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本文(宁波市鄞州区中河街道宋诏桥小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、宁波市鄞州区中河街道宋诏桥小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案2018-2019年宁波市鄞州区中河街道宋诏桥小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、我会选一选(选择题)1 How many ?Please count them. A.catB.some catsC.cats2 Good morning. _A.B.3 当你与新朋友John遇到Sarah时,你应该介绍说: A. Good morning, Sarah. B. This is Sarah.4 当别人向你打听事,你不知道时,你会说:_ A.No.B.I dont know.5 看图完成句子。Afather

2、Bmother Cbrother Dsister Efamily1This is my _.2This is my _.3This is my _.4This is my _.5This is my _.6 选择正确的译文1.( )Open your pencil box. A给我你的铅笔。B打开你的铅笔盒。2.( ) Close your book. A合上你的书。B打开你的书3.( ) Show me your pencil box. A B4.( ) Carry your bag. A拿走我的书包。B背上你的书包。7 _ their school? Yes, it is.AAre the

3、y BAre those CIs this8 情景交际,将正确选项的字母标号填入题前括号内:( )1. 早晨,你见到别人打招呼时,应该说:AGood morning! BGood afternoon!( )2. 当你想知道对方姓名时,你应该这样问:AHow are you? BWhats your name?( )3.见到朋友时,你感到特别高兴,你应该说:AHello! BNice to meet you.( )4.当你和别人说再见时,你应该说:AGoodbye! BIm fine. thank you.( )5.当你向同学们介绍Mike时,你应该说:A .Im Mike. BThis is

4、Mike.( )6.我国国旗的颜色是:A .red and yellow and white( )7. 你想告诉别人你的名字叫萨拉,应该说:AWhats your name? BMy name is Sarah.( )8.当你向别人介绍自己时,你应该说:A.Whats your name? B.Hi,Im Jenny.( )9.当你想让你的同学把图画涂成棕色时,你会说:A:Show me brown. B.Colour is brown!( )10.当你的同学对你说:让我们做个木偶吧!你的回答是:A:Great! B.Very well,thanks.9 给下面的图片找出合适的英语

5、名字,只写单词前的字母。10当你想向别人自我介绍时,你应说:_ AHello, Mr Dog. BGoodbye. CHello, Im Lulu.11elephant_A.猴子B.大象12Count the _. How many? One _.( )A. duckduck B. pigspig C. chickschicks13_ is her bag.A. this B. Thats C. This14They_many books during the summer holiday. B.reading C.readed15早晨你见到老师打招呼,你应该对老师说:_AGoo

6、dbye. B.Hello. C. Hi二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16给下面句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。( )Bye!( )Good bye!( ) My name is Peter.( ) What is your name?( ) Hello! I am Li Yan.17根据课文内容排序。Oh, thank you. _Its about Spring Festival._And we have peanuts and sweets._Hello, Sam. Heres a book for you._Oh, I see._Whats Spring Festival?_Its C

7、hinese New Year._At Spring Festival, we have a big familydinner._Whats it about? _We say Happy New Year!_18Read and complete (将句子填完整) (1)Good morning, Miss Fang. Good _, Peter.(2)I _ a bird. Im two years old.(3)Look _ the clock. Its on the wall.(4)Who is the woman? _ is my grandmother.(5)Is it an um

8、brella? _, it is.19用a / an 填空。 (1)_ apple (2)_ cat (3)_ dog (4)_ orange (5)_ banana 20连词成句。(每节车厢填写一个词)1. a doctor Hes2. my is father He3. That my is grandpa4. a is nurse She5. mother this Is your21Hes= _.(写出Hes的完全形式) 22请按要求给下图着色。23补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. f_ _d (_) 2. b_ _f (_)3. br_ _d (_) 4. v_ _etable (_)

9、5. n_ _dl_ _ (_) 6. sandwi_ _ (_)24请你在方框里为下列图片选择合适的单词,并写在四线格上,注意书写要求。applebagdogcatduckbookantapplebagdogcatduckbookant 25从下面一排字母中圈出学过的食物单词,并写在横线上。Frenchfriesabcakebreadeathotdogchickenhamburger1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26你能正确连线吗?1. 书包 a. sharpener2. 学校 b. bag3. 转笔刀 c. book4. 铅笔盒 d. s

10、chool5. 书 e. pencil-case27单词连线。white A 红色black B 白色green C 绿色blue D 粉色red E 黄色yellow F 紫色pink G 橘黄色purple H 蓝色orange I黑色28将下列英文与中文连线匹配Im fine , thank you. A. 你们好,男孩们。Hello,boys. B. 你们好,女孩们。Hi,girls. C. 你好吗?Good morning. D. 早上好。How are you? E. 我很好,谢谢。29把左右两边对应的句子连接起来 30中英文匹配。Lets see a doctor. A.我的胳膊

11、疼。I have a headache. B.我不能去学校了。My arm hurts. C.我们去看医生吧。I cant go to school. D.不去学校。No school. E.我头痛。 四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31根据汉语提示填单词。 (1)This is my_(家庭). (2)Good _(晚上). (3)Mike is my _(爷爷). (4)This is my_ (弟弟). (5)This is_(我). 32写单词完成句子。1. It is a _ (怪物). 2. Our classroom is _ (新的).3. This is a _ (风筝).4. I

12、 dont _ (知道).5. That girl says, “_ !(救命)”.33英汉互译。1. The chameleon is red now._2. 它是一扇门。_3. My chair is red and yellow._4. 你叫什么名字?_5. Im a boy._34翻译下列句子1. I like the Christmas tree._2. I like the colorful balls._3. 我喜欢五彩的花朵。_4.花朵的颜色有红色和黄色。_35根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。妈妈给我买了一个新(1) _ (书包),书包里有一本(2) _ (书)和一个文具盒

13、。文具盒里有一支(3) _ (铅笔)、一块(4) _ (橡皮) 和一把(5) _ (直尺)。五、我是小法官(判断题)36判断下列单词或短语与图片是(T)否(F)相符。( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. 37看图,在所给字母中圈出正确的单词。(1)pakfnvdollwn(2)shiufhiship(3)balloondieirof(4)sjidtraindko38阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。John: Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.Sarah: Yes. What do you have on Tuesdays?John: I

14、 have art, music, maths and Chinese. What about you?Sarah: I have PE, Chinese and English.John: What do you often do on Sundays?Sarah: I often do my homework, read books and watch TV on Sundays. What about you?John: I often watch TV and climb mountains.Sarah: What do you often do on Saturdays?John:

15、I often do homework, read books and play football. And you?Sarah: I often draw pictures on Saturdays.John: Oh, thats great!( ) 1.Sarah often draws pictures on Sundays.( ) 2.John has Chinese, maths, art and music on Tuesdays.( ) 3.Sarah often climbs mountains on Saturdays.( ) 4.John often plays baske

16、tball on Saturdays.( ) 5.Today is Monday.39看图,勾出正确的单词。(1) (2) (3)(panda , cat ) (dog , pig) (cat, cap)(4) (5) (yellow, blue) (red , black)六、阅读理解40读一读短文,选择最佳答案。My name is Peter. These are my friends. They are Jim, Sam ,Jjack, Bill and Williams. We often play football after school. This weekend well g

17、o to the zoo. Next week well go to see the film “Harry Porter”. We are very happyevery day.( )(1)How many friends does Peter have?A. 4 B. 3 C. 5( )(2)What do they often do after school?A. play football B. play basketball C. swim( )(3)Where will they go this wekend?A. museum B. school C. zoo( )(4)Wha

18、t will they see next week?A. a teacher B. a film C. a friend( )(5)What is Peter talking about?A. his family B. his school C. his friend41根据短文内容,判断正确还是错误。There is a big fruit shop near Kittys home. Kitty is at the fruit shop now. There are many kinds of fruits. There are big apples, yellow pears, fre

19、sh bananas, juicy oranges, and so on. Kitty wants to buy some apples and bananas. They are expensive. The apples cost ten yuan. The bananas cost twenty yuan.1There is a small fruit shop near Kittys home. (_)2Kitty is at home now. (_)3The apples are very small. (_)4Kitty wants to buy some apples and bananas. (_)5The bananas cost twenty yuan. (_)

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