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1、意外总是会发生 How much do you know about Singapore What else are you interested to know about this little city-state Singapore , officially the Republic of Singapore, is a southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres (85mi) north of the equator. An island country

2、made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor柔佛海峡 to its north and from Indonesias Riau 廖内群岛Islands by the Singapore Strait to its south. The country is highly urbanized with very little primary rainforest remaining, although more land is being created for development

3、through land reclamation.新加坡共和国是位于马来半岛南端的一个岛国。其北面隔着柔佛海峡与马来西亚紧邻,南面有新加坡海峡与印尼巴淡岛相望。新加坡是全球最为富裕的国家之一,其经济模式被称作为“国家资本主义”,并以稳定的政局、廉洁高效的政府而著称。新加坡是亚洲重要的金融、服务和航运中心之一。根据全球金融中心指数的排名,新加坡是继伦敦、纽约和香港之后的第四大国际金融中心。工业是新加坡经济发展的主导力量,快速发展至今,已成为全球第三大炼油国,以及世界电子工业中心之一。新加坡在城市保洁方面成绩斐然,故有“花园城市”之美称。国名新加坡是一个城市国家,原意为狮城。据马来史籍记载,公元1



6、徽两侧各有一只猛兽,左侧金色的鱼尾狮代表“狮城”新加坡,右侧带有黑色条纹的金虎表示马来亚,反映了新加坡原来与之的联系。国徽基部是金色的棕榈枝和一条用马来文写着Majulah Singapura“前进吧,新加坡”的蓝色饰带。国语新加坡宪法明定马来语为新加坡的国语。国歌国歌为马来语“Majulah Singapura” ,中文是“前进吧,新加坡”。国庆国庆日是1965年8月9日。国花新加坡的国花叫卓锦万代兰,它有一个姣美的唇片和五个尊片,唇片四绽,象征四大民族和马来语、英语、华语和泰米尔语四种语言的平等。花由下面相对的裂片拱扶着,象征着和谐,同甘苦、共荣辱。卓锦万代兰全年盛开,代表着新加坡争取繁荣

7、昌盛的愿望与其国民不折不饶、顽强拼搏的精神。国家格言国家信约的中文内容是:“我们是新加坡公民,誓愿不分种族、言语、宗教,团结一致,建设公正平等的民主社会,并为实现国家之幸福、繁荣与进步,共同努力。”Singapores toilet-to-tap technology has saved the country from shortagesand a large electricity BillBy Sandra Upson 桑德拉 厄普森 Structure analysis of the text Para1-3 The reasons for wastewater treatment i

8、n Singapore. Para 4-8 The acceptance of drinking wastewater and the technological development of the wastewater treatment in Singapore. Para9-10 The problem remaining to be solved in wastewater treatment.Para 11 To address the problem, the government negotiated treaties with its neighbor country Mal

9、aysia to build a supply pipe at a cost to provide fresh water to this port city. address deal with, tackle, handle Please address all the complaints from the customers. The Usage of Address n. Speech or details of where a person lives演说, 演讲;住址, 地址vt. a speech向讲话, 向发表演说; He addressed the audience in

10、an eloquent speech. 他对听众讲起话来滔滔不绝。 sb as sth称呼 How shall we address a prince 我们如何称呼一个王子 names and address on letter, parcel and so on在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名、地址 The letter was addressed to the wrong house. 这封信写错了地址。 4. deal with设法解决;处理,对付; Address sth to sb: direct a remark to sb讨论,论述 Please address all th

11、e problems to the manager. address oneself to致力于,从事于,忙于;把注意力放在(to) Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand.negotiated discuss the terms of an arrangement谈判; 协商; 议定negotiate sth with sb about sth the negotiating tablecost at a cost:以的价格 at all costs: 不惜任何代价 at cost: 按成本价格出售的货物 at the cost of s

12、th. 以牺牲某事物为代价 Cost the earth/cost an arm and a leg非常昂贵 Costs: disadvantages or the money for a legal case 弊,诉讼费 High production cost lead to high prices in the shops. He saved the children from the fire at the the cost of his own life. The government try to avoid war at all costs/ whatever the cost.

13、 As I learned to my cost when I was ill in new York, you should always take out medical insurance before you go abroad. 从不愉快的经历中得知译为了解决这个问题,政府与邻国马来西亚进行了协商,准备以为这个港口城市提供淡水为代价,要求其提供一个供水管道。Para21. Six years later, the Singapore has both gained territorial independence, and managed to bootstrap its way t

14、o wealth in spite of a lack of water and energy.territorial: 土地的;领地的;属地的We must respect each others territorial integrity.To bootstrap ones way to wealth: (metaphorically) become wealthy independently;the phrase “by ones bootstraps”, means one does something all by ones efforts, or

15、tstrap n V1. a strap that is looped and sewn to the top of a boot for pulling it on 2. help oneself, often through improvised means 译60年后,这个城市国家不但取得了领土的独立,而且在水利和能源匮乏的情况下成功地走向了富裕。And now, against all odds complete water independencefrom both Malaysia and even the weatheris within easy reachodds: 可能性,

16、 机会; 不利条件;掣肘的事情; against all odds: 尽管很困难 eg Against all odds, he finished the work. 尽管很困难, 他仍完成了这项工作。reach: 伸手可及的距离 within easy reach paraphase :Despite the difficulties, Singapore has almost realized totalIndependence in water. It will not rely on its neighbor countryMalaysia and even not be contro

17、lled by the weather. 现在,尽管还有困难,完全独立的水资源已经唾手可得。既不必依赖马来西亚的供给,也不受老天的左右。Para3Rather than flushing waste into the sea, the water utility collects the countrys wastewater, cleans it to pristine levels, and returns it to the public supply. rather than: 1.(要)而不, 与其倒不如 Well have the meeting in the classroom

18、rather than in the auditorium.我们与其在礼堂里开会, 不如在教室开会。They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。pristine prs,ti:n, prsti:n completely free from dirt or contamination原始状态的;未受损的;新鲜而纯净的, 清新的;原始的;远古的,天真无邪 of /not 而不是1. clean with water冲刷, 清除2. Become empt

19、y of waste by a flow of water 冲走 译 水利部门不是使废水流入大海,而是集中全国的废水,把其净化到相当纯净的水平,再使其返回到公共供水。Para 4 relish: reli n&v get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; enjoyment从获得乐处,享受 have no relish for 不喜欢, 对.不感兴趣 lose its relish 失去风味, 失去吸引力, 使人不感兴趣 lose relish for ones food 食欲不振 with relish 津津有味地, 有兴趣地rejuvenate: rdu:

20、v,net make younger or more youthful使变得年轻, 使恢复活力 The mountain air will rejuvenate you. 山里的空气会使你恢复活力。power: 向提供动力supply the force or power for the functioning ofintensive: adj. characterized by a high degree or intensity加强的, 集中的, 密集的;彻底的;加强语气的aquifer:kwif地下蓄水层; 砂石含水层underground bed or layer yielding g

21、round water for wells and springs etcRejuvenating the waste stream requires electricity to power an intensive cleaning process, and that investment makes the recycled water more expensive than whats used blessed with nearby freshwater lakes, rivers, and aquifers. 净化废水需要电能提供精密的清洁过程,而这项投资使得回收的水比其它城市使用

22、的天赐的周边的淡水湖泊、河流以及地下水要昂贵的多。Para5radical: rdikl fundamental,innovative根本的,创新的,激进的 pilot: adj. experimental试验性的; 引导的 unveil: vt. make visible; remove the veil from揭去的面罩, 使公之于众;揭露 The plan was unveiled with the approval from the Minister. 经部长同意该计划被公之于众。ultimate: adj. being the last element of a series最后的

23、, 最终的strategy:strtidin. an elaborate and systematic plan of action战略学, 兵法;战略, 策略;策略, 计谋strategic filter: n.过滤, 过滤器 vt. & vi. remove by passing through a filter透过, 过滤microbe: ma.krob n.微生物,细菌a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium);virus: 病毒;病毒性疾病;恶毒, 恶意 impurity: n. worthless mate

24、rial that should be removed不纯,不洁,杂质sparkling: sprkl shining with brilliant points of light like stars发火花的,闪亮的;灿烂的 sparkle sp:kldebut: n. 初次表演,首次出场,处女秀The singer made her debut when she was only five.Para 6cajole into doing: kdl vt. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering (用甜言蜜语、

25、虚假诺言等)劝诱,哄骗 The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress. 这小姑娘哄得她爸爸给她买了一件新衣服。 cajole (sb.) into (out of) doing sth. 诱(人)做停止做某事 cajole (sth.) out of from sb. 甜言蜜语骗走某人的(某物)residue:rez,du:, -,dju: remnant n.剩余,余渣;something left after other parts have been taken awaywafer: wef n.薄脆饼;威化

26、饼;圣饼;封信条,封缄纸;薄片;圆片;晶片; wafer fabrication fbr.ken 晶片加工厂silicon wafer 硅片champion: v, fight for, support strongly, defend He has championed numerous causes connected with civil liberties.他支持了很多与公民自由有关的事业。in part: in some degree, partly 部分地 The accident was due in part to carelessness, but mainly to bad

27、 luck. Para 7Prime: instruct in advance 事先指导,提前准备Patriotic: ptri.tk爱国的,有爱国心的 patriot, patriotism parody:prdi: n.滑稽的模仿诗文;拙劣的模仿; humorous or satirical mimicrycount on sb. 依赖, 依靠, 期望, 指望Im counting on you to persuade her.我指望你能说服她。I know of at least two people who can be counted on to support us.我知道至少有两

28、个人可以指望会支持我们。Para 8queasy:kwi:zi: adj. feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit (指人)想呕吐的,感到恶心的;易反胃的; (指良心等)感到不自在的,感到不安的reaction: n.反应; 回应;反作用力deter: dt: vt. try to prevent.阻止;制止 Failure did not deter us from trying it again. 失败并没有能阻挡我们再次进行试验。sewage:su:d n. waste matter carried away in sewers or drains (下水道里的)污物cover:v . vt.

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