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1、 100 个英文佳句个英文佳句 100 个英文佳句 1.Weak men wait for opportunity,but the strong men make it.弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。2.Opportunity meets the prepared mind,as the old saying goes.正如俗话所说,机遇只属于那些有心理准备的人。3.Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这就叫坚持。4.He tried hard to learn,a

2、nd to be a good boy,and he succeeded fairly well.他用心学习,又很听话,因此一切倒还顺利。5.In fact,theres an old Chinese saying which goes,“He who hasnt been to the Great Wall is not a true man.”实际上,中国有句古谚语说:“不到长城非好汉。”6.A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.-John Barrymore 只要一个人还有所追求,她就没有老。约翰 巴里莫尔(美国艺术家)7

3、.To take advantage of them,you cant let yourself be destroyed by a defeat,or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve.利用它们,你就不会被一次失败击倒,也不会让别人来限制住你成功的能力。8.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人才能够

4、轻而易举地完成困难的事。9.The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it.人生最重要的是要有美梦,并有好的方法去实现它。10.We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.尽管条件极端困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。11.This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of competiti

5、on.Its like a race to the top of the success ladder.这种机会均等的信念造就了一种竞争的精神,它就像一场通往成功之梯顶端的比赛一样。12.Success is dangerous.One begins to copy oneself,and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others.It leads to sterility.-Picasso(1881-1973),Spanish artist 成功是危险的。一个成功的人开始模仿自己,而模仿自己比模仿别人更加危险。因为这样做将毫无

6、结果。毕加索(1881-1973),西班牙画家 13.But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows.但是,失败还使我懂得,生活的道路充满了无法预测的岔路口和无法预料的明天。14.The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain,egotistic,and self-complacent is erroneous;on the contrary,it makes them,f

7、or the most part,humble,tolerant,and kind.Failure makes people cruel and bitter.-W.Somerset Maugham(1874-1965),British author 人们普遍认为成功使人变得虚荣、自以为是、自满,从而毁了他们,但这种看法是错误的;恰恰相反,成功在很大程度上使人变得谦恭、宽容、善良。失败则使人变得残忍、怨愤。W萨默塞特 莫姆(1874-1965),英国作家 15.Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress.

8、她冲破重重困难,实现了当演员的梦想。16.He is too smart not to jump at the chance.他这个人很精明,不会错过这个机会的。17.Im not sure if Ill succeed,but I certainly hope so.是否成功我没有把握,不过我当然希望会成功 18.I wish you every success.祝你万事如意!19.He seems to be successful in anything he tries.他好像不论做什么事都能成功。20.Experience shows that success is due less

9、to ability than to zeal.经验告诉我们,成功与其说是由于才能,不如说是由于热情。21.Ambition is to life just what steam is to the locomotive.抱负之于生活,恰似蒸汽之于火车头。22.With their advanced features and compact size,portable electronic devices offer consumers freedom,productivity,and organization.由于本身小巧玲珑,又具备种种先进的特点,便携式电子设备为消费者带来了自由,提高了生

10、产力,改进了对信息的组织。23.However,the ease and speed with which messages can be sent and received has increased and accelerated to such an extent that many people are receiving hundreds of electronic messages of all kinds each day.但是,信息发送与接收的便捷发展得如此之快,以至于很多人每天都会收到各种各样、成百上千的电子邮件。24.Just as history has shown th

11、at species which fail to adapt die out,businesses will die out if they dont get to grips with the Internet.正如历史所示,适者生存,企业如果不紧跟互联网就将退出历史的舞台。25.Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.电视与无线电不同,电视能播送和接收图像。26.When people master the digital organization,it will greatly s

12、implify and improve both their professional and personal lives.当人们掌握了这种数码管理方法后,他们的工作与个人生活都会得以极大地简化并改善。27.A new IT high-tech park in Beijing is helping the city keep its promise to be the countrys center of the knowledge-based economy.一所焕然一新的 IT 高科技园帮助北京实现了它的诺言:成为全国知识型经济的中心。28.Observation is the best

13、 teacher.观察是最好的老师。29.Imagination is more important than knowledge.想像力比知识更重要。爱因斯坦 30.Knowledge is a treasure,but practice is the key to it.知识是一座宝库,而实践是开启宝库的钥匙。31.We can kill two birds with one stone by combining our honeymoon with our business trip.我们可以把蜜月和出差合在一起,这样一举两得。technological applications go

14、hand in handone helps the other.归根结蒂,基础知识和技术应用是并进的,相辅相成的。37.Reading(and learning)is to the mind what exercise is to the body.读书之于思想,就如运动之于身体。38.English is now the international language for airline pilots,scientists,medical experts,businessmen and many others.Consequently,more and more people are le

15、arning it.现在,对于航空公司飞行员、科学家、医学家、商人及许多其他行业的工作者来说,英语是一门国际性语言,因此越来越多的人开始学习英语。39.Unlike many other widely used languages,English can be correctly used in very simple form with less than one thousand basic words and very few grammatical rules.与许多其他被广泛应用的语言不同,英 语仅凭借将近一千个基础词汇和很少的语法规则,就能够用简单的形式正确地表达意思。40.Eng

16、lish will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does.毫无疑问,英语将像一种活的语言贯常的变化和发展一样继续变化和发展下去。41.Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread through out the world.英语流行的另一个原因是说英语的国家遍布世界各地。42.Genius is one percent inspiration and

17、ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水 43.An estimated 310 million people in Britain,U.S.A.,Canada,Australia,South Africa,etc.use English as their mother tongue.据统计,在英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和南非等国有三亿一千万人以英语为母语。44.It is surprising that some students have little or no knowledge of English.令人感到吃惊的是

18、,有些学生英语懂得很少,或者根本不懂英语。45.The rush to learn English has reached even China.这种学习英语的浪潮甚至波及到中国。46.Washington is known as“the father of his country”and is one of those“larger than life”historical figures who are known around the world.华盛顿被称为“美国国父”,是一位誉满全球的具有传奇色彩的历史人物。47.Many immigrants have come to this l

19、and of opportunity for that reason-to seek a better future.许多移民基于这个缘故来到了这块充满机会的土地上为了追求一个更好的未来。48.Not all Americans are rich,but most are concerned about money.Success-oriented Americans often measure peoples worth by how much they have.并非所有的美国人都很有钱,但大多数美国人都在乎钱。以成功为取向的美国人常常用人们拥有财产的多少来衡量他们的价值。49.As a

20、result,nearly half of foreign students in the U.S.are concentrated in just 100 out of 2,500 post-secondary institutions,mostly brand-name schools.结果,在美留学生几乎有一半集中在 2500 所高校的仅 100 所,这些学校大多是名牌学校。50.Credit cards symbolize American shopping habits:“Buy now,pay later.”信用卡反映美国人的购物习惯:“现在买,以后付。”51.In general

21、,the act is designed to keep the U.S.high-tech industry on top by filling the need for skilled technology workers.总之,这个法案是为了填补美国对熟练技术工人的需求,以保持美国在高科技工业中的领先地位而制定的。52.Toms college education gave him an advantage over boys who had not been to a university.汤姆的大学教育使他比没上过大学的男孩们占优势。53.Educators also claim t

22、hat calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must become competent in using them.教育家们还声称,计算器如此便宜而又普遍,学生必须学会熟练使用。54.He already has five honorary doctorates-the latest bestowed upon him by Yale University late of May,2002-but what he really wanted was this humble bachelors degree.斯

23、皮尔伯格已获得 5 个荣誉博士头衔,其中最近的一个是在 2002 年 5 月下旬由耶鲁大学授予的,然而他最想得到的却是这个不起眼的学士学位。55.Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and,to a limited extent,in higher-level math classes,but they are hardly education tools.计算器在学校之外的社会中的确有其地位,在高等数学课堂上也有一定的作用,但它们很难算得上是教育工具。56.A student who has grown up

24、 with a calculator will struggle with both strategies and computations.一个伴着计算器长大的学生既要对付解题策略,又要对付实际运算。57.Students learn far more when they do the math themselves.学生自己进行数学运算所获得的收益远比依赖计算器多。58.A student who learns to handle numbers mentally can focus on how to attack a problem and then complete the actu

25、al calculations easily.学会心算的学生能把注意力集中到如何解题上,然后轻而易举地完成实际运算。59.Its my mother who has been encouraging me never to lose heart when I had difficulties in study.这些年来,当我在学习中遇到困难时,是我的母亲一直在鼓励我从不要泄气。60.With more students applying to college than ever before,admissions directors are paying especially close at

26、tention to essays,interviews,and teacher recommendations.由于有比以往更多的学生申请上大学,招生部主任将格外注重作文、面试和教师的推荐信。61.Calculators prevent students from seeing this kind of natural structure and beauty in math.计算器妨碍学生认识数学中这类自然结构和美。62.If we dont require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do,how can

27、 we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do?如果我们不让学生做那些计算器能代劳的简单的运算,又怎么能期待他们去解决计算器解决不了的更为复杂的问题呢?63.Your parents are the people responsible for helping you make decisions until youre 18.父母是有责任帮助你在 18 岁之前做决定的人。64.But he is too young to understand cheating wont do him

28、any good in the long run.就长远而言,他太小,还不懂得欺骗会给他带来害处。65.What sculpture is to a block of marble,education is to the soul.教育之于心灵,就如雕刻术之于大理石。66.He began to study accounting at night sessions of the City University of New York,earning his tuition during the daytime.他开始晚间在纽约城市大学学习会计,白天做工赚学费。67.Those who educ

29、ate children well are to be more honored than the parents,for the latter only give them life while the former teach them the art of living well.Aristotle(Ancient Greece)把儿童教育好的人们甚至应该比他们的父母更受尊敬,因为后者仅仅给予他们生命,前者却教给他们生活好的艺术。(古希腊)亚里士多得 68.The cloning of Dolly the sheep nearly 5 years ago raised the hopes

30、 of transplant scientists looking for an endless supply of lifesaving organs.将近 5 年前,克隆羊多莉给寻求无穷无尽的救命器官供货的移植学家带来了希望。69.I would(had)rather join you in research work than go on a holiday to the seaside.我与其到海滨去度假,倒不如和你们一起参加科研工作。70.The further that Joy dug into the cutting edge of research in the new tec

31、hnologies-robotics,genetic engineering and nanotechnology-the more horrified he became.乔伊在机器人学、基因工程和纳米技术等新技术研究领域的前沿钻得越深,就越感到恐惧。71.What Henry Ford is to the automobile,George Eastman to photography,and Charles Goodyear to rubber,Edison is to not one but several of todays essential technologies.对当今不止一

32、项而是多项重要技术的贡献,就如同 Henry Ford 对汽车、George Eastman 对摄影、Charles Goodyear 对橡胶的贡献一样大。72.Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal,cement,mineral ore,and the like,are weighed in tons.非常重的物体或者像煤、水泥、矿石等堆积如山的原材料用吨计重。73.By the end of this century,about 5,000 modern windmills will be in operation,generatin

33、g about 20%of the electricity of the country.到本世纪末,(荷兰)将有 5000 架现代化的风车投入运行,生产约全国 20%的电力。74.Agriculture will have to undergo a drastic change to meet the needs of the new situation.Otherwise,the country will starve.农业必须进行深入的改革,以满足新形势的需要。否则,国家将遭受饥荒。75.In the northern area,it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature.北部地区只能种植确实能抗冬季低温的品种。76.Synthetic,o

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