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1、英语阅读文章For the second day in a row, a Chinese commercial airliner has been forced to alter its flight plan after receiving a false threat, prompting nervous chatter online as well as complaints about a lack of information from authorities. 两天之中,中国有两架商用航班在收到威胁信息(后被证实是虚假信息)后被迫改变飞行计划。这在网上引发了热议,也引发了公众对政府

2、信息缺乏的不满。Shenzhen Airlines flight ZH9706 out of Xiangyang, a city in central Chinas Hubei province, was bound for the southern city of Shenzhen on Thursday evening when the airline received a threatening phone call, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. 据新华社报道,上周四晚间,湖北襄阳飞深圳的深圳航空公司ZH9706航班起飞后

3、收到威胁电话。The plane landed in the Hubei capital of Wuhan, roughly 200 miles southeast of Xiangyang, where it was subjected to an inspection, according to Xinhua. No dangerous items were found either on the aircraft or in the passengers belongings, the news agency said. 据报道,飞机安全备降湖北省会武汉,并在那里接受检查。武汉位于襄阳东

4、南,距离该市约200英里(合320公里)。新华社说,机上及乘客行李中均未发现危险物品。The incident occurred a day after CA981, a New York-bound Air China flight out of Beijing, was forced to turn around after nearly four hours in the air and fly back to the Chinese capital after receiving a threat. In that case, too, police searched the airc

5、raft and passengers luggage and found nothing suspicious, according to state media. 此事发生前一天,北京飞纽约的中国航空公司CA981航班收到威胁信息,在起飞近四个小时后被迫返回北京。据中国国有媒体报道,警方也搜查了飞机及乘客行李,但没有发现可疑物品。In the Air China case, information about the threat was relayed to the airline by authorities in the U.S., the state-run English-lan

6、guage China Daily reported, citing a spokesman for the Beijing airport police. 据英文中国日报(China Daily)援引北京机场警方发言人的话报道,国航CA981航班受到威胁的消息来自美国有关部门。Chinese airlines, like airlines in most large countries, have received fake threats in the past. Nor is there any evidence at this point to suggest to the incid

7、ents are linked. But the appearance of such similar headlines on consecutive days nevertheless has sent nervous shivers through the countrys social networks. 与许多大国一样,中国的航班过去曾收到虚假威胁信息。目前也没有证据表明两起事件之间有任何关联。但不管怎样,接连两天出现类似的媒体报道令中国社交网站用户精神紧张。You can expect this sort of situation to happen more and more i

8、n the future, wrote one user of Sina Corp.s Weibo microblogging service posting under the handle Words of Autumn Rain. A lot of people are dissatisfied with society and feel the need to vent. 一位网名为“秋之雨语”的新浪微博用户写道,估计以后这样的情况会越来越多,很多人对社会不满,觉得需要发泄。While some fixated on terrorism, others were more concer

9、ned with transparency. 一些人关注的是恐怖主义,而其他人则对信息透明度更加感到担忧。Air China won praise from many for its candor after it announced the decision to bring CA981 back to Beijing on its official feed on Sina Weibo. But a paucity of new information about the threats since then has created a vacuum online that Chinas

10、social media users have filled with a mixture of complaint and conspiracy theory. 国航在其官方新浪微博上宣布了让CA981返航的决定后,它的坦白赢得了很多人的赞扬。不过,之后有关威胁事件一直缺乏新的信息,这造成网上官方信息的空白,同时网络上也充斥着中国社交媒体用户的不满和对阴谋论的猜测。Why dont they publicize the nature of the threat? asked one microblogger after the second flight was forced to land

11、 early. Instead they just let everyones imaginations run away with them. 在深航ZH9706被迫提前降落后,一位新浪微博用户写道:为什么不公开威胁内容呢?就让大家胡思乱想?Parents splurge on freshmen 父母为入学新生大把花钱Electronic products are a must for new generation of college students 电子产品是新生代大学生的必备物品。Duan Weis parents have spared no expense to make sur

12、e she is prepared for college. 段位(音译)的父母不惜代价地让女儿做好大学生活的准备。Electronic products are a must nowadays, especially laptops, said the 18-year-old, whose family has spent at least 30,000 yuan ($4,730) on a Macbook, digital camera and other high-tech gadgets to help Duan with her studies. 一名18岁的学生说:“现在电子产品是

13、必备物品,特别是笔记本。”他的父母至少花费了3万元人民币,给他买了一台苹果笔记本电脑,数码相机和一些别的高科技产品。Its not about luxury, its about good quality, insisted the freshman, who will begin the fall semester at Northeast Forestry University in Harbin. 这名即将在位于哈尔滨的东北林业大学开始新学期的大一新生说:“这无关奢侈,而是要保证质量。”A college freshman, accompanied by her parents and

14、relatives, takes a plush toy and an iPhone with her for her first semester at Liaoning University in Shenyang, Northeast Chinas Liaoning province, on Friday. 一名大一新生在家长和亲友的陪同下,到位于辽宁省沈阳市的辽宁大学报道。她一手抱着一个毛绒玩具,另一只手拿着崭新的iPhone,步入她的大学生活。(见上图)Bill ClintonBill Clinton will tell struggling Americans nostalgic

15、for his presidency that Barack Obama is still the man to rebuild the middle class, while Mitt Romney would hand ruinous tax cuts to the rich.In a speech closing the second night of the Democratic convention, the former president will warn voters that Mr Romney would repeat the economic policies that

16、 got us in trouble in the first place.President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up, he said in a campaign video billed by Obama aides as a preview of his remarks. It only works if there is a strong middle class. Thats what happened when I was president. We need to keep going with

17、 his plan. Mr Clinton is expected to contrast Mr Obamas priorities of education and training with Mr Romneys pledge to cut income taxes and reverse the regulation of the financial sector since the 2008 crisis.Mr Obama has worked to repair the damage to their relationship caused by his defeat of the

18、former presidents wife, Hillary, in 2008s bitter party primary, by seeking his counsel over rounds of golf.In June, Mr Clinton appeared to say that income tax cuts introduced by President George W. Bush, which are due to expire at the end of the year, should be extended for all to prevent an economi

19、c slump. Mr Obama opposes extending the tax cuts for high earners. Mr Clinton later insisted they were in agreement.Jeffrey Lord, a historian and former aide to Ronald Reagan, said the only precedent for Mr Clintons role in recent memory was the speech given by Mr Reagan as a private citizen to the

20、1992 Republican convention, as his successor, George H.W. Bush, struggled to defend his presidency against Mr Clinton.It was for exactly the same reason, Mr Lord told the reporters.Obama needs Clinton just as Bush needed Reagan. But even Reagan couldnt save Bush and Im not sure Clinton can save Obam

21、a. 比尔克林顿将告诉那些怀念他执政时期的困顿中的美国人,贝拉克奥巴马仍将是重建中产阶级的那个人,而米特罗姆尼将会对富人而非穷人实行大规模减税。 在民主党大会第二天晚上的闭幕词中,这位前总统将警告选民,罗姆尼会重复“最初让我们陷入麻烦”的经济政策。克林顿在一段奥巴马竞选视频中说:“奥巴马总统有一个彻底改造美国的计划。只有在美国中产阶级势力壮大时,这一计划才会奏效。我当总统时也是这一情况。我们需要继续按他的计划前进。”奥巴马的助手将在克林顿致辞前发布这一视频。人们期待克林顿会将奥巴马注重教育和培训的政策倾向与罗姆尼减少个税、彻底改变2008年危机以来的经济法规的承诺作比较。奥巴马自从在2008年


23、需要里根一样。但即使是里根也救不了布什,所以我不确定克林顿能否救得了奥巴马。”2The people of the Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros (200) for insults traded on the streets.Any form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or

24、otherwise, a spokesman quoted Socialist mayor Freddy Thielemans as saying.Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.To do so, offic

25、ials came to an agreement with judicial authorities to impose fines of between 75 and 250 euros for insults, petty theft and rough jostling where no physical harm is caused.The spokesman for the mayor said the courts up to now had been too busy to take up such cases and as a result many police had l

26、ittle incentive to take any action over such incidents.The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters who recorded in secret the everyday insults and exchanges she ran into on the streets of the city. 生活在比利时布鲁塞尔的人们今后要注意言语文明了,该市政府宣布了一项新举措,要对在公众场合骂人者予以最高250欧元(200英镑)的罚款。 一


28、national Business and Cross-cultural CommunicationThe increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, cons

29、equently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign counterparts.Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to participate in

30、either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of the negotiation.In many international business negotiations abroad, Americans are perceived as wealthy and impersonal. It often appears to the foreign negotiator tha

31、t the American represents a large multi-million-dollar corporation that can afford to pay the price without bargaining further. The American negotiators role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash.In studies of American negotiators abroad, several traits have been identified

32、that may serve to confirm this stereotypical perception, while undermining the negotiators position. Two traits in particular that cause cross-cultural misunderstanding are directness and impatience on the part of the American negotiator. Furthermore, American negotiators often insist on realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on the other hand, may value the relationship established between negotiators and may be willing to invest time in it for long-term benefits. In order to solidif

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