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1、mba文书范文mba文书范文一、mba留学申请文书范文怎样写 Born into a peasant family isolated by high mountains, I have come a long way to be where I am. A senior manager now of a state-owned company that has grown into a medium-sized foreign trade business in China in only five years, I not only head one of my companys most

2、important departments but also travel abroad from time to time on behalf of the company. Often hungry and cold as a child, I now enjoy a comfortable life, which I hope will still get significantly better after I receive advanced business training in a quality MBA program. In many ways, it is thanks

3、to the childhood hardship that I have made my achievements. In trying to help alleviate the financial burden on my parents, I made my debut in the art of money-making at an age when American kids probably could not be hired to work. I still remember earning my first coin by buying fruits from one pl

4、ace and then selling them in another. Too little a profit it might seem, but it counted towards meeting the familys expenses the. But more importantly, the coin started me out in a business career that I now hope to translate into sizable fortunes. The hunger and humiliation that I endured as a cons

5、picuously poor child, even by the standards of the poverty-stricken mountains, taught me the importance of success. Luckily, my parents, ignorant as they were, knew that the key t real success would lie in my education, and they toiled and moiled year in and year out to put that key into my hand, in

6、 a parental spirit and tradition that probably can only be found in China. Watching my parents working their backs off every day, I acquired the kind of determination, drive, and sense of responsibility not usually expected of Chinese women in China. With my parents unswerving support, I studied dil

7、igently and outperformed most of my classmates. For years, my academic report card was the main source of pride in my family. On the strength of my high scores in the National University Entrance Examinations, I entered I 1986 into the Beijing-based University of International Business and Economy,

8、one of the nations leading higher-education institutions of its kind, to major in accounting in its Department of International Business Management. Brought up in an isolated community, I was convinced that my country, just as my family, could only achieve real and sustained prosperity by readily do

9、ing business with the outside world. Masking full use of every minute I had, I read a variety of books and journals related to my major, through which I broadened my vision and enriched my knowledge. My professional interests were focused mostly on accounting, finance, and international trade. As yo

10、u can see from the transcripts, my undergraduate academic record was excellent, ranking me among the top three among the 140 students of my department. In recognition of my performance, the university awarded me a stream of scholarships and prize. While my grades are outstanding, I am more distingui

11、shed by my publications, which demonstrate an insistent quest for real solutions to real problems. The International Business, a widely-read business journal in China, published a number of my articles. These include Reasons of the American Trade Deficit with China (Sept. 1, 1987), Exploration of th

12、e Stock-holding System Employed by the Big and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises (Mar. 29, 1988), and Prospects of the International Shipping Industry (May 5, 1988)。 In 1990, I worked as a coeditor to the Dictionary of Contemporary Accounting and Financial Management, which has since become a maj

13、or professional reference book to many Chinese entrepreneurs, accountants, auditors and other professionals in the business community. My editing concentrated on six sections, Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management, International Finance, International taxation, Bonds and Real Estates. My solid

14、education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in Chinas booming economy. After I obtained my Bachelors Degree in Economics in 1990, I first took up the job of an assistant to the funding manager at the China National Technical Import & Export Corporation, where I graduall

15、y developed into an experienced accounting professional. Upon a meticulous analysis of the companys financial statements, reports and other records, I found its financing policy skewed. It was borrowing billions of RMB with high interest rates while maintaining large bank deposits at low interest ra

16、tes. Together with my supervisor, I rewrote the financing policy, saving the corporation approximately thirty million yuan. To maximize 。 二、MBA文书应当写什么 读到你的文书,招生官可能想晓得你喜爱什么,不喜爱什么,你做了什么,你期望以后有什么成就。 他们最想晓得你在接下来的四年里能给他们的学校带来什么,你有爱好参与什么活动,你能否是个潜在的领导者,你最想学什么。还有,你喜爱那个教移民英语的人吗?你喜爱那个努力奋斗一年完成五千米长跑的人吗?你喜爱那个为受欺

17、侮的伴侣出头的人吗? 是的,美国MBA就喜爱这样的人。 你的文书应当让招生官晓得你是一个什么样的人,你的喜人之处在哪里。记住,你那些鸡毛蒜皮的感情经受以及你年轻时做过的那些傻事儿,在文书里就不要再写了。 三、MBA申请文书怎样写开头 标准型开头 标准型的MBA Essay开头涵盖了以下几方面内容:人物,大事,时间,地点,缘由和形式。 这种写法很像旧事写作中的六个W,它使读者对于文章即将涉及哪些内容有一个清楚的印象。其中最标准的就是概括性的开头,而最一般的概括性开头往往就是反复一遍问题: While I have had many opportunities to serve in the ca

18、pacity of a leader in both my personal and professional lives, there are two occasions that I feel clearly demonstrate my managerial potential. There are two individuals who have deeply shaped my professional thinking. My most important cross-cultural experience is related to the fifteen months I sp

19、ent in Thailand as a teacher of Economics and Business in a Cambodian refugee camp. 惊异型开头 这种开头意在使读者大吃一惊,从而引发Essay阅读者他们的阅读爱好。 如:Recently, I was trapped on a ledge more than 300 feet above the ground when an unexpected snow storm hit while I was rock climbing. During my senior year in college, my fath

20、er was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer. 动作型开头 动作型开头则一开头就把MBA ESSAY的读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节约空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。如:I carried the puck up the left wing and couldnt find a team-mate as I reached the offensive zone. 领导型开头 领导型的开头在文章的一开头就给MBA Essay读者一个对于作者的某个领导职能的深刻印象,这对于MBA申请是很重要的。 这类文章旨在呈现一个自信的、目标明

21、确的申请人。在使用这类开头的时候,文章接下来的内容必需非常有力度,以支撑起这一抽象。 下面举例的三个开头出于同一篇文章,分别用于引导三个部分的内容。During the summer before my senior year, I founded and managed a company that employed five people and grossed twenty thousand dollars. (第一部分) In my senior year at Harvard, I led our ECAC champion hockey team in points, becomi

22、ng the first player to ever begin his career on the J.V. team and finish as the varsitys leading scorer. (其次部分) I paid for the majority of my college education, while achieving Deans List every semester, spent forty hours each week participating in a Division 1 athletic program, worked ten to fiftee

23、n hours each week to help defray tuition costs, and also maintained a balanced social life. (第三部分) 信息型开头 这种开头向读者传达一个现实或信息,而这一现实或者与你的文章的主题有关,或者传达了关于你的某种信息。 Technological innovation is occurring at an ever-increasing pace. Six months ago, my church implemented a new organizational structure in which a

24、ll the various church functions were consolidated under the responsibility of one of ten different committees. 引言式开头 假如你选择一句引语作为开头,你最好选择不同寻常的、浅显的、好玩的、或者晦涩的引语,而且这个引语不能太长。你选择的引语应当包涵你盼望向读者表达的某个意思。 不要使用谚语或者类似的陈词滥调,也不要尝试在你的文章里对这句引言作出解释。录用委员会更感爱好的是你如何对这句谚语作出反应,而不是直白的解释。 下面就是一个引言式开头的示例:Its in my blood, its

25、 in my veins, I am the ghost who entertains. - Peter Weiss, Wie dem Herrn Mockinpott das Leiden ausgetrieben wird 对话式开头 这种开头把读者引入MBA Essay当中的一场对话之中。它可能是真实的对话,也可能只是你的想法的一个小小片断:Stop foolin around, old boy. How would an MBA help you? Better get on with your career. First-rate skiing, the Winter Carniva

26、l, a bucolic setting, Ivy League football, and a great career at the end of it all? Who wouldnt want a Tuck MBA?。 四、美国MBA文书写作范文是怎样写的 I came from a family who made constant use of street smarts to survive living in Nigeria. Both of my parents have not even finished secondary education. However, my ha

27、rdworking mother never wanted the same fate for me. She never dare imagine me as a mainstay in the sweltering, overpopulated streets of Lagos, in danger of becoming the next victim of violence. It is a city full of tribal and religious tensions, forever waiting to explode. Yet, this was where I had

28、learned leadership and discipline. It was hard enough to live in a dangerous neighborhood, but to concentrate in my studies while helping my parents sell market goods during my free time seemed next to impossible. I made a game out of it, giving points to myself for everyday I was able to fulfill al

29、l my duties. If I had to add the points together and redeem them in a form of money, I would now be a very rich man. With points in my imaginary bank, I was able to get a college degree in Economics. This made sense to me because I had always been interested in supply and demand. My parents daily to

30、il in the market awakened me to this idea since I was just a young boy. I was also interested in the idea of rewarding a job well done, as I used to do to myself. An Economics degree also made me understand how some countries could rise and fall. I want to be able to control the rise of a future bus

31、iness. Here in the United States, I worried more about social acceptance and understanding. I am, after all, a minority among minorities, a black Muslim. The dangers that I was exposed to back home had taught me how to put on a brave front. However, I realized there was no need to be afraid. Even th

32、ough there were still people who would look at me curiously when I don my traditional Nigerian clothes, everything is almost perfect. I say almost perfect, because we are always still working toward perfection. I am now aiming to enroll into an MBA program, hoping that this will enhance whatever business skills I already have. I want to be able to create a safer environment, in which my parents can sell their goods. Maybe I can convince them to start a new business, aside from selling in a market stall. An MBA degree is a special tribute I give to my parents. My parents value education,

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