not interrupting or not fighting on the playground. For early elementary school st

5、udents, right goals might be following bedtime rules.However, its not enough to set up simple goals, because for children of the same age, there are still some differences in the development of self-control abilities. Some general strategies often help them learn right self-control behaviors. Take a

6、 breakEncourage children to take a break or “time in” whenever they feel down, annoyed or angry. Stepping away from an upsetting situation can help a child calm down. Teach and provide attentionPaying attention is a skill that can be taught. Encourage children to resist interrupting by learning to o

7、bserve others without talking, so they can join in easily. Make sure to provide children with attention at times so they dont feel ignored and therefore are unlikely to interrupt. Use proper rewards (奖励)In order to develop positive behaviors, children need frequently positive feedback. Praise and co

8、nsistent feedback can be highly rewarding for young children. It is important to let a child know what a desired behavior is. Use activities designed to teach self-regulation (自我管理)Using specific activities can help teach young children skills that improve self-control. Some of these skills include

9、dealing with “wanting something I cant have”, understanding feelings, and controlling anger.47. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A. As people get older, their attention will improve naturally.B. Being impulsive can often cause bad results in childrens grades.C. Children can learn how to control th

10、emselves with the help of parents.D. Self-control development begins at birth and keeps growing till youthbood.48. What can teachers do when students feel very disappointed?A. Teach and provide attention. B. Give rewards and suggestions.C. Teach skills to regulate themselves. D. Encourage them to ta

11、ke a break.49. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Time Waits for No ManThe Development of Self-ControlB. Have Power over Your MindTips on Developing Self-ControlC. Prevention Is Better than CureRules of Self-Control BehaviorsD. Think Twice Before You ActThe Importance

12、of Self-Control SkillsDTechnology ProgressOn June 22, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew into Dayton, Ohio, for dinner at Orville Wrights house. It had been just a month since the young pilots first ever individual nonstop crossing of the Atlantic, and he felt he ought to pay respects to the pioneer of fl

13、ight.Forty-two years later, on July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong was allowed to bring a personal guest to the Kennedy Space Center to view the launch of NASAs towering Saturn V rocket. Armstrong invited his hero, Charles Lindbergh. Thats how fast technology advanced in the 20th centu

14、ry.However, progress isnt what it used to be now. Northwestern University economist Robert Gordon argues that by 1970, all the key technologies of modern life were in place: electricity, highways, telecommunications, and the like. After that, innovation (创新) and economic growth simply couldnt keep g

15、oing fast as the last 100 yearsa period Gordon calls “the special century”. Gordon argues the lives of people in developed nations look and feel the same in 2020 as they did in 1979 or 1989.Sloping down is good in one small way, though bad in most of the ways that count. Rapid changes can sometimes

16、be disorienting (令人迷惑的). And when things develop at a lower speed, people and institutions do have more time to breathe and fit in. But slowing down isnt what it should be. In many areas of technology, the forward movement today feels tragically slow, even nonexistent.Consider consumer robotics. The

17、res huge potential for robots to help us. But home robotics companies seem to keep folding. For example, social robot maker Jibo closed in Mareh after raising almost $73 million.Our centurys one signature technology achievement is smartphones. At this point, weve had them in our pockets long enough

18、to begin to appreciate their dangers. Meanwhile the list of possibly world-changing technologies that get peoples attention but still remain in the original stage is very long. Self-driving cars, AR glasses. Need I continue?Indeed, these are all hard problems. But historically, solving the big probl

19、ems has required continuous, large-scale investment (投资), often with private markets and taxpayers sharing the cost. In this century, we need to undo some bad results of the last great boom (繁荣) by developing affordable zeroand negativeemissions technologies right now. Thats another hard problemand

20、to solve it, well need to rethink what made the “special century” so special.50. The writer mentions Charles Lindbergh in Paragraphs 1 and 2 to show that _.A. Charles had contributed greatly to technologyB. Charles paid respects to the pioneer of flightC. technology developed rapidly in the 20th cen

21、turyD. technology has advanced to a higher new level51. The underlined word “folding” in Paragraph 5 probably means _.A. shutting B. separating C. growing D. operating52. What can we learn from the passage?A. Some world-changing technologies are not making progress.B. Home robotics companies failed

22、because of little investment.C. Its time to realize the disadvantages of fast development now.D. It doesnt take us long before we realize the dangers of smartphones.53. The writer probably agrees _.A. markets and taxpayers have a duty to develop technologiesB. innovation and investment are needed fo

23、r technology advanceC. what made the last century special will happen in the new centuryD. rapid changes in technology are bad in most of the ways that count2021西城期末CAre you tired of making so many decisions every day? People may be faced with up to 35,000 choices and a huge number of options (可选择的事

24、物) per day. When tired of decision making, people may depend on fate (命运)roll a dice or simply flip a coin.Shall we make choices at random ( 随 机 )? I came to think about the benefits of random decision making whenwatching a TV show last night. Its main character Sheldon used the dice to randomly ord

25、er food and drinks in a restaurant. He did this to free up his mind to consider some more important problems. However, his friends question the methods success. Indeed, this random restaurant order including a large drink was too much for him. Sheldon finally realized that the random result could be

26、 improved by reducing options to leave out large drinks. This example suggests that random decision making may not always work well and its necessary to reduce the options before rolling a dice in some situations.In some unimportant decision situations, randomisers make it easier to decide. But how

27、do dice work in more important decision situations? Its hard to accept the idea of completely depending on a dice. However, this doesnt mean that dice or coins cant be of any help at all.Let me borrow another example from Sheldon. He couldnt make up his mind when choosing a new TV set from two. His

28、friend Amy asked him to flip a coin. Rather than blindly following the result, however, she suggested checking his emotional reaction. Did he experience happiness or disappointment when faced with the coins result? Sheldons reaction could be useful to find out which one he truly preferred.Recently,

29、scientists studied this decision method and found that flipping a coin led people to imagine the two different results more clearly, which resulted in a stronger emotional reaction, and then they recognised hidden preferences and made decisions more easily.A related study further proved that randomi

30、sers simplify the choice process. When using dice, people were less likely to look for additional but unnecessary information about the different options. This helped to speed up their choices.Taken together, recent research shows surprising benefits of flipping coins and rolling dice as long as peo

31、ple dont let the results control their choices. Using them but keeping the freedom to be different from the results can speed up the decision process and help solve decision problems.1.The first example of Sheldon shows that random decision making always effectiveB.helps make a good orderC.may

32、 work better with fewer optionsD.can offer more solutions to important problems2.The writer probably agrees that .A.people should not roll dice or flip coins in important situationsB.people will make better choices when experiencing happinessC.dice can speed up decision process with unnecessary informationD.reaction to the result of the randomiser may show ones true preference3.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Follow Your Heart or Your Head?

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