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2、。充分培养学生的听说读写能力,尤其要加强识读,拼写的能力。重视阅读能力和写作能力的同步培养。重视英语作为语言的交际功能。二、全册教材分析: 新教材强调培养学生综合语言运用能力,注重口语表达练习,让学生在阅读故事、做做玩玩、唱唱说说的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流合作能力。英语(五年级上册)共八个新授单元,每个新授单元都有八个板块。Story time借助插图和故事情节,以对话或语篇的形式呈现单元词汇、句型和日常用语。Grammar time是五六年级新增的板块,通过直观易懂的表格和语言提示的方式,对语法知识进行简单的总结和归纳。Fun time是句型和词汇的操练板块,通过趣味性、互动性较

3、强的语言实践活动,提高学生用英语进行简单对话的能力。Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块,通过趣味小故事帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,提高阅读理解能力,有计划地呈现即将出现的知识。Sound time是语音教学板块,通过范例单词和节奏感较强的歌谣,帮助学生了解字母在单词中的发音,本册教材还有部分语调的训练。Song time和culture time在本册中替换出现。通过歌曲、激发兴趣,活跃身心;不断提高语言运用能力和人文素养。Checkout time是检测板块。通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的语言知识。Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过评价,引导学



6、用于不同的情景。采用先听说,后读写,先整体,后局部的方法教学。4在课堂教学中,尽量开展形式多样的活动教学,活跃气氛提高兴趣和学习效率。5词汇教学上,尽量利用实物和图片,增加复现次数,反复循环,循序渐进,注重师生操练、生生操练。6逐步渗透任务型教学,培养学生活用英语,用英语完成任务的本领。7适当增加教学内容量,以滚动式教学,以反复渗透巩固的方法提高学习效率。8语音教学中采用“分散出现,集中归纳,经常接触”的方法。9初步渗透任务型教学的教学理念。五、教学进度安排:单元内容教时进度Unit 1Goldilocks and the three bears59/19/10Unit 2A new stud

7、ent59/119/23Unit 3Our animal friends59/2410/9Unit 4Hobbies510/1010/22Project 1An animal school310/2310/29期中复习610/3011/12Unit 5What do they do?511/1311/25Unit 6My e-friend511/2612/4Unit 7At the weekends512/512/17Unit 8At Christmas512/1812/30Project 2Our friends312/311/7期末复习考试81/8最后Unit1 Goldilocks an

8、d the three bears(5课时)教材分析: 本单元话题是谈论客观存在的人或事物。教学重点是“there be+名词(短语)+地点状语”的句型,表示某地有某人或某事物。there be句型涉及到可数名词和不可数名词,教师要提醒学生在运用时区分可数名词的单复数形式,从而准确运用be动词的正确形式。在教学中,教师可以旧带新,引出本单元的目标介词词汇,可以利用图片、简笔画或实物等教学用具来教授方位介词,还可以利用教室中的物品和场景创设情境,教授和操练there be句型,使学生更好地理解句型的结构并自如地运用。学情分析:本单元所学的there be句型对学生来说并不是很困难,在之前的学习中

9、也接触了一些,关键是要让学生注意到可数名词的单复数问题,以便让学生能正确地运用be动词。在教学时,只要老师多创设情境进行教学,老师好好的引导,学生就能更好地接受并掌握新知识。在单词教学这一块,单词afraid等发音有所难度,只有让学生多进行朗读训练,他们才能更好地将单词发对音。本单元以金发女孩与三只狗熊的故事内容展开,学生一定很感兴趣,学起来积极性要高一些。整个单元的内容教师只要思考一些好的教学方式,学生学起来一定比较轻松、有趣。教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写形容词 hard、soft、hot、cold、afraid 等。2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型There bein/on/b

10、eside/in front of/between3.了解字母c 在单词中的读音。4.了解“茶”和“咖啡”的文化。5. 能正确理解、朗读story time 和cartoon time.教学重点:1.能正确理解、掌握语篇内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2.能正确地听、说、读、写There be句型描述场所,例如教室、卧室等。3.能使用形容词描述物体、感受等。教学难点:1.能正确理解、掌握语篇内容,并能表演对话。2.能正确地听、说、读、写There be句型描述场所。第1课时教学目标:1.能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, sou

11、p, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of 。2. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型:There is There are 并理解句型的意思。3. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:What a beautiful! This is too 4. 学生能够阅读、理解故事,并能够在理解的基础上表演出故事。5学生能够改编故事并试着表演出来。6让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。教学重点:1能够从整体上阅读故事并理解故事。2能够语音语调正确地朗读故事、复述故事。教学难点:能够根据课文内容创编剧本并表演。教学具准备: 1.教师准备:PPT,三副碗勺,熊

12、掌道具,词汇卡和图片,板书。2.学生准备:听5遍Story time 录音。教学过程: 二次修改Step1: Pre-reading1. Free talk(1)T: OK. Its time for class! Are you ready?Ss: Yes. T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhan.(2)T: Boys and girls, tell me, what do you like doing at home? S1: I like (学生个别回答,老师及时回应) T: Children, do you like

13、 reading stories? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Today our class will read a story together. Are you excited? Ss: Yes! 2.Listen and guessT: Great! First, Lets go to a place. Try to guess: what place is it? Ill give you some clues. Now look, its very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers. There are

14、some streams. Many wild animals live here. What place is it? S1: A forest. (提示学生可以用中文回答。)T: Good. Let me show you a picture of forest. (Teach: forest)Have you ever been to a forest? Ss: No. T: Well, dont be sad. Here I got a video about forest. Do you want to take a look? Ss: Yes! T: OK. Lets watch

15、it. After watching, tell me, what can you see in the forest? 全班看视频。3. Look and say(1.)T: OK. Is the forest beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.T: What can you see in the beautiful forest?S1: I can see a S2: I can see some (2)T: Good! Look at this picture. There are many trees in the forest. Lets read the sent

16、ence. 全班跟读句型2遍。 T: Now, look, there are in the forest. Who can try? 让学生模仿例句说说There are Step2: While-reading1. Watch and answer(1)T: Wow, there is a girl in the forest. Right? 学生跟读句子2遍。Who is this girl? What is her name? Let me tell you. Her name is Goldilocks. (Teach: Goldilocks) Oh, its so surprisi

17、ng. Goldilocks is in the forest. What does she see in the forest? Ss: She sees a big house. (Teach: house)T: Yes. Look at Goldilocks.(拿出人物图片)Shes very happy.(贴板书)Because she sees a big house.(贴板书) How does she think about this house? Lets listen. (音频:What a beautiful house!)Is it a nice house? Ss:Ye

18、s.T: Now, read it together. (指导朗读)(2) T: In the forest, there is a house. Whose house is it? Maybe its Can you guess? S1: Maybe its s house.学生猜一猜。T: OK. Heres a video. After watching, tell me, whose house is it? 学生看视频。T: Is the story interesting? Ss: Yes, it is.T: OK. Answer my question. Question1:

19、Whose house is it? Ss: Its the three bears house.T: Right! Its the three bears house. What will happen to Goldilocks and the three bears? Today well read this story. And the name of the story is :(揭题,全班读题目2遍)2. Read and answer(1)T: Now please open your books and turn to page6, read the story by your

20、selves, then, answer my question: What is in the house? 让学生自读故事思考问题。(2)T: Whats in the big house? 提示学生用There is / are 回答。(3)T: In this big house there are three beds. There are three bears. There are/is 总结学生的答案并引出:And also there is some soup. Follow me: soup. (Teach: soup) 提示学生注意soup是不可数,some soup。T

21、: Goldilocks is in the house. What time is it? Look, theres a clock. Ss: Its twelve.T: Yes. Its 12 oclock. Its time for lunch. And how is Goldilocks? Ss: Shes hungry and thirsty.(贴板书)T: Whats on the table? S1: There is some soup. 及时纠正学生发音或be动词。3. Look and guess(1)T: Look at Goldilocks. Guess, which

22、soup does she like? Does she like this soup? (PPT显示三碗汤)学生逐一回答。T: She doesnt look happy in these two pictures, right? Whats wrong with this soup? Lets listen to her. (音频:This soup is too cold.)指导学生模仿跟读2遍,重点重复too cold.T: And whats wrong with this soup? (同法读too hot). And how about this soup? (Teach: ju

23、st right)指导学生3句话连在一起读1遍。(2)Look, boys and girls. I have some soup for you. Oh, Im hungry and thirsty. Im going to eat the soup. This soup is too cold. This soup is too hot.This soup is just right. 教师示范表演喝汤的三种感觉。Do you want to be Goldilocks and have a try here? 请2-3位学生分别上台模仿表演。(3)T: After eating the

24、soup, Goldilocks is very tired.(贴板书)Whats in the room now? S1: There are three beds in the room. 指导读2遍。T: Look at the three beds. Are they the same? Ss: No, they arent.T: How is this bed? Listen. 教师敲击讲台。Oh, its very hard. (Teach: hard) What about the second bed? Listen. 播放音频音效。Oh, it is soft. (Teach

25、: soft) 教师拿出熊掌道具 Look, I have a toy bear claw. How is it? 让学生捏一捏试一试并形容:Its soft. T: OK. Look at the picture, if you were Goldilocks, What would you say? S1: This bed is too 学生个别说完,全班跟读三句话。(4) T: Oh, this bed is just right, so Goldilocks will have a sweat dream in this bed, I think. 出音效“Help! Help!”H

26、ow is she now? Is she happy?教师肢体语言提示。 Ss: No. T: She is afraid now(Teach: afraid) Why is she afraid? Read the story, then, tell me. 学生自读故事并思考问题。(5)T: Because there are three bears in front of her. (Teach: in front of) Now, look at me. I am standing in front of you. And youre very happy. But, if ther

27、e is a tiger or a lion standing in front of you, would you be happy? Ss: No! T: Of course not. You must be afraid. (6) T: What did the bears say? Ss: Who are you?T: Goldilocks shouted: Ss: Help! Help! 解释意思。让男生和女生分角色读一读最后一幅图,教师指导afraid情绪。4. Look and order(1)T: Now Id like you to read the whole story

28、again, and try to put the pictures in the correct order. 指导学生完成书上第8页的排序。(2) PPT出示答案,学生描述每副图片。T: Lets read the short passage together.5. Reading time(1)T: Very good. This time, lets read the story after the computer. 学生跟电脑齐读故事,教师指导朗读。(2)T: OK. This time, you can read in a group. 四人一组自由读。(3)T: Now let

29、s read it together. Try to remember the story. (Picture1, 学生齐读一遍填入所缺单词,同法练习后面的图片)Step3.Post-reading1. Retell the story(1)T: Children, do you like this story? Ss: Yes.T: Maybe you can tell the story to your parents. This time, try to retell the story. Ill give you some pictures and sentences. You can

30、 look at the blackboard too. First, lets try together. 对照PPT或板书全班复述故事。(2) Now you can use your own language to retell the story, and also you can say something more. OK? Ill give you some minutes. 四人一组练习。2. Make a short play and act it out.(1) T: Wow, do you think its a lovely story? You can tell th

31、e story now, but I still have a question about this story. At last, does the girl arrive home safely? We dont know. Here I have an ending of the story. Lets see if you like it or not. 教师给出一种结局示范。 Goldilocks is afraid. She runs away. The bears run faster than her. They catch her and eat her. Do you like it? Ss: No!T: Me neither. Its so sad. We all want a happy ending. So, what will happen at last? Whats your idea? Maybe Goldilocks and the three bears become friend

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