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1、 We compare culture to iceberg. It suggests that only small part of it is visible while most of it lies concealed.Habits, dress and manners are visible.Worldview, value systems, ways of thinking, national character and any other deep concepts are foundation of visible part. “Where are you going?”in

2、China ,we give a general answer to it.Chinese culture emphasizes on social relationship and the heavy interdependence between Chinese people.In western countries, it may be interpreted as an intrusion into ones privacy.The underlying individual-oriented relationship is the invisible part of the iceb

3、erg.exercise1. If you are a tourist guide, what are you expected to say when you are showing the foreign visitors to another site?A. This way, please. B. Come here, please. C. Follow me, please. D. Move on. 2. A visitor stops you in the corridor of your head-office probably to ask for the way. What

4、is your most likely reply to the visitors “Excuse me”?A. Whats the matter? B. Yes?C. Thats all right. D. Dont worry. 3. At a fair, a visitor, accidentally having knocked down your poster, says, “Im terribly sorry.” What should you reply?A. It doesnt matter. B. Never mind. C. Dont worry. D. Thats all

5、 right. What is Intercultural communication?“Intercultural communication is contact between persons who identify themselves as distinct from one another in cultural terms.” (Collier & Thomas, 1998)intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities

6、. (Samovar & Porter)To further understand “intercultural communication”, please read the section of “Intercultural Communication Reading” on P.2 and answer the questions:1 In the story, why does Pete could not communicate well with Chinese students?Language problemCulture problemThe way Pete handled

7、 the intercultural communication situation2 What are the major barriers in intercultural communication?Language difference.(If we understand others language or dialect, but not their communication rules, we can made fluent fools of ourselves.)Nonverbal communication: gestures, postures, facial expre

8、ssion etc. Stereotypes: like culture, religion, idea, value, etc. Watch a video and get a deeper understanding.Classifications of Communicationverbal /nonverbalDirect /indirectInterpersonal / interorganizational / mass media-basedIntracultural /interculturalIntrapersonal / interpersonal/Case studyRe

9、ad the passage of “ an Intercultural Classroom”. This is the beginning of this passage:It was a hot day. Since it was still too early to use the air-conditioner, according to the regulations of the university, every class kept its door open to make the classroom cooler. While I was lecturing on Chin

10、ese grammar in Class 4, waves of laughter came from the neighboring Class 5. A German student named Stephen raised his hand and stood up. “The laughter from Class 5 is bothering us. I think we should go to their class to protest,” he said.1 How many different solutions did Class 4 propose?2 what is

11、the mode of communication favored by Asians? What cultural values underlie it?Asian people are very courteous and indirect in their communications. They put great emphasis on group harmony, they are very tolerant, even when they are offended. These collectivistic values, shaped by Confusion teaching

12、s, were spread from China to many Asian countries. 3 what is the mode of communication favored by Westerners?Westerners are generally very direct and frank in their mode of communication. And they have a strong sense of protecting their own rights. Individualistic values are the underlying principle

13、s governing their behavior.Classroom activity 11. Read the story on P1 and answer: Why do you think the driver is asking for $50 instead of $32.5?2. Work in groups and write down 5 ways to deal with the situation.Some likely interpretationsThe taxi driver is trying to cheat Lee.extra charges for lug

14、gage that Lee doesnt know about.Extra charges for tolls that Lee doesnt know.There is an honest misunderstanding.Lee misunderstood what the driver said, or didnt hear what he said clearly.The driver has included a tip for himself an unreasonably large one.Culture NoteTaxi charges: in taxis in the us

15、, it is quite normal to have a small extra charge for each of luggage. In the us there are also sometimes tolls for bridges, tunnels and certain roads. and the taxi driver will pay these first and then add them to the cost of the ride.Tipping: in the us it is normal to add a tip of 10%-15% to the co

16、st of a taxi ride. (tipping is not normal in fast-food restaurants where customs get their own food.Taxis in the Us: while taxis can often be found at Us airports, taxis are rare in all but the largest American cities, and to get a taxi people often need to call a taxi company. This is because most

17、Americans drive their cars. (in large cities, taxi drivers are often immigrants form other countries who do not speak English as their first language.)Classroom activity 2Read Letter to Fran: Not Eating and answer the following questions.1. Why did Nancy eat so little?2. Tell the possible reasons fo

18、r Nancys problem.Possible reasonsOn the whole, American cooking tends to be somewhat more bland than the cooking in most parts of China.Some westerners have allergic reactions to MSG(often used in Chinese cooking) and get headaches if they eat food containing it.Some Christians wont drink alcoholic

19、beverages.Read Frans Response: Not Eating after class and get more information.Discuss the differences of table manners between Chinese and Westerners. Chinese people often use words like color 、smell 、taste、shape to describe the food.Westerners usually pay more attention to the calories、vitamins、pr

20、oteins and so on.we would invite many people “the more the better” If the host respect you ,he will give you a seat at first and sit on the left chair .The host will prepare all the things ready. The host will get delicious food into the guests bowl .Westerners would like to keep quiet. They regard

21、the right as a symbol of respect.The host will let the guests choose what to eat or drink. Individualist and CollectivistWhat are the characteristics of Individualist and Collectivist?Classroom activity 3Read the passage Individualist and Collectivist Cultures and finish the following tasks.What are

22、 some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?find out ways of how do Chinese show individualism and how do westerners show their collectivism. You may need to supply your points with examples.Assignment:Review unit 1 and Preview unit 2Work in teams of 6 and deliver a pre

23、sentation on following topics:What are differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one?Unit 2Review: Interpretation解释、翻译 of greetings上哪去?Where are you going?Its none of your business!去哪啦? Where have you been?吃过了吗?Have you had your meal?Are you going to invite me to dinner?Accepta

24、ble Greetings中文出去呀? 吃饭去?回来了?忙着呢?忙什么呢?在洗车呀?这衣服真漂亮,新买的吧?你看起来气色不错。英文Whats up?Whats happening?Whats going on?Lovely day, isnt it?Miserable weather, isnt it?Its a heavy rain, isnt it?You look fantastic in this dress!You look very smart in that sweater. High-context Low context Gift receiving Self relianc

25、eprivacyHigh-context Culture(强交际语境文化)High-context communication can be characterized as being indirect, ambiguous, and understated, with speakers being reserved and sensitive to listeners.Examples of high-context cultures include Chinese, Japanese, Middle Easterners, Mexico etc.Low-context Culture(弱

26、交际语境文化)Low-context communication can be characterized as being direct , explicit, open, precise, and consistent with ones feelings. Examples of low-context cultures include English, North American, German, etc.Hall arranged low-context and high-context countries on a continuum(连续统一体) as follows.“The

27、 nail that sticks up will be pounded down.”Least said, soonest mendedOut of the mouth comes evil. -Japanese saying Low Context :DirectMinimal non-verbalIndividualismLinear Logic(线性逻辑思维)Highly structuredDetailed High ContextIndirectEmbedded meaningsReads nonverbal Group over IndividualContext and fee

28、lingSpiral logic(螺旋式逻辑思维)Ambiguous dialogCommunication style Low-context cultures * place less emphasis on surrounding context than words * take words literally * value straightforwardness * be uncomfortable with silence and impatient with delaysHigh-context cultures * place more emphasis on words d

29、escribing a negotiation * speak with poetic figures of speech/enjoy plays on words * value evasivenessCase StudyI will do my best to do somethingIn high-context culture1 如果没有意外的话,我会尽量去做。(也就是说我有可能不去做)。2 婉言谢绝(不直接拒绝是为了保全自己的面子,也是为了保全对方的面子)。3 看情况而定。(也许会做,也许不会做)。4我一定会去做。(不管发生什么,我不会食言)。But in low-context culture我肯定去做。Another casein high contex

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