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1、15篇经典爱情英文美文背诵英文背诵:把爱给你一个人I Give My Love to You OnlyI wantto live and love with youand be one forever;to be near you so I canreach out and touch you;to make love with you,talk with you,and be silent with you;to hold you close every nightand wake up with youeach morning.I wantto share my secrets with

2、youand be honest with you;to understand and respect you,accepting you as you are.I wantto find shelter in youwhen I am afraidand hold you when I need warmth;to be with you through all seasons,walking with you in the sunshineand cuddling with you in the cold.Noteshelter n. 掩蔽,庇护所 cuddle v. 拥抱 care fo

3、r 照顾,照料 I wantto care for you when you are illand be joyful with you when youare happy;to grow old with youand be with you untilthe end of time.I want all these thingswith you only.I would do all these thingsfor you only.To you only, I give all my love. Jacqueline Faye Sanderson-Mixon英文背诵:我们第一次相遇Whe

4、n we first metI held back so muchafraid to show my deepest feelingsNote:hold back 踌躇,阻止,抑制,隐瞒 As I got to know you better your gentleness and honestyencouraged me to open upand I started a trust in you that I never hadwith anyone elseOnce I started to expressmy feelingsI realized thatthis is the onl

5、y wayto have a relationshipIt is such a wonderful feelingto let myselfbe completely known to youThank youso muchfor showing mewhat two people canshare togetherI look forward tospending many beautifultimes with you Susan Polis Schutz 英文背诵:你是我整个世界Well be okay, wont we?The one thing that mattersmore to

6、 me than anything elsein the world. is you and me.You are my world.Youre the one who gets allmy love and my wishes and my prayers.But somehow. despite all mybest intentions,I never feel quite safe enoughor sure enoughto rest assured that Ill always beable to make you happy.I need to know.I need you

7、more than my words can say.I need to always feelthe warm peaceful feelingthat I get when you hold me.I need to experience the beautyof our love that I gently receivewhen we caress.I need for us to rememberall the love thats been givenand all the love that will unfoldeach day, between the wonder of y

8、ouand the warmth of me.Note:caress v. 爱抚,接吻 unfold v. 打开,呈现 And sometimes,I just need to knowthat well be okay. wont we? Jamie Delere英文背诵:没人比我更爱你I sometimes feela little jealous in my thoughts,imagining that someone elsecould please you more than me.Its just my insecurityacting up a bit, I guess.bec

9、ause I know Im notthe most beautiful,the most ecticing,Note:jealous adj. 嫉妒的,猜疑的 insecurity n. 不安全感enticing adj. 引诱的,迷人的 the most fun, or themost imaginative personin the world,but I do know this no matterhow much time goes by,I cant imagine thatyoull ever find anotherwho will love youwith a beautya

10、nd a passionNote:passion n. 激情,热情 and a happinesslike that which I feel for you. Laine Parsons 英文背诵:爱是两个人的事Just between you and me.I want our love to always be apersonal thing just between you and me.There will be others who willthink they know us betterthat we know ourselves who will want to offer

11、theiropinionson the way we ought to beThere will be times when we are curious or confusedNote:curious adj. 好奇的 and well find comfort intalking to a friendor spending time alone.But if ever there is a probleminvolving the two of us,I hope that we will always cometo each other first,For just as it too

12、k only the twoof us to fall in love,the two of us can overcomeany obstaclethat ever gets in the way.Note:obstacle n. 障碍,阻碍 Lindsay Newman英文背诵:你是我心灵归宿To come home to you.People always say things like,Do you ever feel like getting awayfrom it all? Away from the worries ofthe rush-about days that alway

13、sseem to be?I know that I do.I need something in my lifethat is solid and secureand someplace that I can escape to where I can close out any worriesand open up to more peaceful things.Note:get away 逃跑,逃离 secure adj. 安全的,可靠的,放心的 Im luckier than a lot of people, I guess for I have found someplace I ca

14、n gowhere my heart is always happy to beand where I have someone I can turn to,someone who is an essentialpart of me.Note:essential adj. 本质的,基本的 And the best part of allis that all I have to just come home to you. Jamie Delere英文背诵:知道你很在乎我I know you care.I can see itin your eyes.I know you love

15、 me;you so often tell me.You must know thatits hard to expressall the tender emotionI feel in my heart for you.Its there.Every day,every night,every second of the hour,every day of the year.And in the years to come,I pray thatwe will always meanthis muchto each other. Sher Daugherty英文背诵:为你付出我的爱I giv

16、e you my love.For the harmony you bring intomy life. Noteharmony n. 和谐,融洽I give you my loveFor the understanding of my needsand the many smiles you havebrought to me.I give you my loveFor the joy you bring to my heartand the many ways you make me feelwith every embrace.Note:embrace n. 拥抱I give you m

17、y loveFor the comfort you bring to meand the many treasured timeswe have shared.I give you my loveFor the way you are my friendas well as the many ways youexpress our love.I give you my loveFor the many ways that youveallowed me to be a part of your life.I give you my love Richard W. Weber英文背诵:我的爱日渐

18、日深As time goes bywe know each other betterwe share more things togetherwe share reached or not reachedso many goals togetherwe have so many emotions andexperiences togetherAs time goes bythe bonds holding us togetherget stronger and strongerthe foundation of our relationshipgets stronger and stronge

19、rmy feelings of oneness with youget stronger and strongerNote:bond n. 结合,粘结 foundation n. 基础,根本As time goes bymy feeling of love for yougets strongerand stronger Susan Polis Schutz英文背诵:你是我心中最美To someone who is beautiful. all overIt is absolutely wonderful to havesomeone in your life who is caringand

20、 giving and gracious some whosesmiles are live sunshine and laughterand whose words always seem to saythe things you most like to hear.because those magical people are reallybeautiful. inside.Note:absolutely adv. 完全地,绝对地 gracious adj. 亲切的,高尚的And it is a special privilege toknow someone whose outward

21、 appearanceis a delight just to see someone wholights up a room with radiance andwho lights up my little corner of theworld with a loveliness it has neverknown before. because special peoplelike that are really beautiful. outside.Note:previlege n. 特权 outward adj. 外面的,外表的But most of all, it is one of

22、 theworlds most special blessings tohave a person in your life who canadd so much pleasure and such magnificenceto the days as you have to mine.because youre someone who is beautiful.all over. Andrew Tawney 英文背诵:爱如清晨的阳光So often, when Im alone with my thoughts,I feel your presence enter melike the mo

23、rning suns early light,filling my memories and dreams of uswith a warm and clear radiance.Note:radiance n. 光辉,闪烁You have become my love, my life,and together we have shaped our worlduntil it seems now as natural as breathing.But I remember when it wasnt always so times when peace and happiness seeme

24、d morelike intruders in my life thanthe familiar companions they are today;times when we struggled to know each other,but always smoothing out those rough spotsuntil we came to share ourselves completely.We can never rid our lives entirelyof sadness and difficult times but wecan understand them toge

25、ther, and growstronger as individuals and as a loving couple.Note:intruder n. 入侵者 rid vt. 使摆脱,使去掉If I dont tell you as often as Id like,its because I could never tell you enough that Im grateful for yousharing your life with mine,and that my love for you will live forever. Edmund ONeill英文背诵:许下永恒的诺言T

26、o you, my love, I vow.Be my strength,and I will be the same for you.Like a mirror, I will reflectthe love you so freely give.Like the infinite circlesthat ripple forth in waterpierced by a stone,I will radiate the happinessyou bring to my soul.Note:infinite adj. 无穷的,无数的 ripple n. 波纹 radiate v. 发光,放射

27、In times of darkness,I will cling to the memoriesof our unityand provide you with inner visionsof this same bond to be your faith.In times of sorrow,I will be your comfort anddivide your griefby sharing it.In times of joy,I will rejoice in our loveand encompass you with everytenderness.Together or a

28、part, I willcherish everything about youwith all my heart.Note:grief n. 悲痛,忧伤 rejoice v. (使)欣喜,(使)高兴 encompass v. 包围Be my strength,and I will be the samefor you. Karen Jessie 英文背诵:相守一生的理由I want nothing but the best for you,and thats why I want youto always have me in your life.Wanting the best for youmeans wanting you to always ha

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