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1、人教版高中英语选修6Unit1Art教案人教版高中英语选修6Unit 1 Art教案 人教版高中英语选修6Unit 1 Art教案【一】 教学准备 教学目标 a. 重点词汇和短语 realistic, abstract, religion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow, ridiculous, nowadays, attem

2、pt, predict, focus on, a great deal, scores of b. 重点句式 There are so many . that it would be impossible to . P1 People became focused more on . and less on . P2 If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint . P2 教学重难点 a. 重点词汇和短语 realistic, abstract, rel

3、igion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow, ridiculous, nowadays, attempt, predict, focus on, a great deal, scores of b. 重点句式 There are so many . that it would be impossible to . P1 Peo

4、ple became focused more on . and less on . P2 If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint . P2 教学过程 Teaching procedures: 【写一写】 (Some pictures are given to the students to learn some about western paintings) 写出所有相应关于作品的英语名称 _ 【想一想】 Which style of pain

5、tings do you prefer, western or Chinese? Why? _ 【skimming】Skim the text and complete the main idea of it. The text mainly tells us _ of the major movements in _ art over the centuries. 绘制时间轴 课文P3-exercise 1 【判一判】 1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. 2. Painters i

6、n the Middle Ages did not use perspective. 3. Impressionists painted landscapes. 4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. 5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. 6. Abstract art is still art style today. 【选一选】 Choose the best answer. 1. According to the text, art is lea

7、st influenced by _. A. social changes B. the way of life C. the development of agriculture D. beliefs of a people 2. When did painters mainly focus more on people and less on religion? A. From 5th to 15th century AD. B. From 15th to 16th century. C. From late 19th to early 20th century. D. From 20th

8、 century to today. 3. Who were the first to paint outdoors? A. Painters in the Middle Ages. B. Painters in the Renaissance. C. The Impressionists. D. Contemporary painters. 【巩固训练】 讲练通-P2 retelling 课后习题 【Homework】 课时跟踪训练 人教版高中英语选修6Unit 1 Art教案【二】 教学准备 教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)通过阅读有关曼哈顿著名的艺术博物馆加深对博物馆的了解和认识。

9、提高阅读能力同时学习有关介绍博物馆的相关词汇和表达,并能在特定语境中合理运用。 (2)通过扮演导游对感兴趣的博物馆进行介绍,提高学生的英语口头表达能力同时掌握本单元教学目标和要求中的词汇用法。 (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力。 2. 过程与方法目标 (1)通过展现曼哈顿以及曼哈顿五个著名艺术馆的相关图片激发学生的学习兴趣,并激发学生头脑中相关的背景知识为节课做热身。 (2)通过阅读课文利用Skimming 和 Scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能

10、力。通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫。 (3)通过提供相关词汇进行对潍坊本地的博物馆(潍坊风筝博物馆、杨家埠民间艺术大观园)写一个宣传广告,提高学生的英语写作能力。 3. 情感、态度、价值观目标 通过学习,使学生了解世界著名的艺术馆,培养学生的文化意识和对艺术的兴趣。同时激发学生对家乡的自豪感和热爱之情。 教学重难点 教学重点:阅读课文、运用文中相关词汇进行说和写的活动以提高学生读、写、说的能力。 教学难点:在说和写的过程中如何运用相关词汇和表达方式来正确、准确、有效的介绍各个艺术馆的特点。 教学过程

11、 (一)展示学习目标与小组评价规则 (二)导入 展示曼哈顿的相关图片,展示课文中出现的5个艺术馆的图片及名字。 (三) Fast reading 快速扫读课文 (四)Detailed Reading: 详细阅读 (五)Challenge your speaking(口语能力提升) 提供参考词汇: Welcome to This museum is located in It displays(展出) art works in centuries of countries, including It will appeal to You shouldnt miss (六)Challenge yo

12、ur writing (英语写作能力提升) Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words 写作参考词汇:潍坊世界风筝博物馆(Weifang World Kite Museum) 杨家埠民间艺术大观园(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum) kite 风筝 wood-print new year pictures木板年画 be located in 位于 is famous/well-known for 因而出名

13、it displays/shows展出 Here you can enjoy 在这里你可以欣赏到 artist 艺术家 appeal to 吸引 tourist 游客 its well worth a visit 很值得参观 (七)成果展示 个别学生优秀作文展示 (黑板展示) 展示作文评分细则 教师点评 课后习题 测评练习 测评一: 从文中找出相对应的短语和句子。(预习测评) 1.宁愿做 2.对偏爱 3.值得一去 4.吸引 5.在于 6.不仅仅是 7.向引进(介绍) 8.生活方式 9.贮存于 10. 入场费(门票) 11. 一个的收藏 12.每两年 13.健在的艺术家 14.亨利.克莱.弗利克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民。 15. 这家博物馆展示的不只是看得见的艺术之美,它还向你介绍了古代的生活方式。 16. 馆内没有永久展出,展品都是随时更换的。 测评二 Writing (写作测评) Write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words _ 教案设计频道

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