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1、2 Broke Girls S01E011-快乐学英语2-看电影学英语 看美剧学英语 3-十二 四 十一号桌上菜Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11.4-来了Got it.5-等你丫有空.Hey, when you get a second,6-麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开stop looking at my boobs.7-麻烦一下Excuse me.8-服务生Waitress?9-小二Dude?10-您好 请问要点什么Hi, what can I get ya?11-我们要.We need some.12-看了会不爽吗Is that annoying?13-觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗I

2、s that obnoxious and rude?14-你工作时有人这么弄你Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you15-你会觉得烦吗while you were working?16-哎呀 忘记你没工作了 抱歉Oh, you dont have a job. Sorry.17-靠 伙计 她完胜呀Damn, dude, she burned you.18-别搞错了 小痞子No, hipster.19-别以为我跟你是一国的Do not think were on the same team.20-咱俩到死都不是同路人We

3、have nothing in common.21-姐戴帽子挡酷寒I wear knit hats when its cold out.22-二货戴帽学酷玩乐队You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay.23-你的纹身是想气死你爹You have tattoos to piss off your dad.24-我爹压根不知他是我爹My dad doesnt know hes my dad.25-最后And finally,26-你觉得you think.27-一声穿云指 我千军万马来服务this is the sound that gets you service

4、.28-要我说I think.29-一声穿云指 我如瀑下阴也干枯This is the sound that dries up my vagina.30-那位俄国服务生呢 怎么不见了The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one.31-我们想要山葵酱We need horseradish.32-拜托您了Please.33-妹妹真乖 这样才有礼貌嘛That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress.34-宝莲娜Paulina!35-爽 爽死了Oh, so. so good, oh.36-抱歉 不知道你在休息Oh, s

5、orry, I didnt realize you were on break.37-我要山葵酱I just need some horseradish.38-给 -收到- Here. - Oh, cool.39-请问 服务生去哪了Excuse me, wheres my waitress?40-她马上来高潮Shes coming.41-厄尔Earl.42-厄尔Earl!43-我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕I made your favorite, red velvet.44-我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕My little cupcake brought me a cupcake.45-我还是把钱给你

6、吧Let me pay you for that.46-不用 我请客Oh, no, no. Its on the house.47-你生日嘛Its your birthday.48-过完生日要几岁了啊How old are you gonna be?49-七十五岁75.50-厄尔 你要小个三岁 咱俩就成了Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger.51-麦克斯 麦克斯 大新闻Max, Max, big news.52-新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina.53-

7、大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍Turns out chesty Kournikova was Vladimir Puttin it out.54-早安 我带了你的工资来Hello today. I have paycheck for you.55-我有话问你 你炒了宝莲娜吗 阿憨I need to talk to you. You fired Paulina, Han?56-我已经不叫李憨了I am no longer Han Lee.57-我取了新的英文名字I have new American name58-好适应新时代得社会to go with changing neighborhood

8、.59-是新时代的社会To go with the changing neighborhood.60-移民考试的时候别又说错了You need to remember this for your immigration exam.61-行 好适应新时代的社会Correct. To go with the changing neighborhood.62-小笼Bryce?63-你改名叫李小笼啊Your name is Bryce Lee?64-等等 等一下Wait, wait, um, um, um.65-别再招新人来了 好吗Dont hire a new waitress, okay?66-反

9、正活儿总是我全包Ive been doing all the work anyway,67-让我多拿一份工资 补贴家计吧and I really could use the extra money.68-你需要帮手You need help.69-不用 -谁都需要帮手- No, I dont. - Everyone need help sometimes.70-我不用 我当了一辈子的侍应I dont. Ive been waiting my whole life, okay?71-在餐厅 酒吧都做过侍应Ive waited on tables, Ive waited in bars,72-甚至

10、在家等验孕结果Ive waited on home pregnancy tests.73-Waited: 等待 侍应 一词多义74-我已经雇新人了I already hire new waitress.75-她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan.76-我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了I gave her Paulinas uniform.77-李先生 有点事情想问问Mr. Lee, not to complain,78-这件制服好像有人穿过了呢but I think someone wore this uniform be

11、fore me,79-而且是刚刚才穿过like right before me.80-可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀Is it possible that I could get another one?81-换件没这么湿漉漉的Maybe one thats a little less moist.82-另外 我的肤色跟黄芥末色不太搭Also this mustard color doesnt really go with my skin tone,83-跟芥末渍也不搭neither do the mustard stains.84-跟这各式污渍 异味更是不搭And these various o

12、ther stains, and smells.85-白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧.I hope thats clam chowder.86-所以So.87-为了大家I think itd be better for everyone,88-以及我的免疫系统着想including my immune system,89-我就穿自己这身就好了if I just keep on wearing what Im wearing,90-那件就省了 我这身可是香奈儿and not the apron,cause this is chanel.91-感谢聆听So thank you,92-本小姐要上岗啦and l

13、ets waitress.93-这娇娇女明显就是Whatever that is,94-来错地方打错工了it does not belong in this diner.95-她应该去演电视It belongs in a show on Bravo.96-她是金发妞 金发闪闪But she blonde, hair so shiny,97-有助财源广进啊good for business.98-你都去哪找到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊Where do you even find these people?99-俄罗斯妓女 再前一位还是吸毒妹The Russian hooker, the one befor

14、e that was a meth addict.100-你去训练她 我可是老板You train her, I am boss.101-老板中的老板Da boss.102-好 那你先去命令她穿上制服Fine, but make her wear the uniform.103-真不能让吸毒的回来吗Are you sure we cant get the meth addict back?104-她是毁尸灭迹打扫神人呢She was really good at cleaning.105-可她吸毒到牙掉光了But her teeth fall out.106-你也太以貌取人了吧You are

15、really judgmental, you know that?107-我就说一回 仔细听Im only gonna say this once, so pay attention.108-我是卡洛琳 你叫麦克斯 对吗Im Caroline, by the way. And youre Max?109-先别建立感情Dont get attached.110-这间威廉伯格餐厅 老板是李憨This is the Williamsburg diner, owned by Han Lee,111-最近刚改名叫李小笼Who just changed his name to Bryce Lee,112-

16、他应该是患了不被当笑话会死的病because I guess he wants people to take him even less seriously.113-八个月前他向俄国黑帮顶下这餐厅Eight months ago he bought it from the Russian mob.114-以前客源通常是东欧小流氓 吸毒妓女Clientele used to be all eastern bloc criminals and crack whores,115-他顶过来之后 客源就跑光了but then he took it over and ruined it.116-哟 性感辣

17、妹Hey, sexy woman.117-今儿个性感动人啊You look so pretty today.118-美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了You look so beautiful, I forgot how bad your personality is.119-承蒙夸奖 奥列格Thanks, Oleg.120-嗨 芭比小妞Hey, Barbie.121-他是奥列格Thats Oleg.122-他将会不停地用烂招泡你He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly.123-他的自信多到爆棚He doesnt realize he looks

18、like that,124-可惜我没多余的善心点醒他and I dont have the heart to tell him.125-小姐 可以给份菜单吗Miss, could we have some menus?126-当然Oh, sure.127-不要微笑Dont smile.128-你拉高服务标准 我就得跟上Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile,129-那样太累人了and I cant be doing that.130-微笑又累人又有害健康Its exhausting and I have a bad back.131-

19、那是我的恋人厄尔Thats Earl, were in love.132-别跟他多讲话Do not talk to him,133-除非你想显得更白痴unless you want to feel whiter than you already are.134-还有那块污渍Oh, and that stain?135-其实是男人精华Not clam chowder.136-去把番茄酱连一起Go marry the ketchups.137-联姻起 马上好Marry the ketchups. Im on it.138-联姻完 弄离婚吧Okay. Now divorce the ketchups

20、.139-停 停 停Stop! Stop! Stop!140-让番茄酱离婚纯属我鬼扯Theres no such thing as divorcing the ketchups.141-你压根就没当过服务生对吧Youve never waitressed a day in your life.142-我真的做过Yes, I have.143-看完你这出You expect me to believe you144-奇葩的演出后 鬼才信你after watching that whole Temple Grandin routine?145-我去跟老板检举你 -别 求你了- Im telling

21、 Lee. - Okay, okay,146-我的确稍微美化了我的简历I may have enhanced my resume.147-美化 你当参加巴黎时尚展啊Enhanced? What, are we in Paris?148-求你了 我真的很需要这份工Please, I really need this job, okay?149-我们家一无所有了We lost all of our money.150-我的信托基金被拿去支付律师费My trust fund was taken for legal fees.151-老爸又入狱了My dad is in jail.152-干嘛 难不成

22、你是马丁钱宁的女儿啊What? What are you, Martin Channings daughter?153-报纸在哪Wheres the paper?154-马丁钱宁Martin Channing?155-骗光整座城的人是你老爸The guy who ripped off the entire city is your father.156-他只跟我们说今年生意挺好He told us we were having a good year.157-你是卡洛琳钱宁Youre Caroline Channing.158-你可是亿万富翁Youre like a billionaire.1

23、59-曾是 曾是亿万富翁Was. Was a billionaire.160-所有资产都被冻结了 全没了They froze all our assets, everythings gone.161-我只能拿几样东西走I only have what I could grab,162-可我全拿了没用的东西and I grabbed all the wrong things.163-你认识总统吧 -见过- So do you know the president? - Ive met him.164-他很性感吧 -他就是个总统- Hes hot. - Hes the president.165-

24、你去过瑞士吧 -去过- Have you been to Switzerland? - Yes.166-你有马吗 -有- Do you have a horse? - Yes.167-认识帕丽斯希尔顿吗 -不认识 她太老了- Do you know Paris Hilton? - No, shes a hundred.168-麻烦一下 两杯热巧克力Excuse me, uh, two hot chocolate, please.169-马上好Comin up.170-让我来吧Let me do that, please.171-我学东西可快了Im a really fast learner.1

25、72-沃顿商学院毕业I went to Wharton business school.173-SAT考了两千三百分I got 2,300 on my SAT.174-那你做得出热巧克力吗Can you make a hot chocolate, or not?175-搞定Nailed it.176-小费均分 把你的拿来We split the tips. Give me yours.177-比我预计的好多了You did better than I thought you would.178-我刚想到了一个Listen, tonight I thought of a way179-赚外快的办

26、法we could make some extra money.180-那些红丝绒蛋糕Theyve totally underestimated the price181-定价实在低的离谱point on those red velvet cupcakes.182-在曼哈顿这至少卖七块In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven,183-我们就卖七块 赚价差中饱私囊so we could sell them for seven, and then pocket the difference.184-难道你不觉得有什么不对吗Nothing abo

27、ut that sounds wrong to you?185-做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低Its not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcakes186-又不是我们的错doesnt know their worth.187-我就是做蛋糕的那傻子Im the idiot who makes the cupcakes.188-我才知道嘛New information.189-这肯定不行Thats stupid.190-谁会花七块买我的蛋糕啊No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes.191-你确定吗 看这.

28、Really? Cause.192-果然有遗传你爸弄钱的基因啊Well, at least we know youre not adopted.193-你怎么会沦落到来布鲁克林打工So howd you even end up in Brooklyn?194-我去招工网站Oh, I went on .195-输入 上东区的人富人区Typed in place where nobody196-这辈子绝对不会去的地方from the Upper East Side would ever go, ever,197-就出现这家店了and this diner came up.198-这里治安差 穿高级

29、皮衣You cant wear a fancy leather jacket outside199-铁定会被抢in this neighborhood.200-反着穿 露出丑的那面You have to turn it inside out.201-皮草 算了 再翻回来吧Fur. Cool. Turn it back.202-你住哪儿呀So where do you live?203-我家大宅被银行没收查封了Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so.204-我需要表达一下同情吗Is this where Im supposed

30、to feel sorry for you?205-我是不想逼你啦I mean, I dont want you to,206-不过正常的好人都会同情的but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would.207-我是没同情心的坏人Im dead inside.208-是人都看得出来You make that pretty obvious.209-好吧 我要去市中心的朋友家了Anyway, Im just gonna stay in the city with a friend.210-我就住附近I live a couple of blocks that way.211-我照理该陪你走去地铁站的Id walk you to the subway,212-不过我真的没这么好心its just that I dont want to.213-完全理解Got it.214-就这样吧Okay.215-罗

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